@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Played it ? Worth it ? Views please

Started by radiantgun, 07/14/2006, 06:38 PM

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Heard about this shooter never tried it or seen it for sale very often


Its a lotta £$ for a cd is it really worth it to own?

Cheers in advance  :D


Quote from: "radiantgun"Heard about this shooter never tried it or seen it for sale very often


Its a lotta £$ for a cd is it really worth it to own?

Cheers in advance  :D
I've never seen it for sale. I've never played the game, so I'll let others answer in detail. But the short answer is: No, you won't extoll the virtues of the the game itself. The price is solely based on its rarity/obscurity.

That said, I'd love to get this game. Send your copies to me. I don't mind if it is missing the spine card. :)


Renny Blaster has some good production values but is nothing special. That's a heck of a lot of money for an average Renegade clone.


Quote from: "radiantgun"Its a lotta £$ for a cd is it really worth it to own?

Cheers in advance  :D

Absolutely, positively not worth it whatsoever. I wouldn't pay more than $5 for it.

Also, its not a shooter.

If you are for some reason in the mood to send that eBay seller a huge pile of cash, then spend it on that copy of Astra Superstars he has. That game is ace. Just make sure you open the damn thing. "Collectors" are so revolting...

I can't f-ing believe I sold that thing for $30 back in the day...Santa Claus, I miss you...


I have a burn of it, it's horrid.  It's not worth crap, but, that's just my opinion.  It's a crappy fighter type game, not really a platformer or anything.  Not sure what else to say about it.


I really hope this game shows up on PCEngineFX TV. I'm curious about it but there's no way I'll ever get it, so it's perfect for that.


Well, it's over.  Whoever won it, got completely hosed on the price($350), but, it's their choice.  I put in an offer for $100, which is still way to much for that awful game, which isn't as rare as some think.  It's not like it doesn't appear ever on ebay, cuz I keep tabs whenver one appears.  But it is rare, just not in my mind, the rarest, or worth more then 100, if even that.


Quote from: "ParanoiaDragon"I put in an offer for $100, which is still way to much for that awful game, which isn't as rare as some think.  It's not like it doesn't appear ever on ebay, cuz I keep tabs whenver one appears.  But it is rare, just not in my mind, the rarest, or worth more then 100, if even that.

You would pay $100 for a suck game just because its rare?


Unfortunately, yes.  Mainly because it's one of a few games I don't have.  I know, I know, it does suck, but there's a completist in me......that thankfully doesn't go as far as the guy who won it.  I shouldn't even be buying games, since I'm trying to save money, so, I deserve to be wipped with an ugly stick......as if I'm not ugly enough already!