2/13/2025: Localization News - Cosmic Fantasy 3-4!

Rather earth-shattering news in the PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16 community: Cosmic Fantasy 3 & 4 has been officially localized to English by Edia 30 years later for the Switch! Hard to believe! I know their script quality is poor given the 1&2 port but still good to see.
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Started by jboypacman, 02/07/2009, 06:02 PM

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Ok not for sure were to post this but console chat seemed like the best place as any for me to so.....

I want to recommend ChaseTheChuckWagon.Com to any and all gamers classic or otherwise if you have not used CTCW.Com or never heard of it,It is a Ebay alternative to finding and bidding/buying on videogames and other videogame related items(And yes they do get/have PC Engine games as well as Turbografx-16 games).

I have signed up and used the site myself and with my one time purchase(So far)it was a smooth and easy transaction.

Why am i pushing CTCW.Com here? I promise you guys i have nothing to gain from this and am doing this as a favor for the owner Mike(ParrotHead)and i feel that we need more choices than Ebay(And i think i lot of other people feel this way as well).

Its worth a look for those who have not had a chance to check them out and if you see nothing you like then "no harm no foul" Thanks everyone for your time. :D



well i have never been much of an ebay user as it is... but i did join chuckwagon awhile back... maybe its time to finally try it.
if its good enough for jboy then its good enough for me  :wink:


I bought from that website from vasteelyobabymama a PCEFX member from here. Smooth transaction, great communication, and it was a breeze to make the purchase. The only drawback is the Turbografx stuff is a little limited on there right now. Vasteelyobabymama had good prices, but some of the starting bids with other sellers was a little high.
Add my YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/sOg93QUtlg0
For sale trade list: https://tinyurl.com/2csm7kq


I use the site for selling games mostly. I like that the fees are cheap and re-listing is free.

Rolin's CTCW auctions :)

Lord Thag

CTCW is excellent. I've used them, and I have several friends who use them constantly.

Remember back in the ninties, when ebay was actually cheap, easy to use, and didn't steal all the money you won?

That's CTCW now. Great site!
Dodging little white bullets since the Carter administration


I joined CTCW recently just to give them a try.Saw a few things i liked maybe later on i'll bid on some thing there.
Wii U:Progearspec