A few boxes, Hu card sleeves and a couple games for trade

Started by RoyVegas, 07/09/2010, 01:29 AM

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Looking to trade the boxes pictured for a few manuals I can use.

Stuff for trade:

Final Zone II box - US version
Space Harrier box- US version
Ghost Manor box - US version
Legendary Axe II box - US version
TV Sports Hockey box - French/Canadian version
Vigilante box - French/Canadian version
Jack Nicklaus Turbo Golf CD box - US version
World Class Baseball - box, case, manual, hu card and sleeve - US version
Cosmic Fantasy 2 - Case, manual, back insert and CD
Hu card sleeves - 6 of them

Manuals I would like to trade for:

Final Lap Twin
Dragons Curse
Cyber Core
Legendary Axe II

All is well. :)


I want the boxes of Final Zone II and Jack Nicklaus Golf
But i donĀ“t have any us game dupe.
If interested i have some common japanese games dupes. Tell me and i send you the list.
Or else send me a PM with prize if u want to sell.


Add my YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/sOg93QUtlg0
For sale trade list: https://tinyurl.com/2csm7kq