12/23/2024: Localization News - Team Innocent

PC-FX Localization for Team Innocent is released, a pre-Christmas gift!! In a twist, it feels like the NEC PC-FX got more attention in 2024 than any other time I can remember! Caveat: The localizers consider the "v0.9" patch a BETA as it still faces technical hurdles to eventually subtitle the FMV scenes, but they consider it very much playable.
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The “What-Did-You-Buy-Today?” Thread

Started by Tatsujin, 06/15/2008, 05:45 AM

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Wow, Beemer, looks like you've got your work cut out for you.  Congrats on Battle Lode Runner!  That's one I'd love to add to my library. :)

These arrived in the mail yesterday from Hit-Japan:


I finally bit the bullet on the PCE version of Dungeon Explorer II because I just can't justify spending what the US goes for these days and I've been noticing the price of the PCE one going up.  Wanted to get it while it was still under $20.  Made it through the first boss last night, and while I have no idea what's going on, once the gameplay kicked in I had no problem figuring out where to go.  Hopefully I'll make it through a good chunk of the game before getting stuck and moving on...

I've been wanting to play Salamander for awhile.  Holy moly, it's so much more fun than Life Force on the NES.  I picked up Life Force for the NES a couple years ago because I remembered playing the crap out of it when I was in middle/high school.  Way harder than I remembered.  I haven't beaten the first level.  But I made it to level 3 on my first session with the PCE version.  So much better in so many ways.  Hit-Japan took a pretty reasonable offer for it (imo) so ended up getting this one for under $20 as well.


Quote from: tpivette on 02/19/2013, 10:04 PMGotta love the asian script seat covers on a european car  ](*,)
What's wrong with it?  If you look closely at the interior pic you'll see some old pizza crusts, completing the trifecta of axis power references.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: guest on 02/20/2013, 09:24 AMI finally bit the bullet on the PCE version of Dungeon Explorer II because I just can't justify spending what the US goes for these days and I've been noticing the price of the PCE one going up.  Wanted to get it while it was still under $20.  Made it through the first boss last night, and while I have no idea what's going on, once the gameplay kicked in I had no problem figuring out where to go.  Hopefully I'll make it through a good chunk of the game before getting stuck and moving on...
How much of Dungeon Explorer 2 is dependent on reading Japanese? Never played any of the DE games; looks fun.


Quote from: jeffhlewis on 02/20/2013, 11:19 AMHow much of Dungeon Explorer 2 is dependent on reading Japanese? Never played any of the DE games; looks fun.
I'd say if you're on the fence, go ahead and pick it up.  If you don't like it, you can probably sell it here (or elsewhere) for what you paid. 

The control feels a little different, but it's not a bad thing.  The music is awesome.  There were a couple menus I had to fiddle with to get a new game started and I prayed I wouldn't erase my memory in the process.  Luckily, it all went ok. 

Choosing a character was easy enough.  You can scroll through them to compare stats. 

I located the first dungeon without really exploring the castle or the village.  I just wanted to make sure I could find it ok.  Playing through the first dungeon was awesome!  By now I'd warmed up to the control and the first level felt easier than the first level in DE1.  First boss was easy also. 

Unless I'm missing it (or maybe don't have the option because my memory is full - I'll have to check), it seems I only have the ability to write down a password.  After I defeated the first boss, I was given a password, which I wrote down.  I kind of thought I'd have the ability to save, but the password wasn't too long or crazy. 

I'll try to post more detailed thoughts on how playable the PCE version is (in a new thread) once I've spent a little more time with it.


Dan, you do have a save function on DE II.  In your center status menu, the last option is SAVE.  BUT, you had to have created a save file when you first started the game.  



Thanks Bernie!  That'll help a lot. :)  I figured there was a save function.  Now I'll be able to use it.


Quote from: guest on 02/20/2013, 01:46 PM
Quote from: jeffhlewis on 02/20/2013, 11:19 AMHow much of Dungeon Explorer 2 is dependent on reading Japanese? Never played any of the DE games; looks fun.
I'd say if you're on the fence, go ahead and pick it up.  If you don't like it, you can probably sell it here (or elsewhere) for what you paid. 

The control feels a little different, but it's not a bad thing.  The music is awesome.  There were a couple menus I had to fiddle with to get a new game started and I prayed I wouldn't erase my memory in the process.  Luckily, it all went ok. 

Choosing a character was easy enough.  You can scroll through them to compare stats. 

I located the first dungeon without really exploring the castle or the village.  I just wanted to make sure I could find it ok.  Playing through the first dungeon was awesome!  By now I'd warmed up to the control and the first level felt easier than the first level in DE1.  First boss was easy also. 

Unless I'm missing it (or maybe don't have the option because my memory is full - I'll have to check), it seems I only have the ability to write down a password.  After I defeated the first boss, I was given a password, which I wrote down.  I kind of thought I'd have the ability to save, but the password wasn't too long or crazy. 

I'll try to post more detailed thoughts on how playable the PCE version is (in a new thread) once I've spent a little more time with it.
Sweet. I can read the basics (hiragana/katakana) but anything super intense and I'm lost, haha. Think this is definitely going on my to-buy list.


I have the full English manual scanned over in my manual scans thread.



My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Quote from: jeffhlewis on 02/20/2013, 11:19 AM
Quote from: guest on 02/20/2013, 09:24 AMI finally bit the bullet on the PCE version of Dungeon Explorer II because I just can't justify spending what the US goes for these days and I've been noticing the price of the PCE one going up.  Wanted to get it while it was still under $20.  Made it through the first boss last night, and while I have no idea what's going on, once the gameplay kicked in I had no problem figuring out where to go.  Hopefully I'll make it through a good chunk of the game before getting stuck and moving on...
How much of Dungeon Explorer 2 is dependent on reading Japanese? Never played any of the DE games; looks fun.
I picked up a copy of the PCE DE2 from Hit-Japan as well, although a few months back. Played through the first few dungeons with relative ease. Gameplay and story progression is as linear and easy to follow as the first game (even with absolutely NO understanding of Japanese). The game pushes you towards the next destination, and so far I assume the storyline isn't necessary for advancement in the game... at least not to the point where I'm at anyway. I'd like to know what is going on, but... oh well. Too bad this game doesn't have an english text option like the PCE version of Cotton does!

Unfortunately, I haven't played since getting through the third dungeon, so I can't comment on anything after that. However, I can say, even in Japanese, this game is just as fun as the first if not more so. I just can't make myself pay the rediculous price the US version is going for right now (especially when the PCE version can be had for $20 or less).

If you're on the fence about picking up the Japanese version to save a buck over the US one, have no fear. It's easily playable, even in another language, and well worth the minimal price tag. It seems as though the Japanese versions of the pricier US titles are starting to inflate in price (Magical Chase, Cotton, Terraforming, and even Legend of Hero Tonma)... the time is now to pick up this gem before it does too.
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

Vita - Conception 2
PS3 - Tales of Graces f
Wii U - Monster Hunter 3 Ulltimate


If you guys are serious about playing DE2 and want to borrow my US copy for a bit, let me know.
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Quote from: BlueBMW on 02/20/2013, 09:47 PMIf you guys are serious about playing DE2 and want to borrow my US copy for a bit, let me know.
Thanks for the offer Blue. 

To tell the truth, I've had a burned ISO of the US version for probably 10 years, but I've hardly ever played it because I wanted to savor it when I finally purchased it. Now that I have the PCE version, I'm hoping I can load up my US ISO if I ever get stuck and then go back to the PCE version.  I can't really explain why I'd rather play on legit (albeit crippled, due to the language barrier in my case) software when I have (and had) an eye-patched version for so long.


I found a copy of Fray in the mailbox yesterday.  'Twas snagged from eBay for $23.18 shipped.  :D
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: guest on 02/21/2013, 10:30 AMI found a copy of Fray in the mailbox yesterday.  'Twas snagged from eBay for $23.18 shipped.  :D
Let us know how you like it.


Randomly went by my local media store the other day and wound up picking up a lot more than I had planned on.

2013-02-20 Finds by xcrement5x, on Flickr

Sega Soccer Slam [XBOX]
Endgame [PS2]
Princess Debut [DS]
Jam Sessions [DS]
Picross DS [DS]
Ivy The Kiwi [DS] Loose
Contact [DS] Loose
Flash Focus: Vision Training [DS] Loose
Dark Spire [DS] Loose

I guess you can see the prices in the picture, all the loose games were half price. I'm keeping all of it except the Contact and Dark Spire which I'll probably sell to recoup some of the cost. Endgame was a Guncon game I didn't have and the other stuff was pretty random but things I was interested in.

I'm so happy to be a pretty princess with Princess Debut now! :P
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Contact and Dark Spire are actually pretty decent fun, especially for cheapies
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


I am in DS buying mode lately cause games are cheap.  Picross is one of the games on my list.


found some neat, fake transformers today.



Quote from: galam on 02/21/2013, 10:36 PMfound some neat, fake transformers today.
HOLY SHIT THOSE ARE AWESOME.  Can you pick up some more and send them to me?


Quote from: guest on 02/22/2013, 08:52 PM
Quote from: galam on 02/21/2013, 10:36 PMfound some neat, fake transformers today.
HOLY SHIT THOSE ARE AWESOME.  Can you pick up some more and send them to me?
PM sent if you really want them.


Quote from: galam on 02/21/2013, 10:36 PMfound some neat, fake transformers today.
AHHH I love these!! Been meaning to get the Menasor one for awhile now, except that Computron leg is a real turn-off...
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


Found two more...



Galam, where did you find these at?
Turbo fan since 1991 after owning my first system.

Check out my website:)



2 PCB's ( but this time no pictures of the PCB's because Vimana is installed in the Astro City & I was to lazy to take it out just for a picture  :D )



Undeadline! Very nice! That's one of those games I'll only ever own if I get extremely lucky.


dammit Vimana is high on the want list!  oldskoo Toaplan 4 lyfe


Some gets I got during the week.
Today I made one of the best garage sale finds ever. Got a Veccy system for $5! It didn't come with a controller though, but system works great! :)


Quote from: chany60126 on 02/24/2013, 12:19 AMToday I made one of the best garage sale finds ever. Got a Veccy system for $5! It didn't come with a controller though, but system works great! :)


$5 for a vectrex... Bust find is right :)


Congrats chany60126! That vectrex looks sweeeet!


Quote from: chany60126 on 02/24/2013, 12:19 AMSome gets I got during the week.
Is W Ring any good?  Looks sort of Gradius/R-Type-ish...
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


Looks like you could probably use a Genesis controller with that Vectrex. Worth a try.


Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 02/24/2013, 07:20 AMIs W Ring any good?  Looks sort of Gradius/R-Type-ish...
w ring rocks! I guess you could say it's like those two games in that it's also a horizontal shooter.... It's more like download and gate of thunder


genny wont work.



the controls on the vectrex are analog and the way it calculates the position is non standard.


Quote from: PunkCryborg on 02/24/2013, 10:38 AM
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 02/24/2013, 07:20 AMIs W Ring any good?  Looks sort of Gradius/R-Type-ish...
w ring rocks! I guess you could say it's like those two games in that it's also a horizontal shooter.... It's more like download and gate of thunder
I agree with elabit's comparison. The game is pretty cool overall. Lots of cool powerups are available and the game makes great use of color cycling. I especially dig the music. Naxat games always seem to deliver quality tunage such as Alien Crush, Devil's Crush and Psychosis. W-Ring has a strange/mysterious music theme throughout the game that I love, with stage four being my fave. :)


Got my Ultima 7 game in the mail as well as a NeoSaveMasta V2.


On friday

All CIB's

Bonk's Adventure
The Legendary Axe
Battle Ace - SuperGrafx



not quite a buy, and not quite finished, but i'm pleased so far:

and for easy packing, the stick has a kind of quick disconnect:


Picked up one of these from IDCHAPPY.  Works surprisingly good!  Ran every one of my boards great on my PVM.

[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


My nice, almost minty copy of Might and Magic 3 arrived. I enjoyed it while I played an emulation version of it on my PC.  :mrgreen:
Old enough to be your dad. Just ask your mom.


Some nice pick-ups recently folks :-)

BlueBMW that looks like a nice interface .. Must resist buying PCB, Must resist buying PCB ........... ;-)

I have picked up a copy of Hudson Soft CD-Rom² 1993 Music Works Collection



Got this in today.  :)


And this from Keith Courage.   :mrgreen:



Bought a $10 scratch ticket and won $75!  So I went shopping.
$40 went on these goodies for my DC and the other $30 went toward a negitoro don, a Kirin Ichiban and some edamame.
(upload folder is full so it won't let me post a pic  :x

- Starfire light gun
- Code Veronica
- Blue VMU
- Green VMU
- Performance TremorPak

All in great condition.  The guy who sold me the VMUs had taken the batteries out before I bought them :roll: so I had to get some more.


Quote from: SuperPlay on 02/25/2013, 04:48 AMI have picked up a copy of Hudson Soft CD-Rom² 1993 Music Works Collection
What tracks are on there?  Same as on the "Hudson's CD Game Music Collection '93"?
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!



Quote from: bartre on 02/24/2013, 10:27 PMnot quite a buy, and not quite finished, but i'm pleased so far:

and for easy packing, the stick has a kind of quick disconnect:
That controller is awesome! Did you create this yourself? I've never seen anything like this before. What system does it work with?
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

Vita - Conception 2
PS3 - Tales of Graces f
Wii U - Monster Hunter 3 Ulltimate

Joe Redifer

Looks like it's for the Wii, a system known for it's MASSIVE library of amazing games and fighters with anime chicks in them. If you don't own Melty Blood on the Wii, you probably aren't even truly alive.


Quote from: Joe Redifer on 02/25/2013, 07:29 PMLooks like it's for the Wii, a system known for it's MASSIVE library of amazing games and fighters with anime chicks in them. If you don't own Melty Blood on the Wii, you probably aren't even truly alive.
Never really got into the Wii much... bought one for my wife but I didn't really spent much time on it. Played some drunken Wii Sports, but other than that...

Guess my pulse is barely detectable, haha
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

Vita - Conception 2
PS3 - Tales of Graces f
Wii U - Monster Hunter 3 Ulltimate