Forum Reply Notification Emails Contain Broken Links

Started by Mathius, 05/04/2018, 09:35 PM

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Beginning this evening my notification emails all started containing broken links. This is a bummer since I always use this method to keep track of forum replies and PMs.

Above is what I'm receiving now as my link to view a thread containing a reply.

Edit: My apologies. I placed this thread in the wrong sub-forum.


Ah, thanks, the fix for https did that, no worries, it can quickly be changed back. I'll have to find another way to make the http v. https dynamic to still get to use that, or change some code.

OK, fixed, let's see if forcing to a secure URL works OK:


Emails still contain broken links. Yeah it looks like is missing


Wait for somebody else to post in a thread you're subscribed in which will generate a new email at that moment. They'll look like this now (defaulting you to 'https', which is better in the long run):


Lemme know if not, but that should be it.


That's what I was doing. I was using replies to this thread as a testbed.

The last email worked! Thanks!