PC Engine Homebrew News: The duo that brought you FX-Unit Yuki returns! A demo for "Nyanja!" is available, an action platformer akin to games like Bubble Bobble & Snow Bros in gameplay style.
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Started by Psycho Punch, 06/24/2016, 07:39 PM

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Psycho Punch

I honestly still don't believe these were actually available in any form during the 90's. These games, I mean:


This is nuts. Assuming they aren't just CD+G discs, I cannot believe that a company went to the trouble of reverse engineering TTi games to do a bait and switch scam (lol $89 for a poor slideshow). Maybe someone leaked the documentation to them? Wasn't manufacturing Duo discs complicated (in the HU7 docs it mentions HD arrays as a disk emulator and mastering via magnetic tapes)?

Who is Excite Software Corp.? A mail-order only company (where did they advertise)? A TTi employee trying to earn extra on the side? Someone with too much time on his hands?

It honestly feels like this is a proto-homebrew that was made post 1995, but I'll let the older members answer my questions.
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


Not CD-Gs. Not fake. And, if you compare to other porn software, not expensive either.

How they actually got made is something I'm very interested in myself too though.

Joe Redifer

Why is Bikini Girls way more expensive? The girls on the other two games are also in bikinis.


Who was this product for? I looked up a play through if you can call it that. Pretty sure prono tapes would have been much cheaper. I would love to find out the history of these "games",  but I'm sure they were made by a fly by night company.


Quote from: Arbitern1 on 06/25/2016, 09:16 AMWho was this product for? I looked up a play through if you can call it that. Pretty sure prono tapes would have been much cheaper. I would love to find out the history of these "games",  but I'm sure they were made by a fly by night company.
This is what I have been wondering since I first learned they existed (late 90's).

I understand lo-fi computer porn (digitized photos)... it is convenient. Even if it was lo-fi.

But... were the DUO titles targeted at desperate, horny DUO owners who had no confidence and were quintessential dorks?


Yup, they were targeting ALL TurboGrafx-CD and DUO owners.


I'm glad I didn't have a duo back then other wise this would have been another drunken titty mistake.


I think the cost over a porno tape is due to the novelty aspect of playing a nudie video game.  This added a premium, for what was essentially access to something relatively new at the time.  I remember playing strip poker and Stroker on my friend's dad's computer and being entertained for hours.

You also have to remember that access to porn pre-2000 was entirely different.  Since it is hard to turn your head in any direction in 2016 without seeing a cum shot, you have to remember it wasn't always that way.  Even as recently as the mid 90s I remember being a middle schooler on a hunt for good porn.  Everyone had that friend who had a dad with magazines or videos, or would secretly watch late night Cinemax, or scrambled Spice Network.  Those were the days.


A CD-ROM full of porn for $100 was not uncommon back then. Porno VHS was cheap as hell ($7-30 per tape during that time) but you do have to consider that there was a time when people actually paid for software. Many PC CDROMs had pricing like this.

As to the origin...this is a wild theory, but these are all Hawaii. Hawaii is the halfway point between the US and Japan (more or less). It seems possible that the programming "skill" could have come from either direction.


How much did those porno 3DO titles sell for when they came out? I only ever saw them (and computer porn discs) in news segments in TV.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


My real problem with it is the fact that they are literally just slideshows. No dialogue options or any interactivity. It kinda defeats the whole point of it. How often do copies of these games come up for sale nowadays? I'd never heard of these before now.


Quote from: Arbitern1 on 06/26/2016, 02:19 AMMy real problem with it is the fact that they are literally just slideshows. No dialogue options or any interactivity. It kinda defeats the whole point of it. How often do copies of these games come up for sale nowadays? I'd never heard of these before now.
Raison D'être:
An automatic slideshow is perfect when you are aggressively manipulating your joystick.

Alternate Universe:
I agree—if these titles were actually digital comics/interactive entertainment, then they would be far more interesting. Sure, the novelty value may wear thin quickly, but it wouldn't be nearly as boring as a slideshow.




Why is the last one $150?

Are any of the pictures recycled/reused across all three titles?

Do we have any confirmed testimonies of these titles actually being sold in retail shops?

I don't remember ever seeing these titles, ever. Mail-order/retail...never saw them, ever.

Would a retail chain (like, say, Software Etc.) have carried a title like this? Present evidence for and against.

No way ToysRUs and kindred chains would carry this title.

DISCLAIMER: Now, I don't actually think that some enigmatic, rinky-dink publisher like Excite Software would actually be in a position to get its product into national chains...but it is fun to think about the policies of these chains.


Yeah, I can't remember when I first heard of these, probably on this forum. However that's true of a lot of things.

Did TZD sell them? I can't remember. I had all the catalogs mailed to me back in the day.


Another thought, is most of this stuff is pretty softcore compared to what's available online today. You're essentially looking at 240p GIF images of babes, with pixellation due to the limited pallet. I imagine much of it would be bikini shots, possibly bare chest shots if you're really lucky. Compared to actual games like Strip Fighter, where there is reward for playing, you're just looking at non-explicit softcore nudity or possibly even tamer PG-13 shots of woment in bikinis, at much lower resolution than say you would find in a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. With instant HD gratification for free on the internet, I imagine it would be hard to get off to any of it, and just watching a slide show would IMO be boring. I bet anyone buying this today as a collector would probably put it in their Duo, watch it one time, be like "Mmmm-kayy..." and take the disc out to place on a shelf, never to be inserted again.

I own a number of "adult" oriented video games, Beat Em and Custer's for Atari, and a repro with all three Panesian titles on NES, as well as Famicom Soap Panic and AV Pachinko from Hacker International. I've also got a sealed Strip Fighter II on the way; can't wait to pop the shrink wrap on it. To me the allure of "adult" titles for retro systems is the sheer cheesiness of the gameplay as well as the pixellated graphics in the money shots. It can be quite comical, especially to imagine that some poor kid, or kid's parent somewhere in some place in time actually tried to fap holding a joystick in one hand and a manstick in the other.

Sitting through a borderline PG-13 to softcore slide show would do nothing for me. In fact it would not surprise me to learn that a recent mainstream flick like DeadPool had more tit shots in it than these vintage slideshows. No comic relief of crudely drawn strippers during gameplay intermission because there is no gameplay. In fact crudely drawn 8-bit pr0n is far more hilareous than 16-bit digitized photos of real centerfolds simply because how non-erotic it is. So realism in 16-bit or 32-bit CD systems won't have the same effect. With palletization and low 240p resolution, it really hits a low point in the uncanny valley.
~From the Nintendo/Atari addict formerly known as StarDust4Ever...


Speak for yourself. Strip Fighter II is absolute boner Kryptonite for me personally. Anti-erotic. It would be like jerking off to episodes of Super Jail.

"How hard it gets my dick" was probably not the issue to begin with. At this point in time you could buy porn depicting anything imaginable on (tens of thousands of) VHS and also some LD, stuff taped off cable, etc. Maybe it's just for people who like to see ladies in bikinis in their Duo. A couple of years ago I bought a karaoke CD from one of my favorite rap groups, Doomtree, just because I wanted to see shitty graphics of them on my Duo even though I've see them live, as a group or individually, probably 20 times.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 06/26/2016, 01:49 PMSpeak for yourself. Strip Fighter II is absolute boner Kryptonite for me personally. Anti-erotic. It would be like jerking off to episodes of Super Jail.
I specifically said the graphics were more in the laughable department, not erotic. It's funny to me. I don't actually get off to 8- or 16-bit nudity, that's just weird, and anybody who does I feel sorry for! :oops:

Sometimes it is fun to play bad games. I actually beat it the other night playing on my Everdrive on default difficulty with a stock Turbopad. The game is pretty bad with a two button pad but plays decent enough with my Cthulhu arcade stick in six button mode. Still not terribly hard to annihilate my opponents once I discovered how to execute Amanda's tit slamming move. Those massive mammaries do major hurt on opponents. Kind of hilarious in a way watching a skinny little bean pole getting her ass slammed by giant gozongas. Say what you will, but that makes for some hilarious gameplay! :P
~From the Nintendo/Atari addict formerly known as StarDust4Ever...


I'm all over that henshin engine tho. Now that's cute stuff.


There are actual unlicensed interactive porn games made for PC Engine. These bikini discs were made by and for the United States. They were intended to be a gimmick product. Whenever a new medium shows up, all kinds of stuff like this comes out.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Stardust pays for cheaply made 1980s video game porn...

We learn more about you every day, bud.


Quote from: StarDust4Ever on 06/26/2016, 02:00 PM...I actually beat it with a Turbopad the other night on default difficulty.
I hope you cleaned up the mess.

Dried semen can cause buttons to stick.



Quote from: esteban on 06/26/2016, 02:12 PM
Quote from: StarDust4Ever on 06/26/2016, 02:00 PM...I actually beat it with a Turbopad the other night on default difficulty.
I hope you cleaned up the mess.

Dried semen can cause buttons to stick.
I read that the exact same way.  Then beat it with the phone in my hand.

Psycho Punch

This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


Quote from: TheClash603 on 06/26/2016, 02:36 PM
Quote from: esteban on 06/26/2016, 02:12 PM
Quote from: StarDust4Ever on 06/26/2016, 02:00 PM...I actually beat it with a Turbopad the other night on default difficulty.
I hope you cleaned up the mess.

Dried semen can cause buttons to stick.
I read that the exact same way.  Then beat it with the phone in my hand.
I was performing a mod and had an accident with the Elmers. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!
:-& :oops:

Quote from: Psycho Punch on 06/26/2016, 03:24 PM
Quote from: StarDust4Ever on 06/26/2016, 12:48 PMI own a number of "adult" oriented video games,
trap sprung
:---) :-#

Quote from: PukeSter on 06/26/2016, 02:10 PMStardust pays for cheaply made 1980s video game porn...

We learn more about you every day, bud.
](*,) #-o
~From the Nintendo/Atari addict formerly known as StarDust4Ever...


I WANT AN ANSWER, and I know that 89% of the forum can answer it:

Are the photos of each disc unique? Or is some content repeated?

Thank you.


Quote from: esteban on 06/26/2016, 09:17 PMI WANT AN ANSWER, and I know that 89% of the forum can answer it:

Are the photos of each disc unique? Or is some content repeated?

Thank you.
I own all 3, but they are still packed from when I moved.  I do not recall and would be fappy to look for you if no one else answers in the next day or two.  This is finally the motivation I needed to unpack more.


Yeah, I was wondering if maybe the expensive one was a compilation of the other two.


Quote from: TheClash603 on 06/26/2016, 09:24 PM
Quote from: esteban on 06/26/2016, 09:17 PMI WANT AN ANSWER, and I know that 89% of the forum can answer it:

Are the photos of each disc unique? Or is some content repeated?

Thank you.
I own all 3, but they are still packed from when I moved.  I do not recall and would be fappy to look for you if no one else answers in the next day or two.  This is finally the motivation I needed to unpack more.
This is why I love you. :)

I would be very fappy if I had these discs, too.

What's funny is that I just am curious how much (little?) effort went into creating these discs.

Also, wouldn't it be neat if we knew that Excite Media recycled all this stuff for CD-i, 3DO, MS-DOS, etc.



There are Duomazov reviews of at least a couple, so I assume that all three are unique.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


I decided I would unpack my TG16 games tonight so I could watch and report further on these discs.  When I packed, apparently I put half of my TG16 games in one box, and the second half in another.  I made it up to Super Volleyball and then the trail went cold.  I had previously shelved the games by having all unlicensed games at the end of the shelf.

...but for the life of me I can't find box #2, aka box Syd Mead and beyond.  I am sure it isn't lost and will turn up sooner than later, but I have failed the forum in the short term.  We have one room we have thrown all unpacked boxes in and it is horrifying to go into.


Quote from: TheClash603 on 06/27/2016, 12:23 AMI decided I would unpack my TG16 games tonight so I could watch and report further on these discs.  When I packed, apparently I put half of my TG16 games in one box, and the second half in another.  I made it up to Super Volleyball and then the trail went cold.  I had previously shelved the games by having all unlicensed games at the end of the shelf.

...but for the life of me I can't find box #2, aka box Syd Mead and beyond.  I am sure it isn't lost and will turn up sooner than later, but I have failed the forum in the short term.  We have one room we have thrown all unpacked boxes in and it is horrifying to go into.
No problem!

I think you would probably enjoy life if you stay with the games you just unpacked :)

Super Volleyball—I don't think I ever owned that back in the day. It is one of those games that I picked up years later (along with King of Casino) and said, "If I bought this full-price when it was released, I would cried."


Quote from: CrackTiger on 06/26/2016, 11:29 PMThere are Duomazov reviews of at least a couple, so I assume that all three are unique.
Ha! I am surprised that they were given a review :)


I can't be arsed to go through 'em all to check, but I'm pretty sure each uses unique pictures.  They're just a novelty and a quick cash grab, never meant to sell in huge quantities or even necessarily at full MSRP (it's worth $149.95 but is on sale for $79.50, buy now!!!).
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: esteban on 06/26/2016, 07:09 AMTHOUGHT EXPERIMENT:
Would a retail chain (like, say, Software Etc.) have carried a title like this? Present evidence for and against.

No way ToysRUs and kindred chains would carry this title.

DISCLAIMER: Now, I don't actually think that some enigmatic, rinky-dink publisher like Excite Software would actually be in a position to get its product into national chains...but it is fun to think about the policies of these chains.
I worked in a Software, Etc. in the early 90s and while a few of the stores did have a couple of older adult titles (mostly EGA strip poker), they weren't actively carrying them.  Although I seem to remember a copy of a Dragon Knight-esque game (looks like it may have been Knights of Xentar?) showing up at our location.


Yeah, everyone had Xentar. Also...some other etchi POS also associated with PC98, PCE, whatever.

Psycho Punch

What was the name of that dos game again... cobra city, cobra mission? Shittiest game ever but with a decent incentive for playing. :P
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


I didn't mean to derail too much, but the point here being that adult titles did exist, albeit rarely, in mainstream US software outlets contemporary to these collections.


Quote from: SavagePencil on 06/27/2016, 11:04 AM
Quote from: esteban on 06/26/2016, 07:09 AMTHOUGHT EXPERIMENT:
Would a retail chain (like, say, Software Etc.) have carried a title like this? Present evidence for and against.

No way ToysRUs and kindred chains would carry this title.

DISCLAIMER: Now, I don't actually think that some enigmatic, rinky-dink publisher like Excite Software would actually be in a position to get its product into national chains...but it is fun to think about the policies of these chains.
I worked in a Software, Etc. in the early 90s and while a few of the stores did have a couple of older adult titles (mostly EGA strip poker), they weren't actively carrying them.  Although I seem to remember a copy of a Dragon Knight-esque game (looks like it may have been Knights of Xentar?) showing up at our location.
Indeed. :)

I didn't think that Software Etc. would carry a large variety of risqué titles.

Leisure Suit Larry? Probably.



Quote from: esteban on 06/27/2016, 06:59 PMIndeed. :)

I didn't think that Software Etc. would carry a large variety of risqué titles.

Leisure Suit Larry? Probably.

Speaking of LSL, there is an awesome port of Liesure Suit Larry to NES if nobody has experienced this game back in the day, it is worth checking out!

PS - I have no affiliation with RetroUSB; I only am a happy customer who enjoys their products...
~From the Nintendo/Atari addict formerly known as StarDust4Ever...


I would also like to know the origin of these.  Were there even fans of the Duo in Hawaii at the time?  I can't imagine a huge amount of games were even shipped over there.

Interestingly enough, I live in Japan and I actually picked up one of these games in Akihabara for about $10 a couple years ago.  I have also seen them on Yahoo auctions from time to time.  Currently there are two of them on there.

This leads me to believe that they were at least partly intended for the Japanese market, or at least tourists in Hawaii, as they were more likely to have a Duo and/or be more willing to purchase porn like that.

In any case, anyone have a spare of Hawaii Island Girls?  It's the last one I need :D


I just went to Hawaii this year and that is actually a really good theory.  Honolulu is basically Japan #2, the majority of the tourists were definitely Japanese.  I also saw that most of the Japanese tourists weren't on the beaches or hiking, they were out shopping.  These games very well may have been made to cater to the Japanese tourists in Hawaii.  If the print run was in the low thousands, I am sure a few tourist seasons would've cleared out the stock.


Quote from: TheClash603 on 06/28/2016, 01:16 AMI just went to Hawaii this year and that is actually a really good theory.  Honolulu is basically Japan #2, the majority of the tourists were definitely Japanese.  I also saw that most of the Japanese tourists weren't on the beaches or hiking, they were out shopping.  These games very well may have been made to cater to the Japanese tourists in Hawaii.  If the print run was in the low thousands, I am sure a few tourist seasons would've cleared out the stock.
Considering the CD games are region free, it is possible this item could have catered to both US and Japanese citizens. Is there any evidence however to show that these three games were primarily sold in Hawaii and not in the states?
~From the Nintendo/Atari addict formerly known as StarDust4Ever...


Quote from: TheClash603 on 06/28/2016, 01:16 AMI just went to Hawaii this year and that is actually a really good theory.  Honolulu is basically Japan #2, the majority of the tourists were definitely Japanese.  I also saw that most of the Japanese tourists weren't on the beaches or hiking, they were out shopping.  These games very well may have been made to cater to the Japanese tourists in Hawaii.  If the print run was in the low thousands, I am sure a few tourist seasons would've cleared out the stock.
Yeah, that was sorta what I was getting at earlier. Not that specific scenario but something.

There is also a strong military connection between the US and Japan involving Hawaii so maybe it was like...some gaijin stationed in Japan ran into the Games Express guys and they decided to crank out these POS discs realizing that they could at least break even if they could sell the same thing in two regions.

None of that is true, but I expect to see it paraphrased in an eBay auction within the week.


Quote from: TheClash603 on 06/28/2016, 01:16 AMIs there any evidence however to show that these three games were primarily sold in Hawaii and not in the states?
Good point.  Just because they are all about "Hawaii" doesn't mean they are from there.  Although I would tend to believe that they were considering all that I have seen in Japan.  Just who was Excite Corp. anyway..  I don't have my copies with me.  Does the packaging or software have a date or anything on it?


There is something important missing from this discussion.


My personal fav

Psycho Punch

This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


I shouldn't have to explain that the only reason "Hawaii"'is in the title is due to marketing/branding of "smut"...

Horny heterosexual males were the intended target audience...



Quote from: Psycho Punch on 07/03/2016, 12:57 PMIMG
I'd hit it. I love her, chunky pixels and all.

Quote from: Enternal on 07/03/2016, 12:46 PMThere is something important missing from this discussion.


Thank you.

MOAR! (Please :))

I want every single image for each disc. Then I will make animated .gif

...and then...


An animated gif is too convenient.  You need to make a throwback to dial-up days where these low resolution pictures slowly fill in top down, rather than instantly appear.

I miss the era of being hard, getting a little soft waiting for a picture to load, again getting hard once it did, wash, rinse, repeat.  My stamina really benefitted from dial-up, now I am lucky if I even make it past the commercial at the start of the video.


Quote from: TheClash603 on 07/03/2016, 03:24 PMAn animated gif is too convenient.  You need to make a throwback to dial-up days where these low resolution pictures slowly fill in top down, rather than instantly appear.

I miss the era of being hard, getting a little soft waiting for a picture to load, again getting hard once it did, wash, rinse, repeat.  My stamina really benefitted from dial-up, now I am lucky if I even make it past the commercial at the start of the video.
Hahjahahahahajjaja! :)

This is too true.

I remember thinking, "OK, if at least HALF of this image loads (boobies!), I'll be able to unload."

Dial-up: Porn with a compromise.


LOL, I do not miss the days of slow internet. Also the pixellation in those girls is pretty rough. 240p and limited pallet. I'll take it anyway; hopefully the puxels don't chafe too badly... =P~

Quote from: esteban on 07/03/2016, 03:13 PM
Quote from: Psycho Punch on 07/03/2016, 12:57 PMIMG
I'd hit it. I love her, chunky pixels and all.
Word. It seems some of the photos converted better than others. 224p reminds me how dated 90s tech was. But there were answers to people's desparation I guess. Even though the PCe had a large pallet available, the number of colors per sprite tile were limited to an extent. So assuming the graphics hardware is capable of tiling the entire screen with unique tiles (of which the PC Engine can obviously do to some capacity), each 8x8 or 16x16 tile can only display so many colors, as well the hardware does not have an endless buffet of pallets to assign, so groups of tiles must share the same colors between each other. There is some work involved in getting good screen transfers, hence why some babes look better than the others. A PC-CDROM with GIFs/Jpegs or good old soft-core VHS might have been a better medium, but then we would not be discussing them here.
~From the Nintendo/Atari addict formerly known as StarDust4Ever...



I cannot deny, that's a great butt right there!

Quote from: TheClash603 on 07/03/2016, 03:24 PMI miss the era of being hard, getting a little soft waiting for a picture to load, again getting hard once it did, wash, rinse, repeat.  My stamina really benefited from dial-up, now I am lucky if I even make it past the commercial at the start of the video.