RIP to BT Garner of BT passed away early 2023 from health problems. He was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Your Daily Dose of Gaming.

Started by Ninja Spirit, 07/15/2005, 01:03 AM

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I watched Johnny Millennium's Fallout 4 opening playthrough a couple of days ago actually when I got my new smart TV set up and was breaking it in, learning to use its internal Youtube player.
Seems like an interesting game. You're getting the benefit of an extended movie with its post-apocalyptic story but yet are apart of it and determine how it unfolds to a certain extent. Why I always like RPG games, worth a lot more than a 2 hour movie... I personally like a good linear story, a basic beginning, middle and end scenario and that's what I prefer in a videogame also.


Not ashamed to say I have been playing AC iv: black flag and AC rogue lately. I haven't played any assassins creed games before but I love the sailing. I kinda knew what to expect for the land stuff since I've already played far cry 4 and watch dogs.

Though rogue doesn't have a Caribbean setting, I prefer it over black flag, with the exception of less epic forts and the ost. The islands are much more interesting to explore and I love fighting gangs. The story doesn't have a ton of tailing missions either. There's even a monopoly aspect where you invest in building renovations and later collect dividends in a bank.

It's gonna be hard to play the other AC games without the sailing, island exploring, fleet commanding, and naval combat.


Just beat Dragon Slayer on the 2nd playthrough in a month after losing my save file a while back due to the way ten no koe operates.. and after finally finishing it I started on this..

Sorcerian pc engine version.


I just finished Brandish: The Dark Revenant for the PSP and it was quite a fun little romp.  I have started on the EX Mode (playing on Dela) but it is much more difficult, wow.  May finish it up or I might take a break and play something else first.
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Playing Styx: Master of Shadows on the Xbox One. It's one of the monthly Gold freebies. Pleasantly surprised at how fun it is. It's like a tolkienesque Splinter Cell.


Has anyone played Undertale yet? My kids and I just played through it over the weekend. For those who don't know, its one of those retro looking indie games. It has a really interesting battle system and awesome music.


Quote from: Digi.k on 02/18/2016, 07:02 PMJust beat Dragon Slayer on the 2nd playthrough in a month after losing my save file a while back due to the way ten no koe operates.. and after finally finishing it I started on this..

Sorcerian pc engine version.
I tried playing through Sorcerian years ago, but got stuck. I do not remember making much progress.

I think I was desperate for some Faxanadu and this seemed close enough.


Recently took the PC-FX out of mothballs, so to speak, and put in a little time with 'Chip-chan Kick!'

Colorful game, good music. Old school fun.


Just finished the mythical Earthbound this weekend. I'd like your suggestions as to what RPG I should tackle next (before taking on Mother 3 that is).
Gaming since 1985


Finally got a Gamecube controller and was able to use the Gamecube that my friend gave me a few months back so I checked out the only 2 discs I have, used Action Replay to load up my import Adventure Island disc. The gameplay seems a little odd, almost like Master Higgins has a little too much bounce in his step, and sometimes it seems like the stuff on screen is too big, but overall the game is a lot more fun than I expected and it was nice to play an Adventure Island game that I never got to play before since this is one of my favorite classic series.


Quote from: esadajr on 02/22/2016, 03:36 PMJust finished the mythical Earthbound this weekend. I'd like your suggestions as to what RPG I should tackle next (before taking on Mother 3 that is).
If you're looking for SNES, I liked Lufia II, Final Fantasy 3, Soul Blazer, Act Raiser I and II, Chrono Trigger, and Super Mario RPG.


Quote from: esadajr on 02/22/2016, 03:36 PMJust finished the mythical Earthbound this weekend. I'd like your suggestions as to what RPG I should tackle next (before taking on Mother 3 that is).
I'm gonna go out on a limb & recommend Drakkhen.  It's far from the best game, but it's definitely worth the $5 or so you'll spend on it.
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


Street Fighter V

Sega Genesis

Done,xenoblade chronicles x for now since i completed it's story.I'll just say what a disappointing ending since it's kind of a to be continue  ](*,)
Wii U:Progearspec


Just started with Jet Force Gemini.

I'm not a huge N64 fan but the recent discovery of disabling anti-aliasing (I'm using a GameShark) has kinda revived my interest in a few N64 games.


I wished I never got back into the fallout world but I couldn't resist, you know you are addicted when you spend your weekend locked indoors and staying up to 7am to complete a mission and just doing random and good shit in the commonwealth.  The amount of factions and individuals you meet up in this game has made the story much more richer.  As always there are lots of tense battle moments and frustrations arise but there is a lot to do if you want to be sidetracked. Even after some 5 months after it's release and patches applied there are still lots of typical bethesda glitches and bugs that create annoyance but I am sucked in....





Quote from: TR0N on 03/18/2016, 07:11 AMPS4
Street Fighter V
I just recently got SFV and I think I'm going to try to put a lot of time into this one. I really like how it looks and controls, especially with the new V trigger. Still waiting for an arcade mode, especially since trying to play online at my University is a nightmare, but for now I'm still having fun.

P.S. Remind me in chat to get your PSN :wink:


Quote from: guest on 03/24/2016, 10:52 PM
Quote from: TR0N on 03/18/2016, 07:11 AMPS4
Street Fighter V
I just recently got SFV and I think I'm going to try to put a lot of time into this one. I really like how it looks and controls, especially with the new V trigger. Still waiting for an arcade mode, especially since trying to play online at my University is a nightmare, but for now I'm still having fun.

P.S. Remind me in chat to get your PSN :wink:
Arcade mode will not be out until june.I still think capcom should have delayed it's release.
Wii U:Progearspec


Quote from: esadajr on 02/22/2016, 03:36 PMJust finished the mythical Earthbound this weekend. I'd like your suggestions as to what RPG I should tackle next (before taking on Mother 3 that is).
not that it's at all similar, but parasite eve is goddamned great.

Quote from: TR0N on 03/25/2016, 06:29 AM
Quote from: guest on 03/24/2016, 10:52 PM
Quote from: TR0N on 03/18/2016, 07:11 AMPS4
Street Fighter V
I just recently got SFV and I think I'm going to try to put a lot of time into this one. I really like how it looks and controls, especially with the new V trigger. Still waiting for an arcade mode, especially since trying to play online at my University is a nightmare, but for now I'm still having fun.

P.S. Remind me in chat to get your PSN :wink:
Arcade mode will not be out until june.I still think capcom should have delayed it's release.
they pushed it out because it's tournament season, they didn't have much of a choice if they wanted it in evo this year.


Played some Half-Life Deathmatch on the PC today for the first time in years. The game seems slightly different now and it doesn't feel the same flying around with the tau, I guess they changed it with an update or something, but it was still a lot of fun. I've probably spent more time playing this game than any other game I've ever played on any platform. A few weeks ago I asked my mom to keep an eye out for any video game related things she might find around the house from when I lived there and while I was playing she texted me a picture of an unopened copy in one of those old big boxes that they used to use for PC games that she found in the garage. Crazy coincidence...

Retro MJM

I'm playing Fire Emblem Fates on Hard; awesome game! I have all three paths, which Conquest if the hardest of them. Also spending some time on my EZ-Flash IV and GB EverDrive.


Quote from: bartre on 03/25/2016, 06:39 AM
Quote from: esadajr on 02/22/2016, 03:36 PM
Quote from: TR0N on 03/25/2016, 06:29 AM
Quote from: guest on 03/24/2016, 10:52 PM
Quote from: TR0N on 03/18/2016, 07:11 AMPS4
Street Fighter V
I just recently got SFV and I think I'm going to try to put a lot of time into this one. I really like how it looks and controls, especially with the new V trigger. Still waiting for an arcade mode, especially since trying to play online at my University is a nightmare, but for now I'm still having fun.

P.S. Remind me in chat to get your PSN :wink:
Arcade mode will not be out until june.I still think capcom should have delayed it's release.
they pushed it out because it's tournament season, they didn't have much of a choice if they wanted it in evo this year.
I know though evo isn't until july at the most.Though capcom is taking a hit for rushing it out and it's not selling well for them.
Wii U:Progearspec


Been playing a lot of old PC games lately, ever since moving a bunch of them from my parents house. Finished up a point and click adventure yesterday called Noctropolis. This one was a good revisit as I barely remembered anything from the game and had fun rediscovering it, some of the fmv dialog was pretty funny too. Today I played a bit of an fps called Exhumed. I know the game as Powerslave and remember playing a demo with that title and borrowing the full game from a friend back in the day, but copies of Powerslave seem rare as I haven't seen a copy for sale since it was new so I had to get the European release under the title of Exhumed; thankfully the title seems to be the only difference as far as I can tell. The game is pretty cool but unlike almost every other fps I've played on the PC it has limited lives before you have to restart a level from the beginning and the game only saves at checkpoints that only work during the current game and when you complete a level, you can't just save any time you want. This makes the game a bit tedious and sometimes very frustrating but I'm determined to beat it this time! Love the laughing skull on the title screen, it makes me smile every time I start the game.


Quote from: esadajr on 02/22/2016, 03:36 PMJust finished the mythical Earthbound this weekend. I'd like your suggestions as to what RPG I should tackle next (before taking on Mother 3 that is).
Did you give mother 3 a try yet? I prefer it to earthbound.


Beat Metal Slug 3 today, finally. I always get to stage 3 or so and then give up, but this time I stuck through it. Continued close to 60 fucking times. That final stage is insane but it was a lot of fun.

I still think I like Slug 2 more though.


i bought starfox for wii u a few weeks ago.  havent played it yet.


Quote from: guest on 05/15/2016, 06:50 PMBeat Metal Slug 3 today, finally. I always get to stage 3 or so and then give up, but this time I stuck through it. Continued close to 60 fucking times. That final stage is insane but it was a lot of fun.

I still think I like Slug 2 more though.
Thats metal slug for you though. I always burn through lives too. That's ok, I play it for the experience. Great action, and some of the best sprite art and animation on the neo.


Quote from: guest on 05/15/2016, 07:46 PM
Quote from: guest on 05/15/2016, 06:50 PMBeat Metal Slug 3 today, finally. I always get to stage 3 or so and then give up, but this time I stuck through it. Continued close to 60 fucking times. That final stage is insane but it was a lot of fun.

I still think I like Slug 2 more though.
Thats metal slug for you though. I always burn through lives too. That's ok, I play it for the experience. Great action, and some of the best sprite art and animation on the neo.
Oh yeah some shit was amazing to look at and definitely has great replay value. I always like to at least try for a 1cc clear on any game, but this seems absolutely impossible


Quote from: guest on 05/15/2016, 09:28 PM
Quote from: guest on 05/15/2016, 07:46 PM
Quote from: guest on 05/15/2016, 06:50 PMBeat Metal Slug 3 today, finally. I always get to stage 3 or so and then give up, but this time I stuck through it. Continued close to 60 fucking times. That final stage is insane but it was a lot of fun.

I still think I like Slug 2 more though.
Thats metal slug for you though. I always burn through lives too. That's ok, I play it for the experience. Great action, and some of the best sprite art and animation on the neo.
Oh yeah some shit was amazing to look at and definitely has great replay value. I always like to at least try for a 1cc clear on any game, but this seems absolutely impossible
If you legitimately 1cc metal slug, I'll give you nulity's pay check.


Dark Souls 3,on my third play through currently.
Wii U:Progearspec


My fiance likes to watch the uncharted games, and I enjoy playing them to look at the spectacle of a modern development, so we've rented Uncharted 4 on redbox and almost played through it from last thursday through last night. We have about 2-3 more "chapters".

The game is definitely a spectacle and has a lot of insane moments. We only recently finished Uncharted 3 so the most recent game was fresh in both of our minds.

As far as gameplay they've added some very fun new mechanics to what had become very stale platforming. The combat is mixed up by making stealth a lot easier; I suck at stealth games, but in this one it's fun to try before going guns-a-blazing, and there are a lot of new weapons that are more fun to use (hand cannons, grenade launchers, and sniper rifles are all more common in this playthrough for me)

The story itself has a lot more very slow and dramatic moments, which my fiance says sucks but I think she's eating it up. It slows gameplay down a lot, but by the end of the game she is much more opinionated about the characters as opposed to the prior games which invoked little conversation about the characters - so I say they were successful with this though I could do without it in my games.

Graphically the game is stunning, really. It's easy to nitpick here and here about some dumb shit, but for every nitpick there are 20 exquisite art elements in the same shot. 

I would say paying 15$ to rent it for 5 days from redbox was well worth the playthrough, if you can stand gameplay.

A nice relaxing weekend of mindless action adventure gameplay :)


Just been playing tons of Dark Souls 3 and Street fighter V. I'm currently on NG+ in DS3, going for the lord of hollows ending. I'm so happy with DS3. A return to form for sure. Street fighter V is really great, Ive been to a number of tournaments this year (Final Round, West coast warzone) and will be attending Combo Breaker in Chicago next week. Really training a lot to do well at these tournaments. I think the game plays much better than SFIV, and is more of an honest fighting game.


Been playing Raiden II for PC a lot lately and finally beat all 8 levels last night! I'm not big on shooters but I love this game, everything about playing it is extremely satisfying and the new weapon makes all the difference. It's also a lot easier than the first game on TG16 as I've had that one since I was a kid and don't think I've ever gotten past level 3 while I only got II a few weeks ago and have already beaten all the levels. :]


Hadn't played my PS2 in 5 years, so I decided to get Rayman 2 Revolution. I'm a big fan of the newer Rayman games so I wanted to check it out.

I've beat the original before on N64, but this was a good remake. I didn't like all the load times but the new bosses were cool. Frame rate was pretty eh at tiems though and some parts were frustrating, but I had fun overall.

In addition, I've always been interested in Rayman 3 ever since I saw an ad when I was a kid. Now was the time to try it out! I bought the Gamecube version and blew through it in 2 nights. I was absolutely hooked. Most people don't like Rayman 3 as much as 2, but man I feel it's vastly superior. The Atmosphere is less serious but the game is so much fun. There's zero padding, every level is a blast to play. At some point I'll probably get the HD port on PS3.


I got Destiny for the PS4 (along with the PS4 itself) for XMas, played it for a bit, then let it sit for a while. Picked it back up about a month ago, then finally got sucked in. I've been hit by the Destiny addiction freight train and there's no end in sight.

I just hit level 40 and am almost through TTK storyline (yeah, it took a while...but I work 50-70 hours a week and I have to squeeze in an hour here or there of gaming when I can). This game is the first modern game I've played in ages that has really kept my attention - the grind/rewards system is masterfully done and always keeps you coming back.

I get a chuckle out of people in the community bitching about Bungie and the game's lack of overall content...if you look at it from a standpoint of $39.99 (for Legendary Edition) for 200+ hours of gameplay, that's a pretty good deal to me.


Quote from: Gredler on 05/16/2016, 01:14 PMI would say paying 15$ to rent it for 5 days from redbox was well worth the playthrough, if you can stand gameplay.

A nice relaxing weekend of mindless action adventure gameplay :)
I really miss renting, died out here years ago. Used to love browsing through the shelves for VHS, NES and Mega Drive stuff. Used to be a lot cheaper though. Maybe £3 for the weekend, that was a long time ago though. I understand inflation but by that measure video games are even cheaper now. I mean 25 odd years ago new cart games were about £40 on average and new games now are about £40.
Would it work out cheaper getting a used copy off the bay and then selling it once you're done with it??


Been playing Castlevania: Circle of the moon for GBA. Its one I've never beaten. I always seem to lose interest in it, but this time I'm determined to finally beat it. I have to say that Harmony and Aria are much better Castlevania games, but this one is still good.


Quote from: munchiaz on 06/06/2016, 04:39 AMBeen playing Castlevania: Circle of the moon for GBA. Its one I've never beaten. I always seem to lose interest in it, but this time I'm determined to finally beat it. I have to say that Harmony and Aria are much better Castlevania games, but this one is still good.
Harmony is my favourite to play but it and aria have terrible music. It hurts my ears. Circle of the moon sounds better.


Quote from: wildfruit on 06/06/2016, 05:38 AM
Quote from: munchiaz on 06/06/2016, 04:39 AMBeen playing Castlevania: Circle of the moon for GBA. Its one I've never beaten. I always seem to lose interest in it, but this time I'm determined to finally beat it. I have to say that Harmony and Aria are much better Castlevania games, but this one is still good.
Harmony is my favourite to play but it and aria have terrible music. It hurts my ears. Circle of the moon sounds better.
From what i remember, i can agree with that.


Quote from: munchiaz on 06/06/2016, 05:39 AM
Quote from: wildfruit on 06/06/2016, 05:38 AM
Quote from: munchiaz on 06/06/2016, 04:39 AMBeen playing Castlevania: Circle of the moon for GBA. Its one I've never beaten. I always seem to lose interest in it, but this time I'm determined to finally beat it. I have to say that Harmony and Aria are much better Castlevania games, but this one is still good.
Harmony is my favourite to play but it and aria have terrible music. It hurts my ears. Circle of the moon sounds better.
From what i remember, i can agree with that.
Harmony had big empty rooms. It was like 'We've got this new castlevania game but didn't add any assets. Let's just rush it out the door".

I think Aria is the best playing of the GBA ones followed by Circle of the Moon.


Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 06/06/2016, 07:23 AM
Quote from: munchiaz on 06/06/2016, 05:39 AM
Quote from: wildfruit on 06/06/2016, 05:38 AM
Quote from: munchiaz on 06/06/2016, 04:39 AMBeen playing Castlevania: Circle of the moon for GBA. Its one I've never beaten. I always seem to lose interest in it, but this time I'm determined to finally beat it. I have to say that Harmony and Aria are much better Castlevania games, but this one is still good.
Harmony is my favourite to play but it and aria have terrible music. It hurts my ears. Circle of the moon sounds better.
From what i remember, i can agree with that.
Harmony had big empty rooms. It was like 'We've got this new castlevania game but didn't add any assets. Let's just rush it out the door".

I think Aria is the best playing of the GBA ones followed by Circle of the Moon.
After playing Circle, i may go back and replay harmony and Aria. its been such a long time since i've played them. I just remember having more fun with Harmony and Aria


Quote from: munchiaz on 06/07/2016, 06:40 AM
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 06/06/2016, 07:23 AM
Quote from: munchiaz on 06/06/2016, 05:39 AM
Quote from: wildfruit on 06/06/2016, 05:38 AM
Quote from: munchiaz on 06/06/2016, 04:39 AMBeen playing Castlevania: Circle of the moon for GBA. Its one I've never beaten. I always seem to lose interest in it, but this time I'm determined to finally beat it. I have to say that Harmony and Aria are much better Castlevania games, but this one is still good.
Harmony is my favourite to play but it and aria have terrible music. It hurts my ears. Circle of the moon sounds better.
From what i remember, i can agree with that.
Harmony had big empty rooms. It was like 'We've got this new castlevania game but didn't add any assets. Let's just rush it out the door".

I think Aria is the best playing of the GBA ones followed by Circle of the Moon.
After playing Circle, i may go back and replay harmony and Aria. its been such a long time since i've played them. I just remember having more fun with Harmony and Aria
CotM's soundtrack was jarringly good...I still think it's a better game than Harmony and its garbage soundtrack. Aria trumps them all though, IMHO.

All this talk just reminds me how great the GBA was. I miss my SP.



Just playing a game I don't have to think to hard to beat. Or play.


So after completing Castlevania COTM, i decided to play HOD again. Its been about 10 years since i last beat it. I just beat it last night, and i did enjoy it, but not as well as i remember, and it was way to easy. The music is good, but the sound quality is not. I still prefer it over COTM, and i think that has to do with the fact that both games are metroidvania style, but COTM doesn't have all the elements of a metroidvania castlevania title. Its missing the shops,dashing,downward kick jump ect. Not sure if i will play Aria next, or take a little break


Still working through Valis 3 on the Mega Drive. It's going smooth, except I can't get past Stage 5 because of some bullshit platforming. I'm sure I'll be able to eventually beat it though.

EDIT: Just after posting this I realized you could slide under these things in Stage 5. I feel dumb.


Beat Assassin's Creed III. The story took about 6 hours to get past the "tutorial" stage, but I've been having a lot of fun doing free-roam in the wilderness and Colonial Boston! The combat is amazingly brutal as well.

I still prefer Black Flag and Rogue, but it's definitely better than Unity.


finished off new game + in Dark Souls 3 today. Got the hollowing ending. Really looking forward to the DLC


on Sunday I decided to take on the original Castlevania. Surprisingly I made it past Death (using the cross though). Then I had to take care of other business. Next weekend I'm gonna finish it for old time sake (last time was back in 89).
Gaming since 1985


Quote from: esadajr on 06/21/2016, 09:59 AMon Sunday I decided to take on the original Castlevania. Surprisingly I made it past Death (using the cross though). Then I had to take care of other business. Next weekend I'm gonna finish it for old time sake (last time was back in 89).
All of this Castelvania talk. 

Now I am wondering what was the more critically acclaimed games in the series for each platform.


followed by Vampire Kiss on the SNES (honestly enjoy it more then IV

PCE only had the one same for Genesis.

GB. Uh. Let's go with Adventure. Why not.

GBA Harmony was good but I tend to remember enjoying Aria more.

DS order of escala was good

N64 I enjoyed the N64 game but hear Legacybis better. Have yet to play.

PS1 most would say Symphany but I liked that arcade port remake of the first game a lot more. Might have more to do with the fact I never actually beat Symphany.

PS2 lament was great. However, I do want to try darkness one day which was also on the xbox

PS3. I liked lords a lot have yet to play part two or that HD port of the two portalble games in that series.

Wii. I hear there is a great eshop game I never played and the only physical game is that fighting game that didn't do all that great.  Never play any game on the Wii though.


Quote from: Medic_wheat on 06/21/2016, 10:16 AM
Quote from: esadajr on 06/21/2016, 09:59 AMon Sunday I decided to take on the original Castlevania. Surprisingly I made it past Death (using the cross though). Then I had to take care of other business. Next weekend I'm gonna finish it for old time sake (last time was back in 89).
All of this Castelvania talk. 

Now I am wondering what was the more critically acclaimed games in the series for each platform.


followed by Vampire Kiss on the SNES (honestly enjoy it more then IV

PCE only had the one same for Genesis.

GB. Uh. Let's go with Adventure. Why not.

GBA Harmony was good but I tend to remember enjoying Aria more.

DS order of escala was good

N64 I enjoyed the N64 game but hear Legacybis better. Have yet to play.

PS1 most would say Symphany but I liked that arcade port remake of the first game a lot more. Might have more to do with the fact I never actually beat Symphany.

PS2 lament was great. However, I do want to try darkness one day which was also on the xbox

PS3. I liked lords a lot have yet to play part two or that HD port of the two portalble games in that series.

Wii. I hear there is a great eshop game I never played and the only physical game is that fighting game that didn't do all that great.  Never play any game on the Wii though.
How odd, I've also been jumping on the Castlevania train lately.  I've mostly been playing Drac X on the PCE, but I also just got the N64 game (the first one) and I've yet to try it out.  Lots of people trash it, but I don't think it looks too awful even with the wonky camera.  This is also coming from a guy who's "first golden age of gaming" was playing Shadows of the Empire, Rogue Squadron & Beetle Adventure Racing on the N64 -.-'

Anyway, Drac X continues to grow on me more & more, but it still seems so difficult like most of the pre-metroidvania games.  I've unlocked Maria & she seems to make the game a little easier.  Anyone else notice using her makes the game almost feel like El Viento?
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


I've never been able to beat Castlevania III. II is a cakewalk esp if you have a walkthrough/know the gibberish, and I was challenging but achievable. III spanks me down and calls me a bitch every time I try to step up to it. That mimic boss and his level just destroy my hopes