Turbo Mailing List Archive?

Started by SignOfZeta, 09/19/2006, 11:22 PM

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So, is there a Turbo Mailing List archive out there someplace? I'd like to search through some of those old posts.

I'm of course talking about the original Turbo Mailing List that was at joyce.eng.yale.edu/~bt/turbo/ going back to...before 1995 when I joined.


From February 6th email:

Quote from: "bt"Hello, and greetings from ashes of what was the Turbo List.

As many of you have determined, the machine that was hosting
the Turbo List died in August of last year.  Short version is
that a dual hardware failure knocked it out of commision, and
without any advance warning (as most hardware failures do happen
without much warning).

This message is going out to those persons who were subscribed
to the list when doomsday hit.

Since August, we have been working to get the list back up
and running.  In order to get things running,  we have again
had to change hosts (joyce will probably not come back anytime
soon, at least not in it's former condition).  So, the list is
now up and running on MindRec.com.

I never found out if the old files were accessible, though I did send an email to bt expressing interest in it.

Bt Garner

Quote from: "SignOfZeta"So, is there a Turbo Mailing List archive out there someplace? I'd like to search through some of those old posts.

I'm of course talking about the original Turbo Mailing List that was at joyce.eng.yale.edu/~bt/turbo/ going back to...before 1995 when I joined.

As far back as I have: http://turbo.mindrec.com --> Archive

1997 is the earliest stuff there.

And just to point out one thing, the original Turbo Mailing list was hosted
at cpac.washington.edu (but who here even remembers that?)



I remember when I got banned in like 1997 or something for selling pirated Dracula Xs, and then about 5-6 years later I tried to get back on and I was STILL banned.  Hilarious!  I missed that list though, it was some good times.

Bt Garner

Quote from: "GUTS"I remember when I got banned in like 1997 or something for selling pirated Dracula Xs, and then about 5-6 years later I tried to get back on and I was STILL banned.  Hilarious!  I missed that list though, it was some good times.

Since the list was hosted on University machines (machines that the list was a guest on), we had to keep everything clean.. if there was ever the  ppearance that the list was a haven for piracy, it would have been shut down very quickly.

That's why there were all those warnings in the welcome messages saying that if you posted illegal stuff, that you would be banned.