12/06/2023: Localization News - Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria!!!

OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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For anyone who is still waiting for their system/games/mod work from Dean/D-lite

Started by PCEngineHell, 03/26/2008, 03:24 PM

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Hey folks,

First off, sorry to anyone that hasn't been able to get in touch or get a reply from me.  I've largely been off the grid for near a month now and I fully apologize to anyone that is in panic mode because of it.  I haven't read this thread yet but I can imagine the content already.  And I haven't been popping in to just check the news and whatnot.  If it looks like I've been logged in it's due to a FireFox restart and Restore Session thing. 

I won't get into details, but I've been swamped.  Work with a shit boss, family with two kids that both now use up all my time, the flu for near two weeks, and more fun now dealing with taxes and other crap.  These aren't excuses, just facts.  I haven't been in the damn workshop for at least 1-2 months and I have a ton of stuff I want to finish and new projects I'd like to start. 

Anyone that's dealt with me in the past knows I always honor deals even if that means delaying delivery due to whatever or giving full refunds.  I have a couple of things on the plate now and if anyone wants me to refund or return the systems, please let me know in an e-mail.  I've been trying to reply to people whose systems I have for work, but if I haven't, please let me know in another e-mail. 

Michael, I fully understand starting this thread and that's because I know you support the people of this site in terms of getting deals done fairly and fast.  I respect that and I have no problem with that.  All I'd ask is removal of my address (P.O. Box is fine) for somewhat obvious reasons. 

Again, sorry to all those effected by the radio silence.  I fully own it and apologize to those here.  And please let me know what you want me to do with whatever I have on hand.  Send it to someone else, return it (both at my cost obviously), continue to work, etc.  Not dead, not critically ill, just wiped out with an excessively busy life. 

Check my site for Turbo, Neo, NGPC, and superguns!



Quote from: Dark Fact on 04/02/2008, 10:47 PMWow...just wow.

After reading through this thread I'm amazed with the sheer amount of mudslinging going on over Dean's performance.
Quote from: MHWonder if this is about the supergun work from last year....
After that infamous thread and you calling out Dean to face the music, I can't understand why you would still want to talk about him.
Dark Fact,I'm not sure if you know exactly what I'm even talking about/wondering about there :P That member had posted in Deans sales thread that he was trying to get him to reply to a message this last December about a Supergun,so I was just wondering if he was still referring to that because that was one of that members last post here before leaving only to come back now....this is why you should stop eating cereal with BHT. Its not anything related to a flame thread,ect... No one here is calling Dean names or fighting with him,and it was going smooth until Jambi felt like being a doof. All we want is answers and issues resolved in a positive manner.

Basically the point of this thread is to get people to get their concern out there if there is a problem and then for them to work towards reaching him and getting their stuff resolved or to have their work done elsewhere if Dean can no longer do the work,because mainly its just too fucked up for someone to have to wait so long for their system/work. Dean,I will be more then happy to remove your address once Ceti and SpaceRunaway say they got their system/money,ect back or its in Nats hands,ect..... but if more issues come up the contact info goes back up.

I'm sorry man but its only fair someone has a more reliable way to reach you other then a po box and email address you are not/cant check with issues like these going on,which brings up another good idea. Anyone new here offering mod services should also be required to submit similar info to the mods so they have it on record in case these kinda issues come up with them too. This way members have better ways to get ahold of the people with their cash or goods.

I completely understand the life issues Dean,single dad of 2 myself with plenty of issues too, and as I said I think you simply took more on your plate then you could handle on these mod jobs. You have to know your limit because if you don't you'll get over booked and then things likes this will eventually happen,and thats not what you want to be known for,plus its just complete BS. Its sometimes simply better to tell people no then yes,because while you are giving them that brief joy feeling when they are sending their system off to you, you're giving them 10 times the stress for the next 3-4 months when you don't do their work or reply back to them.

If it comes down to it,just stop offering to do the work for awhile until its  a slow time of the year for you to where you know for sure you can handle the work load and then when you get to a cut off point stop again. If there is no slow time then retire until your kids are both in elementary and you have more free time. No shame in doing so or knowing/admitting your limits. As Joe and NecroPhile said,its fraud like if you are out there promising to do work you cant actually do. Stick to the sales if thats easier. Sell superguns you have already prebuilt,ect. You sales are always great here,no ones complaining about that at all here nor does anyone here want to see your reputation ruined because of the mod/work related issues currently going on.


Just read some of the Shout stuff and your post and I'll start by saying I haven't accepted new mods in months and anyone can tell you that.  I sensed stuff was bearing down then and just stopped.  Superguns, Turbo, etc.  The main issues I've had revolve around the 10-month old waking up every 30 minutes between 8-11PM and then again around 3 AM.  Causing a bunch of added stress between the wife and I.  That's lots of fun. 

And yes, if you have tabs opened in FireFox and you have passwords saved, whenever FireFox or the computer restarts and you chose "Restore Session", it opens you to each tab and even the page on the forums you were at.  The only reason I knew this thread existed is that ceti and someone else mentioned it in e-mails I just received.  I haven't been lurking, wringing my hands at the thought of keeping peoples' systems hostage, just haven't been here in a long while in any capacity. 

I fouled up and that's no one's fault but mine.  If anyone thinks I "apologized but didn't" as someone said in the ShoutBox, then that's your opinion and I can't really change that.  I'd like to think I've done enough good around here over the years that I'd get at least the benefit of the doubt, but that's not in my control.  Going forward I'll probably limit any mod work to simply region mods since it's the fastest for me to turn out.  Anything else will be by premade stuff and just available, no ordering to avoid delays.
Check my site for Turbo, Neo, NGPC, and superguns!


Oh, and Michael, "butt hurt" is such a dork-ass expression  :dance:
Check my site for Turbo, Neo, NGPC, and superguns!


Quote from: PCEngineHell on 04/03/2008, 12:12 AMAs Joe and NecroPhile said,its fraud like if you are out there promising to do work you cant actually do.
I made no such accusation and only said that there is always time to communicate with customers (or should be, anyway).  Since Ceti didn't seem to be terribly worried, then I wasn't going to get my panties in a bunch; and without knowing the details of the deal made between Dean and Ceti (specifically a promised timetable), then I won't assume that a fraud's been committed.  Frankly, I'm not surprised that it's taken so long; Dean's a busy dude and understandably hasn't made gaming his highest priority.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Holy fuck bluckers! d_lite is back!!

Now how about that Awesome Collossal sale?
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!

Turbo D

shhhhh, don't remind him. I need to save some money again, I just payed my credit card. lol.
Quote from: MissaFX on 01/06/2008, 12:10 PMMy idea of gaming is a couple of friends over, a couple of drinks, a couple of medical-handrolled-game-enhancing-cigs and a glowing box you all worship.


Quote from: guest on 04/03/2008, 12:44 AM
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 04/03/2008, 12:12 AMAs Joe and NecroPhile said,its fraud like if you are out there promising to do work you cant actually do.
I made no such accusation and only said that there is always time to communicate with customers (or should be, anyway).  Since Ceti didn't seem to be terribly worried, then I wasn't going to get my panties in a bunch; and without knowing the details of the deal made between Dean and Ceti (specifically a promised timetable), then I won't assume that a fraud's been committed.  Frankly, I'm not surprised that it's taken so long; Dean's a busy dude and understandably hasn't made gaming his highest priority.
Ahh,you are right NecroPhile,I was just thinking back to when Joe and you made comments and what he said,I should have specified it better,my fault. Infact,save myself the time:
Quote from: guest on 03/28/2008, 03:57 PMIf he's got time to log in here (as he did yesterday), then he can make time to respond to those that have sent him money for pending services.  If that's asking too much, then throw in the frickin' towel, take care of life, and come back later when everything is under control.
Dean,you ever hear of the modify button? Keeps from double posting :P If you want to be smart ass and hurt about it then lets put it like this. 1. Quite aware of how Firefox works,its all I use the past couple of years. 2. If you got the time at all to fire up Firefox then you have the time to contact people you owe crap to. Sorry,don't feel sorry for you on this situation,because you brought it all on yourself,and leaving it up to speculation, sure you could have just fired up Firefox once out of the blue and closed it asap,coincidently around the time this thread was started, but it seems unlikely that you would have fired it up for no reason, along with avoiding the net and Firefox for months on end. Infact the very proof speaks otherwise, these months since you have had Ceti's system you have been here posting off and on until end of Feb and up until early-mid Feb on the Neo forums I was told.

If you have the time to post off and on then you have the time to contact people or finish their work,or maybe should contact them first then post later if you have the time,ect..??? Seems like that would be the more responsible thing to do,correct? So no,don't be surprised if some people don't believe the firefox story,it has too many holes in it to be a defense and is irelivent for said above reasons. If all else fails you could have did  a single post here stating your issues long ago but of course why publicly air your own business problems and try to address them when its easier to just ignore them for months on end.....

Benefit of the doubt??? Sure,people can give that,and have before,but theres a point where things wear thin,and when people hear that you've had said items for months on end,and wont reply back or didn't send any status emails then yea theres that point where people tend to no longer give it or the faith has been broken. People worry,ect. Read the previous post on this thread,ones like Dark Facts sum it up perfectly. People get pissed.

No one here that I am aware of has accused you of "wringing my hands at the thought of keeping peoples' systems hostage" or of planning intentional theft as just of yet. Its just a simple fact though that you had someone else's property and you have not returned it for unknown reasons and its been far to long. No one really does know what those reason are but you yourself, regardless of what you say,and it looks real bad that it is taking this long. You think people are out to get you ehh or make you look bad,then check your sales thread.

When people were getting impatient about your sales I was taking your defense even though they were rightfully irked that you were posting upcoming sales that didn't occur. People were saving up money for sales you announced that they could have spent elsewhere. Basically you were saying "Stay tuned" but didn't deliver esp this last time. Anyway I would continue to side with you if it wasn't for Ceti's issue coming to light,and once you fix said issues as far as I'm concerned you are in my good graces again,regardless of what you currently think of me or if it matters to you, at least until something like this happens again which hopefully it never does.

Also,I know you haven't noticed,Im not the first/only person here to use the butt hurt term,so are you saying its dork-ass like of just me,or everyone else also who has used it here, and you just proved it right either way it goes...  :roll: It def fit you well there it seems after all.  And another good point,if you have all this time to watch us talk in the shout box for that long then come back to post again then you damn well have time to contact everyone you owe. Instead of screwing around here go finish your work and get your shit sorted. Your info btw is on 411.com. I yanked it while at work. Its public knowledge,but yea like I said Ill be happy to remove it once you resolve the issues.  Till then I'm more then happy to save people from having to use 411.com themselves. TTYL when you do.


Quote from: turbo D on 04/03/2008, 12:58 AMshhhhh, don't remind him. I need to save some money again, I just payed my credit card. lol.
I just sold my soul- I need some Turbo Purchases to get back into it again!  I wonder if he'll be selling a PC engine system along with all the software this time.......

In review- I went from 90 something titles to 22 now, just to pay off some bills.  I think I am going to go the Supergrafx + Super CD combo attack this time, instead of owning a DUO.  Any thoughts?
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!

Ceti Alpha

Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 04/03/2008, 08:42 PM
Quote from: turbo D on 04/03/2008, 12:58 AMshhhhh, don't remind him. I need to save some money again, I just payed my credit card. lol.
I just sold my soul- I need some Turbo Purchases to get back into it again!  I wonder if he'll be selling a PC engine system along with all the software this time.......

In review- I went from 90 something titles to 22 now, just to pay off some bills.  I think I am going to go the Supergrafx + Super CD combo attack this time, instead of owning a DUO.  Any thoughts?
My thoughts on that:

WOOOT!!! That would be killer. Is there even a question?  :wink:
"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"

Turbo D

that would definitely be killer! I always wanted to score that cdrom2 add-on for my SuperGrafx.
Quote from: MissaFX on 01/06/2008, 12:10 PMMy idea of gaming is a couple of friends over, a couple of drinks, a couple of medical-handrolled-game-enhancing-cigs and a glowing box you all worship.


Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 04/03/2008, 08:42 PMI think I am going to go the Supergrafx + Super CD combo attack this time, instead of owning a DUO.  Any thoughts?
It's an awesome but pricey combo.  If you really like the handful of SGX games, or just want something really cool, then go for it; otherwise, save a few bucks and stick with a Duo.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!

Hobo Xiphas

This thread is pretty good but not as good as the original one.

Quote from: Joe RedifierAnyway, nobody's getting banned just yet.  If it comes to that it will be discussed by all of the mods and Aaron.  Nobody's going to jump the gun and push the ban trigger.
hahaha this is pretty funny


"Don't be vulgar. We're artists..."
Jess Franco's La Comtesse Perverse


Sorry guys,everything that needed to be said has been said,and since this thread isn't about big sales (already another thread for that elsewhere) and how awesome the Supergrafx /Super Cd Rom 2 combo is (yes,def awesome,its the set up I use) I'm locking this thread unless Ceti or someone else needs to update their situation.

UPDATE: April 08, 2008, 04:33:38 AM by PCEngineHell
After  Dean posted here he again blew off Ceti for  a few more days. Ceti finally got pissed off and spammed Dean with emails and finally got a reply stating Dean will ship it to Nat. When? No one knows,but when we find out will update further.

UPDATE: Still no update. Nether Ceti nor Nat have any shipping info yet,no more word from Dean regarding sending the system off in the condition it arrived in,including its original official box to Nat.


And people say I was simply out to get him lol  :roll:


I think its safe to say its Dean himself burning his own bridges,not simply me trying to wipe him off the face of PCEFX. This should be  a must/required read for anyone here with a double standard about it before saying it was Ok cause Dean would make right,and Michaels just out to get him.

In light of all of this I am def not removing his address info,incase Dean is wondering why it has not been removed.



Is there a list anywhere that shows who all sent him Hardware/ Money?

just, damn......
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!

Joe Redifer

Didn't he say that his kids are taking up most/all of his time?  Let this be a lesson to you all:  DON'T HAVE KIDS!  Your life will belong to them, and you as an individual will be gone.  Free time will be a thing of the past.  This can also happen if you get a girlfriend and/or wife who tells you what to do... and you obey!  This is called being "pussywhipped".  This is bad.


I've got a pregnant wife who's due in a month + a 2 1/2 years old hyperactive daughter + a bigger workload than 95% of the Japanese population...yet I still find time to post on the forum here, code PCE games, do my eBay auctions, ship items on time, and return emails and PMs. I don't think it's got anything to do with him not having time, I think it's "I don't want to deal with this problem, so if I ignore it long enough, maybe it'll go away". Of course, I'm not him so I can't say for sure, but this is getting fishier by the week and I really don't like the direction it's all headed in.
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Quote from: OldRover on 04/25/2008, 01:35 AMI've got a pregnant wife who's due in a month + a 2 1/2 years old hyperactive daughter + a bigger workload than 95% of the Japanese population...yet I still find time to post on the forum here, code PCE games, do my eBay auctions, ship items on time, and return emails and PMs. I don't think it's got anything to do with him not having time, I think it's "I don't want to deal with this problem, so if I ignore it long enough, maybe it'll go away". Of course, I'm not him so I can't say for sure, but this is getting fishier by the week and I really don't like the direction it's all headed in.
Pretty much,its all kinda piling up now on him.Something is def wrong here with him. I hope he get sit all taken care of,at least for his own sake. The longer he takes to fix it all the worse he ruins his name and burns more and more bridges. Some real sad shit for sure.


Well, I'm not going to take any chances here...I'll send my stuff to nat to get fixed/modded or I'll just do it myself. If it were me having these kinds of problems with Dean, I'd get on an airplane, fly over to his place, and take my stuff back in person. I'd like to avoid said expensive scenario though.
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II

Ceti Alpha

Quote from: OldRover on 04/25/2008, 08:53 AMWell, I'm not going to take any chances here...I'll send my stuff to nat to get fixed/modded or I'll just do it myself. If it were me having these kinds of problems with Dean, I'd get on an airplane, fly over to his place, and take my stuff back in person. I'd like to avoid said expensive scenario though.
I tend to agree that he's taken on too much and he doesn't want to deal with the situation. So instead, he's letting the situation fester like an infected boil. From his E-mail he sent me apologizing, he really seemed apologetic about the whole situation. I just hope he gets this all sorted out - for his sake, and the sake of all the people with MIA consoles. It's not a good feeling not knowing what is going on with your console.

Nat could take 6 months with my Duo (note: I hope it doesn't take that long :P) because he's always around, or filling me in on the progress. And that is all Dean had to do with me. Even just a bi-weekly E-mail telling me what's happening would have eased my mind. Instead I was frantically checking my E-mail on a daily bases for 3 months hoping and praying for some contact from Dean.

Some of those people on the NeoGeo forums are going through EXACTLY what I was going through. One guy didn't want to "bother" Dean with E-mails, which is exactly how I felt. Well, not "bothering" Dean didn't get me anywhere. He's going to have to E-mail him daily until he gets a response.

Again, I just hope Dean gets this all worked out.
"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"


These cats are even leaving voice messages for him though and he's still dodging 'em.  Not good.  He acts like he doesn't want to be bothered.  :-s
Quote from: Tatsujin- ATM it's just amateurish boytoy shizzle.
- they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real.


Dean replied to an email that I sent him around the middle of the week, this morning.  Any word on your end, Ceti?


Ceti's situation has been worked out SR- his duo is now with Nat.
Quote from: Tatsujin- ATM it's just amateurish boytoy shizzle.
- they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real.


Yep,from what it sounded like too,the entire time Dean had Cetis Duo he never even opened the box,fucking lame.

Ceti Alpha

Quote from: PCEngineHell on 04/25/2008, 04:47 PMYep,from what it sounded like too,the entire time Dean had Cetis Duo he never even opened the box,fucking lame.
Yeah, when nat received my Duo from Dean the package wasn't touched.
"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"


Oh jumpin Jesus Mary and Joseph on a fuckin' rubber crutch. :( Well ceti, at least you'll get your unit back now.
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Seems there has been a whole lot of double standard bs going on in the Neo forums I hear about the Dean mishaps.
I heard from a few that Mr. "Super awesome Ill threaten you by PM" mod Wasabi tried to cover things up via moving threads to the War Room for less notice.

I think if anyone from the Neo forums taking Deans side or bashing him needs to see the whole side of all of it.
I can understand someone wanting to take up for Dean. He has in past communication in deals with me always been great and fast to complete my transactions with him. Granted,these are sales of ready made items. I do think Dean is a very nice guy,talking to him via email I just get that impression.

That being said I am just calling it like I see it. This is as it stands. Dean took money to do said jobs for multiple people from here,Neo,and Shumps forums. It doesn't matter how much he took,weather it be $5 bucks or 100,once he agrees to do said work it needs to be done,and in a timely manner. I don't care who you are,no one is fine with having their stuff kept by anyone for over a month or 2 without solid communication. Actually hitting past 2 weeks is simply too long in my book. After too long,even if no one wants to call it  a scam,it does appear to be one. Its one of those things where you go "Hey,if no one said anything publicly,would I ever have got my stuff back???".

Ceti Alpha was a victim in this case. His general time was wasted. 4 months basically. He was caused stress,and no he was not compensated for said stress. Dean didn't finish the work. He simply took the (easy) exit option and punted it to Nat who is doing it in a timely manner. Dean didn't even open Cetis package the entire time it sat there it seems. This makes it even worse. That being said,Dean didnt really resolve the issue,he just punted the work elsewhere,instead of jumping on it asap (within the next couple of days). Its the complete blowing off of someone who paid money and sent them a item expecting work done in a timely manner that burns the most. The trust is broken. Factoring in the shipping time Ceti Alpha did not expect this job to take more then a month at the most.
These are not favors,and should never be considered such. And when this kinda crap happens,they become screw overs,nuthin else.

We had others post in Deans past sales thread that there was a hint of similar issues. These same issues have happened before on other forums. It looked really bad in the past because Dean said things like he didn't have net access as a excuse,or his house was being bug bombed, but his ebay account was busy buying up expensive Valiant comics daily. Instead of Dean putting the time into his customers,he was giving said time to the adventures of Magnus Robot Fighter and Turrok. This is just what it is. There was no defense or viable excuse for this.

Dean has done alot of good for said communities,but all the good does not matter to the new ones who come along to do a transaction and end up in a situation like the one Ceti was in. Most people taking up for Dean are the old customers,so its a loyalty issue,and one of preservation in the case of people like Sign of Zeta only worrying that Dean will no longer sell games here to him if the bad is brought up. The general concern should be for the whole community,not the few individuals who got sweet deals.

So far it mainly seems Dean is just hoping if he ignores it it will all go away. That may not be the case,but it def does look that way all in all. Dean sent me  a email when this came up. I didn't know it,so I did not get to reply to him until much later then I should have,but the point is he said he didn't know how I could manage it all with family and work. The fact is once I took back custody of my kids and am now  a single dad,I don't take on more work or sales then I can handle. When I post I'm going to do a sale,I may run 2 days late getting it up,but I get it up so that people are not holding money waiting forever to buy my stuff. Dean did this awhile back,people saved up and held money,and Dean never delivered said massive sale,pissing people off.

Its very clear Dean has taken in too much on his plate. He didn't know when to stop,think,and say no. He just kept taking in said work and money,and now he cant get it all done. I heard all about the good ole boys old school double standard thing over at Neo forums. I'm thanking god its not like that here,that we generally don't put up with that kind of bull shit and we have honest great mods who call it like it is. No amount of thread moving or arguing on Deans behalf is going to change the fact Dean has fucked up majorly and burned multiple people, mentioned and un mentioned in this thread in the past and now.

The best thing will be that Dean finally gets it all resolved,and starts telling people no,not yes,when someone ask if he can do a job. He needs to stick to this until all his family and work issues are settled with. Once all that is done,hes owned up to the problems hes caused and sorted the shit out in a timely manner,Im sure everyone here at PCEFX will be happy to welcome him back. But thats only if its in a timely manner. People are tired of being put off,delayed,and ignored. Continue to do that,here or on other forums,and people will pay attention,and not be so friendly upon your return.

To Dean,you have a up hill battle,you did what you did,no excuses,now all you can do is go forward and make the best of it,and do your best to make it right. Making a few public status updates might be nice for your image right now  :wink: Either way,good luck to you. Regardless of being caught in the lame shit,you're still a good guy I think. I think you've just had  a major fuck up,and you need to fix it asap.

Hobo Xiphas

Mike tells it like it is, good job.

But, Mike, aren't you a competitor of a sort of Dean's?  In that light, this whole thread seems somewhat dishonest as you are slagging someone and then you might pick up the extra business as a result.


Nope,Im not offering PCE mods or anything like that. Exactly like I had said,I have kept to doing projects strictly for people I know only except on the rarest of exceptions. I don't have the time to do more,because of kids and work and projects I want to do for myself. I simply know when to say no. Nat and Turbokon are currently the go to guys here for PCE mods. Anything else,if I know you,you can ask. If I have the time I will do it. I'm not out to do work for strangers really or to do more then 1-2 projects a month for others,if even that..Providing information however I am always willing to do when I can.


Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Id like to but I cant do anything for at least the next month and a half. Ive got ebay sales Im taking care of,and its mothers day month. My work is going to be busy due to this and Ill have to do OT this month at work. After that I have 3 projects I owe myself. I just got done crunching in Quoths Super Cd Rom 2 laser replacement job the other day in between getting ebay stuff sorted and adding a sync cleaner and doing tidy up work to 16-Bits Supergun he bought from Dean. After that I'm freed up,but till then Id def recommend Nat. Really Id say Nat period because he can do the total work over for you for the caps for the screen too. Basically get your TE refurbished. You'd be much better off having him do this.


Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


neo-geo.com's forum is filled with juvenile bastards, just like DP's forum. Take anything you see on either forum with a canister of iodized salt.
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II

Ceti Alpha

Quote from: OldRover on 05/02/2008, 12:49 PMneo-geo.com's forum is filled with juvenile bastards, just like DP's forum. Take anything you see on either forum with a canister of iodized salt.
Yeah, I get my fill of juvenile bastards from Trekweb.
"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"


Yeah, that place has really gone down the shitter over the past 8 or 9 years. Degenerates abound.
Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Quote from: OldRover on 05/02/2008, 12:49 PMneo-geo.com's forum is filled with juvenile bastards, just like DP's forum. Take anything you see on either forum with a canister of iodized salt.
No, no, no. Lazer Dorks' forum is filled with juvenile bastards.
Neo-Geo.com's forum is filled with assholes.


thats why If you have a neo geo or are interested in snk, you need to go on over to neogeoforlife.com!

Much nicer! :)


"Neo Geo forum is..." 

One of the most reputable sellers on there TOTALLY dicked me around on some games I tried to order, lied to me, called me an "idiot" and purposefully refunded my Paypal payment directly (as opposed to using the "refund payment" option) so I would suffer the fees (under $8, but it still really pissed me off).  The other transaction I had over there was just shy of a wash out and would've been a complete disaster had I not had a friend like Nat.  It's weird how this forum is worlds away from what they have going on over there.  (they DO have some cool, knowledgeable and very nice folks over there too of course - but the stench of dirty asshole is so intense it'll take a few visits to get used to it).
"Don't be vulgar. We're artists..."
Jess Franco's La Comtesse Perverse


Quote from: MurderDate on 05/02/2008, 04:25 PMOne of the most reputable sellers on there TOTALLY dicked me around on some games I tried to order
(not to derail this thread, but,)

Who was it?  What happened?  Did you make a feedback thread?
Quote from: ridgewood_general_store_1 on 08/15/2014, 11:12 AMI'm not sorry about this, as I'm not sorry about ANY attack by the goverrats.


no, I am in no position to even open my mouth over there.  I am a "total n00b" and this dude has a huge feedback rating that I think is 100% positive.  I didn't even bother.  His name is something like Tophat , that's all I'll say. That should be more than enough.  Guaranteed if I said anything I'd be black listed.  I don't need the bad publicity - I have too many  spare MVS games that I want to get rid of. It's not even worth it.

anyway.. back to D-Lite..  ](*,)
"Don't be vulgar. We're artists..."
Jess Franco's La Comtesse Perverse


Perhaps a neo geo section could be opened at the forums here...wait no, that'd attract too many dickheads.
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II

Joe Redifer

Ceti Alpha

Quote from: Joe Redifer on 05/02/2008, 08:39 PMSo does the Neo Geo turn people into assholes?
Maybe it's the spending $300/game that makes them bitter?
"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"


I think it is just more or less internet egos colliding due to too many people all in one place. It happens all over the place. The Neo forums just ended up being one of the worst due to all egocentricness that goes along with AES collecting too. Everyone wants to be bigger,badder,and better then the next guy. There are a lot of good members over there though,they just get lost in the shuffle due to the crap.

Ceti Alpha

Quote from: PCEngineHell on 05/02/2008, 09:09 PMI think it is just more or less internet egos colliding due to too many people all in one place. It happens all over the place. The Neo forums just ended up being one of the worst due to all egocentricness that goes along with AES collecting too. Everyone wants to be bigger,badder,and better then the next guy. There are a lot of good members over there though,they just get lost in the shuffle due to the crap.
Shitty  :(
"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"


Jeez, why do I always miss the crazy threads until they are over?

You have no idea how much I've wanted to use this while reading:


I think several people really overreacted here. I won't name names. You know who you are. I HOPE. :evil:

Anyway, I'm glad it might all work out. I'm glad now that I've decided to wait on my mod after reading this and getting the facts.

Ceti, here's hoping you get your Duo back soon.

Michael, about forums with lots of jerks, I don't get it either. I don't visit GameFAQs anymore because of the awful experience I had on their forums, so I completely know what you are talking about.

Zeta...eh forget it, it's not worth it. :twisted:
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit


I wonder when grahf gets back from Japan. His S-video and region mod boards are very nice. I eventually want to get a Duo R/RX and mod it out like how he did with my US Duo. Hopefully he will be back to doing this stuff when he comes home.