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Attn: Smokers! E-Cig Intro *smoke healthier*

Started by override, 09/30/2009, 01:44 AM

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I just recently (about 11 days ago) bought myself a "personal vaporizer" from InnoVapor.com and am very please with the product! I'm sure many of you guys on here have heard of the E-Cig and what the FDA has to say about them or have formed your own personal opinions. Aside from all that I myself can say despite of what anyone says about the product whether it be good or bad, I have quite smoking "Analogs" since the day I got this in the mail. It has been a very different experience but I honestly enjoy it very much. I already feel better, breath better, sleep better, and can taste and smell much better. Not to mention I dont reak of cigarette breath and smell!

Before buying my first E-Cig, and I would recommend this to anyone who this catches there eye is, I did my research to find the best products on the market. My research lead me to innovapor.com which carry two of the most highly sought after e-cigs on the market. Not to mention the two best quality companys marketing the two products they sell. They are the JOYe 510 made by Joytech and the EVOlution made by Intellicig. Innovapor has GREAT customer service, I generally get a response within only a few hours after emailing them and they seem to respond at almost anytime of the day or night.

The EVO is an automatic with sealed battery and an awesome atomizer while the JOYe 510 is a manual with sealed battery and again great atomizers. I personally wanted to keep the smoking feel so I went with the automatic batteries. The difference is the automatic you just draw on the cig and a pressure switch is activated which kicks the atomizer on and vaporizes the E-Juice. The manual has a button to push which activates the atomizer while then you just draw the vapor produced. I have had a great experience so far with my EVO.

The E-Cig consists of a 100mah battery, atomizer and cartride. The atomizer is a small vaporizer which when the cartridge (contains the nicotine juice) is drawn on wicks the E-Juice to the atomizer bridge which then vaporizes the liquid and allows you to inhale and exhale a vapor mist.

The three main components in the E-Juice is PG (Food Grade Propelyn Glycol) or VG; Vegetable Glycerin (also know as Wiltons Glycerine), nicotine that is cut down from your choice of either 0 to 36/mg (can be higher but not recommended) of nicotine and flavorings such as LorAnns hardcandy flavorings.

All I can say to any of you that are smokers is to atleast try it...The initial starter kit that I got from innovapor.com was $90 and has already paid for itself (see the counter below), in my opinion (id like to say its a fact) this is well worth the $90 spent on it! I have quit smoking cigarettes and started smoking a healthier choice! There is tons of information to be had out there I personally recommend E-Cigarette-Forum for tons of useful information!

Here is a video review of the EVO aswell ---> Review of the Black EVOlution E-Cig

Also to top things off if you decide to go with innovapor.com you can use this code ---> 10offvape to get you 10% off any purchase. You can use it as many times as you want! Feel free to email or PM me if any of you guys have any questions. I also would like to say that I am in no way affiliated with innovapor.com or any of the products they sell. Im just one smoker trying to reach out to other smokers.  :wink:

Keep in mind that this product generally does contain nicotine, so if you are not a smoker I DO NOT recommend this product unless you get the ZERO Nicotine E-Juice and Mix your own liquid. I by no means want to get someone started smokeing who doesnt smoke.  :lol:


smokefreequitmeter .com/index.php/main/banner/57323.png


Override, Congrats on your quitting method.  As for me I had been smoking cigarette as well as NA/AA..  Quit on my own using my will power with His help!.. =)  Soon to be 4 years clean and sober!..

Keep it up OVER!

1 day a time! bro!

smokefreequitmeter .com/index.php/main/banner/58762.png

Arcade Line Up: UDOT, Multi-Vector Duel, Tempest Multi, Mini-Galaga, Z-Hyperspin, X360 Blast City, Spiderman Pin, 96 in 1 PacMan


Thanks for the congrats wmac~!

Glad to hear you were able to kick the habit yourself... =D>

I personally didn't want to quit smoking because I enjoyed it, thankfully I found this product which allows me to still enjoy smoking (or atleast simulate the habit I had) whilst still feeding my nicotine habit. If my calculations are correct the amount I smoke on the E-Cig amounts to about 2 regular "analogs" a day so I have been able to greatly cut my nicotine habit down. I feel confident enough that I could put the e-cig down anytime I want to and not have to pick it up.  :mrgreen:


Hey override,


BTW I went cold turkey; 10 years, 2 packs a day. I stayed inside for the first three days.

Kept gallon jugs of water, and replaced the cravings with yoga and workouts. After 1 month I started running.

It leaves me with so much more money for video games...

smokefreequitmeter .com/index.php/main/banner/58907.png


Override, congrats on finding a product that you like :)

In fact, based on your recommendation, I might try the Black EVOlution E-Cig.

I don't smoke (never have), but I've been trying to wean myself off of this goddamn Nicorette gum for a few years now.

Maybe the E-Cig will help me actually accomplish this.



Quote from: blueraven on 09/30/2009, 08:41 PMHey override,


BTW I went cold turkey; 10 years, 2 packs a day. I stayed inside for the first three days.

Kept gallon jugs of water, and replaced the cravings with yoga and workouts. After 1 month I started running.

It leaves me with so much more money for video games...
=D> Great to hear blueraven! My goal is not really to quit "smoking" but more or less to smoke healthier! Not to mention my girlfriend hates the way cigarettes smell and she has I guess you can say "allergy" issues when being around cigarette smoke. She is much happier with the E-Cig, since the vapor doesn't smell or contain anything harmful, it doesn't bother her to be around it. I am saving money just not as much as if I were to completely quit. Although the one advantage to the E-Cig is if I ever wanted to put down "smoking" all together I am confident that I can!

Quote from: esteban on 09/30/2009, 09:10 PMOverride, congrats on finding a product that you like :)

In fact, based on your recommendation, I might try the Black EVOlution E-Cig.

I don't smoke (never have), but I've been trying to wean myself off of this goddamn Nicorette gum for a few years now.

Maybe the E-Cig will help me actually accomplish this.

The EVO is deffinetly a winner! Another great reason why I choose to go with the EVO is the fact that they were working on marketing a manual battery for them! Which I apparently did not realize was going to be released so soon. I was on innovapor.com last night about to order some more ECOpure Krystal to make my own flavoring and when the page refreshed (@ midnight) the manual battery and matching atomizer popped up on the page! So now you can actually get the EVO with automatic and manual batteries!

One thing I noticed about the website when I was surfing it last night to by my E-Juice is it was never down or under construction due to the updates they were performing! This tells me one thing....You should never have an issue with getting on the site even when they are updateing it and adding stuff, which made me super excited!  :mrgreen:

Hope the product works for you....! If you decide to get one...


My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Quote from: override on 10/02/2009, 05:41 PM=D> Great to hear blueraven! My goal is not really to quit "smoking" but more or less to smoke healthier! Not to mention my girlfriend hates the way cigarettes smell and she has I guess you can say "allergy" issues when being around cigarette smoke. She is much happier with the E-Cig, since the vapor doesn't smell or contain anything harmful, it doesn't bother her to be around it. I am saving money just not as much as if I were to completely quit. Although the one advantage to the E-Cig is if I ever wanted to put down "smoking" all together I am confident that I can!
Right On, Thank You override. I commend you on your efforts to live a healthier life. It was a strictly chemical addiction for me, as I never had the oral fixation or made the connection between smoking and drinking.  Quitting cold turkey kicked my @$$ but it really was the only way for me to separate myself from Nicotine for good.

Quote from: nectarsis on 10/02/2009, 05:47 PMhttp://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm173222.htm

More than a few articticles on this.  May not be as "great" as you guys think.
I never tried them for this reason.


Quote from: nectarsis on 10/02/2009, 05:47 PMhttp://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm173222.htm

More than a few articticles on this.  May not be as "great" as you guys think.
I would prefer this not turn into an thread of arguing on whether these are safe or not....To be quite frank with you nectarsis everything in the article is a bunch of bullshit. Yes propylene glycol (used to cute the nicotine) can and is found in radiator fluid, but you also have to figure that the PG found in ratiator fluid is NOT FOOD GRADE or KOSHER. Pharmacuetical Grade PG or Vegetable Glycerin (Wiltons Glycerin) is all approved by the FDA as a safe to humans substance. They are used in Cakes, Snow Cone flavoring, Food Dies etc. etc. etc. So the FDA is simply trying to turn something around that is simply FALSE!

You figure that is the E-Cig is allowed (which it is not illegal or banned by the FDA) and say half the people in the USA quit smoking well, the government just lost 1.5 billion dollars in tax money funded by smokers. The FDA has proven that there are carcinogens, rat poisen, methenfedamens, Raid, and all the other 4800+ chemicals in a cigarette but still allow them to be sold. Not to mention cigarettes are a combustible and that in itself is bad for your health.

If there are such stated "carcinogens" found in the e-cig then what are they from? LorAnns hard candy flavorings? nicotine? or the PG/VG? Thats the only three ingredients used to make the E-Juice. Two of the three ingredients are approved by the FDA and deemed safe for human consumption. Nicotine is approved by the FDA as a chemical that will not harm you unless consumed in its raw form (which is then considered a poison) the amount of nicotine you actually take in from the E-Cig is only about 1.3% of what your actually taking in from a cigarette. Which a cigarette contains 9mg's of nicotine per cigarette, if you smoke 1 pack a day then your taking in 180mg of nicotine a day. The highest flavored nicotine juice sold is 36mg's.

On top of all this (and plenty more if I started throwing links of tests and stuff proven on the E-Cig) the E-Cig has been around since 2002 (if my mind serves me correct) and was originally produce in china. Have you ever heard of anyone dieing from an E-Cig? Have you ever heard of anyone getting cancer from an E-Cig? I think not, never has there ever been a report of someone who was hospitalized or became ill due to an E-Cig.

I rest my case, and as I said I would prefer this to not become a thread that we argue about whether it is healthy or not. I am simply informing people of a product that works, and is simply harmless, to help quit or cut down on smoking! If anything just from the way I already feel better etc already in the last 14 days I would deff say that the E-Cig is a smarter and healthier choice!

All I can say to anyone is do your research and find out for yourself...

I forgot to add, that yes at first the E-Cig companys were a little irresponsible with packaging and not specifing that these were for 18 and older only, the product is infact NOT sold to anyone under 18. Also the E-Juice and DIY nicotine all come with childproof lock caps and most are labeled that nicotine is poisonous when directly ingested.


Wow just post a link, and get a very dickish response.

Maybe you should go back to the "analogs" may cut some of that edginess ;)
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Quote from: nectarsis on 10/02/2009, 11:38 PMWow just post a link, and get a very dickish response.

Maybe you should go back to the "analogs" may cut some of that edginess ;)
Sorry If I came across "dickish", and my edginess has nothing to do with my "analog" habit. I somewhat took offense to the link you posted and comment you stated about the e-cig "may not be as great as you guys think". You obviously are uneducated in what your talking about on the E-Cig and it seemed as if you were bashing my thread.


Quote from: override on 10/02/2009, 05:41 PM
Quote from: esteban on 09/30/2009, 09:10 PMI don't smoke (never have), but I've been trying to wean myself off of this goddamn Nicorette gum for a few years now.

Hope the product works for you....! If you decide to get one...
I'm sorry, I was trying to make a lame joke. I apologize, because I know that you are genuinely trying to help folks and I'm just trying to be stupid :).

Of course, I think I am hilarious.


Quote from: override on 10/02/2009, 10:56 PMYes propylene glycol (used to cute the nicotine) can and is found in radiator fluid, but you also have to figure that the PG found in ratiator fluid is NOT FOOD GRADE or KOSHER. Pharmacuetical Grade PG or Vegetable Glycerin (Wiltons Glycerin) is all approved by the FDA as a safe to humans substance. They are used in Cakes, Snow Cone flavoring, Food Dies etc. etc. etc. So the FDA is simply trying to turn something around that is simply FALSE!
I could give a shit if E-Cigs are safe or not (normal cigs most certainly aren't), but you do realize that there's a profound difference between propylene glycol and diethylene glycol, don't you?  Like you said, the former is pretty harmless and oft used in other products, but the latter is a different story and is most certainly not available in 'food grade'.

Quote from: esteban on 10/03/2009, 03:42 AMI'm sorry, I was trying to make a lame joke. I apologize, because I know that you are genuinely trying to help folks and I'm just trying to be stupid :).

Of course, I think I am hilarious.
I always enjoy a little levity, but unfortunately some people just don't seem to have much by way of a sense of humor..... or the ability to take criticism.  That said, I'm going to order me some E-Cigs, abandon 'em in favor of chewing nicotine patches, quit those to start snorting snuff, and finally switch to smoking cold turkeys (whatever the hell that means).

Quote from: override on 10/03/2009, 12:15 AMI somewhat took offense to the link you posted and comment you stated about the e-cig "may not be as great as you guys think". You obviously are uneducated in what your talking about on the E-Cig and it seemed as if you were bashing my thread.
My Amish sensibilities are offended by this thread (as well as all other internets).  Care to join me for a good 'ol fashioned barn raising?
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!



Yes I know diethylene glycol and propylene glycol are different chemicals...Both chemicals can technically be found in antifreeze. Ethylyne Glycol is what is most commonly used in antifreeze but diethylene glycol is derived from ethylyne glycol, although it is not techincally related.....Im not a rocket scientist so I can't break it down that well for you. Point is all three chemicals have a chance of being used to lower the freezing point in antifreeze.

The major difference here is that the FDA seemed to miss is that the Propylene Glycol used in the E-Juice is a Pharmacuetical Grade product that they deem safe for human consumption...

Yes I aswell don't have that wonderful of a sense of humor on this subject as nor do I have much of a sense of humor for anything I feel passionate about that someone trys to cut down.

WTF is a Barn Rasing? lol


Quote from: override on 10/05/2009, 01:31 PMThe major difference here is that the FDA seemed to miss is that the Propylene Glycol used in the E-Juice is a Pharmacuetical Grade product that they deem safe for human consumption...
Did you even bother to read the article linked by nectarsis?  If you had, you'd have seen that the FDA found E-Cigs to contain the diethylene glycol, which is toxic (ethylene glycol is equally toxic and not the same as propylene glycol).

Quote from: override on 10/05/2009, 01:31 PMWTF is a Barn Rasing? lol
What, were you born in a barn?  It's something the Amish do.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: guest on 10/05/2009, 02:06 PMDid you even bother to read the article linked by nectarsis?  If you had, you'd have seen that the FDA found E-Cigs to contain the diethylene glycol, which is toxic (ethylene glycol is equally toxic and not the same as propylene glycol).
I actually had no need to read the article, I have already read it in the past while spending about 2 weeks researching the e-cig before I made an initial purchase.

Did you even finish reading the first sentence in the article? after "toxic chemicals such as diethylene glycol" the sentence ends with "an ingredient used in antifreeze."

I was simply stating in my post back to you that DG,PG and EG are all forms of the same thing and have all been known to be used in antifreeze. As for the test that they claim to have found chemicals similar to some found in antifreeze, if I remember right it was like .02% of the chemical and it was tested on one form of e-juice from china. DG is not equally toxic to EG....Technically no PG is not the same as EG, but it is basically the newer EG...It was made as a substitute to be used for safer applications.

I dont understand why you want to argue something you have not studied on.....Anyone of you guys who would like to argue a point spend a week and half or so as I did and research the e-cig, you will find there is nothing left for you to make valid points. Here is a good place to start

Simple fact the e-cig is healthier than a cigarette! The FDA is making wild statements with not nearly enough testing done. READ THE FACTS!


Quote from: override on 10/05/2009, 05:40 PM
Quote from: guest on 10/05/2009, 02:06 PMDid you even bother to read the article linked by nectarsis?  If you had, you'd have seen that the FDA found E-Cigs to contain the diethylene glycol, which is toxic (ethylene glycol is equally toxic and not the same as propylene glycol).
I actually had no need to read the article, I have already read it in the past while spending about 2 weeks researching the e-cig before I made an initial purchase.

Did you even finish reading the first sentence in the article? after "toxic chemicals such as diethylene glycol" the sentence ends with "an ingredient used in antifreeze."

I was simply stating in my post back to you that DG,PG and EG are all forms of the same thing and have all been known to be used in antifreeze. As for the test that they claim to have found chemicals similar to some found in antifreeze, if I remember right it was like .02% of the chemical and it was tested on one form of e-juice from china. DG is not equally toxic to EG....Technically no PG is not the same as EG, but it is basically the newer EG...It was made as a substitute to be used for safer applications.

I dont understand why you want to argue something you have not studied on.....Anyone of you guys who would like to argue a point spend a week and half or so as I did and research the e-cig, you will find there is nothing left for you to make valid points. Here is a good place to start

Simple fact the e-cig is healthier than a cigarette! The FDA is making wild statements with not nearly enough testing done. READ THE FACTS!
No one said e-cigs aren't safer than regular cigs but theres litttle proof their OMGZ COMPLETELY SAFE...much less they've been around 6-7 years so LONG TERM effects haven't even started yet.

BTW who's doing all this "testing" anyways? Sorry not joining a dedicated forum to read posts.

And frankly this "I don't understand why you want to argue something you have not studied on"...

1.  Assume an awful lot eh...neither NecroPhile, blue or myself have the ability to look anything up, nope.
2. This elitist "I KNOW ALL"  BS and general smug attitude is retarded at best.  A week and half research..really, not a lot in the big scheme of things.
3.  You claim you don't want this thread to become a debate...well first you're on a public forum that SHOULD be expected.  Add to that your general rude, and condescending attitude/responses it should be no surprise.

 "Yes I as well don't have that wonderful of a sense of humor on this subject as nor do I have much of a sense of humor for anything I feel passionate about that someone trys to cut down."   

SO posting a link is "cutting down a subject"?  Sorry if you have no sense of humor, or that if others don't act/react EXACTLY how YOU want/expect them to...well that's life, and IMO something that's usually learned at a damn young age.  Other people don't HAVE to agree with you...and if they don't that's worthy of you getting all high and mighty?

"you will find there is nothing left for you to make valid points."   Nope none at all... like oh maybe Health Canada has issues with em "electronic smoking products may pose risks such as nicotine poisoning and addiction.", and the WHO says many claims are unfounded, and more studies are needed.  So hardly just the evil FDA that's just out for tax dollars.

So yes they may be safer, but hardly perfect.  Again no long term affects are known yet either.  You bash the FDA for not nearly enough tests..the same could be said for other sources of' "it's all safe people."  One can also doubt a week and a half of even TONS of reading you went thru all the detailed medical/technical reports on the issue one way or the other..I'm gonna listen a lot more to EXPERTS vs. people on a forum any day, sorry.
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


No biggie! All this is not worth getting on peoples bad sides....Sorry if I offended any of you. No harm was ment to be done  #-o


I'm a smoker and have seen these products here and there.  I've honestly been pretty tempted to give them a shot.  New things like this are always pretty interesting but I don't want to say it's good or bad until more testing is done.  Smoking sucks and the amount of toxins I/we put in our bodies by doing it's just horrible. 

I tried out Chantix for a while and honestly did pretty well with it.  I had quit entirely for almost 6 months.  A co-worker of mine was taking it at the same time as me and had the horrible side effects (morbid nightmares, depression) yet I didn't have any side effects at all.

No matter what we decide to use to try to kick the habit, I hope in time we all can.  It's horrible for our heath, we smell like shit, we annoy people by doing it, we litter.  I'm still trying to find the good side in all of it.  Damn addictions!

PS:  I did start smoking again.  Once you quit, don't ever give in to having just one, youll be fucked.
All is well. :)


Quote from: override on 10/09/2009, 01:50 PMNo biggie! All this is not worth getting on peoples bad sides....Sorry if I offended any of you. No harm was ment to be done  #-o
Too late, beeyotch!  Just kidding of course; I don't have any good sides.  :twisted:

Quote from: RoyVegas on 10/09/2009, 02:47 PMNo matter what we decide to use to try to kick the habit, I hope in time we all can.
Only the weak need a crutch - JUST STOP IT!  :lol:
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


All is well. :)


Quote from: RoyVegas on 10/09/2009, 04:36 PMMan, if it were only that easy.........
No doubt.  I imagine it's a lot like my addiction to porn, booze, and trim..... except why would anyone want to quit that trio?
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: guest on 10/09/2009, 04:41 PM
Quote from: RoyVegas on 10/09/2009, 04:36 PMMan, if it were only that easy.........
No doubt.  I imagine it's a lot like my addiction to porn, booze, and trim..... except why would anyone want to quit that trio?
From a mans standpoint I think that trio would be considered normal male behavior, not an addiction.
All is well. :)


I've been gone for far too long and I've just seen this thread- I would have been adding to it from the start as months back I started "vaping", smoking e-cigs.  The brand I bought was Red Dragon- their cigs come with separate atomizers which are great because this way if an atomizer goes it's only one cartridge- not the whole cig- and it also keeps flavors from mixing.  I LOVED the product- got to where I'd only smoke them during the week- then cheat a beat with real cigs during the weekend. 

Then came that little FDA report- and while I found the report ludicrously vague (they didn't mention the brands) and the percentage amounts of harmful substances to be rather insignificant- I also realized that perhaps I'd put a spin on it just because I enjoy the product so much- so this was my excuse to switch back to regular cigs (as great a replacement as e-cigs are to the real thing- nothing- as they say- beats the real thing, baby.

Then eventually I checked the Red Dragon site out to see if they addressed the report- and according to their site their products contain zero- not even trace amounts- of the suspected toxin.  That's good enough for me- I'm killing myself smoking regular cigs anyway- fork do I care.

So- I've been bad with cigarettes lately- but I DO plan to break out the Red Dragons again- I never threw them away (have plenty of cartridges- vanilla and marlboro flavored lights and mediums) and I feel it's a great product.
Quote from: Tatsujin- ATM it's just amateurish boytoy shizzle.
- they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real.


I believe I almost went with the Red Dragon, its an M401 model correct? My EVO is aswell an M401 model! I love it, but can't wait to get me one of these!


Override, Just wanted to see how s everythign with your quitting by using E Cig method!!! hope it helps!! or NOT!!!

Quote from: wmacmonagle on 09/30/2009, 02:08 AMOverride, Congrats on your quitting method.  As for me I had been smoking cigarette as well as NA/AA..  Quit on my own using my will power with His help!.. =)  Soon to be 4 years clean and sober!..

Keep it up OVER!

1 day a time! bro!

Arcade Line Up: UDOT, Multi-Vector Duel, Tempest Multi, Mini-Galaga, Z-Hyperspin, X360 Blast City, Spiderman Pin, 96 in 1 PacMan


Still have not smoked and cigarettes....Im using it less and less so thats a good thing!

Thanks for asking wmac...Hows that TG-16 I modded for you working?


i definitelly would like to try those non-stinkers. especially now, since the price came down to almost nothing.

but there are two kind of types, one with the vaporizer and one with the heating system. so which one could you suggest? and what are the main differences in trems of taste and compared to real tabaco?
www.pcedaisakusen.net - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


Quote from: RoyVegas on 10/09/2009, 04:36 PM
Quote from: guest on 10/09/2009, 04:25 PMOnly the weak need a crutch - JUST STOP IT!  :lol:
Man, if it were only that easy.........
Been quit cold turkey 16 months; was a 2-pack a day Lucky Strike / American Spirit smoker for a decade.

Willpower is an amazing thing. And now, I have soooo much money for PC Engine.

All in all, I believe that for me, cold turkey is/was the only way to quit. I also believe "Quit smoking" aides are merely a way to keep you hooked on nicotine, but if they work for you guys, then go for it.

Oh, and NecroPhile, I've used that Newhart skit like 300 times in conversation since you dropped that link  :lol: :lol:


There is no difference in the cape and heat system it's all the same thing. The rapid heating of the coil is what causes the liquid to vaporize. If you are interested in trying them out I would recommend checking vaprlife, puresmoker, innovapor, super t manufactoring, totally wicked e liquid USA. Also check out the ECF forums. Compared to real cigarettes they are alot different. Also flavors are not close to a tobacco I mean they had some that are but still not like smoking an analog. Personally IMHO I wouldn't want to smoke a cig flavored juice I can only imagine how horrible it would taste. I'm on my iPhone so I'm gonna cut this short. If u want more info just PM me.


I bought some for Mathius. It cost me $100 to buy them for him. I just hope it works!!!!!!!!! Which i think it will.


hey ash, some back again :)

I smoked e-ciggies for a while, but it got very complicating and also my atomizer burned down after only one month of use.
www.pcedaisakusen.net - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


I am still switching off and on between real ones and the e-cig. Hopefully I can make the transition towards total e-cig power soon!


I think the title of this should be changed, because its total bullshit.

..and Override's email account is sending me a TON of spam.


Quote from: blueraven on 05/15/2011, 03:44 PMI think the title of this should be changed, because its total bullshit.

..and Override's email account is sending me a TON of spam.
Hmm a spammeister in the shape of a PCE fan. Good grief. But I still think it's a valid way to quit. Definitely healthier. My body tells me so.


Quote from: Mathius on 05/15/2011, 01:12 PMI am still switching off and on between real ones and the e-cig. Hopefully I can make the transition towards total e-cig power soon!
I hope you will!!! I know you can do anything :)


Hey blueraven,

Long time no talk....Sorry about the spam my email addy has been hacked a few times. I have not had any body tell me they are getting spam in a long time. How has everyone been? To bad the chatbox was removed. I see alot of new faces on here. Also see someone finally made some modchips! Great job and news ;-) Hope everything continues well...I wish I still had time to mess around with these kinds of things but sadly my consoles and games just sit boxed up in my closet. Im hoping one day I will be able to bring the good stuff back out again and play all the favorites!



lol. Glad yer back!

*lights a cigarette*