What TV to run my PC-FX off of?

Started by tpivette, 08/09/2012, 11:08 PM

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Currently I'm running my PC-FX off of a 2009 40" Samsung LCD TV using composite cables. I've been hearing alot about how CRT TVs and S-video connections will improve the quality of the video output of older game systems. The question is, is this difference significant enough to warrant a change in my gameroom? Currently, my LCD TV does not have an S-video connection, so composite is the best I can do with the current arrangement.

I suppose I could do a quick test, as I have an old RCA TV in my son's room from (model year 1999/2000) that I believe to have an S-video input, and hook the PC-FX up to it to see for myself. Anyway, what are your thoughts on the switch? Yes or no, and why?

BTW, I found what I think to be a good deal on a CRT TV setup on my local craigslist. Would this be the way to go if switching to CRT/S-video is a must?

Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

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That's a pretty awesome TV.  I used to have a 36" WEGA and finally gave it away to a friend because it was so heavy (and I used to move a lot).  I think as far as consumer level tube TVs go, that's probably one of the best.

Having said that, I think I actually prefer old-school gaming on smaller TVs these days.  On a 36" screen, the scanlines are much more pronounced than on a 27" or 19".  I've been keeping my eye out for a nice Sony WEGA TV in the 19-27" range.  But you really can't go wrong with the one you found.

As an aside, I tried selling my old 36" Sony WEGA a few times on Craigslist for $100 and then $50 an couldn't get anyone to come get it.  Mine weighed 218 lbs, though, which is more than the one you found.  That's why I eventually gave it away when one of my friends was interested.  I only mention it because if you do bite on that one, you might have a hard time selling it in the future if you decide it's not really your thing.


Before running off to get another TV, try running s-video through component first using something like this. Or if you have scart inputs, some sets accepts s-video through there. Not all TVs like that but it's worth a try.

Othewise, yes, CRTs will always look good - while HD sets are quite the gamble.
Quote from: esteban on 09/23/2012, 01:40 AMThere is a perverted Japanese businessman in every Swiss PCE fan.


The link is for a 7 pin S-video connector, the one on the back of a PC-FX is a 4 pin. I did a brief google search for an adapter like that, but for 4 pin, and didnt come up with anything.

I was gonna try and hook my system up through my old 27" CRT that my son has in his bedroom using S-video first, to see if I can notice a difference. If it was truly substantial, then I was gonna start exploring other options (like the setup in the craigslist as perhaps).
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

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Quote from: tpivette on 08/10/2012, 04:45 AMThe link is for a 7 pin S-video connector, the one on the back of a PC-FX is a 4 pin. I did a brief google search for an adapter like that, but for 4 pin, and didnt come up with anything.

I was gonna try and hook my system up through my old 27" CRT that my son has in his bedroom using S-video first, to see if I can notice a difference. If it was truly substantial, then I was gonna start exploring other options (like the setup in the craigslist as perhaps).
Ah, sorry, yes - it seems you're right about that. 4-pin S-video can't easily be converted to component (need more advanced stuff for that). : /

At any rate, S-video should prove a real difference in sharpness and color bleeding compare to composite.
Quote from: esteban on 09/23/2012, 01:40 AMThere is a perverted Japanese businessman in every Swiss PCE fan.


A 4-pin S-video male end can fit into a 7-pin female end. The other 3 pins are kind of irrelevant anyway. That converter you found should be fine.

I recommend Keene's stuff. The quality is excellent:


In a perfect world, I'd say get the Wega for the PC-FX and all your other older consoles.
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Quote from: guest on 08/10/2012, 11:02 AMIn a perfect world, I'd say get the Wega for the PC-FX and all your other older consoles.
Agreed 100%.

Also, if the TV is larger than, say, 27", it simply means you have to distance yourself a bit more from the screen.


Well, I did the test... hooked up the PC-FX using S-video to my son's old CRT TV and selected Team Innocent to view (since I've been playing this one the most recently). To be honest, there wasnt much of a difference between that picture and what is displayed by my Samsung LCD using some cheap composite cables. The only noticeable difference, is when the title screen is up, and the phrase "The point of no return" seems a tad bit less pixelated on the old CRT. This, of course, could also be to the older TV's smaller screen size (40" vs 27")

I do have my LCD's settings optimized to the console (even viewing in 4:3 mode instead of 16:9). Perhaps with a quality set of composite cables, the aforementioned script on the newer model will match up with the old one. Or perhaps, I could purchase an adapter cable similar to the one Ji-L87 linked to and convert the S-video signal to component (which the LCD has). Of course, it would be a no brainer if the Samsung just had a damn S-video hookup. Oh well.

Conclusion: I didnt notice a immense difference to warrent changing out my LCD setup for a CRT one at this time
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

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Quote from: tpivette on 08/10/2012, 02:32 PMOf course, it would be a no brainer if the Samsung just had a damn S-video hookup. Oh well.
Does it have scart inputs? My Sony Bravia doesn't have an s-video input either but it supports it through at least one of the scart inputs on the back.
Quote from: esteban on 09/23/2012, 01:40 AMThere is a perverted Japanese businessman in every Swiss PCE fan.


I dont think so. I know it has a port for PC input. I'll post a photo in a minute...

Here's the inputs on the back of my Samsung LCD:
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

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Hmm...maybe s-video to VGA is possible then?
I've seen these on ebay and some state that they can do both VGA to s-video and the other way around, whereas others doesn't mention it. They look the same tho'. Someone here who have tried these?
Quote from: esteban on 09/23/2012, 01:40 AMThere is a perverted Japanese businessman in every Swiss PCE fan.


Figured I'd bump this with a little bit of an update...

I'm still on the fence about the whole CRT vs LCD TV thing, so I'm borrowing an older (early 2000s) Sharp 36" TV that's just been sitting in my parents basement for the last 6 years or so (they never watch TV down there anymore). It has S-Video inputs, and I was gonna play the same games on both (I have doubles of some games) at the same time to see if I notice a difference (Neutopia 2, Bonk's Revenge, Ys 4). Also, I'm gonna hook the PC-FX up to the CRT for a more extended period of time and run through a few games (like Pia Carrot since I'm familiar with it) to see if theres any difference over my 40" Samsung with composite input.

I'll try and post pictures of each game on the different sets, although I doubt cellphone photos will show much difference. If I like what I see, then I know of a local guy on craigslist with a 36" Sony WEGA for $25 that I may take off his hands...

EDIT... just did a specification search on the Sony WEGA TVs and found them to be 480p!!! Would this interfere in any way with the 240p output by our older consoles as it would try to upscale to its native resolution?
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

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So, I hooked up my Duo RX to my son's old Toshiba 27" CRT using S-Video (the system was modded to output this) and loaded up the Japanese Ys 4... and, wow. What a difference between the old CRT Toshiba and the LCD Toshiba!

I'm not sure what to call this phenomenon, but when connected to the LCD using composite, there was a blurring effect in the background when Adol was walking. This was eliminated using S-Video on the CRT. The picture stayed sharp and clean on the old CRT. I don't know whether this was an effect of the LCD's upscaling from the console's 240p to its 480i resolution... or the difference between composite and S-Video.

Either way, the old CRT has found it's way into my game room, and my son has inherited my 32" LCD for his Nick JR viewing
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

Vita - Conception 2
PS3 - Tales of Graces f
Wii U - Monster Hunter 3 Ulltimate


uh oh your falling into the retro gaming perfect video quality rabbit hole lol. Keep your eyes on Craigslist for a Sony PVM especially a big pvm2030 or a NEC xm29 so you get some pure RGB next


yeah... looks as though I may switch to the CRT bandwagon... found this on my local craigslist:


However, I resarched that Sony WEGA TVs have a natural resolution of 480p... which would be technically incompatible with our old console's output of 240p. Has anyone else run into an issue running this type of TV with our older systems?
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

Vita - Conception 2
PS3 - Tales of Graces f
Wii U - Monster Hunter 3 Ulltimate


http://southjersey.craigslist.org/pho/3267425684.html a little expensive but this is a ballin PVM takes RGB AND component :D and is 20"


I agree 100%. SONY WEGA is amazing for 90's console gaming. I got mine from Craigslist too. They practically give them away. Just bring help to lift it! I have multiple systems hooked up via component and s-video and it looks great!

Aggie Tsubi

I use S-video on a good quality SDTV. That's good enough for me.


the motion blur is just LCD true refresh issues (nothing to do with composite VS S-Vid)