So how often or when or how do you buy your tg16 games

Started by Mas, 12/21/2016, 01:01 PM

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I have been on the eBay gouge thread and was wondering how the hell do people buy these games. I mean believe me I'm all set with the everdrive and my arcade stick and my tg16. But I see games have jumped big time and people are going crazy with these prices and games.

So I showed a co worker my tg16 and he kind of wants to get into it and I said don't do it only because he is very tight on cash and with family and bills it's a lot to save for tg16 games let alone the system. But in case he does actually do it any advice on game collecting? Like how often do people buy games here? Or how much do you spend on games? Do you just do eBay these days or were some of you guys lucky enough to buy games back in 94 or so on.  All the props to everyone here who still buys and collects. I couldn't do it anymore. Ohh and neutopia is such a great freaking game. I've been playing that for a few days now.


Fortunately, I completed my TG-16 collection a few years ago (with the exception of a Magical Chase repro). There are a few PC Engine games that I'm interested in but I saved them for my Secret Santa wishlist.
1 title needed for a complete US Turbo Grafx collection: Magical Chase
Parasol Stars High Score = 119,783,770
League of Legends Summoner Name = DeviousSideburns


I bought most of my US games before prices went completely nuts (though still spending $100+ on those that've been pricey for 10+ years), not buying more than a dozen or so over the last several years combined.  Instead, I've been buying PCE games; they've also gone up in price, of course, but there's still tons of 'em that're original MSRP or less.  Not including PC-FX, PSP, or Vita stuff, I've probably averaged somewhere around 25 games and $400 worth bought in each of the last three or four years, with the average price per game skewed higher by one or two pricier titles each year; roughly two thirds come from ebay, and the rest come from pcefx peeps.

With prices the way they are now, I wouldn't advise anyone to start in with US collecting, not unless they're willing to stick to buying only the relatively cheap titles (many are still original MSRP or less), leaving the pricey ones for PCE versions, CDRs, and flash carts.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Yeah I told my buddy to not get involved just emulate. A lot of people hate that word as collectors but with the way the market jumped even hu cards alone has jumped in price.


Yeah, I stopped looking a while back when prices started to climb.  Last time I looked $5 commons were going for $40+.  I assume once the 30somethings have their kids and give up the dream, prices will go down.  Hell, I remember when a certain disliked character around here was selling his Magic Chase for $400 and I thought that was insane.  I got most of the games I wanted 8-10 years ago, luckily before the bubble.
Another douche trying to obtain a full Turbo collection.  119/146 so far.  Got a long way to go. Half way there. Hit the 100 mark. ich bein ein obeyer


Don't emulate.  That still sucks.  But you don't need to buy games either.

Buy a real console and set it up the way you want. Then get an everdrive and burn the games. Far cheaper and you still get to play on the real thing.

Unless your rich and have cash to blow TG16 collecting isnt for anyone except people with cash burning a hole in there pocket.


So if you use an everdrive, why can't he? If you want real games, you have to pay. That's all there is to it. If there were some magical place to buy games for cheap, everyone would already be there. That's what has happened with the Japanese auctions.


Quote from: MNKyDeth on 12/21/2016, 05:59 PMDon't emulate.  That still sucks.  But you don't need to buy games either.

Buy a real console and set it up the way you want. Then get an everdrive and burn the games. Far cheaper and you still get to play on the real thing.

Unless your rich and have cash to blow TG16 collecting isnt for anyone except people with cash burning a hole in there pocket.
I landed a good deal for 160.00back a few months ago. A tg16, turbo tap, tg16 arcade stick, alien crush and power golf, and the av booster with 2 controllers.  Then I got the everdrive and I'm so happy. Would love the cd portion but I don't have that kind of money. Used PayPal money for everything.
Since then I kind of bragged about it to another gamer at work and now he wants his tg16 back when he was a kid


I stopped buying US releases in 1993. That eliminates about %90 of the price stupidity right there.

The last game I bought was a $40 PC Denjin (you know it as the $250Air Zonk...or maybe it's $500...oh wait, it's actually $1000) several months ago. While I'm very ssssllllooooooowww in buying my games I've been at this since the Turbo Duo came out so while there are still things I want I don't buy very often.


no more US turbo buying for me as of about 9 months ago.  even the last 5 years, i always held out until a good deal came around for each game.  i see less and less of that now, so i am glad i got them when i did.    only one or two did i pay close to market for.


I have a few US games I acquired somewhat recently, mostly via trade and one really good deal. Other than that, I stick to Japanese games.

Keith Courage

I'm pretty much done getting my turbografx/pc engine games. Only a few that I'm maybe looking for left. I was lucky enough to get back into the system about 5-6 years ago when the prices had yet to shoot up. I honestly would not consider starting from nothing nowadays. Everdrive may be the way to go for that.

It is still doable to get most of the popular common chips games for around $12-$25. Here is a list of US titles that won't brake the bank. Some at that price may be hu card only.

Keith Courage
Legendary Axe
Legendaty Axe II
Pac Land
Dungeon Explorer
JJ and Jeff
Final Lap twin
China Warrior
Alien crush
Tricky Kick
Victory Run
Double Dungeons
Drop Off
Space Harrier
Deep Blue
Moto Roader
Side Arms
Bonks Adventure
Time Ball
Tale Spin

So for cheaper games those may be a place to start.

Even cheaper Sports games like TV sports stuff, world class baseball, kick boxing, volleyball, Power golf etc...and then Gunboat, falcon, and yo bro. Bleh


I buy 1 game or 2 when I see a good deal on forums and I have the money... which is rarely ever lol.

PS: I only got 2 hucard games and 4 cd games... rest are burned cd's.... sigh... sob...


I have enough of a base of games where I don't buy any larger lots anymore.  I have my list of games stored on my phone and I use a random game selector to tell me what to play to keep things fresh.

Most of the games I buy now are "new" releases once they drop to the $30 price point.  I still pick up old games, but I will do it one at a time and only for games I really want to play due to the prices now.  Going slower gives more time to savor each purchase too.


I only got into TG16 this past May... and I only buy stuff CIB, so it's been an uphill climb.  Personally I've always just resold to fund my hobby and make it self-sustaining.  You have to actively hunt for good deals or you have to expand your knowledge to other platforms and help that way.  Or have a side gig, maybe you can wash cars, do handy work for friends, etc.  Point being that having a hobby or skill that generates more money may be more practical than trying to find games on the cheap.


I haven't bought TG games for a few years, except for forum deals here which are sometimes somewhat reasonable. 

PCE is a nice way to can get lots of the high $$$ games way cheaper. I wouldn't have a lot of the shooters if I didn't have the PCE version. Plus there's some really cool PCE only games.

But for someone just jumping in, sure seems like the everdrive is THE way to go.


Quote from: jonebone on 12/22/2016, 10:23 AMI only got into TG16 this past May... and I only buy stuff CIB, so it's been an uphill climb.  Personally I've always just resold to fund my hobby and make it self-sustaining.  You have to actively hunt for good deals or you have to expand your knowledge to other platforms and help that way.  Or have a side gig, maybe you can wash cars, do handy work for friends, etc.  Point being that having a hobby or skill that generates more money may be more practical than trying to find games on the cheap.
Or, failing that, get a job.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 12/22/2016, 10:59 AM
Quote from: jonebone on 12/22/2016, 10:23 AMI only got into TG16 this past May... and I only buy stuff CIB, so it's been an uphill climb.  Personally I've always just resold to fund my hobby and make it self-sustaining.  You have to actively hunt for good deals or you have to expand your knowledge to other platforms and help that way.  Or have a side gig, maybe you can wash cars, do handy work for friends, etc.  Point being that having a hobby or skill that generates more money may be more practical than trying to find games on the cheap.
Or, failing that, get a job.
Different strokes, different (very different) folks.

I guess I haven't really kept track of my OBEY buying habits, but I probably get 10+ games annually.  I usually go in spurts of 2~3 at a time when I feel like trying something new.  :)  Doing online trades on these forums or gift exchanges not included.
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


I haven't bought anything US Turbo recently.  I'm content with whatever games I've acquired years ago.  I buy a few PCE games here and there through out a year, but I usually never spend more than $20 on a game. 

Apparently people buy from PCEFX...

Am I the only one that thinks those prices are high?  I assume ebay prices are even higher?  I'm surprised they sold so quickly, but I guess I'm expecting to see prices from 10 years ago and I'm not up to date with current prices.     

It's a crazy time to start buying and collecting Turbo stuff now.


The way to get good deals on games you want is to first of all know what you really want and then not think about a timeline to "complete" anything. Just keep and eye out for the things that matter to you and enjoy the games you have in the meantime.

Some things will take weeks to find and some will take years. Each new game you acquire is something to keep you busy until you find another game you want at the price you're willing to pay.

All that choosing to "complete a set" and picking a timeframe such as "asap!" or "within a year" will do is kill any joy the games could have provided and turn them into tokens.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Quote from: TheClash603 on 12/22/2016, 08:12 AMMost of the games I buy now are "new" releases once they drop to the $30 price point.  I still pick up old games, but I will do it one at a time and only for games I really want to play due to the prices now.  Going slower gives more time to savor each purchase too.
Word. Hell sometimes I'm even cheaper than that. I ended up not buying Exist Archive for $15 lol. Of course with crap like LRG releases, I know I have to get those at launch if I want them (but so far they haven't released a ton that I wanted).

Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 12/22/2016, 11:51 AM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 12/22/2016, 10:59 AM
Quote from: jonebone on 12/22/2016, 10:23 AMI only got into TG16 this past May... and I only buy stuff CIB, so it's been an uphill climb.  Personally I've always just resold to fund my hobby and make it self-sustaining.  You have to actively hunt for good deals or you have to expand your knowledge to other platforms and help that way.  Or have a side gig, maybe you can wash cars, do handy work for friends, etc.  Point being that having a hobby or skill that generates more money may be more practical than trying to find games on the cheap.
Or, failing that, get a job.
Different strokes, different (very different) folks.

I guess I haven't really kept track of my OBEY buying habits, but I probably get 10+ games annually.  I usually go in spurts of 2~3 at a time when I feel like trying something new.  :)  Doing online trades on these forums or gift exchanges not included. 
When ordering from Japan you may as well get multiple games at a time, of course that's provided one is buying from a seller/site that doesn't bake the cost of shipping into each item.

I got in my first "new" PCE game in awhile recently in trade. Not counting the awesome Santa gifts from the SS here. It's a game I've played before, but not the OBEY version. Should arrive tomorrow, I'm excited for it.

Quote from: guest on 12/22/2016, 04:03 PMThe way to get good deals on games you want is to first of all know what you really want and then not think about a timeline to "complete" anything. Just keep and eye out for the things that matter to you and enjoy the games you have in the meantime.

Some things will take weeks to find and some will take years. Each new game you acquire is something to keep you busy until you find another game you want at the price you're willing to pay.

All that choosing to "complete a set" and picking a timeframe such as "asap!" or "within a year" will do is kill any joy the games could have provided and turn them into tokens.
Very good advice.


Last US released game's I bought were Parasol Stars and Valis 2, and that was about 3-4 years ago before prices got crazy.

Fortunately I have about 99% of what I want for the system. (Still need Valis 3.....). I bought an everdrive to fill in the gaps for what I'm missing on HuCard.  I'm totally OK playing repro's for this system.


I guess I am fairly active with purchasing Turbo games. In the past year excluding trades, I have purchased about 35 games for the US Turbob. But only when I find games I want to play/own and are in a price range I am OK with paying.



Rarely far as TG16 games go i bought most of what i wanted years ago.Last time i did buy a TG16 game was months ago for a reproduction of magical chase.
Wii U:Progearspec


I had a full US hucard set minus magical chase a few years back.  Everything went stupid, so I switched over to using the everdrive and a PC engine system.  I think I still own maybe 8 US hucards, but that's it.  This whole hobby has gone stupid.  I said let the stupid ones pay the big moneys and have at it.
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Quote from: BlueBMW on 12/23/2016, 03:16 AMI had a full US hucard set minus magical chase a few years back.  Everything went stupid, so I switched over to using the everdrive and a PC engine system.  I think I still own maybe 8 US hucards, but that's it.  This whole hobby has gone stupid.  I said let the stupid ones pay the big moneys and have at it.
That's how I feel about gaming as of late. It's not only the tg16 scene either. Of course Nintendo has always scene a jump but I feel like sega has hurt also. The worst is saturn. You can't touch that followed by dreamcast then Genesis and now even master system is starting to really jump.


There are lots of great Saturn games that are under $10 if you are willing to import.


I don't think Saturn games have ever been cheaper. It's s great time to be a Saturn game player if you like original discs.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


JP Saturn games are still pretty cheap, a lot of US stuff is dumb overpriced now.
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


IMO, You pretty much have 2 choices:  1.  If you are starting from nothing and you can afford it, buy big Lots and sell off what you don't want.  That's about the only way to make it affordable.  2.  Patience Patience Patience sometimes it may feel like you will never find what you are looking for, but don't get hasty.  I've waited years for specific titles to come up at a reasonable price.  I've gone months without buying anything, the make multiple purchases in the span of a few days because the right deals come up.  Method 2 requires you need you have the money to buy quickly  with minimal decision time.  Good deals don't last long


Quote from: guest on 12/23/2016, 11:50 AMI don't think Saturn games have ever been cheaper. It's s great time to be a Saturn game player if you like original discs.
Quote from: guest on 12/23/2016, 12:43 PMJP Saturn games are still pretty cheap, a lot of US stuff is dumb overpriced now.
Basically the only expensive JP titles are shooters and then some outliers. If you like any other genres it's fantastic for cheap gaming. PS1 is also dirt cheap.


Quote from: Gypsy on 12/23/2016, 01:04 PM
Quote from: guest on 12/23/2016, 11:50 AMI don't think Saturn games have ever been cheaper. It's s great time to be a Saturn game player if you like original discs.
Quote from: guest on 12/23/2016, 12:43 PMJP Saturn games are still pretty cheap, a lot of US stuff is dumb overpriced now.
Basically the only expensive JP titles are shooters and then some outliers. If you like any other genres it's fantastic for cheap gaming. PS1 is also dirt cheap.
Stuff like X-Men Vs. Street Fighter used to be $100 to import, now you can get the game with 4 MEG Cart for like $30.  I concur JP Saturn is where it's at now.

Arkhan Asylum

I don't buy them anymore.

The thrill/fun of walking into a game store to buy stuff has been ruined by the prices soaring so high through the fuckin' sky that they are bouncing off satellites.

This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


For Japan games on the Saturn yes but I'm talking about the us stuff. It's crazy right now for the us stuff even disc only. Last thing on the Saturn because this is a th16 site lol, if you want a Saturn get either a jpn system or an action reply 4meg ram cart. Then you can import all the great titles.


Who cares if US SS games are expensive? They suck! You have to be some kind of pervert to prefer the US version of Astal or SFA or Guardian Heroes. Not to mention that a huge section of good games are JP only so you're paying 4x pricing for 1/4 the actual gaming.


Plus the US cases are awful. If the game is playable for me in Japanese, I buy the Japanese version.

retro junkie

I got into Turbo Grafx 16 back when you could walk into a Toys-R-Us and see it on the shelf. Most of my US games were purchased during that time period. I am so happy for those moments. It saved me so much when looking at those crazy modern prices. In the last few years I have focused on PC Engine and collecting many games that I either missed or never came to the US TG16. My last purchase was a repo, Coryoon. The original game was outrageously priced. I feel for anyone desiring to get into this system today from scratch. The PC Engine would be the only way to break ground. A US Turbo Grafx would need to be a once in a lifetime event running across a deal in the wild on a dream combination of games and console that would not break the bank.

My weakness are the HuCards. It is some sort of addiction. The format and design hooked on to somethin in my brain. it clamped down tight. Emulation just don't do it for me. I got to touch it and put it in the slot myself.

I love retro, one or two button, gaming. The price of admission presently is so unreal.

Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: Gypsy on 12/24/2016, 03:42 PMPlus the US cases are awful. If the game is playable for me in Japanese, I buy the Japanese version.
fuck you, I love having all that wasted space.  It makes me feel AMERICAN
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


I have most the games I ever wanted.  I will continue to pickup new homebrew releases like Henshin-Engine


I still buy games. 16 years after I bought my first Duo. Whenever I can afford a game I don't have and I still enjoy the process. Prices have gone up but this is the only system that I've truly cared about and the process is still enjoyable and I like supporting the homebrew projects.

It's not "Joe's Bucket-o-hucards" for $20 anymore, but echoing Black Tiger, its important to enjoy the games that you do have. Waiting for them to come around is key. A few people have already said this so I won't repeat what has already been said.


last time i purchased TG-16/PCE games was when I went to Japan in October of 2015. The allure of finding good deals in the states is pretty much dead at this point. I just dont want to put forth the time and effort to try and find deals for games on a console that is considered rare and highly sought after. I have a decent set of games, and a everdrive so i'm set on anything i want to play


Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 12/26/2016, 11:41 PM
Quote from: Gypsy on 12/24/2016, 03:42 PMPlus the US cases are awful. If the game is playable for me in Japanese, I buy the Japanese version.
fuck you, I love having all that wasted space.  It makes me feel AMERICAN
Quoted for truth. 

I also think they are nice since the art is normally so much bigger on the manuals and stuff.  Makes it really feel like SOMETHING instead of just another jewel case. 
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Yes, the terrible art is so much larger on the American stuff.


Quote from: guest on 01/04/2017, 04:03 PM
Quote from: guest on 12/26/2016, 11:41 PM
Quote from: Gypsy on 12/24/2016, 03:42 PMPlus the US cases are awful. If the game is playable for me in Japanese, I buy the Japanese version.
fuck you, I love having all that wasted space.  It makes me feel AMERICAN
Quoted for truth. 

I also think they are nice since the art is normally so much bigger on the manuals and stuff.  Makes it really feel like SOMETHING instead of just another jewel case.
Both of you faggots can fite me irl. Then make-up sex.


On a similar note, what do you peeps think of the PC-FX cases?  I prefer the more compact form of the regular jewel cases, but at least the big cases are super durable.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


After having most of what I want and having one of these:


I am good and give two shits anymore.  As said earlier, thrill fun and prices make for me not caring and being happy with what I have now.


If I want to play a game I try to buy it, if the price is unreasonable then I find an alternative way to play it. Most modern games are affordable, and "collector prices" don't benefit the developers or publishers so I have very little guilt using a everdrive to play the games that are unreasonably priced, but I am less of a collector and more of someone who likes to have games on hand to play when the opportunity arrives.


Quote from: schweaty on 12/23/2016, 12:43 PMIMO, You pretty much have 2 choices:  1.  If you are starting from nothing and you can afford it, buy big Lots and sell off what you don't want.  That's about the only way to make it affordable.  2.  Patience Patience Patience sometimes it may feel like you will never find what you are looking for, but don't get hasty.  I've waited years for specific titles to come up at a reasonable price.  I've gone months without buying anything, the make multiple purchases in the span of a few days because the right deals come up.  Method 2 requires you need you have the money to buy quickly  with minimal decision time.  Good deals don't last long

I get mostly from facebook groups and occasional ebay purchase. You have t be patient though, the deals still happen but not often. Like said above. Ill go months without a single purchase then all of a sudden im buying 5 to 10 games at a time! This is the only system im interested in so I dont mind paying a tiny bit more but often times I dont have to. Also as stated before, buying lots. Another thing that helps is not being a stickler about condition. Tru I only collect CIC games but i dont really care about the condition.


Quote from: khyron65 on 01/05/2017, 08:33 PM
Quote from: schweaty on 12/23/2016, 12:43 PMIMO, You pretty much have 2 choices:  1.  If you are starting from nothing and you can afford it, buy big Lots and sell off what you don't want.  That's about the only way to make it affordable.  2.  Patience Patience Patience sometimes it may feel like you will never find what you are looking for, but don't get hasty.  I've waited years for specific titles to come up at a reasonable price.  I've gone months without buying anything, the make multiple purchases in the span of a few days because the right deals come up.  Method 2 requires you need you have the money to buy quickly  with minimal decision time.  Good deals don't last long
schweaty's option 1 is pretty much how i have obtained my entire pce/turbo collection that i currently have.  i was one of the crazies in early 2000's and sold most of my originals when i needed money after college.  i have since recouped all the titles and many many more using that strategy.  best score was my free USA Cotton after selling off the lot i bought it in. 


I get mostly from facebook groups and occasional ebay purchase. You have t be patient though, the deals still happen but not often. Like said above. Ill go months without a single purchase then all of a sudden im buying 5 to 10 games at a time! This is the only system im interested in so I dont mind paying a tiny bit more but often times I dont have to. Also as stated before, buying lots. Another thing that helps is not being a stickler about condition. Tru I only collect CIC games but i dont really care about the condition.