games getting overpriced...and turning people into dicks

Started by escarioth, 08/14/2015, 08:44 AM

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what is causing this curse to keep going bigger ?

youtubers ?
noobs ?
ebay ?
the lack of good games ?
price-shitting ?

i recently had a friend who didnt have a single retro game.
since we started getting a good selection of games at home, he started to check for some as well.
one night he called to tell me about a lot he bough in a remote place from an old granny....for 20$.
including sega cd , popful mail and dark wizard, cd back-up , genesis and some good other games.
(he was laughing crazy when i told him how much was worth popful mail aprox)

i was amazed and lend him some cables that were missing for him to play.
No need to be jealous, i wanted him to keep playing and finding stuff.
after 3 days he decided to sell everything.. in the end it was all about getting games to
sell them back :( i dared asked how much ?
he told me that i would have a special price of 400$.  :shock:
since we're good friends.  :evil:

told him to go fuck himself since he just bough the whole thing 20$.  [-(
i dont mind giving more money to a friend ... i wasnt asking for 20$ back... but 400$ ? are you kidding
he didnt even KNEW what was popful mail until i told him on the phone
what kind of greedy bastard was that ! it didnt worth that much from start
his answer ?

"well if you look on ebay or price-charting you'd pay even more its a very good deal, you're just jealous."

me being jealous ? not at all.
in the end he sold this to someone on facebook for 350$. (so 400$ was MY special price ?)
with the cables i lend him....(i was pissed mad)
2 months later that same person who bough his kit
tryed to sold it 100$ more...

are people getting brain damaged or what ?
US Hucards     :  86/94 (1 repro)
US CD-games  : 40/44 (3 repros)
total complete with boxes 54/111


What a great friend. Has he paid you back for the cables? Tell him they were special cables used by Vic Ireland as dental floss so they're worth $400.
Then shit through his letterbox.


Sounds like he's a grade A douche.  He didn't have to give it to you for $20, but only an asshole would go for maximum gouge and steal your cables.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


some days after he conclued that deal ..
he came back feeling bad after i'd yell at him for the cables.
and told

Good friend : why didnt you give me 300$ ...everything would have been going ok. selling your cable was a mistake... i thought you were giving them to me...

ME : why would i give you all my cables ? you asked me for some to test the whole thing if  everything worked fine said you would buy some ....

Good friend : .....oh...welll.. yeah now i kinda remember ...anyway its just 5$-10$ cables ? dont be such a baby.

ME: a baby !?  then why did you ask for 400$ ? too afraid i'd ask for less then 300 so you went at 400$ to be sure you'd get your price ? that's how perfect re-selling dicks are acting, so i hope you're happy with that 350$ it worked exactly like you wanted :) and whats great ? you didnt even had to buy sega cd and genesis cables to lesser your profit  :-k you're one hell of a business man. now go rape some other nice granny, from what i've seen you're starting to like that.

he felt so bad, he left me rocking cat for nes in my mail box and that he felt sorry.
i dont know why people are getting so into this re-selling hell.  [-(
you'll lose more then you think if you act like that
US Hucards     :  86/94 (1 repro)
US CD-games  : 40/44 (3 repros)
total complete with boxes 54/111


US Hucards     :  86/94 (1 repro)
US CD-games  : 40/44 (3 repros)
total complete with boxes 54/111


What a prick. This is something I'd expect of a young, dumb teen who was strapped for cash, not a good friend over a decade later.


Ditch this guy. You only need internet friends anyway.


Fuck the whole retro buying scene right now, it's the new house flipping, and it's terrible and out of fucking control...


Quote from: Dicer on 08/14/2015, 11:06 AMFuck the whole retro buying scene right now, it's the new house flipping, and it's terrible and out of fucking control...
yup at some point yes its getting quite out of control.
i mean.. even games i wanted last year... are now getting out of reach until
everyone start to fucking calm down.

games like snatcher sega cd, crappy castlevania x snes and that damn magical chase...
i wanted to buy the japanese version lately and i will just forget about this  ](*,)
US Hucards     :  86/94 (1 repro)
US CD-games  : 40/44 (3 repros)
total complete with boxes 54/111


Quote from: escarioth on 08/14/2015, 11:36 AM
Quote from: Dicer on 08/14/2015, 11:06 AMFuck the whole retro buying scene right now, it's the new house flipping, and it's terrible and out of fucking control...
yup at some point yes its getting quite out of control.
i mean.. even games i wanted last year... are now getting out of reach until
everyone start to fucking calm down.

games like snatcher sega cd, crappy castlevania x snes and that damn magical chase...
i wanted to buy the japanese version lately and i will just forget about this  ](*,)
When I started to rebuild my long lost obey collection, import chase was  @ $50, look at it now.

It opens up a market for repo and that Tobias fuck is living fat off it, I'd be fine with the twat if he gave credit(and profit) where it was due. It also just generally sucks for people that just want to enjoy the hobby...

I have a small modest collection and I am happy with it...It does sadden me that a few titles I want in that collection are simply out of reach, not only because I lack the income to purchase them, but even if I were rolling in money I wouldn't be supporting this trend in any way shape or form.

Fuck it pisses me off, lol


That guy sounds like a Grade AA chicken fucking bastard.  I've met a couple resellers in my area like this guy and try to stay away from them, there are other resellers that are also gamers or reasonable. 

I don't mind paying someone a bit more for spending hours digging through garage sales and thrifts, but be reasonable dudes.
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Caught this on the other day...

Furtive deals that go down in parking lots. Crazy price spikes that happen without warning.

Giulio Graziani says it makes him feel a bit like a drug dealer, even though he's not buying anything illegal. It's part of his job digging up a steady supply of video games from the 1980s and 1990s for his store, VideoGamesNewYork, which specializes in everything from Atari and Gameboy to rare prototype NES cartridges.

Old video games, once relegated to dusty bargain bins, have been cashing in on the nostalgia machine and gaining value just like baseball cards or stamp collections.

Graziani, 50, has been in business since 2003, but says the market only recently began to spike. "Five years ago, I could drive through Texas and stop in little towns and buy everything," he says. "Now they're selling games out there for more than I do!"

Even simple pieces, like The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, which cost $12 in 2010, now go for $25. More coveted games, like Nintendo's Earthbound, can fetch hundreds of dollars, even thousands if they're in the original box.

Prices skyrocketed almost overnight, says JJ Hendricks, whose site Video Games Price Charting tracks the going rate for vintage games. He estimates the market for retro games is now worth about $200 million annually. Hendricks once spent months negotiating with a mysterious source in Canada to buy one of only two Powerfest 94 prototypes known to exist. He ultimately made the deal -- for $12,000 in cash.

It's the perfect storm. Just as kids who grew up in the '80s and '90s are reaching their thirties, the supply of vintage games is shrinking.

"I think it's just a nostalgia for when they were younger," says David Kaelin, who runs the Classic Game Fest in Austin, Texas, and owns a chain of shops, Game Over Videogames. "It was a more innocent time in gaming. They were easier to pick up and play, less violent, more universally accessible than they are now."
Nostalgia isn't the only thing driving prices higher.

eBay auctions and dedicated YouTube channels have also fed the frenzy.

"I'm kind of creating the problem as well," says Aaron Stapish. His YouYube channel, RetroLiberty, focuses almost exclusively on the retro video game hunt. It has 30,000 subscribers and regularly gets 15,000 to 20,000 views per episode, each one documenting Stapish and his crew meeting sellers in parking lots or digging through swap meets for cheap finds.

But it's harder and harder to strike gold. If Stapish mentions he's looking for a game on his show, he notices a chain reaction: other people start hunting and owners quickly start charging more.

Bryan Harwell, who owns Replay'd in Allston, Massachusetts, has had to evolve in order to survive. Instead of continually searching for cheap deals, his store mostly relies on customers to sell him their old stuff. (He also sells current games.) But his profit margins have shrunk. Three years ago, he says he made 50% to 60% profit on any retro games he sold. Now, it's as low as 5% to 10%.

Luckily, for a casual retro gamer, there are some cheap solutions to get a quick dose of nostalgia. Nintendo's Virtual Console allows you to download classic titles to play on the Wii U or Nintendo 3DS. The Retron 5 console by Hyperkin sells for $159.99 and supports games for 10 systems, including NES, SNES, Famicom, SENES, Genesis and Game Boy.

But, for some people, nothing beats the real thing.

"For retro gamers, one of the most important things is reliving that experience you had when you were a kid," says Stapish, who plays retro games about 30 hours a week. "So you want to have the actual game, you want to actually put the game in the system and hold it with the original controller."


VGNY was part of the problem. Their prices were always and still are ridiculous. Cheaper to get it from ebay, even BINs, than from them 99% of the time.



Quote from: guest on 08/14/2015, 12:19 PMI've met a couple resellers in my area like this guy and try to stay away from them, there are other resellers that are also gamers or reasonable. 
I know there's some very good re-seller, im not blaming everyone. 8)
i've got a friend from another city holding a video game shop with highly competitive
prices. Every other video game shops in that city are throwing knifes at his back as we speak.
they even came to meet him, telling to put the RIGHT prices and to look at ebay listings,
that he's selling way too cheap.

even that,
it was making them look bad in front of clients that knew about that place :lol: (we laugh so much hearing that one)

no video game shop should ever use Ebay as a matter to set a price tags. and because of that i buy almost everything there.  :mrgreen:

for exemple.
he had time cruise 2 weeks ago...
looked at ebay for fun.. saw 50$ us.
laughing and looking me straigh in the eyes  :twisted:
friend :10$ (can) you cannot get out of here without walking off with this one.
Me : you bet   #-o i hate you so much
US Hucards     :  86/94 (1 repro)
US CD-games  : 40/44 (3 repros)
total complete with boxes 54/111


I have preached it before, but owning a video game store catering to the retro market is the stupidest business venture you can be in.  Straight up morons and it makes the whole market worse.  You have the mom/pops actually competing with ebay and nobody really wins.  In actuality, ebay fees are much less than the stress and financial burden of sitting on a bunch of inventory and paying the overhead of a rental property.  All of that coupled with the fact you will only get the attention of .0000001% of the retro audience actually willing to pay someplace close to market value.  I actually think it's good that "walk-in" supply is drying up for these stores because it will make them realize they are in a terrible venture.

I went to a gouge shop a few weeks ago, looked around at the stale inventory and my first question is always "where's the turbografx stuff?"
The answer is typically..."Oh, when we get that, it goes right to ebay."  or they ask "Do you know how hard it is to find that stuff?"  So they essentially hear me ask the question, but then treat me like I have never heard of it.


Quote from: agent_orange on 08/14/2015, 01:13 PMI have preached it before, but owning a video game store catering to the retro market is the stupidest business venture you can be in.  Straight up morons and it makes the whole market worse.  You have the mom/pops actually competing with ebay and nobody really wins.  In actuality, ebay fees are much less than the stress and financial burden of sitting on a bunch of inventory and paying the overhead of a rental property.  All of that coupled with the fact you will only get the attention of .0000001% of the retro audience actually willing to pay someplace close to market value.  I actually think it's good that "walk-in" supply is drying up for these stores because it will make them realize they are in a terrible venture.

I went to a gouge shop a few weeks ago, looked around at the stale inventory and my first question is always "where's the turbografx stuff?"
The answer is typically..."Oh, when we get that, it goes right to ebay."  or they ask "Do you know how hard it is to find that stuff?"  So they essentially hear me ask the question, but then treat me like I have never heard of it.
I think the main benefit to owning a shop is being a place that people who just want money fast will take their stuff to and sell it to you at whatever price just to get it out of their house.  These places make huge bank on the Mom that found a box of old NES carts in her basement and is happy to get $20 for it when the store will take them and resell individually for huge amount more. 

I still see people like this come into GameStop occasionally (where GS won't take it), and thankfully most GS employees point them to a local shop so it doesn't at least get tossed in the trash. 
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


People, in the end, are inherently greedy. Not everyone, obviously, but many people really are. I hate this shit though as the gouging is getting so bad. My Son, just the other day as the people in the chat know, got took for $75.00 for a copy of Eternal Champions for the Sega genesis. A "Sealed" copy that turned out to be shrink wrapped... Needless to say, there was no getting the money back, even though they say they got the price for the game from ebay...point being, they couldn't point out anywhere where anyone sold a sealed Eternal Champions for even $20.00! Oh, and of course, they can't say for sure if it was factory sealed or a reseal, they just know the game was sealed. What a load of Bullshit! I am seeing the Retro Gaming community getting raped by people over and over and people seem to be more than happy to bend over and take it in the ass over R@R3Z and all that other shit! It's just crap anymore. The thing i hate the most too is how much "Value" the games have. Just stupid. The game is "WORTH" the joy you get from enjoying it. You can't do that being a Polyurethane sealed Shelf Monkey either. Yeah, I said Shelf monkey! My Word.

Shelf Monkey (NOUN) - One who displays one's collection on a shelf and then proceeds to push it in others faces like a Baboon would show it's ass at the Zoo to show dominance. If you have a collection of sealed in plastic with a grade, games sitting on a shelf, and show it to everyone you know, post pics on line, and have your own youtube channel where you can brag about your "Investment" and how much it's "Worth", you sir are a Shelf monkey. Get used to it, Collectard!


All of the above...

People know I've been selling a lot of stuff lately.  I'm burned out on the retro scene.  Its not fun anymore.  I just want to play and enjoy some games but now its all too much about money.  Its all about completing a collection or bragging about how much something is worth.  I'm slowly trimming back to just the essentials and stuff that I'm nostalgic about.  The rest I'll run on everdrives or emulators.  I dont really see it getting better unfortunately.  Maybe in 30 years or more things will change but for the next 10 years I dont see a light at the end of the tunnel.
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Quote from: T2KFreeker on 08/14/2015, 03:03 PMShelf Monkey (NOUN) - One who displays one's collection on a shelf and then proceeds to push it in others faces like a Baboon would show it's ass at the Zoo to show dominance. If you have a collection of sealed in plastic with a grade, games sitting on a shelf, and show it to everyone you know, post pics on line, and have your own youtube channel where you can brag about your "Investment" and how much it's "Worth", you sir are a Shelf monkey. Get used to it, Collectard!
I like that definition!


I keep my games in a cupboard so every time I open it I get a waft of old manuals smell. Mmm


Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 10/25/2015, 02:35 PMGentle with games, rough with collectards.  Riders gon riiiiide.


This guy was a cunt long before the Sega CD incident. If you were a better judge of character (which you probably are now) you'd know that. We live in a world that glorifies profit and lopsided deals. There is no greater deal or honor than to have completely hosed someone on a transaction. ALWAYS pay as little as possible and ALWAYS charge the most people will pay. Unless people seem weird or iconoclastic or deliberately anarchistic/anachronistic I wouldn't assume they wouldn't do the same thing. To not profit as much as possible on every deal is a very nonconformist decision. To your ex friend had an awesome score and he'll tell his friends about how he lucked out and feel no shame or remorse at all. He probably won't mention you in these stories, but if he does you'll be the "jealous communist faggot".

I'm not sure when the last time was that I bought a "retro" game, at least a year. I'm thinking I'll just enjoy what I've got for now to avoid stressing myself out over colectardation. Despite the best efforts of a small number of assholes, Laserdisc is still a buyers market. I'll just do those for a while.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/14/2015, 06:51 PMThis guy was a cunt long before the Sega CD incident. If you were a better judge of character (which you probably are now) you'd know that. We live in a world that glorifies profit and lopsided deals. There is no greater deal or honor than to have completely hosed someone on a transaction. ALWAYS pay as little as possible and ALWAYS charge the most people will pay. Unless people seem weird or iconoclastic or deliberately anarchistic/anachronistic I wouldn't assume they wouldn't do the same thing. To not profit as much as possible on every deal is a very nonconformist decision. To your ex friend had an awesome score and he'll tell his friends about how he lucked out and feel no shame or remorse at all. He probably won't mention you in these stories, but if he does you'll be the "jealous communist faggot".

I'm not sure when the last time was that I bought a "retro" game, at least a year. I'm thinking I'll just enjoy what I've got for now to avoid stressing myself out over colectardation. Despite the best efforts of a small number of assholes, Laserdisc is still a buyers market. I'll just do those for a while.
+1 to the Laserdiscs. Still incredibly cheap even the rare ones. :P


Plenty of these douches in my area, here's an example:

This guy literally buys everything Nintendo in sight, pays at the very least the going rate for it, and tries to sell it for astronomical prices. Lives in a crack house. I sold him a copy of Pokemon Silver for $20 that I couldn't sell for a couple months and he told me straight up that he was gonna flip it for $35. He only sells locally off Kijiji and we post ads in the same city, so I'm not sure how the fuck he was gonna do that. He also at one time bought "all of the Smash Bros. GC Wii U controllers in the city" at regular price (~$35) and tried to flip for $45, but then in no time stores restocked and you can buy them for regular price with your eyes closed.

What really pisses me off about these people is that THEY ARE MAKING NO MONEY. THEY ARE POOR. Fuck sakes. There are 8 million other things these people could be doing/investing in shit instead with greater returns. But no instead waiting weeks to make $5-$10 off a Mario game is the new standard for success. The whole "buying and selling to support the personal collection" angle is also bullshit by any means. Meanwhile the games I wanna own to play just get more expensive and basically unobtainable.


Sigh every body wants to be a collectard or a evilbay seller for price gouging.
Wii U:Progearspec


yeah selling you're cables was a douche move for sure but whats wrong with a guy making a little money if he got a deal on something. who are you all kidding, most of us would do the same.
i once found some genesis games on kijiji for cheap, i bought them for my friend who i knew wanted them but could not afford them at the time, he turned around and sold them like a few months later, meh what ever its not worth losing friends over.
There is a local guy in saskatoon who hits up the garage sales for video games stuff to re-sell, i picked up a nice condition atari lynx 2 with a game for like $40. He made a little money and i got an item i wanted without all the hassle, i have no problem with that.
At the end of the day we have to remember they are only material items, we dont need them. If you cant afford it dont buy it, its not the end of the world.


Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 08/14/2015, 07:08 PM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/14/2015, 06:51 PMThis guy was a cunt long before the Sega CD incident. If you were a better judge of character (which you probably are now) you'd know that. We live in a world that glorifies profit and lopsided deals. There is no greater deal or honor than to have completely hosed someone on a transaction. ALWAYS pay as little as possible and ALWAYS charge the most people will pay. Unless people seem weird or iconoclastic or deliberately anarchistic/anachronistic I wouldn't assume they wouldn't do the same thing. To not profit as much as possible on every deal is a very nonconformist decision. To your ex friend had an awesome score and he'll tell his friends about how he lucked out and feel no shame or remorse at all. He probably won't mention you in these stories, but if he does you'll be the "jealous communist faggot".

I'm not sure when the last time was that I bought a "retro" game, at least a year. I'm thinking I'll just enjoy what I've got for now to avoid stressing myself out over colectardation. Despite the best efforts of a small number of assholes, Laserdisc is still a buyers market. I'll just do those for a while.
+1 to the Laserdiscs. Still incredibly cheap even the rare ones. :P
Love my LaserDiscs, but I'd say it's more of a Shippers market. :P

Those things are heavy as hell and cost a fortune to ship.  If you can find them locally then yes, definitely a bargain.
I'm a notorious strange man.


Quote from: Jinxed on 08/15/2015, 04:13 PMyeah selling you're cables was a douche move for sure but whats wrong with a guy making a little money if he got a deal on something. who are you all kidding, most of us would do the same.
i once found some genesis games on kijiji for cheap, i bought them for my friend who i knew wanted them but could not afford them at the time, he turned around and sold them like a few months later, meh what ever its not worth losing friends over.
There is a local guy in saskatoon who hits up the garage sales for video games stuff to re-sell, i picked up a nice condition atari lynx 2 with a game for like $40. He made a little money and i got an item i wanted without all the hassle, i have no problem with that.
At the end of the day we have to remember they are only material items, we dont need them. If you cant afford it dont buy it, its not the end of the world.
I think you must have a harder time finding friends than I do. I have enough friends that would never do this kind of shit in a million years, I don't need this kind of diversity, personally. Dudes that insist on making %1000 profit on stuff aren't invited to my place.


Quote from: Jinxed on 08/15/2015, 04:13 PMAt the end of the day we have to remember they are only material items, we dont need them. If you cant afford it dont buy it, its not the end of the world.
This.  And don't let people borrow your stuff.
"I bathe in AES carts."


Or...have friends you can actually trust your stuff.



Is it possible the guy didn't actually get a deal? A lot of people like to talk about epic scores for some meaningless collectard rep.


Quote from: Jinxed on 08/15/2015, 04:13 PMyeah selling you're cables was a douche move for sure but whats wrong with a guy making a little money if he got a deal on something. who are you all kidding, most of us would do the same.
The thread is about a friend he helped out turning into a dick. Trying to get him for $400 which was a ~2,000% profit markup given that he paid $20 (all made possible cause he took advantage of an ole grandma on the cheap, but then turned around and tried for max profit markup for his friend, etc.), and then selling it off to somebody else for $350 WITH the man's cables that he lent to him, etc.

Yes, his friend does indeed qualify as a dick...

You apparently claim a ~1,750% (from $20 to $350) profit markup constitutes "a guy making a little money..." That's apparently how you choose to portray this particular situation... What would've been a lot or excessive in your frame of mind then ?

He got it for $20 because the grandma was nice and didn't have crazed dollar signs in her eyes knowing about eBay and all the crazed big spenders that would be willing to throw that much more money at it... So the generosity and ignorance by her is taken advantage of, and he shits on his friend who gave him cables to be able to play the stuff - who he knew was interested in owning it - and you think there was no criticism to be levied here beyond making off with the cables ?? Interesting...

QuoteIf you cant afford it dont buy it, its not the end of the world.
While thinly veiled, this is in actuality just the ole "just shut up" argument every last reseller resorts to in order to escape criticism, shut down commentary, etc. Don't like the price, don't buy it, and just shut about it, quit your whining, no negative comments allowed, etc.


wow i can tell you have very strong feelings on this subject haha!!
"What would've been a lot or excessive in your frame of mind then?"
How would i know, if he sold the items for the going rate whats the problem. Apart from selling his cables was there any laws broken? no.

"While thinly veiled, this is in actuality just the ole "just shut up" argument every last reseller resorts to in order to escape criticism, shut down commentary, etc. Don't like the price, don't buy it, and just shut about it, quit your whining, no negative comments allowed, etc."

Im not a reseller!!



Quote from: Jinxed on 08/16/2015, 12:55 AM"What would've been a lot or excessive in your frame of mind then?"
How would i know, if he sold the items for the going rate whats the problem.
You ask "How would I know?" in response to what would be "a lot" or "excessive" in your mind, yet you confidently claimed this was all just a guy making "a little money" with first going for a 2,000% markup on his friend, but getting a 1,750% markup with a stranger... Apparently don't care that the grandma didn't get the "going rate" but it was great that he scored it at the expense of his friend and his cables...

Quote from: Jinxed on 08/16/2015, 12:55 AMApart from selling his cables was there any laws broken? no.
Who the hell said there was a law broken and why should moral or ethical judgement be limited to whether or not his actions are considered legal or illegal by any government ?? Pffft.

Once again, attempting to shut down any criticism and now based on selectively bringing legality into a simple judgment on a "friend's" actions... Weird.

"Uh, durrr, well, well, um, it wasn't illegal, so, yeah, lay off the guy!!!"

Yeah, great argument... This is about if his friend is a dick or not. I say yes!

Quote from: Jinxed on 08/16/2015, 12:55 AMIm not a reseller!!
Not a reseller, but sure are willing to be a reseller apologist!


I had a friend once. I lent him my nes and games. Good games. It was in an official Nintendo control deck case that was not cheap. Had a big Perspex lid and slots for games at the back. Then he disappeared. I find him on Facebook a couple of years later. Send him a message asking for it back. Ignores me.

GreatBlue Swirlof99

Quote from: wildfruit on 08/16/2015, 03:16 AMI had a friend once. I lent him my nes and games. Good games. It was in an official Nintendo control deck case that was not cheap. Had a big Perspex lid and slots for games at the back. Then he disappeared. I find him on Facebook a couple of years later. Send him a message asking for it back. Ignores me.
Wow what an ass :(! Why don't you call the police cuz he stole it after you lent it! But yeah it's a sad day for us retro gamers! I went to this my charity shop and I looked at the games  and guess I saw a woman looking at the N64 games(just dumb sports games ) and she took out a soccer game and I was like cool I never seen a girl that collects games :) (didn't tell her ) but then she took out her IPhone and wrote the name of teh game and went on eBay(yes eBay what a loser!) and looked at the first price (I think it was 3.99) and she saw the game costed more than eBay offered it for So she put it away and took out another game (I started to glare at her, what a douche right?(the girl!)) and the first listing was 7$ and they were selling it at 5$ so she bought it! This is just not cool at all! Although I did get Chu Chu Rocket and Star Wars Racers Ep.1 for Dreamcast (both working, chu Chu was complete and star wars was loose disc for only 5$ a deal really!)
The Dreamcast is still alive, so go play it before it kills your family!


Quote from: GreatBlueSwirlof99 on 08/16/2015, 07:35 AM
Quote from: wildfruit on 08/16/2015, 03:16 AMI had a friend once. I lent him my nes and games. Good games. It was in an official Nintendo control deck case that was not cheap. Had a big Perspex lid and slots for games at the back. Then he disappeared. I find him on Facebook a couple of years later. Send him a message asking for it back. Ignores me.
Wow what an ass :(! Why don't you call the police cuz he stole it after you lent it!
Because under English law it's not a theft it's a civil court matter l. Its been too long now to sue him. 7 year limit.

GreatBlue Swirlof99

Quote from: wildfruit on 08/16/2015, 07:56 AM
Quote from: GreatBlueSwirlof99 on 08/16/2015, 07:35 AM
Quote from: wildfruit on 08/16/2015, 03:16 AMI had a friend once. I lent him my nes and games. Good games. It was in an official Nintendo control deck case that was not cheap. Had a big Perspex lid and slots for games at the back. Then he disappeared. I find him on Facebook a couple of years later. Send him a message asking for it back. Ignores me.
Wow what an ass :(! Why don't you call the police cuz he stole it after you lent it!
Because under English law it's not a theft it's a civil court matter l. Its been too long now to sue him. 7 year limit.
Oh I didn't know that, well sorry for your loss! :(
The Dreamcast is still alive, so go play it before it kills your family!


Quote from: NightWolve on 08/16/2015, 01:27 AM
Quote from: Jinxed on 08/16/2015, 12:55 AM"What would've been a lot or excessive in your frame of mind then?"
How would i know, if he sold the items for the going rate whats the problem.
You ask "How would I know?" in response to what would be "a lot" or "excessive" in your mind, yet you confidently claimed this was all just a guy making "a little money" with first going for a 2,000% markup on his friend, but getting a 1,750% markup with a stranger... Apparently don't care that the grandma didn't get the "going rate" but it was great that he scored it at the expense of his friend and his cables...

Quote from: Jinxed on 08/16/2015, 12:55 AMApart from selling his cables was there any laws broken? no.
Who the hell said there was a law broken and why should moral or ethical judgement be limited to whether or not his actions are considered legal or illegal by any government ?? Pffft.

Once again, attempting to shut down any criticism and now based on selectively bringing legality into a simple judgment on a "friend's" actions... Weird.

"Uh, durrr, well, well, um, it wasn't illegal, so, yeah, lay off the guy!!!"

Yeah, great argument... This is about if his friend is a dick or not. I say yes!

Quote from: Jinxed on 08/16/2015, 12:55 AMIm not a reseller!!
Not a reseller, but sure are willing to be a reseller apologist!
lol you come off a real idiot and i think you missed the point of my post.

when i say "If you cant afford it dont buy it, its not the end of the world." I was speaking from my point of view not anyone elses.
it is how i feel when it comes to purchasing things.
There are plenty of games i would like to buy, castlevania and some other cd games for example but there is no way i can justify spending $1000 plus for a handfull of games. Its not the end of the world, owning these items are not going to change my life. someone else owns them and keeps them safe on a shelf.....good at least they will be preserved.

you have different ideas on whats morally right or wrong, thats life buddy get over it.
anyway say what ever im done discussing it with you, i did not mean to 
offend anyone in my first comment.


Quote from: Jinxed on 08/16/2015, 03:04 PMlol you come off a real idiot and i think you missed the point of my post.

when i say "If you cant afford it dont buy it, its not the end of the world." I was speaking from my point of view not anyone elses.
it is how i feel when it comes to purchasing things.
There are plenty of games i would like to buy, castlevania and some other cd games for example but there is no way i can justify spending $1000 plus for a handfull of games. Its not the end of the world, owning these items are not going to change my life. someone else owns them and keeps them safe on a shelf.....good at least they will be preserved.

you have different ideas on whats morally right or wrong, thats life buddy get over it.
anyway say what ever im done discussing it with you, i did not mean to 
offend anyone in my first comment.
The only real idiot here is you. Who has the "strong feelings" now ?? And BTW, when deciding to attack my intelligence or somebody else's, it would help if you didn't type like a 3 year old, chief... Apparently you still think it's "Internet cool" to intentionally leave out apostrophes ??

Anyway, why would I misinterpret your opinion as not being your opinion and that of somebody else instead ? Again, another asinine point, much like defending this situation by bringing governmental legality into it and reminding us that, "Uh, um, durrr, well, it wasn't illegal so he's not a dick, lay off the guy!" Regardless, when your "opinion" is a shared opinion and a popular one resellers and/or reseller apologists use, it might just get pointed out... It is not a "unique" opinion just because you adopted it or think you're the only one that ever came up with it...

escarioth wanted to vent that his friend (now ex-friend I presume) IS in fact a dick, so that's what he did, GET OVER IT! That others agree he's in fact a dick is something that you also need to get over since you're on the subject of lecturing in that vein... Does indeed sound like you're the same kind of dick as his friend, BTW.


I'm surprised so many people on here seem to have friends interested in retro video games. Even the guys who really love video games, don't go any further back than N64/PS1. On the plus side, no one ever asks to borrow anything!

On a side note, I have noticed on my local Craig's List that many people are selling disc games loose more often than complete. I see whole lots of Wii and GC games with not a single game case. What's up with that? I assume this is some reseller tactic since the prices are obviously straight from ebay, but I haven't figured it out yet. I even saw one guy with a pile of Wii game cases and a description, "game disc only".


to think, not so long ago, a number of us were super happy cause of emulators. Not having to deal with clutter, being able to play everything in one magical device.
Gaming since 1985


damn, what a jerk for not giving you a bro price if he bought it for 20 bucks? i can understand wanting to sell the bundle for a little more than he paid for but 400?? especially to a good friend and with you cables?

man, games can make people greedy


Quote from: Jinxed on 08/16/2015, 03:04 PMlol you come off a real idiot
Learn to use punctuation, capitalization, carriage returns, etc.  Glass houses, brah, glass houses

Quote from: Jinxed on 08/16/2015, 03:04 PMi did not mean to offend anyone in my first comment.
Too late, douche.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: NecroPhile on 08/17/2015, 10:17 AM
Quote from: Jinxed on 08/16/2015, 03:04 PMi did not mean to offend anyone in my first comment.
Too late, douche.
Hey!  I am a douche and I am offended that you would compare me to that guy.
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)
