@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Your top 5

Started by benlefou, 05/29/2016, 01:38 PM

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So what is everyone's top 5 PCE games? I know a lot of people's answers will probably be the obvious choices but I would be interested as to why you have chosen them. Please list them in order, number 1 being your top pick.
A PC Engine blog.


Tricky Kick
Tricky Kick
Tricky Kick
Tricky Kick

Tricky Kick


Quote from: TurboXray on 05/29/2016, 05:27 PMTricky Kick
Tricky Kick
Tricky Kick
Tricky Kick

Tricky Kick
That game really is tricky!  ;_;

Just the hucards for now...

Bomberman 94 -
I much prefer the music in 93 and the first bomberman.  But this one just has a lot of polish and much better presentation.  The 5 player battles is really where it is at but even the single player story mode is great fun.

Magical Chase -
There is just something about this game that I truly find a magical element to it.  I had owned this long before it was known to be rare and pricey and even back then I was wooed by its charms.  I just think some of those music tracks along with the simple but clever 2D tricks that make the graphics really stand out. Gameplay is tight and solid once you understand the strategy of using Ripples Topsy and Turvy star options.

Valkyrie no Densetsu - 
This game has a lot of meat to the gameplay and its a somewhat lengthy affair the music is great too and although the arcade gameplay and graphics have been chopped somewhat.

Daichikun no Crisis - 
A harvest moon type game with strategy elements and simplistic farm sim in one game.  It's got a lengthy playtime and has some originality to the gameplay which makes it quite a unique title.

Tower of Druaga -
great dungeon crawling goodness and lengthy play time, tricky puzzles. The english translation patch adds immensely


Pc Denjin
Lords/Winds of Thunder
Pc Genjin 2
Soldier Blade
Street Fighter 2


Ys. Everything about the series is absolutely fantastic. Music I listen to on the way to work. Action that mixes the best of what makes Zelda and Diablo so addictive today, but we got it all yesterday!
1. Keith Courage. Love this game so much. Nostalgia Goggles for certain.
2. Street Fighter 2. Wowed that it was on PC Engine back in the day. One of my all time favorite games on any console/arcade/PC/etc.
3. Gunhed. Really feels like I'm playing an arcade game at home when I turn this one on.
4. Soldier Blade. That Music!
Keith Courage is #1. Alpha Zone inhabitant for life. Thanks to this forum for rejuvenating and continuing my interest in all things Obey.


1. Gate of Thunder - I go back and forth as to whether this or M.U.S.H.A. on the Genesis is my favorite shmup.
2. Dragon's Curse - A very underrated early Metroidvania and one of my favorites of the genre.
3. Seirei Senshi Spriggan - Some of Compile's best work.
4. Devil's Crush - This is how you do pinball in a video game.
5. Gomola Speed - Bizarre, inventive, and a blast to play.  I wish we saw more games this creative.


Ys (all)
Thunder (both)
Crush (both)
Soldier (all)
Bomberman (all)
Ninja Spirit

That's six (ish). Sue me. :)


Tengai Makyou Fuun Kabuki Den
Ys I & II
Legend of Xanadu II
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Bomber man 94
Dungeon explorer


Chi no Rondo
Tengai Makyou Fuun Kabuki Den

I hope someday I could add Manji Maru to the list...


Lords of Thunder
Soldier Blade
Dragon Slayer


No order

Air Zonk
Bonk 2
Rondo of blood
Mr Heli
Soldier Blade

Extra 5...

Parasol stars
Bomberman 94
Ninja Gaiden
Super dodgeball


5 is so short!

2nd 5 would be:

Air Zonk
Bonk 2
Keith Courage is #1. Alpha Zone inhabitant for life. Thanks to this forum for rejuvenating and continuing my interest in all things Obey.


galaga 88
chuka taisen
gomola speed



beyond shadowgate
bonk 3 CD
camp california
night creatures


Solider Blade

possibly best shooter of it's era. top quality graphics, amazing catchy and memorable soundtrack that perfectly suits the game, perfect challenge level. Was exhilarating to 1cc this game.

Dracula X

I haven't been able to get into any castlevania game previous to this. gameplay is tight with interesting bossfights and level design, art is some of the best of any game. when you play this it just feels special.

Legendary Axe

Combination of aesthetic, theme, and music create a very unique and pleasing AV experience. Gameplay is perfectly tight and rewarding-ly challenging. Another unique and special experience.

Gekisha/Photo Boy

Another awesome unique/special experience with tight gameplay and a very pleasing aesthetic style. Nothing really compares - it's the best at what it does. Loads of fun taking turns with friends.

Can't decide on a 5th - runners up: Magical Chase, Gate of Thunder, Lords of Thunder, Bazaru de Gozaru


Awesome picks so far! Not as many of the obvious choices as I thought!

As I'm still quite new to the system I'm still in the process of playing my small library of games (about 50) but I would definitely include 2 games on my list:

Super Star Soldier: As much as Soldier Blade is such a masterpiece I have a massive soft spot for SSS, it's easily the PCE game I have put most hours into and it got me hooked on shooters! It was my first game for the system and its totally badass, everything is spot on and I come back to it time and time again. I did aquire Soldier Blade a few months ago and also loved it, a very polished and perfect example of the Shooter, one for the ages but SSS just tops it for me!

Image Fight: This is another game I just couldn't stop playing, it's such an engaging experience and just hooked me from the moment I flipped the ON switch on my Supergrafx! I'd heard of its reputation for being tough which initially put me off buying it due to me being a STG noob, but I found it a very fair challenge and really felt like I had kicked ass by the time I finished it! It's sequal is also amazing and actually not as hard as people make out!
A PC Engine blog.


Quote from: poponon on 05/30/2016, 12:29 PMLegendary Axe
As much as I have tried to like this game I just can't. I know a lot of people have nostalgia for it which I don't so maybe that's why. It is a good game but I got frustrated with it, I much prefer the 2nd game, love the asthetics and atmosphere. Maybe I will go back to the original and put more time into it!
A PC Engine blog.


Quote from: benlefou on 05/30/2016, 03:36 PM
Quote from: poponon on 05/30/2016, 12:29 PMLegendary Axe
As much as I have tried to like this game I just can't. I know a lot of people have nostalgia for it which I don't so maybe that's why. It is a good game but I got frustrated with it, I much prefer the 2nd game, love the asthetics and atmosphere. Maybe I will go back to the original and put more time into it!
While Legendary Axe II is, indeed, a fantastic game, you really should give Legendary Axe another chance—it is a truly marvelous game (flaws and all).


Quote from: benlefou on 05/30/2016, 03:36 PM
Quote from: poponon on 05/30/2016, 12:29 PMLegendary Axe
As much as I have tried to like this game I just can't. I know a lot of people have nostalgia for it which I don't so maybe that's why. It is a good game but I got frustrated with it, I much prefer the 2nd game, love the asthetics and atmosphere. Maybe I will go back to the original and put more time into it!
Legendary axe 2 was good but it really doesn't compare to the first for me. The gameplay and level design didn't seem as polished or interesting or challenging. The aesthetic was pretty cool but I prefer that of legendary axe 1. the control and gameplay just feels perfect imo. And I definitely have a sweet spot for the artsyle - the aesthetic , theme, and music really create a pretty unique experience. Like  a dark prehistoric fantasy. (prehistoric fantasy is one of my favorite if not most favorite theme)


1: Dungeon Explorer 2

Death to Natas ... HAIL NATAS!!

2: Neutopia 2

Absolutely love this style of game. Neutopia 2 is bigger brighter and better, newer features compared to the first.

3: Gate of Thunder

My favorite side scrolling shooter

4: Super Star Soldier

I know, it's not Soldier Blade, but dang, I for some reason like this one more.

5: Cosmic Fantasy 2

I know, I know, wtf right? I rather enjoy these types of old school RPG's and I really liked the story of this game. However, between the entire Y's series from 1-4 is available to us and how great it is, I still dream of having the rest of the Cosmic Fantasy series translated as well.


In no particular order: Magicoal, Basted, Hatris, Steam Hearts, and Bazzy.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


no order here

Cross Wiber
Bonk's Revenge
Ninja Spirit
Military Madness
Soldier Blade

Valis III
Gate of Thunder
Ryaxanber III

ugh, this is difficult, I want to put Anesan in there somewhere


Gate of Thunder
Lords of Thunder
Bonk's Adventure
Bonk's Revenge
Parasol Stars

Shit...five is really difficult. You can swap any one of those with Dragon's Curse, Bomberman, Rondo of Blood, Ys, Dungeon Explorer, Bloody Wolf, Soldier Blade, Blazing Lazers, Super Star Soldier, New Adventure Island...and probably a dozen others that I'm forgetting.


I find it a shame that poponon wasn't able to get into the CV games prior to Rondo. I hope he has at least given the X68000/Chronicles CV a whirl; for what it's worth, I believe it's the best "Classicvania" in the entire series, and magnifies Rondo's strengths 10-fold (being years earlier than Rondo).


Gradius II

-Top-form Konami, arguably improving upon the arcade original with some technical tweaks, changing hitboxes, enemy patterns/behaviors, and so on, while leaving the core excellence of Gradius intact.

Castlevania Chi no Rondo

-Despite the above, this is still an excellent CV game, even if a few of its rooms feel a bit padded (fight the same large enemy multiple times in a room). Still, this is Konami's CV abilities at their prime, and cannot be ignored.

Popful Mail
Ys Book I&II

-two Falcom RPGs heavy on the dungeon-crawling, bright and colorful, to lots of creativity to boot. Ys is about perfect, presentation-wise, though its progression sometimes suffers from "hug the walls until you find that hidden passageway for game-progressing item." Popful Mail is pure pleasantness.

Image Fight II

-Irem improved upon the HuCard predecessor in every conceivable way, sans perhaps the memorable punch of the first. The bosses are more aggressive, especially on the hellish hard mode. Most importantly, the hitbox, which was achingly huge in the PCE port (larger than the arcade version, which made balancing the game to the AC impossible; proof: they cut out the entire second loop). This is a console-minded shooter with all of the Irem toughness without the unfairness that sometimes plagues tough PCE shooters (looking at you, the still-excellent Rayxanber II). This game is though not anywhere near as hard as some reviews make it out to be. The reduced hitbox alone makes it a solid cruise for at least 3 levels.

Though that last one can be a toss-up with Valis (if I am in the right mood to consider Valis the best of the best), or Dungeon Explorer II (I need to spend more time with this one). I bet if I understood Japanese, I would feel more fond towards perennial favorites like the Xanadu games (couldn't get in to either of them, even with FAQs; cheers to the translation boys, I'm rooting for you!!!), Emerald Dragon, and the Eden games. And weird outliers like Neo metal Fantasy (which I don't think is anyone's favorite game...?).

Not Favorite at All:
-Anything made by Right Stuff; what a waste of printed CDs they oversaw
-A Telenet game not named Valis or XZR; an arguably bigger waste of printed CDs - not to mention a near infinite number of games across other systems.* Overwhelmingly so, popping in a Telenet/Riot CD is a crash course in the eternal question: What the hell were they thinking? Were they thinking?

Quote from: guest on 05/31/2016, 10:43 AMIn no particular order: Magicoal, Basted, Hatris, Steam Hearts, and Bazzy.
Very strange choices, though Magicoal is a fairly good game (thus far; I haven't beaten it yet). What's there to like about Basted, other than its sweet-looking cinemas? Just curious. Steam Hearts, once you take away the hentai, is just a bizarrely-constructed game.

*sans Wolf Team's output: Granada and El Viento, compared to the usual Telenet fare, are heroic achievements


ah man, I love most telenet games even if they're kind of garbagey.


Quote from: EmperorIng on 05/31/2016, 10:30 PMVery strange choices...
Not when you view them in the context of this being the umpteenth thread asking for everyone's favorites.  I could parrot the typical best-of list and say Gate of Thunder, Lords of Thunder, Ys, Beyond Shadowgate, Dungeon Explorer 2, Legend of Xanadu, Bonk, etc., but what's the point?  Other's will mention 'em anyway, and people need to branch out and try something different, even if it's not an flawless A+ title.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Lol, read you loud and clear. As long as it's not Right Stuff. They were best used to be farmed out to make custscenes for superior games.


more like wrong stufffffffffffffffff


I'll go "Favorite games when owned the system" rather than roms i've discovered years later that i knew nothing about as a TG16 owner

1. Ys 1 and 2 - most fun i've had playing an RPG
2. JB Harold Murder Club - it was just really well done and fun
3. Blazing Lazers - such killer music
4. Moto Roader - 5 player action, which friends and I did alot of, was a blast. The upgrading was great.
5. Final Lap Twin - a racing RPG - awesome!
"I saw this wino, he was eating grapes. I was like, "Dude, you have to wait." - hedberg


1. Ultrabox
2. Ultrabox 2
3. Ultrabox 3
4. Ultrabox 4
5. Ultrabox 5
Quote from: some block off youtubeIn one episode, Dodongo c-walks out of a convenience store with a 40 at 7:40 AM, steals an arcade machine from an auction, haggles in Spanish for a stuffed papa smurf to use as a sex toy, and buys Secret of Mana for a dollar.


Not one of the Karaoke CD Vol.s? For shame.


Top 5

Wonderboy III : Monster World (best 2-player co-op)

Timeball (best puzzle + rolling ball extravaganza)

Somer Assault (best puzzle + aggressive slinky fiasco)

Valis II (best soundtrack + atmosphere + cinema + mediocre platforming)

Hero Tonma (closest thing to Karnov on TG-16)


Quote from: guest on 06/01/2016, 10:44 AM
Quote from: EmperorIng on 05/31/2016, 10:30 PMVery strange choices...
Not when you view them in the context of this being the umpteenth thread asking for everyone's favorites.  I could parrot the typical best-of list and say Gate of Thunder, Lords of Thunder, Ys, Beyond Shadowgate, Dungeon Explorer 2, Legend of Xanadu, Bonk, etc., but what's the point?  Other's will mention 'em anyway, and people need to branch out and try something different, even if it's not an flawless A+ title.
I got the implication that this is what OP was asking for - what we thought was the best on the system. I'd give some very different answers if it was personal favorites. I think there is a point in highlighting the best the console has to offer though especially if they are new to the library. Gives a good starting point - see which games get mentioned the most and start with those.

I think for personal favorites I'd have to go with:

Genji Tsuushin Agedema
Bazaru de Gozaru
Mad Stalker Full Metal Force
Kaze Kiri
Horror Story

some runners-up: Cho aniki, Mizubaku Daibouken , Kabuki Ittou Ryoudan


Keith Courage
China Warrior


Actually my top 5 is

1. Winds of Thunder
2. Lords of Thuner
3. WOT
4. LOT
5. I can't remember the name but it's this "hori shmup" where you play as a flying knight and you can pick from four different armour types Earth, Fire, Wind and Water. During the game you collect crystals to be used as money to buy various upgrades from a shop at the beginning of each level. The name escapes me but I think Thunder is in the name somewhere.
Quote from: some block off youtubeIn one episode, Dodongo c-walks out of a convenience store with a 40 at 7:40 AM, steals an arcade machine from an auction, haggles in Spanish for a stuffed papa smurf to use as a sex toy, and buys Secret of Mana for a dollar.


Quote from: Otaking on 06/02/2016, 09:39 AM5. I can't remember the name but it's this "hori shmup" where you play as a flying knight and you can pick from four different armour types Earth, Fire, Wind and Water. During the game you collect crystals to be used as money to buy various upgrades from a shop at the beginning of each level. The name escapes me but I think Thunder is in the name somewhere.
toilet kids?


Quote from: Otaking on 06/02/2016, 09:39 AMActually my top 5 is

1. Winds of Thunder
2. Lords of Thuner
3. WOT
4. LOT
5. I can't remember the name but it's this "hori shmup" where you play as a flying knight and you can pick from four different armour types Earth, Fire, Wind and Water. During the game you collect crystals to be used as money to buy various upgrades from a shop at the beginning of each level. The name escapes me but I think Thunder is in the name somewhere.
if you ever have to sell your copy, will you actually describe it as "covered in semen"?
you probably should mention that.


here's the crap that never goes out of rotation at my place:  new adventure island, bonk's adventure, blazing lazers, air zonk

they be calling me like crack call pookie