Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )

Started by NecroPhile, 08/03/2010, 04:18 PM

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1 title needed for a complete US Turbo Grafx collection: Magical Chase
Parasol Stars High Score = 119,783,770
League of Legends Summoner Name = DeviousSideburns


This is one of the 14 cards that I need for my complete HuCard Set. 

Dam expensive though the last time I saw one of these up for grabs it was around the $1900 mark.

If only I had the spare cash at the moment!


My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


I remember seeing one on ebay a few years back. Im sure it was in the $2000+ range. Im not sure if it sold.
Does anyone have screen shots or video of this this in gameplay???


I find it curious that he "never used it on his own".  Does that mean it's untested, as-is?

Quote from: csgx1 on 07/06/2011, 03:28 PM
Quote from: hoobs88 on 07/06/2011, 02:12 PMhttp://cgi.ebay.com/All-Star-Power-League-Gold-HuCARD-88-PC-Engine-PCE-/130542233674?pt=Video_Games_Games&hash=item1e64ec684a
Quite rare indeed.  That's a pretty cool looking sleeve with the Hudson logo on it. 
Webhost by day, (www.kattare.com) retro gamer by night.


Quote from: kattare on 07/06/2011, 06:03 PMI find it curious that he "never used it on his own".  Does that mean it's untested, as-is?

Quote from: csgx1 on 07/06/2011, 03:28 PM
Quote from: hoobs88 on 07/06/2011, 02:12 PMhttp://cgi.ebay.com/All-Star-Power-League-Gold-HuCARD-88-PC-Engine-PCE-/130542233674?pt=Video_Games_Games&hash=item1e64ec684a
Quite rare indeed.  That's a pretty cool looking sleeve with the Hudson logo on it.
He's probably terrified to scratch the bottom of the Hucard when inserting it into console. He was probably also scared taking it out of the sleeve for pics....hehehe :lol:


There are only 2 races on this planet... the Intelligent and the Stupid...


Quote from: tru on 07/07/2011, 05:26 PMWow... and to think, I sold mine (complete); I think for $40 7+ years ago...
Yeah, dude, WTF?  Didn't you know that it's "super rare!"  I'll make sure you get another copy of that memo. :wink:
Topic Adjourned.


Quote from: guest on 07/07/2011, 06:59 PMI'll make sure you get another copy of that memo. :wink:
Actually I did get a copy of that memo, I have it right on my desk Bill...
There are only 2 races on this planet... the Intelligent and the Stupid...



Quote from: hoobs88 on 07/06/2011, 02:12 PMhttp://cgi.ebay.com/All-Star-Power-League-Gold-HuCARD-88-PC-Engine-PCE-/130542233674?pt=Video_Games_Games&hash=item1e64ec684a
Whoa!!! That's a lot of money for one game. Maybe I will offense somebody and I'm sorry, but you need to be insane to pay that kind of money for a little plastic thing. It's like magical chase, people are going nuts when that game shows up. My 2 cents!
You may have meant to search for soporifics.


I thought it was funny that the seller says in this description that this is the "most cheapest for this item on Ebay."
Actually when I did a search for this item, it is the MOST expensive out of all the ones I saw. hehehee...wtf?


Not a bad collection... but he is selling cd-rs in the auction, but I like how he states they are to be considered free... anyone else think this is wrong?
There are only 2 races on this planet... the Intelligent and the Stupid...


Today the 1972 Gremlin is rare...............
Games currently in play:
PS3: COD Ghosts
TG16: Boxyboy


Quote from: neoxeno on 07/08/2011, 11:15 PM
Quote from: hoobs88 on 07/06/2011, 02:12 PMhttp://cgi.ebay.com/All-Star-Power-League-Gold-HuCARD-88-PC-Engine-PCE-/130542233674?pt=Video_Games_Games&hash=item1e64ec684a
Whoa!!! That's a lot of money for one game. Maybe I will offense somebody and I'm sorry, but you need to be insane to pay that kind of money for a little plastic thing. It's like magical chase, people are going nuts when that game shows up. My 2 cents!
Well, in this case we're talking about a game that I'd guess is probably somewhere around ten times as rare as US MC, and therefore around (again, I'm guessing) 70 times as rare as the combined US/JP runs of MC. Its legitimately rare, not eBay rare.

On the other hand the actual software contained on the Darius Alpha HuCard is more or less worthless, so any price point higher than about $10 (even back in the day it was over $200) puts the game into "collectors only" territory. Nobody is ever going to play this thing.


Manuals needed: Airzonk
hu: MC, PCE: Zero Wing


Quote from: alexsduo on 07/10/2011, 11:36 PMWhy is the software worthless?
I think it's just a boss run. There aren't any actual stages.


Gypsies did it.

 Got no luv for the krackers only slugs for the krackers!


Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: guest on 07/11/2011, 06:21 PM
Quote from: hizaygizirlz on 07/11/2011, 06:10 PMHere is an interesting one from a usual source.

Holy Jeebus!  That's nauseating even for that clown.
He also has a Military Madness for $329 or so.

I think he did the same think w/ the Ys games list them at 1200 or so then drop them to about half that and let them sit around, but I could be wrong.
Gypsies did it.

 Got no luv for the krackers only slugs for the krackers!


AH, this is how it all starts...  A game isnt on Ebay every week, so people bid the hell out of it, and now the resellers come in and gouge the shit out of it....  Guess Bomberman '93 is another game I'm not going to own... I cant wait till Keith Courage is worth hundreds, I have some under my table to keep it balanced.

Another douche trying to obtain a full Turbo collection.  119/146 so far.  Got a long way to go. Half way there. Hit the 100 mark. ich bein ein obeyer


I told you man, the price limit on these games is tied to people's credit limit or weekly paychecks. They will charge/pay anything they can.

Btw, got my $10 copy of Bomberman '93 from Hit Japan in the mail last week. I'm about half way through it now. While I still prefer '94, its pretty great! Too bad there is no US version of Bomberman '94. Can you imagine what that would go for?



That..... is a photo of the Bomberman '93 box.

I'm having a hard time believing that's a legitimate "press photo" (looks pretty sloppy for such an item), but what do I know.

I mean, the box isn't even centered in the photo not to mention the box IN the photo looks pretty, uh, "used." My own, personal Bomberman '93 box is in better shape than the one in that photo and I haven't gone to any special lengths to take great care of it.
Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Quote from: Sadler on 07/12/2011, 08:00 PM
Quote from: csgx1 on 07/12/2011, 07:53 PMSpeaking of Bomberman '93, what's with this auction?....
I think it's for a photo of the game.
That is complete BS. Why would press take a pic of a box that is SO faded and worn out. Wouldn't it be a brand new shiny box if pic was taken in 1993. Total BS!! Even if it was a legit 1993 pic of a brand new shiny box.....it's still a disgrace.  [-(  [-X  ](*,)  :twisted:


The photo does look old.  Why anyone would want it though is beyond me.



Quote from: CGQuarterly on 07/12/2011, 09:03 PMThe photo does look old.  Why anyone would want it though is beyond me.

I'm not sure if you guys are joking or not, but this is clearly a scam. The idea is that people look and see that Bomberman '93 has been going for over $100. The hope is that when a potential buyer sees this auction, they miss the part about it being a photo, and think they are bidding on the real game. You see this kind of thing when new systems are released as well. I seem to recall PS3 boxes listed for $600 when PS3's were new.

EDIT: removed butt hurt.


Quote from: CGQuarterly on 07/12/2011, 09:03 PMThe photo does look old.  Why anyone would want it though is beyond me.

I have some photo software that makes digital pics look like they were from the early 1900's ......

seriously if you want a "photo" of bomberman box just google it and copy-paste, than print it.....

I agree with Sadler...the seller is hoping you dont notice it's a "PHOTO" when you buy it. When ebay was starting out, this was a common scam method done with cell phones and jewelery and the buyer would be surprised when they received a picture.


For just $8 I don't see the incentive to lie. It's odd definitely, but I am not entirely sure that it's a scam.


Quote from: Mathius on 07/12/2011, 11:39 PMFor just $8 I don't see the incentive to lie. It's odd definitely, but I am not entirely sure that it's a scam.
If there's a market, I'll sell photos of my games for $8/game. Digital photos available for $4/game.  INSTANT DELIVERY!!  :-$


Quote from: Mathius on 07/12/2011, 11:39 PMFor just $8 I don't see the incentive to lie. It's odd definitely, but I am not entirely sure that it's a scam.
Me too. At least not in the way Sadler suggests. It's a fair bet the photo isn't actually from 1993, as I'm not convinced there were ANY Bomberman '93 boxes in that poor of condition back in 1993. Surely any actual press photos would have been taken either before the game was publicly released, or immediately thereafter. It just doesn't add up, the box wouldn't have had the time to deteriorate that much.

However, the listing goes on for a full paragraph about how the seller specializes in 20 year old press photos. I wouldn't be surprised if the seller acquired the photo as a result of someone else scamming him and is completely unaware of the situation. On the other hand, it's possible the seller fabricated the photo himself to cash in on the recent upsurge in the Turbo market.

The legitimacy of the photo is a major question mark, but it's clear to me the auction is not meant to deceive a buyer into thinking they're actually buying a copy of the game.
Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Quote from: nat on 07/13/2011, 12:05 AM
Quote from: Mathius on 07/12/2011, 11:39 PMFor just $8 I don't see the incentive to lie. It's odd definitely, but I am not entirely sure that it's a scam.
Me too. At least not in the way Sadler suggests. It's a fair bet the photo isn't actually from 1993, as I'm not convinced there were ANY Bomberman '93 boxes in that poor of condition back in 1993. Surely any actual press photos would have been taken either before the game was publicly released, or immediately thereafter. It just doesn't add up, the box wouldn't have had the time to deteriorate that much.

However, the listing goes on for a full paragraph about how the seller specializes in 20 year old press photos. I wouldn't be surprised if the seller acquired the photo as a result of someone else scamming him and is completely unaware of the situation. On the other hand, it's possible the seller fabricated the photo himself to cash in on the recent upsurge in the Turbo market.

The legitimacy of the photo is a major question mark, but it's clear to me the auction is not meant to deceive a buyer into thinking they're actually buying a copy of the game.
You might be right, $8 is awfully cheap for a scam. Regardless, I can't see any other reason to list this.


I don't think the seller of the photo is trying to scam anyone to think that they're buying a game either.  From the auction title, it seems that the seller doesn't even know exactly what it is...."1993 Bomberman 'Q3 fro the NEC Turbo Express". 

Bomberman 'Q3?  Probably not a Turbo fan and must have misread the box.

I would think if someone was doing a scam, they would have used a photo that shows more, like including the Hucard, case, manual.  Also, they would have more misleading photos/games for sale like other high priced games like Magical Chase, Soldier Blade, etc. 

In any case, I can't imagine someone buying this and hanging it on their wall to admire. :-s


Quote from: Sadler on 07/13/2011, 12:25 AMYou might be right, $8 is awfully cheap for a scam. Regardless, I can't see any other reason to list this.
Look at the seller's other listings. His entire store specializes in press photos from just about any category you can think of. Like I said, I wouldn't be surprised if the seller doesn't even know the photo might not be legit. It's just what he does.
Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


$350 for a US Super System Card.  Should I add SuperCD capabilities to a TG-CD or buy a Duo-R for half the price?  Hmm.... decisions, decisions.  :roll:
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Sleepy Gnome

not really gouging (although I must confess I am not actually familiar with that word) because this started at £0.99 but I can't believe the price this went for on UK ebay. My max bit was £5.50. Damn.... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200633220800&ssPageName=ADME:B:EOIBUAA:GB:1123


Quote from: Keith Courage on 08/19/2011, 10:10 AMSo, what's with this new thing where turbo duo systems cost around $400-$500 on ebay? Are people actually buying these? That price is just ridiculous especially when the caps may go out soon.  http://www.ebay.com/itm/Turbo-Duo-Game-System-Turbografx16-Tg-16-w-box-/120765763396?pt=Video_Games&hash=item1c1e334f44#ht_778wt_881
Caps and functionality in general are meaningless when it comes to collectibles. Nobody is overpaying for a TurboDuo as a cost effective way to actually play Turbo/PCE games.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


The I-saw-this-thing-and-am-therefore-entitled-to-make-money paradigm:

Not specifically turbo-related.
Topic Adjourned.


Nice looking bunch of Turbobs, but not worth anywhere near that much; the price isn't the good part though - just read the description:

Quote from: gouging dumbfuckVery rare to find a boxed TurboGrafx CD system, so rare you can't even find pictures on the web, now that's rare.  Most peoples don't even no they came boxed.
Pics are easily found on the web and even in other auctions, and how else would they've been sold if not boxed?  Ziploc baggies?

Quote from: gouging dumbfuckAir Zonk has bar code cut out due to age.
Ummm, are you sure it wasn't due to scissors?
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


quote from gamefreak
...to buy the system or just play some games with him?  Laughing

Actually 450 isn't too bad but I wouldnt touch it at that price myself. I've seen the boxed versions go for 350- 500+ easily.

What does he mean when he says in description ... "most people don't even know they came boxed".
WTF? How else would you sell them? In a plastic bag from the factory? that makes NO sense. hahahaa 
quote from DirkFunk
QuoteI thought they came in big plastic bubbles? Man.
quote from alexsduo
QuoteI thought NEC hand delivered them to your doorstep, and setup was included in the price...
"It never came boxed".....hahahahaaa, wtf?


What exactly is he selling? The main blurb talks about an express, but all the pictures (and the quoted stuff) is about a turbo-cd. Is this false advertising?


Oops Game Freak, I forgot about that one (early onset Alzheimers?).  Oh well - two laughs for the price of one.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Yeah that "was never boxed" phrase is extremely weird.
I think the guy listing that ebay item is the one with alzheimers. He forgot it had a box when sold in the store.


I'm sure the 20 years of keeping the game specifically ate through the bar code... What is more likely you sent the UPC to get some kind of free game or something.
Manuals needed: Airzonk
hu: MC, PCE: Zero Wing