SuperCD-Rom and Tototek card

Started by GAUGE, 05/05/2010, 08:53 AM

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I found a posting from last year talking about problems with the Tototek card and SuperCD-Rom not working together. Was just wondering if this was true for most people, or an isolated incident?


I'm not too familiar with the Tototek card, but isn't it just a flash cart? How would you use it with the CD-ROM?


Essentially, the Tototek card I'm talking about just lets you download your backup saves from one CD/booster system to another CD/booster system. I'd figure it would work with the SuperCDrom2, but the thread from last year made me question the card's compatibility with the SuperCDrom2. The folks in the discussion talk about having problems with the Tototek card deleting data on Core and SuperGrafx systems connected to a SuperCDrom2 unit. I'm new here, so I could be reading the posting wrong, or they could be talking about a different card and/or use.



Ah, my bad. Thanks for the clarification.