10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Turbo duo recapped and cd not spinning motors tested and working. help!

Started by Nunhunter, 11/22/2016, 11:41 AM

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my turbo duo was working great. i recapped the entire console and it was working. yesterday it made random clicking noises. i found out the noises were the lens jumping up and down hitting the cd and plastic holder. at this point the cd wouldnt spin. i tried another lens with this board and it was a no go. i tried the lens on another duo board it works. so it has to be the board. maybe those 4 caps are faulty? or do i need a pot adjustment.
i did try adjusting the pots but nothing changed so i put them back to factory setting.
im lost atm and i could use some guidance. laser light is on when i press run. when i press run with the cd door button pressed it doesnt spin. the lens just bounces up and down hitting the cd. right now the console is powered on and all it is doing is periodically having the lens bounce without the run button activated. when i first started my system today the cd was slowly spinning then stopped. i adjusted pots didnt help put them back to normal no spinning.  can add more information.


lid up press run (should say to close cover) -OK
lid down press run (light on, laser on, laser moves to switch and back off switch) -ok
open lid when light on (light goes off) close lid
press run again without resetting (same as first time)- open lid light goes off close lid and the light comes back on if done quick. if i wait to close lid, light goes off and i press run and its normal. just doesnt spin disc.


i have had it powered and the lens isnt bouncing at all. its functioning the same. no disc spinning. laser has light. run buttons work the same. i had a trace lifted in the power section but i did repair it. ill use my multimeter on the pots.


Keith Courage

If it's not spinning adjusting the v102 or v103 could fix the problem. Also, can you see the lens light up?


the lens lights up. and the led light lights up. iv tried adjusting pots no luck.



just powered on lens bouncingup and down again disc slowly spinning then stopping...


i ended up removing c201 cap and putting it back on. becasue for soeme reason i feel like its the caps.. and now the disc is spinning but it stops and spins the other way then stops and spins normal repeating process asks to set disc. lights on. lens light is on.

Keith Courage

Going the wrong direction is typically a pot adjustment issue but can also be the sign of a bad CD lens. Usually when a lens is bad it will either not spin, spin up really fast, or spin backwards.


so my recap could have caused the lens to go bad? but its red laser is working? ill try re grease and new lens. if it doesnt work its pot adjust ment. man i feel like im in a hurricane. lol


Iv got the spindle to spin the disc. the lens it self isnt moving on the track and isnt reading the disc. the laser is on. two of my consoles did this after recap. what do i need to adjust?


Keith Courage

if both consoles were working perfectly fine before the recap then there must be some bad traces caused by the recap. double check the traces on the capacitors that sit below the CD drive on your motherboard.


Only trace I had issues with was c325. The others looks clean