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Official PCE Games 80-100% English (Little-to-No Japanese Required)

Started by BigusSchmuck, 04/11/2013, 11:40 AM

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I ask the mods please sticky this for future reference. So far off the top of my head these games are 100% in English:

1. Populous
2. Populous Promised Lands (Spoken parts are in Japanese on the Promised Lands side though)
3. Lemmings
4. Cotton (English subtitles under options)
5. Ninja Gaiden (secret options menu) http://www.videogameden.com/hucard.htm?nig
6. Hatris
7. Gate of Thunder (except the credits which are in Japanese)
8. Faceball
9. Fatal Fury 2 (under options)
10. Fatal Fury Special (under options)
11. The Art of Fighting (under options)
12. Jim Powers
13. Baby Jo the superhero
14. zero4champ 1
15. zero4champ 2
16. Break In
17. The Manhole

80% or thereabouts
1. Wizardry 1&2
2. Wizardry 3&4
3. Wizardry 5
4.Carmen Sandiego
6. Splash Lake
7. F1 Circus
8. Road Spirits
9. Black-hole Assault
10. Die Hard

Little or no Japanese required :
Not Categorized:
1. Outrun
2. Neo Nectaris
3. Castlevania Dracula X
4. Golden Axe
5. Bomberman 94
6. Bomberman 93
7. Legendary Axe
8. Legendary Axe 2
9. PC Genjin
10. PC Genjin 2
11. PC Genjin 3
12. Puyo Puyo CD
13. Be - Ball
14. Devil Crash
15. Alien Crush
16. Conan Future Boy
17. Yu Yu Hakashu
18. Gotzendiener
19. Wonder momo
20. Lode Runner: Lost Labrynth
21. Pomping World (Buster Bros).

1. Crest of Wolf (Riot Zone)
2. Street Fighter II: CE'
3. Altered Beast

1941 Counter Attack / 1941カウンターアタック    1991    Super HuCard    JP    
1943 Kai / 1943改    1991    HuCard    JP    
Aero Blaster / エアロブラスターズ    1990    HuCard    JP    
After Burner II / アフターバーナーII    1990    HuCard    JP    
Ai Chouaniki / 愛・超兄貴    1995    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Aldynes - The Mission Code For Rage Crisis / オルディネス    1991    Super HuCard    JP    
Alzadick Summer Carnival '92 / アルザディック サマーカーニバル'92    1992    CD-ROM²    JP    
Atomic Robo-Kid Special / アトミックロボキッド スペシャル    1990    HuCard    JP    
Avenger / アヴェンジャー    1990    CD-ROM²    JP    
Barunba / バルンバ    1990    HuCard    JP    
Bouken Danshaku Don - The Lost Sunheart / 冒険男爵ドン サン=ハート編 THE LOST SUNHEART    1992    HuCard    JP    
Burning Angels / バーニングエンジェル    1990    HuCard    JP    
CD Denjin Rockabily Tenkoku / CD電人 ロカビリー天国    1993    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Chou Aniki / 超兄貴    1992    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Choujikuuyousai Macross 2036 / 超時空要塞マクロス2036    1992    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Coryoon - Child Of Dragon / コリューン
Cyber Core / サイバーコア    1990    HuCard    JP    
Daisenpu / 大旋風    1990    HuCard    JP    
Daisenpuu Custom / 大旋風 カスタム    1991    CD-ROM²    JP    
Darius Alpha / ダライアスα    1990    HuCard+    JP    
Darius Plus / ダライアス・プラス    1990    HuCard+    JP    
Dead Moon / DEAD MOON 「月世界の悪夢」    1991    HuCard    JP    
Deep Blue / ディープブルー・海底神話    1989    HuCard    JP    
Detana! TwinBee / 出たな!ツインビー    1992    HuCard    JP    
Download / ダウンロード    1990    HuCard    JP    
Download 2 / ダウンロード2    1991    CD-ROM²    JP    
Dragon Saber / ドラゴンセイバー    1991    HuCard    JP    
Dragon Spirit / ドラゴンスピリット    1988    HuCard    JP    
Fantasy Zone / ファンタジーゾーン    1988    HuCard    JP    
Final Blaster / ファイナルブラスター    1990    HuCard    JP    
Final Soldier / ファイナルソルジャー    1991    HuCard    JP    
Final Soldier Special Version / ファイナルソルジャー スペシャルバージョン    1991    HuCard    JP    
Forgotten Worlds / フォゴットンワールド    1992    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Formation Armed F / アームドF    1990    HuCard    JP    
Galaga '88 / ギャラガ'88    1988    HuCard    JP    
Gate Of Thunder / ゲート オブ サンダー    1992    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire / 銀河婦警伝説サファイア    1995    Arcade CD-ROM²    JP    
God Panic / ゴッドパニック 至上最強軍団    1992    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Gokuraku! Chuuka Taisen / 極楽!中華大仙    1992    HuCard    JP    
Gradius / グラディウス    1991    HuCard    JP    
Gradius II - Gofer No Yabou / グラディウスII ゴーファーの野望    1992    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Gunhed / ガンヘッド    1989    HuCard    JP    
Gunhed Special Version / ガンへード スペシャルバージョン    1989    HuCard    JP    
Hana Taaka Daka! / はなたーかだか!    1991    HuCard    JP    
Hani In The Sky / はにい いんざ すかい    1989    HuCard    JP    
Hawk F-123 / HAWK F-123    1992    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Heavy Unit / ヘビー・ユニット 1989    HuCard
Hellfire S / ヘルファイヤーS    1991    CD-ROM²    JP    
Image Fight / イメージファイト    1990    HuCard    JP     
Image Fight II / イメージファイトII    1992    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Kiaidan 00 / キアイダン00    1992    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Kyūkyoku Tiger / 究極タイガー    1989    HuCard    JP    
L-Dis / エルディス    1991    CD-ROM²    JP    
Legion / レギオン    1990    CD-ROM²    JP    
Magical Chase / マジカルチェイス    1991    HuCard    JP    
Magical Chase PC Engine FAN Edition / マジカルチェイス PC Engine FAN ed.    1993    HuCard    JP    
Metal Stoker - Neo Hardboiled Shooting / メタルストーカー NEO HARDBOILED SHOOTING    1991    HuCard    JP    
Metamor Jupiter / メタモ ジュピター    1993    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Mr. Heli No Daibouken / ミスターヘリの大冒険    1989    HuCard    JP    
Nexzr / ネクスザール    1992    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Ordyne / オーダイン    1989    HuCard    JP    
Override / オーバーライド    1991    HuCard    JP    
P-47 - The Freedom Fighter / P-47 THE FREEDOM FIGHTER    1989    HuCard    JP    
Paranoia / パラノイア    1990    HuCard    JP    
Parodius Da! - Shinwa Kara Owarai E - / パロディウスだ! -神話からお笑いへ-    1992    HuCard    JP    
PC Denjin - Punkic Cyborgs / PC電人 PUNKIC CYBORGS    1992    HuCard    JP    
Power Gate / パワーゲイト    1991    HuCard    JP    
Psychic Storm / サイキック・ストーム    1992    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Psycho Chaser / サイコチェイサー    1990    HuCard    JP    
R-TYPE Complete CD / アールタイプ コンプリートCD    1991    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
R-TYPE I / アールタイプ I    1988    HuCard    JP    
R-TYPE II / アールタイプ II    1988    HuCard    JP    
Rabio Lepus Special / ラビオレプス スペシャル    1990    HuCard    JP    
Raiden / 雷電    1991    HuCard    JP    
Rayxanber II / ライザンバーII    1991    CD-ROM²    JP    
Rayxanber III / ライザンバーIII    1992    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Rock-On / ロック・オン    1989    HuCard    JP    
Salamander / 沙羅曼蛇 (サラマンダ)    1991    HuCard    JP    
Serei Senshi Spriggan / 精霊戦士SPRIGGAN    1991    CD-ROM²    JP    
Side Arms Hyper Dyne / サイドアーム    1989    HuCard    JP    
Side Arms Special / サイドアーム スペシャル    1989    CD-ROM²    JP    
Soldier Blade / ソルジャーブレイド    1992    HuCard    JP    
Soldier Blade Special Version / ソルジャーブレード スペシャルバージョン    1992    HuCard    JP    
Space Fantasy Zone / スペースファンタジーゾーン    1991    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Space Harrier / スペースハリアー    1988    HuCard    JP    
Space Invaders - Fukkatsu No Hi / スペースインベーダーズ 復活の日    1990    HuCard    JP    
Space Invaders - The Original Game / スペースインベーダー ジ・オリジナルゲーム    1995    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Spriggan Mark 2 - Re Terraform Project / スプリガンmark2 リ・テラフォーム・プロジェクト    1992    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Star Parodier / スター パロジャー    1992    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Steam Heart's / スチーム・ハーツ    1996    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Summer Carnival '93 Nexzr Special / Summer Carnival '93 ネクスザールスペシャル    1993    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Super Darius / スーパーダライアス    1990    CD-ROM²    JP    
Super Darius II / スーパーダライアスII    1993    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Super Raiden / SUPER雷電    1992    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Super Star Soldier / スーパースターソルジャー    1990    HuCard    JP    
Sylphia / シルフィア    1993    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Tatsujin / タツジン    1992    HuCard    JP    
Tenseiryu / Saint Dragon / 天聖龍    1990    HuCard    JP    
Terra Cresta II / テラクレスタII マンドラーの逆襲    1992    HuCard    JP     
Terraforming / テラフォーミング    1992    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Thunder Blade / サンダーブレード    1990    HuCard    JP    
Toilet Kids / トイレキッズ    1992    HuCard    JP    
Toy Shop Boys / トイ・ショップ・ボーイズ    1990    HuCard    JP    
Violent Soldier / バイオレントソルジャー    1990    HuCard    JP    
W-Ring / The Double Rings / ダブルリング    1990    HuCard    JP    
Winds Of Thunder / ウィンズ・オブ・ サンダー    1993    Super CD-ROM²    JP    
Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair / ワンダーボーイIII モンスター・レアー    1989    CD-ROM²    JP    
Xevious Fadraut Densetsu / ゼビウス ファードラウト伝説    1990    HuCard    JP    
Zero Wing / ゼロウイング

I'm sure that there are others, please pipe in at any time and I'll add more to the list!


How about a separate list for games like Neo Nectaris that are totally playable for non-Japanese speakers, as not much of any reading is required at all.

For 80+% English games, most arcade style games like shooters should fit the bill. So there are probably a good 100 - 200 mostly-English PCE games.

Gate of Thunder is 100% English, except for the credits(?), which I believe shouldn't factor into the English percentage.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!



Quote from: guest on 04/11/2013, 12:16 PMHow about a separate list for games like Neo Nectaris that are totally playable for non-Japanese speakers, as not much of any reading is required at all.

For 80+% English games, most arcade style games like shooters should fit the bill. So there are probably a good 100 - 200 mostly-English PCE games.

Gate of Thunder is 100% English, except for the credits(?), which I believe shouldn't factor into the English percentage.
Isn't there a thread already for English friendly PCE games? If not, I can compile the list with this one.


Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 04/11/2013, 12:29 PM
Quote from: CrackTiger on 04/11/2013, 12:16 PMHow about a separate list for games like Neo Nectaris that are totally playable for non-Japanese speakers, as not much of any reading is required at all.

For 80+% English games, most arcade style games like shooters should fit the bill. So there are probably a good 100 - 200 mostly-English PCE games.

Gate of Thunder is 100% English, except for the credits(?), which I believe shouldn't factor into the English percentage.
Isn't there a thread already for English friendly PCE games? If not, I can compile the list with this one.
I'm just wondering how games with very little language will be judged. I think for all games, cinema language shouldn't enter into it. It should just be in-game content.

I believe that Faceball is around 100% English.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Jim Powers!!  The whole intro is in Engrish, and it sports a rock'n Chris Hülsbeck soundtrack!!  WIN WIN!!
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


IIRC Fatal Fury 2, Fatal Fury Special, and Art of Fighting all have English options (not that you'd need or really even want them).


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 04/11/2013, 03:51 PMIIRC Fatal Fury 2, Fatal Fury Special, and Art of Fighting all have English options (not that you'd need or really even want them).
I did not know this.


Edited the title a bit, please guys lets add some pce games that we know we don't need to read Japanese in order to play!


Are there ANY shooters that require Japanese? If not, add these: http://www.pcedaisakusen.net/2/27/list-games-Shmups-1-0-100-name-asc-0.htm

Which ones are "little Japanese" or "no Japanese" I can't say, but I can't recall any PCE shooters that require reading.

BTW, its "Gate" not "Gates" of Thunder.

I would also include basically every fighting game. Flash Hiders, Advanced VG and Askua %120 have lots and lots of spoken Japanese, but its irrelevant to gameplay.


Parts of Carmen Sandiego aren't translated, but it's still playable.

Quote from: SignOfZeta on 04/12/2013, 02:25 AMI would also include basically every fighting game. Flash Hiders, Advanced VG and Askua %120 have lots and lots of spoken Japanese, but its irrelevant to gameplay.
Godzilla would be an exception to the rule, as the bonus rounds are all in Japanese.  It's still easily completed by just guessing, but missing out on the bonus points makes it impossible to unlock all the bosses.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Did some more editing, keep em coming guys, thanks zeta for that list.


Here are games I own that I find easy without knowing Japaneese:

Puyo Puyo CD

RANMA 1/2 - DATŌ, GANSO MUSABETSU KAKUTŌ-RYŪ! - English menus for the most part, it's a beat em up 1 on 1 style so the cutscences that do contain voices are not needed to still follow the loose story line

Baby Jo the superhero - 100% English IIRC

Be - Ball - Easy enough to figure out,   

Black-hole Assault - Fighter lots of English

Road Spirits - 90% English

Devil Crash and Alien Crush - pinball

Conan Future Boy - While it doesn't have much English, not knowing Japanese won't hurt you at all, other than some dialogue

Yu Yu Hakashu- Strange mix of fighter and 1st person shooter, really a timing game - not knowing Japanese isn't a problem.

F1 Circus (all) - racing game, lots of English though I don't recall how much.

Faceball - you can figure out the little bit of text and the such easily.

Gotzendiener - Most of the game has no voices or text.

Wonder momo - no need for any language.

Splash Lake - mostly English

zero4champ (1 and 2) - 100% English
NW: Hey, I made it on this psycho's Enemies' List, how about that ?? ;)
BT: Look at how the fake SFII' carts instantly sold out and were immediately listed on eBay before the flippers even took possession. Look at Nintendo's overpriced bricks. Look at the typical forum discussions elsewhere. You can't tell most retro gamers anything!


Man with these mostly english games, it makes you wonder why we haven't seen some more translations!


Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 04/13/2013, 09:15 PMMan with these mostly english games, it makes you wonder why we haven't seen some more translations!
No kidding!

And this list is terrific.


Thanks for making the effort to create this list, Bigus!  This is awesome, and needs to be stickied. :)





Lode Runner: Lost Labrynth  :-"

I don't have it but I would imagine Double Dragon II would be easily playable without any knowledge of Japanese.  

Flash Hiders is a fighter and can be played without understanding the text.  That goes for all the fighting games, Street Fighter II: CE', Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury 2, Fatal Fury Special, I'm sure there are others I'm not thinking of (I don't own or play many of 'em).

I see some PCE versions of US games listed, so here are a couple more of the Japanese counterparts that don't require any knowledge of the language: Crest of Wolf (Riot Zone), Pomping World (Buster Bros).

Altered Beast, though you'd need a V1 System card or a flash card to play the CD version.

Magicoal is somewhat text heavy, but it's still playable (and enjoyable).  Same goes for Dungeon Explorer II and Neutopia II.

Also, the Tennokoe Bank is easy to figure out how to use and is an essential addition to any library.

If you want to go the extra mile, I've been using great walkthrus for FEOE: Kabuki Den and Dragon Knight III and have had no issues so far.  The games have been very enjoyable to play with the walkthrus (found on gamefaqs). I've saved the text files to my computer, but if you'd like I could dig up the links on gamefaqs.

Ninja Spirit


Quote from: Ninja Spirit on 05/26/2013, 03:31 PMMetal Stoker: Neo Hardboiled Shooting is fully in English.
On the list already, thanks though.


This is a cool list, thanks for compiling it.  I think I'm going to give the Wizardry games a try since they've got so much English.
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


die hard is easy enough to play. the title credits are in english and so is the continue screen. there are about 2 lines of japanese at the start of every level but it doesnt seem rewuired to understand it


A little off topic: What parts of Carman Sandiago are in English and what is in Japanese?


The only part not translated is the encyclopedia you can use to look stuff up, but don't let that scare you away.  You likely won't need it anyway, and there's always google if you do need some info.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Does Dynastic Hero fit on the list or does the sphinx riddle create too much of a language barrier?


Quote from: wildfruit on 07/01/2013, 03:18 PMdie hard is easy enough to play. the title credits are in english and so is the continue screen. there are about 2 lines of japanese at the start of every level but it doesnt seem rewuired to understand it
It's also been translated into English.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Is Exile II playable without much Japanese knowledge? I know the fights are all side scrolling action, so I was hoping so.


Quote from: Trenton_net on 11/21/2013, 03:10 PMIs Exile II playable without much Japanese knowledge? I know the fights are all side scrolling action, so I was hoping so.
It's more straightforward/linear than Exile.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!



thanks for making this list. As someone that is looking at many of these games for the first time, its great to know all this  =D>


What about Adventure Island Aka Dragons Curse (US) is there much text?


How is Zero 4 Champ 100% English? All of the dialog is Japanese.


I've tested over 280+ pce games found 123 so far that are playable:

(sorry i tried resizing pic but it compressed the text too small and i'm waaaay to lazy to actually type this out)




Quote from: cjameslv on 02/08/2015, 09:20 PMI've tested over 280+ pce games found 123 so far that are playable:

(sorry i tried resizing pic but it compressed the text too small and i'm waaaay to lazy to actually type this out)

I probably should create a spreadsheet or a little bit easier format instead of just listing as the list continues to grow..


Damn, i just realized a few of those (4-5) were english translation patched roms. So my count of 123 is more like 118 unless you are using an everdrive or emulator etc.


Quote from: Sapicco on 03/14/2015, 10:35 AMWhich 4-5?
These are translated:

Bubblegum Crisis! Knight Sabers 2034
Maison Ikkoku
Puzzle Boy (can still be played with out translation)
The Tower of Druaga (can still be played with out translation)
Wonderboy in Monsterland


Thunderbolts first down!


I've played Genji Tsuushin, and it was playable and super fun! And something with a girl on a stage with a camera man that was trying to take pictures up her skirt.


Quote from: kentuckycc on 04/13/2015, 06:30 PMAnd something with a girl on a stage with a camera man that was trying to take pictures up her skirt.
Heh, that's Wonder Momo.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: cjameslv on 03/14/2015, 08:08 PM
Quote from: Sapicco on 03/14/2015, 10:35 AMWhich 4-5?
These are translated:
The Tower of Druaga (can still be played with out translation)
This it true to some extent but later on you will be given a test to answer a question if you get it wrong it sends you back


great list! I haven't really played much of the turbografx but I would have never believed there were that many shooters for the system!

thanks for the info!

GreatBlue Swirlof99

Is there any RPGs that are PCE but have an English option or should I get like a converter for TG16 games to PCE?
The Dreamcast is still alive, so go play it before it kills your family!


Quote from: GreatBlueSwirlof99 on 07/30/2015, 03:18 PMIs there any RPGs that are PCE but have an English option or should I get like a converter for TG16 games to PCE?
The Wizardry games are English.

If you're playing CDs as long as you hae the right level system card you can play imports. To play Japanese HuCards on a US system you need a convertor, the cheapest one to obtain is a chopsado which attaches directly to the card.


The second cheapest is to have the system modded.  It's only $16 plus shipping for OBEY card if you can handle soldering iron well.  8P2T switch used to be cheapest but lately it has been hard to find one for less than $25 and it's too frickin' big for PCE GT or TurboExpress.


How about Valkyrie no Densetsu? I was thinking about buying it since it looked fun and like it would be playable without being able to understand Japanese, but sometimes it looks like there is a bit of dialog in the game and I don't know if it contains anything you're going to need to know to play certain parts of the game.


Quote from: gheebee on 08/19/2015, 09:22 AMHow about Valkyrie no Densetsu? I was thinking about buying it since it looked fun and like it would be playable without being able to understand Japanese, but sometimes it looks like there is a bit of dialog in the game and I don't know if it contains anything you're going to need to know to play certain parts of the game.
It's playable & very fun.  From what I can tell, the Japanese bits are only for earning bonus items, so it should be doable without knowing the language.  If you wanna get the questions right, there's a longplay video on YouTube that shows what the answers are.
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 08/19/2015, 09:30 AMIt's playable & very fun.  From what I can tell, the Japanese bits are only for earning bonus items, so it should be doable without knowing the language.  If you wanna get the questions right, there's a longplay video on YouTube that shows what the answers are.
I was hoping to hear something like this, going to pick up a copy soon. Thanks!
