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(If you care) Destiny released in 3 days, why so few reviews?

Started by vexcollects, 09/05/2014, 01:53 PM

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Just seemed weird there are so few reviews for a game that has been in beta for a while and has probably shipped to stores already.

I was going to buy it (PS4) and probably still will, but after the last hyped game (Watchdogs) came and went with little fan fare, makes you wonder if history will repeat itself here.

To be honest, I almost forgot about the game until someone texted me about it the other day. I think sometimes the anticipation can be more exciting than the actual Duke Nukem Forever for instance.


Apparently, the servers go live on Monday and that's when reviewers are going to start playing/reviewing. That's what I've read, anyway.

Regarding Watchdogs, at least we got to play a ton of Destiny before it releases. As a result, I seriously doubt we're in for a similar situation. Plus, it became pretty apparent in the weeks leading up to Watch Dogs that it was gonna suck. I decided not to buy it well in advance of its release.

I'm not a big FPS or AAA-game guy, but I enjoyed playing the Destiny beta. I'm looking forward to the full game.


Reviews will not be hitting until after the game is out. A Bungie employee said they want the game reviewed in a real world setting, against real players.

Since almost all online games with a multiplayer component are reviewed with other reviewers serving as the players, bungie wanted to have the game experienced against real people. So they say.

Could be a BS excuse to quell any negative press.


I'll definitely pick it up when I eventually get a PS4. Loved the first two Halo games but never played any of the others.