Worst US huey (rd 3)

Started by slinkyturd, 10/18/2014, 08:21 PM

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Worst huey. pick 3

13 (30.2%)
Darkwing Duck
10 (23.3%)
Deep Blue
4 (9.3%)
22 (51.2%)
18 (41.9%)
6 (14%)
Tv Sports Basketball
2 (4.7%)
TV Sports Football
6 (14%)
Yo Bro
10 (23.3%)

Total Members Voted: 43


70/95 US Turbochips


Now it's getting difficult.


I've only voted for one game in all three of these: Ballistix.


I only voted based on what I have, so I went with Timeball.  I don't intend on ever picking up anything that ranks lower than that.  Timeball is a complete waste of Hu.


This is getting tough ;-)


Quote from: guest on 10/19/2014, 01:15 AMI only voted based on what I have, so I went with Timeball.  I don't intend on ever picking up anything that ranks lower than that.  Timeball is a complete waste of Hu.
NOTE: This is not directed at roflmao only, but to EVERYONE.

I see what's happening now.

This has been a carefully-crafted, long-term plan (I know slinkyturd has been collaborating with my opponents) to disparage a great game.

Well, I'll stand for NONE OF IT.

If any of you bastards actually vote for Timeball, I'll dash your shriveled nutsacks against the rocks and chuckle as your dusty, desiccated raisins (if you still have them) fall helplessly into the quarry.





it had to be darkwing duck.... compared to the capcom hit on NES... this game is garage.


Quote from: wyndcrosser on 10/19/2014, 08:46 AMit had to be darkwing duck.... compared to the capcom hit on NES... this game is garage.
This is a poll comparing HuCards to each other, not licensed games to games using the same license, but on other random consoles and by different developers. How does Darkwing Duck compare to Falcon?
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Yeah, I don't get the hate on Timeball... it's a marginally fun puzzle game with good border graphics and really good music.

Where'd Drop-Off disappear to?


Darkwing and yo bro shouldnt even be on here


Screw you guys. Gunboat and TV sports football were decent games. At least better than some that got taken off the list in round 2, and definitely better than some the other games on this list.


Quote from: esteban on 10/19/2014, 06:51 AMNOTE: This is not directed at roflmao only, but to EVERYONE.

I see what's happening now.

This has been a carefully-crafted, long-term plan (I know slinkyturd has been collaborating with my opponents) to disparage a great game.

Well, I'll stand for NONE OF IT.

If any of you bastards actually vote for Timeball, I'll dash your shriveled nutsacks against the rocks and chuckle as your dusty, desiccated raisins (if you still have them) fall helplessly into the quarry.



Poppycock.  Regardless of how good it looks or sounds it's no fun to play. I'd play if she was in the game though. :P


Timeball is totally enjoyable. You guys are jaded.


Quote from: wyndcrosser on 10/19/2014, 08:46 AMit had to be darkwing duck.... compared to the capcom hit on NES... this game is garage.
Totally.  It's at least a two car, maybe even a three car tandem.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: esteban on 10/19/2014, 09:48 PMTimeball is totally enjoyable. You guys are jaded.
Gotta agree with Este here... Timeball was my first game on my TG16, and yes whille I will agree to the fact that its no Ys title or Blazing Lasers, it definitely a fun a game to play. Hell, it kept me busy for the better part of 6 months til my birthday rolled around and I had enough cash to add a second title to my library. Better than Ballistix thats for sure :)
[If it's song and dance you want, song and dance you'll get!]


Timeball is okay.  Simple puzzle game, kinda fun, not great.  It reminds me a lot of Pipe Dreams or whatever that I had on an old DOS computer a long time ago.  Honestly, I don't think that Timeball belongs on this list, but the people spoke, so, whatever.

Darkwing Duck and Deep Blue both seem to me like games that were almost okay but failed instead. 

As un-fun as it is to play, Yo Bro has the slightly redeeming feature of letting me listen to TG16 Chiptunes versions of the Beach Boys.  I can honestly say that's pretty cool.

The sports games suck, yeah, but even with no real redeeming qualities they still weren't offensively bad.

Falcon, Gunboat, and Ballistix though?  Man they were awful.  They got my votes.
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


I'm surprised Ballistix has so many votes. It's not great, but I don't think it's one of the worst. It's repetitive for sure, but it's not bad especially with two players. It's a futuristic air hockey, pinball... soccer... shooter game. How can you go wrong?  :wink:


You can go wrong by giving it pretty horrible play mechanics. Which they did.


I don't think Timeball (or pipe dream, or any similar game) is all that much fun personally, but it's not the worst.  Looks like Falcon is taking it so far.