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Here is a 4M type eprom cart... I need help!

Started by arkadia74, 02/25/2009, 03:42 AM

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I got new adventure island eprom cart.
It has four 1M rom sockets, programmed by someone. working good condition.

But I failure to work the cart with other rom.
the eprom cart did not work,when I programmed eproms with eprom bunner.
I think the romset was burned correctly

what is the reason???
Please let me know.....




Are you using actual PCEngine (Japanese HuCard) ROMS? I'd assume TurboGrafx (English HuCard) ROMS wouldn't work since the system appears to be a standard PCEngine.  Other then that I have no clue.  Interesting device though.  Is this thing homemade or a prototype of some sort?
Stronger Than Your Average Deadite


Check the roms for headers, if one is present from the copier that dumped it (most roms have headers on em), it will not work on actual hardware. Open it up in a hex editor and if the first 200 bytes is mostly FFs just delete that part. Alternatively you can use ucon64 to check if the rom has a header.

Also if you are trying to run US roms on a JP system they will need to be decrypted first, there is a tool widely available on the net to do this, however I do not recall what it was called.

Unless I am wrong in my assumption that each eprom is 1 MegaByte or 8 Megabits, every game out there barring Street Fighter II' will fit completely on just one of those eproms.  Make sure you know which eprom slot should be eprom 1 and program the game onto that eprom.

Finally, that's a very nifty device you have there, is it an original prototype board, or did someone have it manufactured?


Welcome aboard.  That is indeed a interesting contraption you have there; I'd love to read any more info. you have on it.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


I check romset with hex editor today.
where is the FFs??? I cant find them at first (offset 000~1f0)
there are only blank.
if it means blank (offset 000~1f0),I deleted them,
but does not work.(blue screen,not boot!)
of course I burned japanese romset correctly.
although I tested some title (aero blaster,blodia...etc) ,any romset does not work.
Please let me know in detail.

this cart is not a original homemade.manufactured for arcade.
I got it from arcade operator.
also I had purchased it before,but had sold it to japanese user and ebay user.
my pc-engine is not for home,for arcade (with timer,rgb outputs)

the cart is smart design.(available max 6 eproms)
I think it can be modified 4M type or 8M type though it has 1M type.

sorry for poor english.
I am located south korea.


First check the size of your rom file (right click properties in windows) and see if it matches any one of these sizes:


If so your rom has no header and is good to go, if not open your rom file in a hex editor, you will see something like this:


delete the part circled in red.

Also what exact eproms are you using? 27c080/27c801s, or a different type? The ones I mentioned are jedec standard, however there are eproms out there that are not and often need an adapter made to burn em correctly (two pins need to be swapped).

Finally that is very interesting, AFAIK no one stateside has heard/seen of such hardware, I take it is similar to the concept Nintendo used in their Playchoice 10 hardware, each rom would have a single game on it and one could be chosen, and the player would have a certain amount of time to play? I would love to hear any and all information you have about such hardware, when it was released, where it was used, and any other info you may know. As this is news to me I am sure it is news to many.


Thanks zeon.
Here is pic of hex editor.
Rom is ninja gaiden (J).but I found out my pic differ from yours.
the location (offset FFs) is empty??(00s..)
other roms are same.
if it means red circle,I already remove them,tested it.
not working.
what rom is your hex pic??? 

I use 1M eproms (27c010,non jedec)

sure,I know nintendo choice.because I have many pcbs..
In s.korea exists interesting hardware... zemix(msx console),famicom arcade pcb,megadrive arcade pcb(use 5 16M eproms,included 5 games) and pce,dreamcast,msx pcb......
When I am not busy,I want to show them



Yeah you are good on removing the header part, headers vary from rom to rom in how they appear. It depends how the copier used to dump the rom wrote a header. The game in my picture was Kyuukyoku Tiger

Hmmm I thought 27c010's were jedec? Unless I am getting things mixed up. Make sure your programmer does the correct pin assignment for you on both non jedec and jedec eproms, and if it doesn't then make sure you swap the pins physically. Once I had a non jedec eprom I pulled from an arcade board that wouldn't program correctly on my programmer (a top2049) unless i physically changed the two differing pins via an adapter.

Are these the eproms that came with the device?  Do the eproms verfiy in the programmer ok? How are you splitting the rom file? If you are using four 1 meg eproms, the game should be split into 1 meg chunks sequentially and any extra roms that aren't used (like with a 3 meg rom or under) need not be placed into the device.

That does indeed sound very interesting, were said arcade devices official, or custom built by a company in S. Korea. I would love to see them if you get a chance.


there is my mistake.
I used JEDEC type eproms.

1st rom was verify failure.2,3,4 were roms passed.
maybe 1st rom is extra rom??? as you mentioned.
I think cart will be need some modification to work rom image on it.A17,18,19 address line is doubtful.

A17 & A19 of pc-engine was connected at 74ls138 TTL of cart.
A18 of pc-engine was not connected.
ENABLE location of 74ls138 was connected at GND.