2015 Video Game Summit (new Venue)

Started by Dan Iacovelli, 02/16/2015, 05:15 PM

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Dan Iacovelli

We have our date and new venue set for 2015
July 11th,2015 Midwest Conference Center Northlake,IL

Dan Iacovelli

2015 Video Game Summit Promo video
*** this is actually the revised version of the one I showed on our ustream channels
(which is still there) the only difference is the news music has been replaced with different music***

Dan Iacovelli

be sure to check the VGS website http://videogamesummit.net for news still have tables available plus we are still accepting donations even though we not giving rewards for it except for the tfund shirt.
(don't expect more post here by me seeing how the views have been doing compared to other forums)
I do check it every so often if there is reply to this I'll read it and reply if needs to


If there is anything besides a dealers room going on at this event, you might want to show that on your website.

Dan Iacovelli

the game area is in the middle we are working on that plus we will have tournaments and raffles as well. same plan as in past Edit: we don't usually announce the game area until after mgc ends since most of our gaming area staff is most likely going there.
as mentioned due high costs we couldn't really afford a second room like the past or even larger space
while the room is on second floor its much wider then heron more space.