Duo AC adaptor question

Started by seieienbu, 05/01/2013, 07:51 AM

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So I've never had a Duo before.  I had my turbo cd for years and years eventually with the super system card so I didn't exactly see the point of getting one.  A friend of mine was moving and found a Duo tucked away that he hadn't used in forever.  Knowing my love of all things turbo, rather than selling it on ebay he gave it to me. 

It's far and away the handsomest console I've ever owned.

Anyway, I've got one (hopefully slight) problem; I've don't have an AC Adaptor for the unit.  Is there anything weird going on here that I should know about, or can I just go buy a 10v 1 amp ac adaptor and go to town over here?
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


Many folks here have bought replacement AC adapters from this site: http://www.retrogamecave.com/nec-ac_adapter.html


Thanks.  One more question, does an arcade card pro work with a duo, or would I need to pick up an arcade card duo?
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


PM me for a power supply.  I have some extras.  Also, you'll need the Arcade Card Duo.


It was my understanding the Arcade card Pro would also work on the Duo systems.
Gaming since 1985


Arcade Card Pro works with a Duo system, instead of using the Duo's built-in SuperCD card/system it will use the card's.  

i.e. If you use a US Duo with an Arcade Card Pro (on modded system, or using a HuCard Converter) you'll see the Japanese SCD menu (found on the AC Pro card) instead of the Duo's US one.



Thanks for the info, guys.
Current want list:  Bomberman 93