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Bonk Favicon

Started by Joe Redifer, 08/04/2008, 09:30 PM

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Joe Redifer

I know this site has the Bonk favicon which appears by the URL when I am here (Firefox 3), but it does not appear properly on my Bookmarks list (nor did it in Firefox 2).  Instead when I look at my Bookmarks, PCEngineFX sits right next to a Genesis favicon from Sega-16 (which properly displays its favcon in the Bookmarks list).  This is unacceptable.  I will not stand for it!  Does anyone know how to flush/rebuild favicon data in Firefox so I can try to get things correct?



You are unaccaptable   :lol: J/k.
Seriously though, try clearing your cache, and all that fun crap. I'm sure you have probably already tried that, and if none of that will work, try doing this:
Delete the bookmark. Clear your cache, then revisit the site after the favicon has loaded at the top, then do a bookmark.

I also found this link on some website when I was doing a search:

If none of those work, since you are using Firefox, you can install this extension to force it to let you modify the icon for the bookmark:

there is a version for 3.0, but it is experimental, and you have to login on there to get it. You could try the 2.0 version, but I have never used it, nor do I have any use for it, so I have no experience with it.

Best of luck.

Joe Redifer

Deleting the old bookmark and updating it with the newer, high-tech bookmark seemed to do the trick.  Thanks!


I've just changed the Bonk favicon which loads fine now in IE7 (had to clean out cache for it to pop up).  Let me know if you don't see it in the browser of your choice.
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