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Sorcerian and Burai I Walkthroughs?

Started by gbapalyer, 05/06/2013, 04:27 AM

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are there any walkthroughs available for sorcerian or burai I?
language doesnt matter.

should be for the pc engine versions.

Currently playing:   (Started  . Feb. 2013)


For Burai I, only one I've seen that's still up is for the Sega CD version, which is similar enough, but it's not really a faq - it does have some maps which can help once you figure the game out.  There was another Korean faq for the MSX version which was quite comprehensive, but I can't find it more


I did a small review of the game which might shed some light on what you can expect from the game:

If you make it through, part I, I did write up a mini faq for part 2 (which is a much slicker, though not necessarily more or less enjoyable in the end), which is hosted up on gamefaqs...


thanks termis.

could you tell me how long burai I and II are?
which one is the better game?

i think i´ll try part 2 first because of your faq if i get stuck.
Currently playing:   (Started  . Feb. 2013)


I finished part 2 in about 22 hours, and IIRC, part 1 was slightly longer - perhaps high 20-something hours to finish?

Part 1 has a steep learning curve, so be prepared - it took me a couple days to really get into the groove of things.

Part 2 is definitely more polished and easier to get into, but there's just something redeeming about part 1 once you get over the initial hurdle and get into it.  Part 1 really is more of an RPG gamer's game (and you definitely seem to be an RPG gamer), whereas I part 2 is a bit more standard-fare in the end (though still not a cookie cutter JRPG IMO). 

If the two games were completely unrelated, I'd definitely say try out part 2 first, but part 2 is really *completely* related to part 1 (it's a direct continuation), so in terms of cannon, you'll definitely enjoy the series more if you play them in order. 

A recap of part 2 from yours truly:

Aggie Tsubi

Sorcerian came out in English for PC, and it has an FAQ at least:


I have no idea how similar it is to the PC Engine version, though, and would love to find out because I'm in the same boat. I have the Japanese PC Engine version, and I found it very difficult to deal with all the menus and even get started. I'll definitely need some outside help when I decide to sit down with the game and seriously try to play through it.


Quote from: Aggie Tsubi on 05/07/2013, 11:51 PMSorcerian came out in English for PC, and it has an FAQ at least:


I have no idea how similar it is to the PC Engine version, though, and would love to find out because I'm in the same boat. I have the Japanese PC Engine version, and I found it very difficult to deal with all the menus and even get started. I'll definitely need some outside help when I decide to sit down with the game and seriously try to play through it.
maybe we can start the game together by using that FAQ?
i have to beat dragon slayer II first and i think i will finish it by beginning of next week.

i will start a thread by then, so we and other users can post there.
Currently playing:   (Started  . Feb. 2013)


Okay, found the original extensive Korean FAQ for Burai 1 archived away on the following blog page.

Direct download link here:

It's a hwp file, which is Korean word processor document.  You can download an HWP to DOCX converter from Microsoft, then send the converted document through a translator within MS Word (I tried it with 2010, and it works - can't vouch for the quality of the machine translation, though...  :?

Not straightforward by any means, but probably better than what most had before :)

I did mean to translate this faq at some point, but it's not a short one by any means...  If anyone really gets stuck, I can quickly translate little bits here and there for you if necessary.


@termis: the link doesnt work.

could you please change it to .docx and upload it again?
Currently playing:   (Started  . Feb. 2013)


Ah, you're right it initally worked, anyway... 

I sent you the document via email, but for posterity, here it is for any others.  Again, still in Korean, so unless you read the language, you'll have to run it through a translator...



@termis: before i start burai I, is it hard to figure out the menues and what to do and where to go next in the game or as easy as any other PCE rpg i played so far?

after translating the korean document with google translator, i believe it is not very useful...it would be better if someone would translate it by hand.^^

Currently playing:   (Started  . Feb. 2013)


It'll take some time, as it's a solid 15 pager (single-spaced), and unfortunately, time's not a commodity I have these days...

That said, if you're stuck and really gave it a good go already, and there's a certain chunk of block of the FAQ you think it'll really help you, put it up, and I'll be happy translate...