OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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CGR continuing the love...........Soldier Blade review we are on a roll!

Started by YANDMAN, 12/13/2013, 02:33 AM

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Classic Game room in a rather bold move have left youtube due to the new copyright and licensing rules.............But anyways more importantly they have now reviewed the amazing Soldier Blade


Quote from: YANDMAN on 12/13/2013, 02:33 AMClassic Game room in a rather bold move have left youtube due to the new copyright and licensing rules.............But anyways more importantly they have now reviewed the amazing Soldier Blade
He's using dailymotion now to host his video's so if you don't want to watch it,at his main site.
Classic Game Room - SOLDIER BLADE review for PC-Engine official
Wii U:Progearspec


Quote from: YANDMAN on 12/13/2013, 02:33 AMClassic Game room in a rather bold move have left youtube due to the new copyright and licensing rules.............But anyways more importantly they have now reviewed the amazing Soldier Blade
In a rather bold move, someone sent the guy their copy of Soldier Blade. :P
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Ha ha exactly dude

Quote from: guest on 12/13/2013, 07:32 AM
Quote from: YANDMAN on 12/13/2013, 02:33 AMClassic Game room in a rather bold move have left youtube due to the new copyright and licensing rules.............But anyways more importantly they have now reviewed the amazing Soldier Blade
In a rather bold move, someone sent the guy their copy of Soldier Blade. :P


Fucking great!  I totally LOVE the "Buy it now on EBAY" next to the video.   ](*,)


Quote from: CrackTiger on 12/13/2013, 07:32 AM
Quote from: YANDMAN on 12/13/2013, 02:33 AMClassic Game room in a rather bold move have left youtube due to the new copyright and licensing rules.............But anyways more importantly they have now reviewed the amazing Soldier Blade
In a rather bold move, someone sent the guy their copy of Soldier Blade. :P
Yes, I hate how for every single one of his reviews, someone sent him their game. Even systems, too.


I was thinking about the fact he mostly reviews games that are sent into the show.  It's annoying that he doesn't expand his horizon more but then I got thinking.

Maybe he does it out respect for the people that sent stuff in?  I mean if I shipped him something for free I would damn well want to see him review it.  He's pretty big so maybe he gets a lot of stuff for free and when he reviews the game it's his way of saying thank you.

Or maybe people are jealous at all the free shit he gets and just want to complain :P


Its the fact he had the audacity to complain about only taking donations and doesn't return stuff and was bitching about the owners wanting their pc engine back that people are annoyed about.


Quote from: PunkCryborg on 12/14/2013, 08:31 PMIts the fact he had the audacity to complain about only taking donations and doesn't return stuff and was bitching about the owners wanting their pc engine back that people are annoyed about.
Ah I didn't know that.  Can you link me to that?  I'd like to read it.


it doesn't work like that, if you want to send in a game you have to go to the website and fill out an application form, You then mail that to them they then get back to you and say yes fine send it in and we will review it.

I know because in my two years or so of complaining at the lack of Turbo/pc engine coverage this is what i was told, It s a great show and he does a good job i just find this part annoying, I never feel like were seeing his passion as its always someone else's game.........Still at least he is finally giving some exposure to the games and systems.

Quote from: MrFlutterPie on 12/14/2013, 08:21 PMI was thinking about the fact he mostly reviews games that are sent into the show.  It's annoying that he doesn't expand his horizon more but then I got thinking.

Maybe he does it out respect for the people that sent stuff in?  I mean if I shipped him something for free I would damn well want to see him review it.  He's pretty big so maybe he gets a lot of stuff for free and when he reviews the game it's his way of saying thank you.

Or maybe people are jealous at all the free shit he gets and just want to complain :P


Wii U:Progearspec


I feel compelled to add (though I know this will ruffle some feathers) he's been at this a LOOOOONG time. He posted reviews from his own collection for, I don't know, maybe a decade before retro game collecting became popular and people started sending games to him.  More power to him, I say.  He did this for a hell of a long time without any pay (or any expectation of it, y'know just for the fun of it) and now people are throwing games at him left and right.  He can't handle the amount of games that are being sent his way because he's so popular all of a sudden. Good for him!  If this was Chris Bucci, we'd all be ecstatic!

EDIT: That being said, I *do* think some of his more recent reviews have become somewhat sloppy because he doesn't have any history to go along with the game being reviewed.


And Chris Bucci would be pretty exstatic if people wanted to throw games at him!  Lol.  ;)




...and it's still not that hard to read a return address on a box,  put it on a new one and ship the shit back.  Tell people "Hey thanks man!  Really appreciate it.  I will get this back to you."  My hat goes off to him for doing this for so long but complaining about sending stuff back?  Is this really true that if you send something to get reviewed it is forever "donated"?  That leaves a bad taste in my mouth much like his voice in my ears.


Quote from: guest on 12/18/2013, 11:10 PMHe did this for a hell of a long time without any pay (or any expectation of it, y'know just for the fun of it) and now people are throwing games at him left and right. 
Sounds like he is and has been making money off this..pretty sure Inecom is his full time job


Quote from: spida1a on 12/18/2013, 11:18 PMAnd Chris Bucci would be pretty exstatic if people wanted to throw games at him!  Lol.  ;)
*Drives by throwing china warrior at Chris Bucci*



Quote from: technozombie on 12/20/2013, 01:12 AM
Quote from: TR0N on 12/16/2013, 07:38 AMClassic Game Room - PC-ENGINE DUO console review official
More of a showcase than a review, he basically said, Hey this plays games.......
His reviews have never been that in depth to begin with.He just says what he likes about the game or consoles and that's it.Though i never been rude and cuss him out,if he misses a fact i just point it out in the comments.Currently though i more concern with the id content system bs,that google has in place.Since it's working now independent reviewers are being effected of being flagged or losing there channel on youtube.
Wii U:Progearspec

Joe Redifer

Crazy ol' Chris Bucci already has a full US set for the TurboGrafx-16. What more could he possibly need in life? So no free games for him. I'm glad he'll never see this comment and I can say anything I want without repercussions! AHAHAHaa oh what?





I've been watching his reviews for off and on for a few years now, and though they are entertaining, I've begun to get a little fed up with them.  In earlier videos, he would showcase the game but now it seems he'd rather showcase his game room and classic cars in the background.  The main thing that originally drew me to his reviews was his "journalistic" approach, but now he seems to stick his ugly face in every video.

I am glad to see that he is finally giving the Turbo some love, but I won't be following him to his site.  Bucci's TurboViews are better anyways!
glazball's game collection and wantlist


Quote from: glazball on 12/23/2013, 01:47 PMThe main thing that originally drew me to his reviews was his "journalistic" approach, but now he seems to stick his ugly face in every video.

It's like the ReviewTechUSA guy, Rich. The person on his title card was a drunk, but normal looking dude. Then he attempted to change his format by filming his ugly mug instead of gameplay footage, but people complained.


CGR can provide good entertainment, but he's not much more.

Still, this is actually high praise, since 99.99% of content on YouTube is neither informed nor entertaining.

So, he's still better than most tripe out there. Sad but true.