Question about turoCD and PCE CD

Started by wilykat, 02/14/2015, 02:07 AM

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First, are both the same aside from cosmetic? (black vs white)  ie I can use TurboCD into PCE interface unit, and PCE CD drive in my Turbo CD base.

Second, is the CD drive pinout documented? I was wondering if it was possible to cook up alternative as the original CD drives predated CD-R technology and can't handle them without risking burnout.  TurboDuo would be hard as it's integrated and it seems you'd need to emulate CD optics and drives or solder in hack to bypass CD drive hardware and feed data into system.  A plug in option for older interface and separate CD unit seemed easier.

Keith Courage

I can answer your first question. Both the stand alone Black TG CD drive and the White PC Engine CD drive are interchangeable. So you can use a white PC Engine drive in a US docking station and vise versa.


As well both CD drives work with the PAL turbo.


Cool ty.  It seems white drive is easier to get than black drive.