@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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GENTLEMEN BEHOLD! (or the post your random drawings thread)

Started by albinoMithos, 01/13/2009, 02:19 PM

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I Give you Pac-Ass the god like creation of boredom after playing Pac-land!  All of us lesser beings must now submit to the awesome power of PAC-ASS!!! 


He is half-pac, half-ass, and ALL MAN!


My God....It...It's... so beautiful, so perfect, so ultimate. I.... I have no words to say that could do this creation justice. It brings a tear to my eye.


Uhhhh, what the phook!?!  How much Labrador did that take?  :)
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


HAHAHA "It's mostly Maui Wowi but it has some Labrador in it too"
Quote from: Tatsujin- ATM it's just amateurish boytoy shizzle.
- they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real.



Mah gawd!  It's...it's...BEAUTIFUL!!!!!  There is only one way to truely express this momentous and epicness that is Pac-Ass...

An Assy ROM hack!


Now featuring:
*Deflating ass timer.
*Motherfucking Twinkies on Motherfucking Planes!
*Corrupted Assy new sound tracks!
*Assy items!
*Has 30% moar ass then Wal-mart and Yu-Gi-Oh players combined!

Coming soon to the NES!

No...we are NOT crazy. =D


