Localization Legend "Supper the Subtitler" has "joined the club" in being targeted for CD-pressings by bootleg master Tobias/PCEWorks! His projects like Private Eyedol, Galaxy Fräulein Yuna 1 & 2, etc. are now being sold on Chinese factory-pressed CDROMs...
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The Offical Dick Waving Thread!

Started by turboswimbz, 10/01/2013, 01:24 PM

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Well, I looked up Validus' Captain Tsubasa 3 Spanish patch on romhacking.net. Not only does it exist, but it even says that the hacking was done by Validus. He didn't do the actual translation, other parties are credited, but Validus seems to have actually made some contributions to the translation community

Now, I know nothing about either romhacking or the Spanish language, but whether he did do the work or not isn't the main point here. The reason we have a problem with Validus is because of the fact that he has lied on this forum, and we do not trust him.

Validus, you seem to be desperate to be accepted here, so I'm going to try to be nice, but firm.

A major issue here is the fact that you have been caught lying and breaking the forum rules on multiple occasions. If you stop doing these things, answer our questions honestly, and stop trying to sneak onto this board after being banned, we might trust you more

I have some questions I'd like answered as well.

1. Why did you tell us you were involved in the Legend of Xanadu 2 translation when you clearly have no part in it? Remember, we have a link to a post made by you where you said that you were involved in, if not leading the effort, so lying won't do you any good.

2. Why do you keep breaking forum rules by trying to sneak in after you've been banned multiple times?

3. Why do you keep telling all these hard to believe stories without backing them up with evidence?

Answer these questions honestly, and I will have more respect for you. I cannot speak for anyone else here. We tend to be a little hard on each other, and even suspicious of new members in general. This is due (from what I understand) to much disappointment from the many people who join our forum only to cause trouble, usually by trying to immediately sell games at ridiculous prices. Because of this, we have a very hardcore "no bullshit" approach around here.

We also tend to poke fun at each other a lot, hence our riding you for not being able to zip a file. We're probably being a little unfair. I remember it took me forever to figure out how to make folders. (You may all snicker quietly to yourselves now.)

Validus, you didn't need to prove yourself to be accepted here. All you need to do is follow the rules of both this forum and standard conversation etiquette. Lord, I've been here for years and my big accomplishments are scanning a few manuals and playing a few small voice acting roles for fan translations. The reason I've never been banned is because I tell the truth, follow the rules to the best of my ability, am generally respectful to other members, and love the PCE/Turbo with a passion that while strong, doesn't overwhelm me to the point where I NEED to be a part of things.

Just do that! Hell, if you treat us with respect, and not like fools who can't tell the difference when you sneakily change your username, we might just change our tune about you. No promises, but it's a possibility.
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit


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