RIP to BT Garner of BT passed away early 2023 from health problems. He was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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TG 16 system w/100 games on eBay

Started by DJLobo, 11/05/2008, 01:29 PM

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Early to bed, early to rise gives a man no social life. - Yakko Warner


so lame....

I sold way way WAAY more than that...130+ games, 2 Duo's a crap load of REAL rares, and I only got about that much over the span of 3 months of solid selling- conventions/Ebay/here...
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Even with free shipping, that's way overpriced, considering there's only a few legitimately rare/pricey titles in the bunch.  I hope this clown likes paying listing fees for fun, 'cause I doubt he's gonna get any bidders.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Yawn...another Ebay seller who thinks his shit don't stink like everyone elses.
Clowns Suck

Turbo D

The sad thing is that some dude will shell out the cash.  :lol:
Quote from: MissaFX on 01/06/2008, 12:10 PMMy idea of gaming is a couple of friends over, a couple of drinks, a couple of medical-handrolled-game-enhancing-cigs and a glowing box you all worship.


HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OMFG good luck. That's just... yeah. Totally not worth it. I love how he has Duo games, but no Duo system. What a rip.


I never bothered clicking that link until today, because I figured that how every many hundreds of dollars it was, it was likely overpriced. When I saw the price in the thousands, I checked the list for Magical Chase, then Dynastic Hero, then Bonk 3's... and none of them are included.

I remember the good ole days when the concept of a lot was to offer the buyer a discount to convince them to buy a  bunch of stuff at once, instead of specifically what they were looking for. Today most lots I see ask for a huge premium.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Quote from: CrackTiger on 11/06/2008, 05:18 PMWhen I saw the price in the thousands, I checked the list for Magical Chase, then Dynastic Hero, then Bonk 3's... and none of them are included.
But there's Beyond Shadowgate, Cotton, Dungeon Explorer II, and Might & Magic III!  Dammit, you know it's a steal at that price!  :lol:
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


 :-"  Um.. You guys failed to mention there is a Best Offer option, it's not a buy it now only. That means it can sell for less than that amount. I mean come on it's 110 games, you don't see that too many places. Also some of those games are quite expensive and new collectors may not be able to afford them right off the start or if they can, may want to choose the one they want if spending that much. I think Magical Chase complete or sealed would go for close to $500, maybe $1000 alone. I see the seller relisted it and added 12 more games also.


Quote from: nortonowner on 11/09/2008, 09:33 PM:-"  Um.. You guys failed to mention there is a Best Offer option, it's not a buy it now only. That means it can sell for less than that amount. I mean come on it's 110 games, you don't see that too many places. Also some of those games are quite expensive and new collectors may not be able to afford them right off the start or if they can, may want to choose the one they want if spending that much. I think Magical Chase complete or sealed would go for close to $500, maybe $1000 alone. I see the seller relisted it and added 12 more games also.
Erase your message and repost?? P.S. I can do that to ;)
Magical chase for $500 is crazy, but $1000 would be beyond laughable

Hmmmmmm the seller trying to pimp perhaps??

STILL nowhere near worth that...besides it does have a best offer, but ya think
they'll bite for like $1000 less??   :lol: :twisted: :lol: :twisted:
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Quote from: nortonowner on 11/09/2008, 09:33 PM:-"  Um.. You guys failed to mention there is a Best Offer option, it's not a buy it now only. That means it can sell for less than that amount. I mean come on it's 110 games, you don't see that too many places. Also some of those games are quite expensive and new collectors may not be able to afford them right off the start or if they can, may want to choose the one they want if spending that much. I think Magical Chase complete or sealed would go for close to $500, maybe $1000 alone. I see the seller relisted it and added 12 more games also.
I always like it when sellers come on here incognito to promote their own shit, defend their price reasons, and toss absurd going rate predictions out there in the hopes they will sucker someone into that. Self created market price hype bull shit scum buckets. I'll laugh hard at the fool who pays a grand for Magical Chase, very very hard I will.


So just who are you cool guys? You aren't selling anything, and you aren't buying anything, so why are you worried about this auction? Apparently games are much cheaper and easier to find where you live, so tell you what, let me give you a list of all the common games like magical chase and you sell them to me for a few $$ each, i will buy all the ones i dont have, all of them. I will pay the prices you say they are worth though, a little bit of nothing. And i want complete games and boxes and all pack ins, no extra price for those. Of course i wont be allowed to buy any of those off you, you are all just full of yourselves, you either dont have any of these games or have no money for anything, so you come on here to say someone elses stuff is priced too high, maybe then they will sell to you for $5 each so your mommy can give you enough allowance to buy them. I never saw so many babies cry in one forum before or act like bad asses when they dont have anything to offer anyone. So put or shut up girls, either fork over all the games i want for dirt or shut the hell up and talk about your own collections or lack thereof, in the meanwhile i will run to the bank to get $20 to buy the ones guys 131 game collection of all super ultra rares that he gave away for no money, i hope he can deal me that good.


Quote from: nortonowner on 11/09/2008, 09:33 PM:-"  Um.. You guys failed to mention there is a Best Offer option, it's not a buy it now only. That means it can sell for less than that amount. I mean come on it's 110 games, you don't see that too many places. Also some of those games are quite expensive and new collectors may not be able to afford them right off the start or if they can, may want to choose the one they want if spending that much. I think Magical Chase complete or sealed would go for close to $500, maybe $1000 alone. I see the seller relisted it and added 12 more games also.
Exactly, it's 110 games. The reason you don't see this too many places is because most sellers refuse to sell such a large lot at the severely reduced price that it takes to move something that no collector needs and a reseller would have to recoup enough profit on.

And Magical Chase, whatever it's really worth, isn't even included.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Quote from: nortonowner on 11/09/2008, 10:11 PMSo just who are you cool guys? You aren't selling anything, and you aren't buying anything, so why are you worried about this auction? Apparently games are much cheaper and easier to find where you live, so tell you what, let me give you a list of all the common games like magical chase and you sell them to me for a few $$ each, i will buy all the ones i dont have, all of them. I will pay the prices you say they are worth though, a little bit of nothing. And i want complete games and boxes and all pack ins, no extra price for those. Of course i wont be allowed to buy any of those off you, you are all just full of yourselves, you either dont have any of these games or have no money for anything, so you come on here to say someone elses stuff is priced too high, maybe then they will sell to you for $5 each so your mommy can give you enough allowance to buy them. I never saw so many babies cry in one forum before or act like bad asses when they dont have anything to offer anyone. So put or shut up girls, either fork over all the games i want for dirt or shut the hell up and talk about your own collections or lack thereof, in the meanwhile i will run to the bank to get $20 to buy the ones guys 131 game collection of all super ultra rares that he gave away for no money, i hope he can deal me that good.
Ok I rarely do this here, but piss off Mr 2 posts trying to act all bad ass.  I personally have a collection at 200 games, 2 much better setups console wise.  I have a lot of games rarer than most in that auction (MANY with boxes).  Oh and btw, my collection is meager compared to  many on here.  So take your "knowledgeable" high and mighty BS elsewhere.  Good way to "join" a community, and then proceed to act like a douche.
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Quote from: nortonowner on 11/09/2008, 10:11 PMApparently games are much cheaper and easier to find where you live, so tell you what, let me give you a list of all the common games like magical chase and you sell them to me for a few $$ each, i will buy all the ones i dont have, all of them. I will pay the prices you say they are worth though, a little bit of nothing. And i want complete games and boxes and all pack ins, no extra price for those.

So put or shut up girls, either fork over all the games i want for dirt or shut the hell up and talk about your own collections or lack thereof, in the meanwhile i will run to the bank to get $20 to buy the ones guys 131 game collection of all super ultra rares that he gave away for no money, i hope he can deal me that good.
This is the reason why places like eBay are flooded with overpriced TG-16 games that never sell. Because people like you try to manipulate the market by buying up all the reasonably priced auctions and then turn around and list them for several times what the average price for them is.

But we see the same rotting Turbo auctions on eBay for weeks, months, even years... that never sell. That's proof that they're overpriced. There was one auction similar to this that sold for a Best Offer price, only for the buyer to relist the games individually for much more than people pay for them. All that happened was the games changed hands from one prospector to another. No Turbo fans or "collector's" bit.

We actually do know where and how to obtain these games for "a little bit of nothing", most people who are actually part of the Turbo community do. This isn't about making money for us, most of us here have a genuine interest in the games themselves.

I actually did buy Magical Chase NEW! and Sealed! locally for $5. I'm keeping it though, because I actually play it. However, if you'd like to put up or shut up, then you can turn your "Best Offer" listing into a Buy-It-Now at the same price, if it's fair (why else would it be set as such?), and prove so by actually selling it.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Ok i guess i am missing something here, you call me a douche? I was sent back to this forum because someone told me they were talking about my auction on this forum and taking cheap shots at me without me being here to defend myself. So i come here and people like nectarsis are acting like mr. cool guy and saying how everything is overpriced and other posts say another BS seller and so on and so forth. Now i am not a genius but doesnt it sound like since i was minding my own business and you people started this post and comments about me, that you would be said douche? I didnt come on here and take shots at you, it was you who started this. You are the one who needs to grow up and like i said put up or shut up, if you have a 200 game collection then sell it to me cheap, prove how little this stuff is worth. If its worth nothing you can easily get it all back. So whats the trouble? I admit i dont have all the rarest games, never said i did. If you look at the auction it doesnt say magical chase, it says the games i have. Its open to offers and one of them may make it worth selling for or as i intended it...SHOW ME THE TRUE seeing what offers come in and from who, i should be able to see what a fair price indeed is and then either accept it or just keep everything if it wouldnt be worth parting with it. I fail to understand why i am a douche for being the last one to talk about my own items, all of this was here long before i logged back in. Like i said, i am ready to take everyones collection at low prices, so far all i see is talk though. And by the way i saw the ultimate collection of turbo games, sold awhile back this year and brought $10,000 cash. I have all the photos from that collection. So i know they do bring $$


Yep and I'm the only one thats said your auction is VERY overpriced  :roll: ](*,)  Overpriced items are talked about regularly here because people like you who think your stuff is gold drives up the prices by uninformed people thinking..."Hey I saw that auction for $2400, thats what it goes for."  It was your immature, condecending response that brought this on.  Ask around, I never post like that, but you want to act like a know it all on a board of actual fans of the system/games. As for the $10,000 it sold for less at a best offer, and NO ONE here believed it was wrth that much, so go peddle your average auction elsewhere.  No one said it was woth next to nothing, but you have nothing spectacular in it, and bought seperately ( even counting shipping) could be pieced together a LOT cheaper.
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Quote from: nortonowner on 11/09/2008, 10:29 PMOk i guess i am missing something here, you call me a douche? I was sent back to this forum because someone told me they were talking about my auction on this forum and taking cheap shots at me without me being here to defend myself. So i come here and people like nectarsis are acting like mr. cool guy and saying how everything is overpriced and other posts say another BS seller and so on and so forth. Now i am not a genius but doesnt it sound like since i was minding my own business and you people started this post and comments about me, that you would be said douche? I didnt come on here and take shots at you, it was you who started this. You are the one who needs to grow up and like i said put up or shut up, if you have a 200 game collection then sell it to me cheap, prove how little this stuff is worth. If its worth nothing you can easily get it all back. So whats the trouble? I admit i dont have all the rarest games, never said i did. If you look at the auction it doesnt say magical chase, it says the games i have. Its open to offers and one of them may make it worth selling for or as i intended it...SHOW ME THE TRUE seeing what offers come in and from who, i should be able to see what a fair price indeed is and then either accept it or just keep everything if it wouldnt be worth parting with it. I fail to understand why i am a douche for being the last one to talk about my own items, all of this was here long before i logged back in. Like i said, i am ready to take everyones collection at low prices, so far all i see is talk though. And by the way i saw the ultimate collection of turbo games, sold awhile back this year and brought $10,000 cash. I have all the photos from that collection. So i know they do bring $$
I will give you $5 for all your games, you have 47 hours to act.


Quote from: nortonowner on 11/09/2008, 10:11 PMSo just who are you cool guys? You aren't selling anything, and you aren't buying anything, so why are you worried about this auction? Apparently games are much cheaper and easier to find where you live, so tell you what, let me give you a list of all the common games like magical chase and you sell them to me for a few $$ each, i will buy all the ones i dont have, all of them. I will pay the prices you say they are worth though, a little bit of nothing. And i want complete games and boxes and all pack ins, no extra price for those. Of course i wont be allowed to buy any of those off you, you are all just full of yourselves, you either dont have any of these games or have no money for anything, so you come on here to say someone elses stuff is priced too high, maybe then they will sell to you for $5 each so your mommy can give you enough allowance to buy them. I never saw so many babies cry in one forum before or act like bad asses when they dont have anything to offer anyone. So put or shut up girls, either fork over all the games i want for dirt or shut the hell up and talk about your own collections or lack thereof, in the meanwhile i will run to the bank to get $20 to buy the ones guys 131 game collection of all super ultra rares that he gave away for no money, i hope he can deal me that good.
Quote from: nortonowner on 11/09/2008, 10:29 PMOk i guess i am missing something here, you call me a douche? I was sent back to this forum because someone told me they were talking about my auction on this forum and taking cheap shots at me without me being here to defend myself. So i come here and people like nectarsis are acting like mr. cool guy and saying how everything is overpriced and other posts say another BS seller and so on and so forth. Now i am not a genius but doesnt it sound like since i was minding my own business and you people started this post and comments about me, that you would be said douche? I didnt come on here and take shots at you, it was you who started this. You are the one who needs to grow up and like i said put up or shut up, if you have a 200 game collection then sell it to me cheap, prove how little this stuff is worth. If its worth nothing you can easily get it all back. So whats the trouble? I admit i dont have all the rarest games, never said i did. If you look at the auction it doesnt say magical chase, it says the games i have. Its open to offers and one of them may make it worth selling for or as i intended it...SHOW ME THE TRUE seeing what offers come in and from who, i should be able to see what a fair price indeed is and then either accept it or just keep everything if it wouldnt be worth parting with it. I fail to understand why i am a douche for being the last one to talk about my own items, all of this was here long before i logged back in. Like i said, i am ready to take everyones collection at low prices, so far all i see is talk though. And by the way i saw the ultimate collection of turbo games, sold awhile back this year and brought $10,000 cash. I have all the photos from that collection. So i know they do bring $$
Who am I? I'm the guy whose been here since Jan 2005, the better question is, who the fuck do you think you are coming here on false pretenses to boost your own auction by pretending to be just some guy at first??? Us worried about your auction, no my friend, we are making fun of it, and you, as the auction is absurd, along with the person and his intentions behind it, that being you my darling. Also, we didn't just come on here, your referring to long time members here noob, and no one is full of themselves just for calling you out on your unrealistic bullshit, so get over it. Nor does that make any of us cheap just because we wont bite the bullet, and have enough common sense not to on your mad auction. This by no means reflects on our spending habits, ect, or insinuates we are "cheap". Also, you are contradicting yourself. You don't even make sense after insinuating we are broke or cheap, but accusing us of not having games you want that you can only buy for cheap amounts.... Your act sucked anyway, we already knew you were the seller, before you even admitted it, and no one here would be willing to sell their stuff to your dumb ass just to help you bulk up your BIN now price.

Also, in reference to that auctions game content and value, here is a link to my collection for your noob butt to review.
So who's cheap now???


A fairly accurate price guide:

Go to "online Rarity Guide" (in the sidebar)

Scroll down to TurboGrafx 16

Click the "find it" button.

It's a pretty good place to start.


Dear PC-Engine Hell, i saw 26 usa games. 26. I dont collect imports. There were 26 games when i clicked usa. Not exactly impressive, unless there is more there i didnt see. You know the funny thing is i am not making money, i will probably be losing money because i have all the info for the games i bought and shipping i paid and it is over $2000. 80% of it was outbidding other users to win these games, with 20% being buy it nows i could not find anywhere else but were close to retail prices. So if i ended up accepting less than $2000 for all, perhaps losing $200 or more, then how would i be driving up the prices? I would be saving someone alot of shipping charges if nothing else. I may even get less than that. You won't sell your games for cheap to me because you know what they are worth. So how would you list this collection or sell these games? The reason i am selling is i am getting out of the turbo grafx collecting for good, i was buying as many missing titles as i could so that it would be more complete, i thought that would help new buyers, because i had a hell of a time finding these in halfway complete or complete shape. But what you are saying is that collections wont sell?? only the games themselves??


You can offer your games at whatever you want really. I don't think it's gonna harm anyone here directly. But if you're intent on selling them, then you might want to do a bit of research on the games you have. The site Sensei listed is a pretty invaluable resource for prices (I don't think you'll find anyone remotely close for American games on the internet). As the co-owner of a video game store I have to do this kind of research a lot myself. From my experience, it really pays off to do so.

It looks like you're cool with not selling your stuff though so just do whatever you want I guess. Like I said it's your stuff and it's up to you. I can't imagine you like getting that eBay fee though...


Quote from: nortonowner on 11/09/2008, 10:52 PMDear PC-Engine Hell, i saw 26 usa games. 26. I dont collect imports. There were 26 games when i clicked usa. Not exactly impressive, unless there is more there i didnt see. You know the funny thing is i am not making money, i will probably be losing money because i have all the info for the games i bought and shipping i paid and it is over $2000. 80% of it was outbidding other users to win these games, with 20% being buy it nows i could not find anywhere else but were close to retail prices. So if i ended up accepting less than $2000 for all, perhaps losing $200 or more, then how would i be driving up the prices? I would be saving someone alot of shipping charges if nothing else. I may even get less than that. You won't sell your games for cheap to me because you know what they are worth. So how would you list this collection or sell these games? The reason i am selling is i am getting out of the turbo grafx collecting for good, i was buying as many missing titles as i could so that it would be more complete, i thought that would help new buyers, because i had a hell of a time finding these in halfway complete or complete shape. But what you are saying is that collections wont sell?? only the games themselves??
OMG, by all means, your right. It was crazy of me to presume that my copies of Dracula X, Strider, World Heroes 2, Gradius 2, Paradious ect. were far more impressive then your copies of Battle Royal, Impossimole, Gunboat, and Pac Land...  :roll:  Our goal here is not to impress you. who would want to, your a idiot, not our peer....We simply made statements of fact. Seriously, you implied we were cheap. I pointed out that we are not so. Most of us, our collections, that include both PCE and TG games, are worth dollar wise double to quadruple the amount of your US collection. We have not even gotten into hardware yet. PCE and TG goes hand in hand too idiot. Many of us here, we collect both. We value it the same, or in alot of ways, the PCE stuff more so, as it had hundreds more releases, along with most everything the TG got, with better artwork, ect. If impressions are what concerns you, then you will find most here dont find the TG side impressive at all. Taken it to the Hoop and Turrican are not the greatest thing since sliced bread. The very best the TG had to offer, its on PCE, so get over yourself and your awesome big tymer auction you got there.


Quote from: nortonowner on 11/09/2008, 10:52 PMDear PC-Engine Hell, i saw 26 usa games. 26. I dont collect imports. There were 26 games when i clicked usa. Not exactly impressive, unless there is more there i didnt see. You know the funny thing is i am not making money, i will probably be losing money because i have all the info for the games i bought and shipping i paid and it is over $2000. 80% of it was outbidding other users to win these games, with 20% being buy it nows i could not find anywhere else but were close to retail prices. So if i ended up accepting less than $2000 for all, perhaps losing $200 or more, then how would i be driving up the prices? I would be saving someone alot of shipping charges if nothing else. I may even get less than that. You won't sell your games for cheap to me because you know what they are worth. So how would you list this collection or sell these games? The reason i am selling is i am getting out of the turbo grafx collecting for good, i was buying as many missing titles as i could so that it would be more complete, i thought that would help new buyers, because i had a hell of a time finding these in halfway complete or complete shape. But what you are saying is that collections wont sell?? only the games themselves??
Nortonowner.  I think it's time to walk away.  You will NEVER convince any of these people that your auction is a good deal.  But in the end it doesn't matter.  Not one of the people on this forum were planning to bid on your auction anyway.  And nothing you say will make them.  If you stay here posting in this thread it will just lead to more "I've got the biggest collection" dick-waving.

You have an impressive collection in that auction. And the price you asked is what it is worth to you.  It's a free market.  You can charge whatever you want.  

It is way too much for me to pay for those games (since I don't have any interest in most of them), but you might find someone who thinks that price is reasonable and they will buy it.  And that's great.  They get the games they want, you get the money you want. Everyone is happy.  There is NOTHING WRONG with that.  But as I said, it will not be a PCEngineFX forum member who buys it.  You are wasting your time posting here.

Just log off and never think of us again.  Sell your games and make a nice profit.  In the end it doesn't matter in any way that we don't like your auction.  We are a bunch of collectors on an internet forum.  You will never meet us in real life, and if you didn't bookmark this page, you will never even see us again.

I have no problem with you selling your stuff for any price you see fit.  But coming here and defending the price to non-buyers is not a good use of your time.


I always wonder who the people are that actually buy these auctions, since it's obviously not anyone here.

It's curious to consider there are Turbo fanatics out there crazy enough to spend thousands of dollars on common games and yet don't belong to this, or any other, Turbo forum. Although I suppose if they did, they wouldn't be spending said thousands on everyday crap.
Wayback - - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Quote from: nat on 11/09/2008, 11:31 PMI always wonder who the people are that actually buy these auctions, since it's obviously not anyone here.

It's curious to consider there are Turbo fanatics out there crazy enough to spend thousands of dollars on common games and yet don't belong to this, or any other, Turbo forum. Although I suppose if they did, they wouldn't be spending said thousands on everyday crap.
Exactly, I have often wondered this myself. To that extent, some of it can be blamed on just being ill-informed, but at most times it simply appears to be ignorance in spending habits. There are a few US titles really worth some cash, sure, but even on those alot of folks get duped into paying way more to ass hats. Especially when they see the words "Rare", "Uncommon", "Mint", and "BUY IT NOW" in the auction.


$2400 is an astronomical amount for that collection. :-s The lack of rares, lack of CD attachment, and seller indignation make it unappealing.


I think that it's just collectors with a lot of spending money who like to collect video games in general and every once in a while decide to start collecting a new console. Since they aren't very familiar with it and not genuinely interested enough to educate themselves, they just look at asking (not sold) prices of auctions and such and just buy away when even the higher prices aren't of much consequence to them. Even though the average fan wouldn't pay those prices and in most cases couldn't afford them.

I also think that video game collecting now has a huge following by the kind of people who got caught up in things like Beanie Babies. Where they don't have much real interest in what they're collecting and only base the value of each item by what other "collectors" are willing to pay and the only real excitement comes from buying and selling. These fads usually die down fairly soon, since these people can only feed off each other for so long.

I see this kind of people at local fleamarkets and used shops chatting up sellers who have dirty worn incomplete games with prices several times the most they see it listed for online as mint/complete. They think that someone wouldn't price something like that unless others are buying. But I continue to see the same junk collecting dust year after year.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Some people see a BIG lot of games, and may be lazy and think "Hey instant collection, that will keep me busy for a long time."  Sadly they spend to much, and quickly figure out many of the games are steaming piles.
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Thanks everyone! Never have i encountered a more rude lot of so called fans in my life. Instead of telling me my collection is overpriced you resort to name calling, writing behind my back, insinuating i am trying to rip someone off merely by asking for a best offer on the lot. I would have taken half or less to tell you the truth, but placed the buy it now high so i wouldnt undersell without knowing it. If the high bid came in at $800 and other users would have been between $500 and there i would have sold. Thats what best offer means. It means take it now for this price, or offer what you think it is worth. Not one of you did that, not one of you even was polite about it. This forum isnt worth anyones time unless they get off making fun of people who cant reach out and knock them out like they would in real life. Some of the power users on here (pc engine hell) are most likely like the fat guy on the south park warcraft episode, a big fat nerd who sits behind a computer and is all powerful, of course if someone knew him, they could just go over there and unplug his game and that would be it. Since this is only a forum or hideout there is no point in spending any more time or words here. However even though most of you were ignorant, and rude and didnt even know what my intentions were, you did have some valid points. I must agree due to overwhelming evidence that my price was indeed too high. It was a mistake to sell it that way and i can admit that, i will cancel the auction at once. No need for you to cry about the high prices any longer. Ebay is now a safe spot to buy without my high dollar auction making you start this crazy page. I will be selling the games one at a time to highest bidders, that way its fair to all. Thats what i feel would be a more fair and accurate way to get these sold, get games to collectors who want and need them and hopefully players who will enjoy playing them. I actually like some of the dumb american thanks for you can call it that, i do agree with you, just not your methods. Auction will be ended now. Sorry for taking up your time.


Quote from: nortonowner on 11/10/2008, 12:11 AMSome of the power users on here (pc engine hell) are most likely like the fat guy on the south park warcraft episode, a big fat nerd who sits behind a computer and is all powerful, of course if someone knew him, they could just go over there and unplug his game, beat his ass and be done with it. Since this is only a forum or hideout there is no point in spending any more time or words here.
You're more then welcome to try.

While you are at it, you can gather up London.21 to hitch a ride with you. You guys can draw straws on the gas bill.

EDIT: address removed due to numbnutts realizing his ever shrinking ego matched his ever shrinking quail eggs between those legs of his that he refers to as his balls, the ones that got stomped to shit here. If they ever grow back again, he can find me here I'm sure to get said info again.


It was actually your shady "pimping" the auction "anonymously" when it's yours, and YOUR shitty response that started this.  Hey over priced auctions are talked about here regularly, trust me yours is nothing special.  If you came on and POLITELY asked why we thought it was overpriced, and asked questions, rather than being insulting, and condecending do you think that we may have responded differently?

Funny for us being so rude, etc. you're damn quick to edit out you assinine comments  :roll:
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


I like how he is internet tough for all of 3 mins, then he edits out his implying he can take my ass out. Balls of Steel, or tiny quail eggs between his legs, you decide.  :lol:


I only edited out those comments of mine because i realized i was becoming like a 2 year old and threatening someone over stupid games. I havent met so many people who are so full of themselves before and it brought out the worst in me and i felt i should not resort to such activity so i edited it out. Plenty of people like you here in indiana already, dont need to go outside the state to find more. I checked some other forums and found plenty of name calling posts in all areas of collecting, so i guess you guys do this on a daily basis. I will quit after 1 day at least.


Just react to people that act shady.  So yourt saying were rude/immature/full of ourselves, but your the one that is so immature to let what complete strangers say "make you" threaten someone.  Thats either unbalanced, or immature, take your pick.  Hell my 4, 7, and 11 year olds can deal with people saying stuff better than that.

And I thought you claimed to be done here, yet you keep coming back..if we're such assholes (or at least PCenginehell, and myself) why continue.  Makes you as bad as you claim us to be, or worse.
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


So Im to take it then you retract your awesome ability to beat me down then and that you choose to no longer post here, ehh? Ok, I will go ahead and remove my address from the post then since you realized you were making threats with no idea who you were making them to, or had the ability to back them up. If you decide to change your mind, you just let me know champ, ok? Till then, you will retain the Internet Tough Championship Belt, as you truly are the most bad ass of them yet.

Press_Run about going way off topic.

This went from an auction with 100 games to see who can kick who's butt. How about we stop playing "Who's dick is bigger?" and focus on the subject at hand?

norton, your initial actions came off the wrong way. How would you feel if some stranger came up and told you some guy was selling cars "at a great price" only to find he was the car seller? Wouldn't you feel used?

guys, I cannot condone what he did, but doesn't mean we bite off his head and nail his corpse to the cross. Don't you think we acted too aggressively? That displacing years of frustration and anger with greedy sellers on ONE guy seems a bit excessive?

Maybe we all started off on the wrong foot. Let's just agree to disagree and move on, okay?


Quote from: nortonowner on 11/10/2008, 12:33 AMI only edited out those comments of mine because i realized i was becoming like a 2 year old and threatening someone over stupid games. I havent met so many people who are so full of themselves before and it brought out the worst in me and i felt i should not resort to such activity so i edited it out. Plenty of people like you here in indiana already, dont need to go outside the state to find more. I checked some other forums and found plenty of name calling posts in all areas of collecting, so i guess you guys do this on a daily basis. I will quit after 1 day at least.
I think you being on this forum is not doing anyone any good.  I tried to defend you on the last page.  And I still think it's your right to sell anything you want for any price you want.  It's a free market/free country and if you think you can get that much for the games, I say, go For it.  I also agree that people on the internet can be very, very rude.  But if reading an internet thread is causing you to threaten violence, I think it is time to step away from the keyboard.

Who are you getting angry at?  This is some guys you don't know on an internet thread.  There is no winner or loser here.  What is said here doesn't effect anything.  At all.  Forget us.  Go back to selling stuff.  Go back to reading a book, painting, writing poems, whatever makes you happy.  Posting here is obviously not enjoyable for you.  Or maybe it is.  You have been logged on here for hours.

Just walk away.  If you want you can claim you won this one.  No one will ever question that.  No one will ever care.  It's some rude guys on an internet thread.  Nothing more.


Quote from: Press_Run on 11/10/2008, 01:01 about going way off topic.

This went from an auction with 100 games to see who can kick who's butt. How about we stop playing "Who's dick is bigger?" and focus on the subject at hand?

norton, your initial actions came off the wrong way. How would you feel if some stranger came up and told you some guy was selling cars "at a great price" only to find he was the car seller? Wouldn't you feel used?

guys, I cannot condone what he did, but doesn't mean we bite off his head and nail his corpse to the cross. Don't you think we acted too aggressively? That displacing years of frustration and anger with greedy sellers on ONE guy seems a bit excessive?

Maybe we all started off on the wrong foot. Let's just agree to disagree and move on, okay?
You haven't been around long enough lol. We do this all the time. Its good for laughs. Its one of those things to where, if you honestly cant stand it, then just back off till the dust settles, or find  a better thread to post in. Usually it doesn't settle till we are done having fun with the subject of the thread.


Quote from: PC-ENGINE HELL on 11/10/2008, 01:13 AM
Quote from: Press_Run on 11/10/2008, 01:01 about going way off topic.

This went from an auction with 100 games to see who can kick who's butt. How about we stop playing "Who's dick is bigger?" and focus on the subject at hand?

Maybe we all started off on the wrong foot. Let's just agree to disagree and move on, okay?
You haven't been around long enough lol. We do this all the time. Its good for laughs. Its one of those things to where, if you honestly cant stand it, then just back off till the dust settles, or find  a better thread to post in. Usually it doesn't settle till we are done having fun with the subject of the thread.
Press_Run, PC Engine Hell is right about this...they do do it quite often. I personally don't try to get involved, because as he says, they usually discuss it until they've had their fun.

See, I only have 180 or so posts, so I probably have a lot to learn about how things work around here. But for me, that's quite a lot!


Time to lock this thread down and return to some more positive vibes.  :) :) :) This thread did bring me some laughs though.
Early to bed, early to rise gives a man no social life. - Yakko Warner