10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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stolen collection

Started by neutopia6, 10/21/2014, 10:24 PM

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As retro gaming becomes mainstream I suspect there'll be more and more of this.

A lot of people publicize their game collections online. It's not too hard to find someone's address if you know their real name. I won't be surprised if a big name Youtuber gets hit.

Even knowing someone's ebay account name can help find their address. If they buy anything from a would be thief they'll have their address if they don't use a P.O. box. Hell, a lot of the packages I get from ebay have the seller's return address on them.
TurboGrafx-16 HuCard Collection: 7.3% complete    7 / 96 titles


Quote from: guest on 10/22/2014, 10:53 PMThe moral of the story is: I'm rich, bitch, but hobos and profos alike be goin' fo dat bling.
I figured someone would say that I was trying to boast, just didn't expect it so soon afterwards.
TurboGrafx-16 HuCard Collection: 7.3% complete    7 / 96 titles


Quote from: cr8zykuban0 on 10/22/2014, 10:14 PM
Quote from: madboom0522 on 10/22/2014, 09:49 PMRenters in insurance with detailed pics, video and replacement cost list. That is what I did. Lot's of work if you have a lot to list..... ](*,)
I bet it is a lot of work but it's worth it to keep your collection safe from robbery or anything that can happen. any good companies you can recommend?
Metlife is who we use. I am sure there are other companies that will do it as well..
Titles to complete... Caught them all....


Quote from: neutopia6 on 10/22/2014, 03:10 PMNo bank because I don't trust the bank, they always take fees, and fuck people over, not to mention I'm just waiting for America to start another pointless war and fuck the economy, then our pretend money in the bank will be useless.
Also nearly every piece of extra cash I have has gone into gaming anyways so I'd just put money in to pull it out, I have a pretty serious problem with gaming, its all I really watch, do, read, talk about, now that a huge chunk of it is gone I've been contemplating selling the last of it or just giving up on everything, years of saving and hard work gone, its very hard to deal with and I'm still in shock, very confused, pissed off and devastated.
All Money is pretend, next war coming up BTW.  Hopefully it's with Iran after they fuck with Israel or refuse to stop enriching uranium.
Quote from: PCEngineHellI already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so fuck him, and his cunt wife.


Quote from: guest on 10/22/2014, 11:32 PMdon't flatter yourself. I wear a rolex on each teste. I feel your pain, brotha!
I think my posts on this forum show that my M.O. isn't to try and portray myself as wealthy. In my sixteen posts 3 times I've said I couldn't afford to buy systems / games:
Quote from: grache on 10/19/2014, 09:58 PMUS copies are going for more than I can currently justify paying. I think I'll just wait until my Everdrive gets here.
(I killed two birds w/ that one, it proves I'm not one of the despised 'collectards!'**)
Quote from: grache on 10/17/2014, 07:08 PMI've bid on about a half dozen copies of Splatterhouse in the last few weeks but prices are nuts
Quote from: grache on 10/17/2014, 08:19 PM... for 3 years I've been looking at ebay auctions for PCE systems and games.
I posted about my dad's stolen watch in this thread because it's relevant, not to brag.
The main points of both neutopia6's story and mine:
  • neutopia6 - obscure items stolen, no home owner's insurance, suspects was stolen by someone of confidence. Resolution: ???
  • My dad - unique item stolen, not covered by home owner's insurance, purchased by someone of repute. Resolution: uniqueness of item led to it's recovery.
Quote from: guest on 10/22/2014, 10:53 PMThe moral of the story is: I'm rich, bitch
No, the moral of the story is: There is some hope of recovering the TG16 games because of their obscurity & never trust anyone, friends or high-standing members of society.
TurboGrafx-16 HuCard Collection: 7.3% complete    7 / 96 titles



This sucks, sorry to hear about the theft.  Hope that the police manage to track down at least some of your collection.


Sorry, to hear about your recent misfortune. I can't even begin to imagine how you feel. Hopefully you will be able to recover your losses.


THEORY: We are assuming that the motive for the burglary was economic gain.

However, what if the motive was to actually play the games?

That would make this a crime of envy and lust.


Unbelievable! Sorry to hear about your collection. I really hope the thief gets caught. It's a terrible feeling when you get robbed.


I know of someone, years ago, was having house work done, addition built, shed built, I forget. he was re-doing stuff in his house a bit, and asked some scrappers, "Hey, want this old safe?". They took it, scrap metal.

Weeks, maybe months later, a family member came home, and noticed a door kicked in. That person left, then called police.

The thieves, probably the people, or people know to the people who took the safe, used that knowledge, "Hey, there is a safe in the house they got rid of, probably got something better".

They found the safe, loaded it up (Was not bolted down) on a hand truck, wheeled it out to a van, and that was it. I never got any updates after that.

Gotta be careful about things. I've had bad experiences with people I've known, sometimes for ages. People can be trusted, but only so much.

* Also, if you figure out who it was, even if you've known them for years, go through with what needs to be done. Don't give the person a pass. Even if you knew the person for years, keep in mind they thought so little of you, to do something f**ked up like this, that they don't really need any favor from you.

Considering the amount taken, skimming through this thread, probably more than 1 person. People tend to talk after stuff like this happens. That's a big haul. Sad thing is, this is not the first time I've read online about this happening to someone, I'm pretty sure I've read about this happening to another person who post(ed) here, years ago.

*Another edit

This reminds me a bit of when PS2 was new, and talking to this girlfriend of an acquaintance. She told me about how her son's friend, for as long as they lived where they were (10 years?), was so jealous of this guy's new PS2, he got into their house, and stole it. I nearly forgot about that, 'til reading this thread. That was found out, because that, "Friend" could only hide and excuse his new system for so long, before people put it together: System stolen, soandso gets a new PS2 system. I don't know if they nailed it by coincidence, or some marking the system had. All I know, is the guy got his system back, and that was the end of that friendship.

*Editing again!

This also reminds me of this, someone put it on Youtube. About cons, repair fraud. Not the same boat as you, Neutopia6, but, gives and idea to how a lot of people are. Many people, don't care about others. Note, this is back when VCRs were cheaper to repair, than replace, etc... - PrimeTime Live on VCR Repair Rip-Offs - 1992 - part 1 of 3!
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


Quote from: guest on 10/23/2014, 09:29 AM
Quote from: grache on 10/23/2014, 12:53 AM
Quote from: guest on 10/22/2014, 10:53 PMThe moral of the story is: I'm rich, bitch
No, the moral of the story is: There is some hope of recovering the TG16 games because of their obscurity & never trust anyone, friends or high-standing members of society.
No, the real moral of the story is this:  As you continue to frequent these boards, you will develop the ability to tell when I'm drunk-posting and adopt the community-wide practice of ignoring said posts.  You can usually spot my drunk posts because they are meant to be funny but they are not funny in any way. Often times, they are completely unintelligible.

(yes... i know, that is virtually every post i write. i drink that often. :lol:)

My apologies, amigo.
Nully, just wondering do you look like your avatar?....
Titles to complete... Caught them all....


From what I recall, he enjoyed that cheeseburger, just couldn't quite aim, too well, to consume it properly. His daughter seemed concerned, yet having fun filming him, though.

You're so cool, Brewster!
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


Quote from: guest on 10/23/2014, 09:44 AM
Quote from: madboom0522 on 10/23/2014, 09:33 AMNully, just wondering do you look like your avatar?....
Nah, i'm nowhere near that sexy.  Think of david hasselhoff.  Not baywatch hasselhoff... i'm talking about cheeseburger-off-the-kitchen-floor hasselhoff.  Now, add 100 lbs, make him bald, and give him a completely different face.

So... Machine from 8mm?
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 10/25/2015, 02:35 PMGentle with games, rough with collectards.  Riders gon riiiiide.


Quote from: guest on 10/22/2014, 10:53 PMOnce, my uncle had a billion dollar cockring. A hobo from the projects stole it from him in the middle of a drunken gangbang. Uncle Bilbo was ddevastated... but luckily, when I was casting vagrants for a bumfight video, I found the cockring and was able to reclaim it. Don't ask how.

The moral of the story is: I'm rich, bitch, but hobos and profos alike be goin' fo dat bling.
love it :)

To the OP.  Know how you feel, been in teh same position, broken into games stolen, unfortunately that fucks with your head, means you games get shifted into boxes so they dont get stolen :(... i feel your pain and i hope you get some stuff back
Looking for (MINT ONLY)
US Manual : Magical Chase, Shockman 
US Box : Turrican,  Soldier Blade, New Adventure Island, Neutopia II
Other : Sapphire OBI, Turbo Play Aug/Sept 90, April/May 92, Turbo Edge Spring 90

PC Engine Special Cards : Bomberman User Battle

Alydnes Super Grafx


Quote from: guest on 10/23/2014, 09:29 AMMy apologies, amigo.
No need to apologize, I've seen enough of your posts to know that's your style. There's no beef, I was just explaining myself because I can see how the story could come off that way.

neutopia6, how many people knew about the cigarettes in the freezer? I don't think many thieves would look there. If only a few people knew about them I'd try feeding them misinformation. Say things that weren't stolen were stolen & vice versa. See if they have any reaction and go from there. Of course that idea is null and void if you've posted about the details of the robbery on facebook.

If you have the patience I'd keeping checking local game shops, pawn shops, craigslist, etc. for a few months. If they are clever at all they won't move it in one huge lot immediately.

Good luck
TurboGrafx-16 HuCard Collection: 7.3% complete    7 / 96 titles


Hopefully you can get your stuff back dude!
Here's a thread that might make you more optimistic. This guy lost his Konami Windy candy cab and found it 2 years later through persistent searching for it


Quote from: grache on 10/23/2014, 05:54 PM
Quote from: guest on 10/23/2014, 09:29 AMMy apologies, amigo.
No need to apologize, I've seen enough of your posts to know that's your style. There's no beef, I was just explaining myself because I can see how the story could come off that way.

neutopia6, how many people knew about the cigarettes in the freezer? I don't think many thieves would look there. If only a few people knew about them I'd try feeding them misinformation. Say things that weren't stolen were stolen & vice versa. See if they have any reaction and go from there. Of course that idea is null and void if you've posted about the details of the robbery on facebook.

If you have the patience I'd keeping checking local game shops, pawn shops, craigslist, etc. for a few months. If they are clever at all they won't move it in one huge lot immediately.

Good luck
With the freezer, many people keep cash there.

This is someone familiar with the stock, but, in freezers, yes, cigs cost $, but many people, bars, clubs, etc, still use that as a cash spot. It's an old spot, it's tired, yes, but still used.
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


Quote from: guest on 10/23/2014, 07:41 PMWait... so, in <20 posts, I'm already flagged as a non-funny drunk poster?

niiiiiice...  8)
Not quite. you're a unique mess, why I, at least, converse with you.

, I'm sure, when I get a chance with you, we can be unfunny together, over a bottle, and TG-16's new Defender sequel, or that DoxPhile game.
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


Exactly, the freezer makes sense to look in, some drugs get stored there, the person was very thorough, found all the hiding spots.
All I can really do is hope it pops up somewhere eventually and I can spot it and find out who brought it in.
Both Y's book I and IIs, the tgcd one and the duo one, my Neutopia II was just in a regular CD case, if I remember any little details I'll post them, I'm sure whoever took it isn't very smart, and won't sell it off a few games at a time. Nearly 600 were missing.
Thanks though for all the advice so far, I'm really trying hard to keep my hopes up. :(


Fuck, don't even know what to say. I do not have insurance so I hate hearing this.

YA its late to offer advice but for me I have "Alarm Force" stickers posted ( no alarm ) I have 2 asshole dogs that bark and bark ( dogs are the best deterrence for a break in) I also have one of these..


This cock sucker is so loud you cannot even hear yourself talk, it's heat activated, and password protected. Only a deterrence but I hope your ears bleed while you take my shit!!

so sorry to hear man


Quote from: guest on 10/23/2014, 09:29 PMFuck, don't even know what to say. I do not have insurance so I hate hearing this.

YA its late to offer advice but for me I have "Alarm Force" stickers posted ( no alarm ) I have 2 asshole dogs that bark and bark ( dogs are the best deterrence for a break in) I also have one of these..


This cock sucker is so loud you cannot even hear yourself talk, it's heat activated, and password protected. Only a deterrence but I hope your ears bleed while you take my shit!!

so sorry to hear man
Deterrence is 90% of it, if an alarm goes off no one (unless they are cracked or on PCP) is going to be hanging around to find out if it's a real or fake alarm. 
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Ouch dude. Sorry to hear about that ! I need to check the coverage on my house insurance, and see what it covers, and doesn't .. as it relates to my collection
My TG-16/PCE Collection : http://www.pcedaisakusen.net/2/34/615/show-collection.htm


Quote from: MrFulci on 10/23/2014, 07:23 PM
Quote from: grache on 10/23/2014, 05:54 PMneutopia6, how many people knew about the cigarettes in the freezer? I don't think many thieves would look there.
With the freezer, many people keep cash there.

This is someone familiar with the stock, but, in freezers, yes, cigs cost $, but many people, bars, clubs, etc, still use that as a cash spot. It's an old spot, it's tired, yes, but still used.

Quote from: neutopia6 on 10/23/2014, 08:50 PMExactly, the freezer makes sense to look in, some drugs get stored there, the person was very thorough, found all the hiding spots.
You're right; freezer is a common spot to hide money.

I still think the thief is probably someone who can see your facebook posts. One last idea, you could plead that a game that is somehow unique, specific damage to the label, box, etc. has extreme sentimental value. Offer amnesty and a huge pay-off for the game's return. Of course don't honor the amnesty.

Quote from: guest on 10/23/2014, 07:41 PMWait... so, in <20 posts, I'm already flagged as a non-funny drunk poster?

niiiiiice...  8)
The first couple dozen posts of yours I read I thought you were a real piece of shit troll. I then realized with your post count you'd have been banned a long time ago if you weren't joking.

This is the funniest thing I've read in weeks:
Quote from: guest on 07/24/2014, 11:17 PMYou can leave the shield off safely, just make sure not to use the console within 500 feet of a microwave oven or any RF transmitter.  Tg16 have been known to induce serious current through the turbo pads in the absence of the FCC mandated RF shielding.
Quote from: johnnymad on 07/24/2014, 11:28 PMAhh. Guess I should maybe just try and trim it then as the little nook area in my bedroom where I have all my systems hooked up is pretty close to the kitchen and therefore about 15 feet away from the microwave. If I did just leave the bottom though, would that shield it enough?
TurboGrafx-16 HuCard Collection: 7.3% complete    7 / 96 titles


Neutopia6, I wish you the best, and I hope the judge is like this fella -

Take Him To Detroit

Detroit it not far over the Canada border.
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


This is terrible!  I am in Edmonton, so if your stuff winds up in Alberta and you need someone to do some legwork, just let me know.  I check kijiji often enough and Obey stuff rarely if ever shows up, so it shouldn't be hard to spot.


Good luck in bringing justice to the filthy pig.  My partner had a thought; Is there a chance that you have posted pictures somewhere with geolocation data embedded in them?  Someone may have been able to figure out where you live that way.


It might pop up in Alberta, who knows, I'm betting Vancouver though, its been nine days now I'm starting to think I'm totally fucked. :(
Thanks for everything though so far you guys.


I read the first page and none of the pages in between, but whoever took this isn't going to sell it to some local pawn shop unless they're a fucking idiot. A pawn shop isn't going to give but $20 for a 25 year old game console the east Indian owner has never even heard of. Even with all the games, he'll be lucky to get enough money to buy a eighth of weed.

They're going to sell the shit, piece at a time, on the Internet (probably eBay) for maximum profit. Unless, like esteban said, it was a crime of envy & lust and they're only interested in playing your games.

The only chance you have of getting your stuff back is if it was someone really close to you who did it as a goof or to hold you ransom for some wrong you did them. The chances of this are so slim, hopefully you've already started bidding for replacement items on eBay. If you're lucky, you might even get to buy back some of your collection!
Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Quote from: nat...

...The chances of this are so slim, hopefully you've already started bidding for replacement items on eBay. If you're lucky, you might even get to buy back some of your collection!
And I thought my comment was cruel (about crime of lust/envy). IMG


Quote from: nat on 10/26/2014, 05:22 PM...If you're lucky, you might even get to buy back some of your collection!
I like the cut of your jib.


Yea man i feel for ya, about 7 years ago I had my apartment broke into and had pretty much everything electronic stolen... Except my 56" TV. Lets seeeeeee my Ps3, Xbox360, Wii, all games and accessories for said systems, my 1K$ video camera, SLR camera, PSP, Nin.DS, both my laptops (school & work), and about 700$ in cash. Pretty much everything that was in my living room minus the cash, which was in my bedside night stand. My entire retro collection was setup im my room, and thank god none of that was touched. Thanks to my renters insurance, i was able to replace everything for considerably less than what I had originally paid, and about a year later that police dept. called and told me they had recovered my video camera! It was trying to be pawned in a shop about an hour and a half from where I lived. Come to find out, I had been robbed by a couple of fucking kids! Seriously! 2 teenagers, and neither one of them was even 16!!! Unfortunatly for the camera, it had been dropped and the lens had come off the track, so it was junk... at least I got to recover the tape in it :\

In my case, i feel like it was a blessing in disguise since nothing of any real sentimental value or rare/collectable was taken. Thanksfully because of this, I was actually able to pocket a little bit of my settlement since I was able to buy preowned.

In short, my condolences so go out to you sir, I am super sorry for your loss. I know exactly how you felt when you came home to find your shit in disarray. Be thorough with looking thru everything. I was finding out that other things were stolen an entire month after the fact, I just didnt think to check EVERYWHERE at the time. Get yourself some insurance. I know hindsight is 20/20 and all that mess and im sure your sick to your stomach hearing everyone repeatedly tell you this, but renters insurance is pretty damn cheap and I can attest personally to the fact that it is WELL worth it. I will definitely be on the look out for anything that sounds like it could be from your collection, I tend to frequent Feebay and the Zon for "good deals" so ill make sure to keep my eyes peeled.
[If it's song and dance you want, song and dance you'll get!]


All I really have are video games and furniture, what else does someone need in there life lol.
Thank you for the kind words though, I really hope something happens.


Sorry for your loss, Neutopia, I hope for you that luck will be on your side.


This is one of my biggest fears. I'm really sorry this happened to you, and i hope you are able to recovery your stuff man. Best of luck to you


Wow.. Just wow.... I hope you're able to get your collection back, and I would like nothing more than for the asshole who stole your collection to have the maximum sentence brought down on his ass.
"Live the code, the code of the Dragon!"


It has to be someone you know. Write a list of each person that are potential suspects, and then branch off of each one qualities about them (length of relationship, distance from house, whether they have VG knowledge). The last one is a big one. I know if the majority of my friends stole my stuff, they wouldn't be so specific (some can't even tell what system a Turbo Grafx CD vs a Playstation 1 game case is) in what to grab and only grab.

Double check if anything else was stolen. Again, if it was that specific, they have to have seen/been to your house numerous times to memorize the hiding places for cash, where those video games/consoles were laid out and when you would be gone from the place.

Did you have any roommates, anyone else staying at your house for extended periods of time? Did you end a particular relationship on a bad note and this is as revenge?

Hope you get your stuff back, but I doubt they will sell it off right away. I'd expect at least a 2-5 month wait for the hotness to wear off slightly before even attempting to sell any of it.


Quote from: guest on 10/30/2014, 10:07 PM*Nulltard posts amazing pic*
O. M. G.


ChuChu Flamingo

Damn thats a lot of games


Really sorry to hear about this. That really blows. I've worried about my stuff getting stolen too. I don't worry about friends stealing it(my "hanging out" and party days are long over), but I do worry about a random robbery or the wrong person hearing about my stuff from family/friends.

I'm sure you've thought of it, and ultimately I doubt it will help you find your stuff, but another thing to consider is the time you were gone when the games were stolen. For instance, if it happened during your work day consider which of your friends were also working at their jobs that day. If nothing else, it might help eliminate suspects. That way at least you won't have that cloud of suspicion over certain friends any more.

Best of luck with this sad situation dude.
"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"


No room mates or people staying with me, I'm rather seclusive, most people are too stupid to put up with, I'm in a relationship right now, me and my girlfriend have been living together about a year, it sucks too because I got her into TurboGrafx pretty good.
I was out game hunting, came back with about fourth games, ready to clean, organize and put into my collection only it wasn't there when I got back.
Nobody knew I was gone, as for suspects in not too sure, I have maybe three people I game with but they're mostly PlayStation and Xbox ''gamers'' so they're fucking clueless, I get them to play old shit but apparently nobody has patience for games requiring skill nowadays.
As long as it pops up eventually I'll be fine, hell if the person brought it back this second I'd hug them, I don't make much money so have $13,000 worth of my life's collection go missing feels like something I can't replace.
Thanks again for all the kind words, its hard to keep my fucking sanity lol.


Quote from: neutopia6 on 10/31/2014, 04:59 PMNo room mates or people staying with me, I'm rather seclusive, most people are too stupid to put up with, I'm in a relationship right now, me and my girlfriend have been living together about a year, it sucks too because I got her into TurboGrafx pretty good.
I was out game hunting, came back with about fourth games, ready to clean, organize and put into my collection only it wasn't there when I got back.
Nobody knew I was gone, as for suspects in not too sure, I have maybe three people I game with but they're mostly PlayStation and Xbox ''gamers'' so they're fucking clueless, I get them to play old shit but apparently nobody has patience for games requiring skill nowadays.
As long as it pops up eventually I'll be fine, hell if the person brought it back this second I'd hug them, I don't make much money so have $13,000 worth of my life's collection go missing feels like something I can't replace.
Thanks again for all the kind words, its hard to keep my fucking sanity lol.

How many pc engine / turbo grafix game were in you colection ?


Quote from: neutopia6 on 10/31/2014, 04:59 PMNo room mates or people staying with me, I'm rather seclusive, most people are too stupid to put up with, I'm in a relationship right now, me and my girlfriend have been living together about a year, it sucks too because I got her into TurboGrafx pretty good.
I was out game hunting, came back with about fourth games, ready to clean, organize and put into my collection only it wasn't there when I got back.
Nobody knew I was gone, as for suspects in not too sure, I have maybe three people I game with but they're mostly PlayStation and Xbox ''gamers'' so they're fucking clueless, I get them to play old shit but apparently nobody has patience for games requiring skill nowadays.
As long as it pops up eventually I'll be fine, hell if the person brought it back this second I'd hug them, I don't make much money so have $13,000 worth of my life's collection go missing feels like something I can't replace.
Thanks again for all the kind words, its hard to keep my fucking sanity lol.
Maybe your gf was in on it and told someone else where to find everything. Or perhaps she was there while it happened. You never know. How long were you gone when it happened? Where was she?

Just throwing ideas out there!


No idea if its related at all in any way... but some dude on facebook has been flaunting a big collection of turbo+pc engine+pcfx stuff he bought in a big lot not long ago.  I think he's in Texas though.
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc



Think of the company you keep, or have kept. Sometimes there is a connection. I mentioned a few stories in a prior post, in this thread.

With people I've known, it's usually people who have borrowed stuff, then taken their time to return it. Some stuff I've let go, usually books. That's why I only loan so much of certain things, if I do, and I always keep in mind the chance I may not get it back, and if I do, not the condition I loaned it.

10+ years ago, I had someone ignoring my phonecalls. I even sent a postal letter. They ignored that, also. So, I drove to their house, about a 2 hour drive? I forget, to get a movie back. They gave me the movie when I arrived there. Then, got the excuse, "Oh, we didn't get back to you, because we didn't have the money to post it back, and didn't know what to say, etc.". later, the other part of the couple called, since that person heard from their significant other I just showed up at their house to get my movie, and apologized, etc. Seems a bit wacky, typing the story now, but it bothered me a lot at the time, and it was within a driving distance, so...

I knew them for a while, also.

Sometimes, think of people, even if you knew them for ages, that even if you didn't have a falling out with, that you just haven't spoken with, in a while.

Also, alarm systems, hidden video surveillance (Cheap, nowadays. Don't tell anyone where it is, though, then it's no longer unknown.), insurance, all good stuff.
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


Nah, my girlfriend was with me, I usually do trips around BC every few weeks and she comes with me, nothing like loud punk rock music shit loads of caffeine and someone to laugh and talk with when you're stuck in a car for ten hours.
Apparently the old couple that lives across the street said they were taking out the garbage around seven, noticed the lights were on and someone with short light colored hair was walking around inside, also my car was gone, but they apparently didn't think anything of it.
In my collection there were about fifty Turbo grafx and TurboGrafx CD games, around fifteen or twenty were CD games which will make it look even weirder if it pops up.
Definitely going to get a security system now, if this happens again I'm blowing my fucking head off lol.


Quote from: neutopia6 on 11/01/2014, 12:27 PMNah, my girlfriend was with me, I usually do trips around BC every few weeks and she comes with me, nothing like loud punk rock music shit loads of caffeine and someone to laugh and talk with when you're stuck in a car for ten hours.
Apparently the old couple that lives across the street said they were taking out the garbage around seven, noticed the lights were on and someone with short light colored hair was walking around inside, also my car was gone, but they apparently didn't think anything of it.
In my collection there were about fifty Turbo grafx and TurboGrafx CD games, around fifteen or twenty were CD games which will make it look even weirder if it pops up.
Definitely going to get a security system now, if this happens again I'm blowing my fucking head off lol.
Nothing too much to LOL about.

Having security is nice.

People pull all sorts of shit.

I know of someone worked (Still working?) in hotels. He had a maid's ironing board go missing.

He had to go through security video, and noticed a guy taking it out.

He confronted the guy, he denied it, 'til bringing up video. Then, all of a sudden, a damn ironing board did somehow make it to his vehicle. I guess it's like taking towels, for some people. Ironing boards...

Think about who you've known. Beyond that, who knows what you've posted about online. I have not much knowledge about you, other than your thread here. All that's to say, that's been said, is that those people knew what they were taking.
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


I feel like this thread should be a reminder to us all.  Posting pics of your collection or recent pickups on social media is not a good idea, nor is "bragging" about your stuff to people around you.  There was a time when no one gave a shit about old video games, but they are now big money.  I'm not trying to blame the girl for getting raped, but OP seems like the kind of guy who liked to run around telling anyone who would listen that he was sitting on $13k in retrogames, or better yet invite them into his house to show them off.  If I invested my money in gold/silver and kept it in the house, I wouldn't post pics of that on Facebook.  Same goes for anything else.


I've invested in claymores.

If I can't have my Turbobs, nobody can.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


I currently have renters insurance. I have been looking into it, and since i would consider my games a "collection" I'm going to have to look into a "rider" or "floater' for my games. Anyone have any experience in this. I created a sort of itemized list of all my games and consoles when i moved into my new place 4-5 months ago. But this list does not have prices, just the list of games, and pictures. So I'm guessing i need to price out all this stuff as well

So i just got off the phone with my renters insurance company. Looks like if i want to get something like a rider on my video game collection i would have to get it professional appraised. I have no idea if there is even a professional video game appraiser company out there. I do know that the with my type of insurance i should be fine if something were to happen. I have a itemized list and pictures of my collection. I don't need to, but it would help if i had a list of what i value these games at.

Hopefully this info helps someone out there


Quote from: munchiaz on 11/03/2014, 04:11 PMI currently have renters insurance. I have been looking into it, and since i would consider my games a "collection" I'm going to have to look into a "rider" or "floater' for my games. Anyone have any experience in this. I created a sort of itemized list of all my games and consoles when i moved into my new place 4-5 months ago. But this list does not have prices, just the list of games, and pictures. So I'm guessing i need to price out all this stuff as well

So i just got off the phone with my renters insurance company. Looks like if i want to get something like a rider on my video game collection i would have to get it professional appraised. I have no idea if there is even a professional video game appraiser company out there. I do know that the with my type of insurance i should be fine if something were to happen. I have a itemized list and pictures of my collection. I don't need to, but it would help if i had a list of what i value these games at.

Hopefully this info helps someone out there
This is an issue that I've wondered about for a long time - I'm fairly certain that most collectible items would need an appraisal to be considered worth more than a buck or two a piece for insurance purposes, especially when it comes to retro gaming stuff and the like. We all know what things are worth on the market but to an insurance company, it's just a bunch of old toys no one cares about anymore.

That being said - if you rent a place, get renter's insurance. It's so cheap it's a no-brainer. Most big outfits will give you mid to high 5-figure total replacement for like $15-20 a month or less.