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Anyone willing to attempt to fix broken TurboDuo?

Started by n8great321, 04/03/2013, 11:33 PM

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I've posted a few times on here about my stubborn broken TurboDuo system I bought off Ebay.  Long story short, I bought a system off Ebay that was advertised as non-working on the cheap, hoping I would be able to fix it.  I ordered a cap kit and replaced the fuse, replaced about half the caps and tested it for the heck of it, and it worked (at least turned on and showed picture, I didn't have a controller at the time to fully test it).  After replacing all the caps however, it no longer powers on.  I've done a lot of little repairs along the way (fixing traces, reflowing solder, replacing voltage regulators, etc.) but nothing so far has done the trick.

I have accepted the fact now that diagnosing the problem is beyond my ability and am willing to take the hit to my ego in order to get a working Duo.  You all have been extremely helpful to me along the way and I was hoping one of you would be willing to have me send the system to you and possibly fix it.  At this point, I just want a working Duo or someone to definitively tell me the thing is beyond repair.


You didn't have a mishap like I did maybe?
What this vid.


I highly recommend contacting "thesteve" from what I've read he does great work! and soon, my Duo will be making it's way to him as well


The Steve , chop5, or maybe someone like apollo boy, should be able to help you out. You'll most likely need to contact them directly. 

Although Johnny gives great advice:
If theSteve can't fix it can't be fixed.
NW: Hey, I made it on this psycho's Enemies' List, how about that ?? ;)
BT: Look at how the fake SFII' carts instantly sold out and were immediately listed on eBay before the flippers even took possession. Look at Nintendo's overpriced bricks. Look at the typical forum discussions elsewhere. You can't tell most retro gamers anything!


Sounds like you might have accidentally bridged 5V and ground, I'd suggest checking out the areas near the caps you replaced and make sure nothing's been bridged together.


Well, you'd have to be methodical and go to every cap that you replaced with a DMM, and 1) check both leads against 0 Ohms resistance which would mean that you bridged them together, 2) then check both leads separately to where they're headed, to another accessible point - a continuity test. In other words, go to a cap, put a tester on one lead, then look to where it goes down the trace, to ground, a via or wherever, put the other tester there and make sure you get 0 Ohms in that case. This would mean your soldered connection is good. Do this for both leads of the cap, positive and negative, etc. If every cap passes the test, well, you caused another problem unfortunately, and you're probably better off sending it to thesteve. One of your new caps may have been bad, too, which would be harder to catch. Since good DMMs with capacitance measuring support are readily available, I recommend to always check a cap's value before soldering it on. You can pick out the best ones from your batch this way too.


Does thesteve have a website or mod/repair pricing posted anywhere?
I've sent a few ppl to him, but never with any info other than 'he could do it cheaper than me since I rarely do that,' i.e. TE caps/screen/region.


I've had both thesteve and chop5 do repairs/mods for me, great guys!


I sent a message to Steve and he will try and help me solve the problem before I bother sending it off to him to repair.  Thanks for the responses, keep your fingers crossed!  [-o< [-o< [-o<


If anyone can help you out, it's thesteve. If he's to busy, though, chop, bluebmw, or keith courage, may also be able to help.  They've all helped me out in the past with hardware issues and they've all been totally awesome.



Quote from: thesteve on 04/06/2013, 12:39 AMhe should be looking for a short now
Do you have a website or mod/repair pricing posted anywhere?
I've sent a few ppl to you, but never with any info other than 'he could do it cheaper than me since I rarely do that,' i.e. TE caps/screen/region.


i have a list, but i dont hold to it (i often bundle, or do things not on list)