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For anyone who is still waiting for their system/games/mod work from Dean/D-lite

Started by PCEngineHell, 03/26/2008, 03:24 PM

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I have never been on ANY video game related forum where there have not been scammers, asshats, knowledgeable and polite members, and members that alternate between any 2 or 3 of the aforementioned depending on the time of day, cycle of the moon, etc...

Hobo Xiphas

why are all you people still going neo-geo.com i can barely tolerate the rules here let alone at that police state

Quote from: guyjin on 05/02/2008, 02:26 PMNo, no, no. Lazer Dorks' forum is filled with juvenile bastards.
well we have to let kitsune-chan post somewhere you can have him back when his ban runs out


Quote from: nat on 05/02/2008, 11:52 AMKeranu, if you're interested, send me a PM.
I was slightly joking, but I really do need my sound fixed. I tried doing it myself, but it didn't make any difference so all the caps might need to be replaced (I also did a crappy job). Not ready to ship my TE out yet, but I'll be sure to give you a PM when I am.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Quote from: Hobo Xiphas on 05/10/2008, 12:44 AMwhy are all you people still going neo-geo.com i can barely tolerate the rules here let alone at that police state
You mean corrupt police state !



To be honest I figured you would be still Carlson. Its good you just sent the Supergun to me to work on instead. I hate to say this but Dean has all but dropped off the face of the earth,and I am doubtful he will ever come back. Even though it will prob stir shit up you should prob inform the guys running the Scammer/Time Waster thread,so they can update it. They can only report on stuff they are made aware of.

For the just in case factor that Dean does show back up,I think its best if as many people he owes shit to or put off forever come forward so that in the future people will be able to look back and reflect on his past dealings before making a transaction. Then again this spans a few website forums from those who have complained so far and then you have to take into account the people that just dealt with Deal possibly directly on his website that don't post in forums,who knows if anyones been burned via that route too.

All in all its just some sad crazy shit I hate to say.


This is the biggest flame thread ever, I love it!!! And the funny ting is it isn't even about the person in the topic :lol:


I'm going to go ahead and lock this thread for now. I think its safe to say Dean hasn't settled all his debts,but its doubtful more will be added here except maybe a bump every 2-3 months,if that,due to the fact others involved are not on this forum,ect... With that regard Dean has pretty much made himself  a scammer and time waster,even if not intentionally,he did so,and that's all that needs to be said. If he resurfaces,caution should be taken in any dealings or sales involving him,his children,grandchildren,ect in the near or far future....


Got a pm from member RuthlessT138. Posting the story part of it here so people can be made aware that Dean is still stalling off folks and not finishing his deals.


I recently stumbled across your thread in the chit-chat section about Dean/D-Lite, and felt like my story needed to be told to someone here.  I'd also like to ask your advice about the situation if you don't mind, because, well, Dean has had my system for nearly a year.

It all started when I got burned by a guy on eBay who sold me a TG-CD system with a docking station that wouldn't power up, after it had been "guaranteed working on arrival."  To make a long story slightly shorter, he wasn't really that interested in helping me out in the way of a refund.  This was at the end of Sept. '07.  Dean seemed to have a good track record and from what I had read everyone around here seemed to think he was a pretty respectable guy.  Since I had been thinking about getting my TG-16 modded anyway, I contacted him to see if he could do that and take a look at my docking station to see if it was fixable.  Not surprisingly, it took several e-mails for me to get a hold of him.  But once I did, he was sympathetic to my situation and agreed to take a look at my stuff.  He said he couldn't guarantee that he could fix the docking station but he would at least take a look at it and give my TG-16 a region switch and S-Video mod.  I told him that was fine and a few more e-mails later I got his address and sent out my stuff on Oct 15th (again, '07).  Now here's where the situation starts to get just a little annoying for me.

For the next couple months I didn't hear from Dean much except for the occasional e-mail telling me that he hadn't had time to look at my stuff yet.  Then in December he had what he called his "Colossal Sale" and I decided to buy some games from him in the meantime, which were sent to me in a timely manner.  I thought, "Oh great, if he's that on top of sending out the games, then my hardware can't be that far behind!"  How wrong I was.  For the next several months after that we played quite a bit of e-mail tag, with varying excuses and varying gaps between e-mails.  Sometimes the gaps were just a few weeks, while other times it took him months to respond or give me any updates on the status of my stuff. 

As far as the excuses went, most of them were family-related, but there were apparently some hardware issues as well.  Around January Dean said that his PCB region mod chip wouldn't reliably work with my TG-16, so he had to put in a 8PDT style one instead.  I thought that was kind of weird, as I seemed to remember reading a thread posted by him on the forum (on 9/18/07 to be exact) where he said the chip would work on "any NEC system."  Then at the end of February he said he still couldn't get my docking station to power up; he had taken it apart and couldn't find anything wrong with it so he was going to take apart another one and compare parts.  After that I didn't hear from him for three more months, until the end of May (and even then it was only after I had to bug him).  He said he couldn't figure out what was going on with the docking station so we agreed that he would keep it for spare parts and send me a modded High Def model 1 Genesis in it's place, along with my TG-16.  Again, I just thought that was kind of weird.  Even though he made no guarantee about being able to successfully repair the docking station, I couldn't help but feel just a little bit bummed.  I'm no technical whiz when it comes to this kind of stuff at all, so I could be totally wrong, but I just had this feeling in the back of my mind that it could have been saved, but the right amount of time/effort wasn't properly put into it.  I mean, three months?

Anyway, after a few more e-mails/excuses, Dean informed me on August 1st that he would "send the goods out Monday."  I didn't get my stuff and I didn't hear from him for another month, and the only reason I did was because once again I had to bug him.  He's now promising to add a bunch of free games to my package for the delay (he's been saying that since about June) and asking me if he could send me $50 via PayPal that I would refund back to him when I got my stuff back, so he would be more motivated to get it all in the mail faster.  I recently asked him if there is anyone else he knows who might be able to fix the docking station and he has yet to answer my question.
Right about now what I suggest to anyone else who stumbles on this thread and is owed money/items by Dean to contact him personally at his home, via phone, or in person if you live close enough by. Another thing you can try is contacting the local police in his area and making a report/complaint, or see who they suggest contacting, because as it stands it is fraud/theft via internet.
Los Altos Police Department
1 N San Antonio Rd
Los Altos, CA 94022
(650) 947-2779
All of Deans personal address info are still located on page 1 of this thread.


Dean's had this guy's shit for nearly a year and he needs to be motivated to get the stuff into mail transit faster?  And he actually has the balls to tell this guy that?  Hmmm.  Obviously Dean's a fucking jerk.
Quote from: Tatsujin- ATM it's just amateurish boytoy shizzle.
- they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real.

Ceti Alpha

Quote from: Sinistron on 09/10/2008, 09:33 AMDean's had this guy's shit for nearly a year and he needs to be motivated to get the stuff into mail transit faster?  And he actually has the balls to tell this guy that?  Hmmm.  Obviously Dean's a fucking jerk.
Yeah, that statement stuck out in my mind as well.  [-(

But man, I though my situation was bad. This scenario is even worse.  :(
"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"



Oh yeah, the thread where Dean said the PCB chip would work on "any NEC system" is right here:

Seems to me it would make a lot more sense to actually properly test the chip on all types of systems before making such a statement.  Just an observation.


I got my system (unmodded) back from him on August 15th  and a refund for the services that he did not do a couple weeks before that.

This thread turns up on page 1 of a "dean dragoli" google search.  I mean, if he needs motivation for any outstanding orders...


Sent a email on Trevors behalf,and got a reply:

My email first:
QuoteOn Sep 10, 2008, at 12:08 AM, michael helgeson wrote:

Got a notice from a member by the name of Trevor/RuthlessT138  that you still have items belonging to him,and that it has been about  a year now. Seriously,wtf is your problem that you cant just put the stuff in a box, seal it up and mail it off. USPS is open 6 days a week,and usually any spot has a drop off door for early hour drop offs, so you can stop using work as a excuse, along with using family issues as a excuse. Your family issues may be plenty, but have nothing to do with these peoples items, or transactions they made with you in good faith that you managed to destroy on a wide scale.  Seriously,   for now on I think instead of telling them to nag you I'm going to refer your local police station/FBI,ect.. to them. Technically you had hit various felony amounts long ago. That's usually what happens to dealers who pull scams on eBay. Seriously,you dont send people their stuff, keep their money, its called theft. You family problems may be many, but think of just how worse they could be if you had the cops breathing down your neck for internet fraud related dealings.
QuoteHey Micahel
Thanks for the e-mail.
I'm going to be working on sending those to Trevor this week.  The problem is I just need to test the items and send them out.  That's typically what is holding items up.  I have so little time these days that I just haven't gotten around to it.  And for some reason I feel paralyzed when it comes time to do it.  That's not an excuse, it's just how this has gone down.  Work and life have got me busy but I just have something wrong with me sometimes that I can't finish off the project. 
You know I've been a good dealer and you know I've had problems with delays before.  Trust me, I hate the delays that I've caused on this stuff and I'm working on it.  And I've been serious when I say that I appreciate your efforts to help people get their stuff.  Seriously.  You're a good person and I really do appreciate you giving me a kick in the ass on this stuff.
I'll let Trevor know the progress on this stuff in the next day or two.
Seriously, Im not impressed.


Wait. You sent an email on someone else's behalf of your own accord!?  If I were Dean, I'd shoot back an email telling you mind you're own f-ing business and f-off. Dean has no excuse for what he's done, but he owes *you* no explanation as you're not the direct customer. It's like you're the self appointed BBB of PCXF or something...

 And 'dude' can't grow some balls and send an 'email' to D-lite himself? Who the hell waits a whole god damn year? A dumbass, that's who.


QuoteThe problem is I just need to test the items and send them out.
He still hadn't tested that stuff yet?!?!  Jesus.

QuoteAnd 'dude' can't grow some balls and send an 'email' to D-lite himself? Who the hell waits a whole god damn year? A dumbass, that's who.
And Bonknuts, I'm sorry if you think I'm a dumbass. I just have a few things to say about that in my own defense:

1. Calling me names that I (to the best of my recollection) haven't been called since I was in about 7th grade isn't going to help the situation for anybody.  It's rude, immature, and unnecessary.

2. I have been emailing Dean, the entire time he's had my stuff.  I just sent him a couple today as a matter of fact.  The problem is he doesn't always like to respond to his emails.  And when he does a lot of the time he makes excuses.  I've already explained that in the message I sent to Michael.  It just got to a point where it felt like the excuses kept piling up, no matter how many emails I sent him.  I had no idea this fiasco would go on for so long.  There were some noticeable gaps between the emails of Dean and myself, I'm not going to lie, but that was mainly due to the fact that Dean said he was having some family/job issues and I was just trying to give him some time to sort himself out, without him feeling like I was trying to breathe down his neck.  Either that or in some instances I was just busy with my own job.  Plain and simple. 

3. I just want to make it known that I didn't ask Michael to send an email to Dean on my behalf, it was his idea, not mine.  In the last paragraph of that message I sent to him (which he didn't include here, because it didn't really pertain to the story) I specifically said that I didn't want him to fight my battles or do any of my dirty work for me by any means.  As I said before, I was just looking for some advice.  And in his defense, Michael probably knows Dean as a person better than I do, so he probably figured he could get through to Dean better than I could.  He was just trying to help.  Besides, it wasn't you he sent the email to, so why is it your problem?

There, I'm done with all the defending.  If you still have a problem with how I handled this, I'm sorry you feel that way.  But if you want to call me a dumbass, go ahead.  You can call me every name in the book for all I care.  It's still your problem, not mine.

...and people may wonder why I don't post that much...


Quote from: TurboXray on 09/10/2008, 11:25 PMWait. You sent an email on someone else's behalf of your own accord!?  If I were Dean, I'd shoot back an email telling you mind you're own f-ing business and f-off. Dean has no excuse for what he's done, but he owes *you* no explanation as you're not the direct customer. It's like you're the self appointed BBB of PCXF or something...

 And 'dude' can't grow some balls and send an 'email' to D-lite himself? Who the hell waits a whole god damn year? A dumbass, that's who.
Actually the guy has been sending emails to him, if you'd read above Maldouche. Dean has not been actively responding to people. I honestly did not even expect him to reply to me,but saw no harm in giving it a try. 3 mins of my time maybe. I'm not the only one contacting Dean on peoples behalf either. Same thing going on on the neo forums. Mods contacting Dean to try to coax him into making good on prior deals since he wont respond to the actual customers. Nothing new.

Real question, why do you fucking care if someone is trying to help a guy out to get his stuff back? Did I ask him to make any excuse to me, no I didnt,did I? I already heard all the excuses,along with everyone else... Another thing, its not the guys fault because he tried to play it nice to get his stuff back. That doesn't make him a dumb ass. According to you that makes everyone else who dealt with Dean and got fucked with dumb asses too. Ceti, Trev, Carlson ect..
Thats pretty much what your saying. A year, 4 months, 6 months its all the same, its all bad, and its not the buyers fault, its the seller for taking advantage and abusing the communities trust. Sorry Mal your legendary hero fell so hard,but that was his own doing, no one elses.

I love how the very few folks like you Mal who whine and bitch about me, Sini, and others for taking a stance/stand, helping others in bad situations , also end up being the same low lifes here who have few to zero friends, and never contribute to the community in any real aspect. Your a zero asset. If you left tomorrow, no one would even care, because of your negative attitude towards people and lack of ability to sympathize or help out in any situation as of yet. At any rate, as usual, if the situation gets updated for Trev or whatever, Ill update the thread. Till then, its locked again to avoid fighting.

Joe Redifer

Let's lay off the personal insults here.  There is no need for them.


RuthlessT138 was finally able to obtain his items from Dean. Glad to hear.