Localization Legend "Supper the Subtitler" has "joined the club" in being targeted for CD-pressings by bootleg master Tobias/PCEWorks! His projects like Private Eyedol, Galaxy Fräulein Yuna 1 & 2, etc. are now being sold on Chinese factory-pressed CDROMs...
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Riot Zone 2?

Started by EvilAdol, 06/28/2002, 11:52 AM

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I walked into an arcade a few days ago. and saw a fighting game.  "Can't remember the name"  But it starred the SAME characters as the Duo's own Riot Zone.  The game had different levels and stuff.

Thought it was cool to mention.  I'll go back and write down the name.

A few questions-

1.Does anyone have any contacts to getting ISO's for the Turbo Duo?

2.Whats the actual release date for MindReks Implode?

3.Will it include other games like Humpball on the disk?

4.Whats the most expensive game you ever saw go on ebay?  I saw KOF '01 for NeoGeo go out at $900.00!  Thats INSANE!!

5.If you go by this scale, what are you?

The guy who remembers the Duo- "oh cool that other black 16-bit system." (Own 0 Turbo games, but played it once)

Turbo owner-"Dude, Bonk ruled!"(Got around 10 games)

Turbo Fanatic-"Why didnt EGM give Beyond Shadowgate the gold!" (Got somewhere between 11- 50 games)

Turbo Master-"Wahoo! Dracula X for only $250.00!!"(Got over 50-100 games)

Turbo GOD-"Ah my third SuperGrafx!"(Got 150 games)

Turbo Shiznit-"Hmmm, got a whole line of Turbo Grafx 16 T-shirts, every shirt Aaron Nanto can offer,  owns Bonk RPG, owns actual Rings from the Ys Series, Mastered ShockMan, and is the presedent of MindRek!" (Owns all but two Duo games, only drawback- Can't find all 62 copies of Keith Curage you were using to make a new Alpha Zones CCG!)


L8r Peeps,


LOL....dude you crack me up on that last question :)   To answer your questions...

1)  Please email me directly about this...

2) No official release date is set..however last I heard it was sometime in July.

3) Yes, I believe 2 or 3 other games will be on the CD.

4) Metal Slug 1 AES JPN version.  Currently at TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!! ...It's pathetic that any game could command such a price (not to mention not worth 2K!)

5) Well, I'd say I'm a "Turbo Shiznit" since I got all of my own shirts and over 500+ originals.  I'm not the prez of MindRec, but pcengine-fx.com is the next best thing :P
// Aaron Nanto | The Ultimate Resource for NEC Consoles!
Papa PCEFX 1997-2020 [Retired]


I'm still a "Turbo Fanatic" wanting to go "Turbo Master". 

Just started playing again after 5yrs.  Newly aquired game is Strider ACD, even though I don't have the Arcade card or Kisado :)  ....  I will someday. 


Hey thanx,

for anyone interested, I would have to be a Turbo Master.  I got 96 games, paid $250.00 for Dracula X, and I got two PC-Engine Converters.

I forgot to Mention any PC-FX stuff with that, but, Aaron,  I'd have to say your probably the Turbo Shiznit!

L8r, Peeps and Creeps,

PS: Someone should invent a DUO translator to play some of these Japan-RPG's!  like Gulliver Boy or Lodoss War II.


Dr Nemo

Im a Turbo Master at the moment, but my collection is always expanding.

I just wish that somone would translate the scripts for Japanese Turbo games and post them on the web, that would be great.


I remember this thread, I used to post here under the name- EvilAdol.  Then I forgot my pwd.  Oh well.

Seems kinda funny that four years ago I had 96 games, and now I have 103 I think.  So in 4 years I only collected 7 games.  Geez, I gotta get back into buying for this system.

Spending too much time collecting for my Saturn and PCFX I guess...


Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


hahaha!  those are hilarious descriptions!

I'd say based on the number of games, I'm a "Turbo Shiznit".  None of the descriptions apply to me.  Oh well.  But I did get DracX for $55. :)


QuoteI walked into an arcade a few days ago. and saw a fighting game. "Can't remember the name" But it starred the SAME characters as the Duo's own Riot Zone. The game had different levels and stuff.

Thought it was cool to mention. I'll go back and write down the name.

Riot Zone is a remix/remake/alt version of an early sega arcade game - Riot City.


QuoteThe guy who remembers the Duo- "oh cool that other black 16-bit system." (Own 0 Turbo games, but played it once)

I'm kind of like this. But I remember it as a cool white 8-bit system.  :lol:

I have played it many times and I have some games (and a Duo-R).

I don't have the actual Ys rings, but I have lots of other weird Ys stuff, hehehehe.  :lol:
Quote from: Seldane on 04/21/2007, 07:28 PMDVDs are for suckers. Illegally pirated and stolen videos all the way. No menus. No "DO NOT PIRATE THIS!" screens. No fuss. Only perfection. I honestly only pirate movies because that "don't pirate this" screen annoys me. :wink:
Indeed, it's AV time. Check out: IMG! Sir, the door was open.


Man this thread spans several years! I can't believe this site has been around that long, it must be one of the few staying with the times and actually growing.

5. I like this question, reminds me of the Merry Marvel Marching Society. I reduced myself to the level of Turbo Owner for a few years, got rid of Dracula X and some others, and my collection shrank down to the games that were too beat up to sell (Cosmic Fantasy 2, Ys I and II).  But last year I went on a big Turbo kick in the Spring, and this Spring I'm going into another one.

 I'm currently a mid level Turbo Fanatic and probably will be for a while. I'd say I'll hit 50 games sometime next year if I keep going.

4. It's not a game, but I saw an SNES go for a crazy price on ebay. The seller was starting bids at $2800 for his boxed SNES! People in another game forum found the auction and started an insane bidding war on it as a joke. The winning bid ended up being over $32,000.


Quote from: "Bonknuts"Riot Zone is a remix/remake/alt version of an early sega arcade game - Riot City.
Not sure I'd call it "early"... ;)

On the ranking thingo, I'd be a Turbo Owner...my physical collection of games is quite small. But if you were to count all the ROMs and bin/cues I have, it'd make me at least a Turbo God, as I have hundreds in total, including a few the general public hasn't seen (yet). :D
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


kewl topic guys :) :)
God bless America!



Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


I consider myself a fairly hard Turbo gamer. I own over 80 games, a Turbo Duo, PC Engine, PC Engine CDROM2, five controllers (only two being the same), and I also make new games with nodtveidt and the gang at Frozen Utopia :D . Plus this might not be fair to say, but I have a full ROM set :( .
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Although, I don't match any of your brief descriptions, you'd probably rank me somewhere between Turbo GOD and Turbo Shiznit.

Aside from a slew of unique Turbo-insanity qualifications, I had over 150 CD games alone and at least as many HuCards last count, but haven't counted in at least a year or two, while I've continued to buy more and more.

Off the top of my head...

I recently bought a real Sapphire.

I recently bought a mint boxed wireless PCE pad set with 2 boxed pads and am in the process of hatching plans to aquire 2 more boxed pads, just so that I can play a wireless 5 player Bomberman match if I wanted to.

I have a Bonk tattoo and it looks like he'll be joined by Bomberman and Zonk very shortly. I also have a tattoo based on the pentagram from Shaft's stage in Dracula X.

I have 2 to 3 feet(last time I checked...) or more of stacked PCE mags/flyers/books and can't stop myself from buying more every chance I get.

I've "written" several text walkthrough for PCE RPG's where I draw out maps of the dungeons and more in ascii art.

I still have rotting mixed tapes of Turbo music from back in the day. Unfortunately, the music videos featuring rapid cuts of Turbo gameplay graphics that I made have not survived. Nor have the VHS tapes I made featuring every cinema of every CD game I owned back in the day.

I wrote letters to TTI telling them how they ought to be doing things. They wrote me back and sent me a Lords' T-shirt and DM: Theron's Quest.

I bought every single piece of Turbo hardware as it was released(TG $400, TE $550, TE-Tuner $180, TG-CD $800 x 2(ripped off 1st time by mail order store), TD $550). After the RF port in my TG-16 blew, I sent it in for repair to TTI and got a refurbished one back.

Among other Turbo/PCE hardware, I have a Duo RX fully modded(including LED) by D-Lite.

I drew a ton of Turbo art back in the day(most of it lost/destroyed), to go with my handmade maps and guides for like every Turbo RPG. I recently uncovered a bunch of my notes and still have all of my homemade english manuals.

Back in the late 90's, the boyfriend of a co-worker wanted to sell his large PCE collection, which I agreed to buy for $1400 and I spent pretty much all of my spending cash for months paying it off(working a crap low paying job).

I beat Night Creatures simply because it appeared to be the crappiest and hardest/cheapest Turbo game and repeated the feat a years later just to prove it to another die-hard Turbo fan(he refused to believe it till he saw video of the final area).

I explored every nook and cranny of every Turbo game looking for new challenges/ways of playing through games(now popular with games like Metroid Prime). I managed to get into and beat Tiger Man's level with only Mouse Man on Dragon's Curse(morphing straight into Bird-Man) and I came up with a morph jump trick to reach the end of Shapeshifter using only the Shadowcat(circumventing the entire game).

I once had so many legitimate save files in my Turbo CD, that it took up multiple screens and eventually, I started getting phantom saves like Valis XXX or something.

I sent in a Johnny Turbo letter art to EGM with JT frying both Sonic and Mario.

I also sent in what should've been a winning high score for Bloody Wolf and therefore earned a free game. But they gave some bum in the U.S. the prize for a score that was like less than 3/4 of mine. I also discovered many Turbo tricks before they were published in mags, like the Harmit in DE and sent them in to EGM. Once again, I got worked over. At the time, I suspected that it was because I'm Canadian.

I learned katakana from playing Snatcher.

I memorized every line of dialogue in Golden Axe, including the ending cinemas, all from the actual cinemas that I reached by actually beating the game(just try it) repeatedly with each character(but only once with Gilius). When my friend hosted a japanese exchange student years later, she understood every word of it that I spoke(except for names like Deisada/Death Adder).

I have a dedicated SFIICE arcade cabinet with all the artwork that I bought from a local coin-op dealer for $700. But I still prefer the PCE version which I can play flawlessly with a 2 button pad(just try me).

I'll stop now, since I've already doomed myself to the social ranking of Turbo-Loser/Dork.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


CrackTiger is by far the biggest Turbo fan I have ever talked to. Him remembering every line in the PCE version of Golden Axe proves enough :D .

Quote from: "CrackTiger, AKA Son Son II"Once again, I got worked over. At the time, I suspected that it was because I'm Canadian.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Quote from: CrackTigerI beat Night Creatures simply because it appeared to be the crappiest and hardest/cheapest Turbo game and repeated the feat a years later just to prove it to another die-hard Turbo fan(he refused to believe it till he saw video of the final area).
I want to try this, but I'm going in with save states and any other cheats I can find.


Quote from: KeranuCrackTiger is by far the biggest Turbo fan I have ever talked to. Him remembering every line in the PCE version of Golden Axe proves enough :D .
Quote from: CrackTiger, AKA Son Son IIOnce again, I got worked over. At the time, I suspected that it was because I'm Canadian.
Yeah, ditto that. CrackTiger kicks all of our asses. I didn't even know half the stuff he listed, but it doesn't matter, because merely the stuff I knew of prior to his post was awesome enough.


What am I?  Well, I have 426, which is slightly decieiving, since a few games for Turbo, have mutlitple games on them, so I count those, like Implode with Humpball & Crash on it, & Neo Nectaris with Nectaris on it(since I don't have Millitary Madness :oops: ), MBDX, which also has Implode Caravan & Loop.  So, I guess I have 421 total for Turbo, plus a Turbo Grafx, CD unit with 2.0, 3.0, & Arcade Pro.  Turbo Duo, 2 Super Grafx w/ 1 CD unit(not the adapter, but the actual unit that plugs into the back), a PCE GT.  I also have mutlitple copies of some games, including both US & JP versions.  A busted converter :cry:(not the Kisado, but rather, the short purple one),  a Lords shirt, a couple of Bomberman hats, a Sherlock Holmes 2 calculator that looks like a matchbook(& specifically says DUO on it, as opposed to the Sega CD version), a Lords display, a bunch of PC Genjin pins, one where Bonk has a 3 on his head, & is dressed up like Superman & flying, an NEC watch, an old Bonk's Adventure shirt, that's waaaaaaay faded & I haven't seen in years!  There's probably more stuff I'm forgetting, I think I have a TG16 thermos or water bottle or something.  I used to have 3 original MS copies of Super Air Zonk, Bonk 3, & Might n' Magic 3(copies of the games, that they give out to the employee's & for reviews, before they go out for packaging).  All this stuff I got from TTI's last secretary.  Actually, I remember her mentioning that all the guys over there loved me cuz I was so devoted to the Turbo.  I used to also chat it up with one of the Shirley boys over at WD about various games & projects(& learned a few things that has never been down on paper, like what the real reason was that both World Heroes & King of the Monsters 2 never came out, even though they were DONE, FINISHED, COMPLETE :cry:

That's all I can think of offhand.  But I don't want to assume I'm some kind of god or something, how would you rate me :lol:

Oh yeah, I also won a game via EGM, that they never sent me.  Basically, I sent them a password for the last level of Impossamole, & they printed it, & said I'd get a game of their choice, for the Turbo.  However, I did send a list of requests, telling them what I already owned, maybe I shouldn't have done that :oops:   I also got the 2nd highest score in Parasol Stars......which, if I'd known about that rainbow bracelet at the time, I would've beaten the other guy, & gotten(or not, knowing EGM) a shirt or game or whatever.


Wow, PD. I always knew you had a lot of stuff (and a lot of good stuff) along with the awesome first hand contacts, but I didn't know you had that much! Great stuff. Send me one of your Bomberman hats.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Oh yeah, and that Sherlock Holmes calculator sounds killer!
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


The calculator I came across recently.  It actually doesn't work very well, even though it's a neat idea.  Bascially, all the buttons, are on the inside of the part that flips up on a matchbook, which is obviously paper thin, well, more like extremely thin cardboard!  I don't personally know anyone else that has one, & I don't know where they gave them out at, or whatever.  It's just one of the many things Eun sent me.  

As for the Bomerman hats, they're MINE :lol:   Actually, I think I only have 1 left.  I remember getting one with the points that you get when you buy a game, that had a black bomberman, & then when I became friends with Eun, she sent me, I think 3 more hats, which had black, green, & red(all the hats are white, with the respective Bomberman's on front, & DUO on the back, in the same color as Bomberman).  I have NO idea where the black ones went, I know my original one was in sad shape.  I think I may have given the black one to a friend, who shortly thereafter, was no longer my friend, not even close :evil: , aaaaaand the same exact thing goes for the red, I gave it to another person, a so called "friend" & we became enemies as well :cry:   So, those are gone.  And my green, heh, it's in terrible shape.  Frankly, I wore it ALOT, & it's white, so, it got dirty really easy, really quick, so I would bleach it from time to time.  The Duo part got a little bleached though, & when I washed the hat, the top part with the metal piece in the middle, that rusted, which I've never seen happen on a hat before, & the rust went thru the fibers & shows :roll:   I wish I had some that I kept MISB, well, not that they were kept in a box, but, I should've sealed them away in a box :oops:

Someday, I gotta take pictures of that calculator somehow.  Maybe if I get my scanner up in running(though, getting other things in place, including my studio equipment for obvious reasons, is more important to me).