@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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All encompassing TG game guide

Started by slinkyturd, 08/02/2014, 01:51 AM

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I've noticed that a lot of people enter this console's market based on a few games and don't really have a huge knowledge of what is available. I think this is why we have "I'm new/What should I buy" threads.

I want to create a guide to each game based on a consensus of everyone here's thoughts on each individual game that we can then sticky (maybe a sticky for each kind of game i.e. US Hucards, US CDs, Homebrews, JAP Hucards, and JAP CDs) for reference later.

I figure I can do this one of two ways. Have a single thread with every game listed and ask for feedback. While this would be quicker, I think it may be asking too much. The other way is to have several threads with 3-5 specific games in each for review.

I need to know if anyone is interested in participating and second which method of the two described is preferred.
70/95 US Turbochips


I can't contribute as I'm one of the newer guys to collecting TG/PCE but I think that's a great idea. Would love to see a list like that.


I'd not say anyone is exempt from giving reviews just because their library isn't massive. I would limit any input to games you have actually played as I think I'd want the reviews to be about the specific game and not where you would rank it in relation to the rest of the library. So if you played it you can review it. I'm also thinking about breaking down the reviews to a 1-10 stars kind of sections for graphics, sound/music, gameplay/overall enjoyability, cost vs fun ratio (is it worth paying whatever the market is for the game right now) and a section for comments.

I think it would be a good idea to say how far you got into the game and weigh the reviews of folks who have gotten further into the game a little higher than someone who just played the first level.

I'll eventually create a master list of reviews based on an average of all the feedback received for each specific game and then rank them from best to worst and include a couple of the comments submitted if they are spot-on or just funny or a short written review based on all the comments.
70/95 US Turbochips


True. Haven't played a ton of games could say a thing or two about the ones I have played.


Personally, I'm annoyed by the "I'm new here.  What's good?" posts.  These people come off as lazy to me.  There are tons of resources available out there.  The PC Engine Software Bible and The Brothers Duomazov have reviewed just about every game available.  On YouTube, you can see game footage from every game there is and TurboViews has reviewed the majority of TG-16 games in the library with style and good production value.

That being said, I also appreciate sites like metacritic and use them often so I can appreciate aggregated reviews to paint the grande picture.  I also wouldn't mind hearing other members thoughts on what they have played.

Just my $.02


Can't disagree with anything you just said.
70/95 US Turbochips


A good starting point, not for reviews per se, but of folks sharing thoughts and experiences on a game-by-game basis would be:
Game of the Week threads
Overlooked/under-appreciated threads

And, in addition to our "new" thoughts,  it would be neat to cull the existing reviews at...
VIDEO GAME DEN !!!!!! Lkermel is too often overlooked!
Randomly posted user reviews at pcecp.com
Brothers duomazofffenheimer
PCE bible
Magic engine forums (just kidding!)
Video game critic (just kidding!)
Necro's random thoughts


Quote from: esteban on 08/02/2014, 06:18 AMVIDEO GAME DEN !!!!!! Lkermel is too often overlooked!
Agreed, it's probably my favourite game review site.
Quote from: some block off youtubeIn one episode, Dodongo c-walks out of a convenience store with a 40 at 7:40 AM, steals an arcade machine from an auction, haggles in Spanish for a stuffed papa smurf to use as a sex toy, and buys Secret of Mana for a dollar.


Quote from: HardcoreOtaku on 08/02/2014, 06:28 AM
Quote from: esteban on 08/02/2014, 06:18 AMVIDEO GAME DEN !!!!!! Lkermel is too often overlooked!
Agreed, it's probably my favourite game review site.
Everyone go to videogameden.com right now.  :pcgs:


Quote from: guest on 08/02/2014, 06:25 AMNot to hijack your thread, slinky, and spam DoxPhile propaganda.... but over there each game has its own dedicated board (which is displayed on the game's info page in the game directory). :lol:  also on each game page is a link to view each and every scanned magazine page on which a game is mentioned.

These are features which currently exist. Planned for the future on each game page (ETA: 12th of never) are user ratings (graphics, sound, etc... and will be sortable fields in the master game list), user collection management, and wtb/wts marketplace.

Brought to you by DoxPhile
Will definitely check out the reviews, when I'm done being lazy, of course. ;)


thanks gang .. I agree with the review site.. and just by reading this thread.. I found a new site to check out (Video Game Den) 
 :D 8)


I'll remain videogameden.com abstinent. Not sure what I'd be getting myself into and usually when everyone is doing it, it means I probably shouldn't. I learned my lesson after those yummy paint chips at my house growing up.
70/95 US Turbochips


Another plug for DoxPhile. Joined that forum and have learned a ton more about TG games. Magazine scans are great too. Thanks, Nulltard!
