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Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )

Started by NecroPhile, 08/03/2010, 04:18 PM

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Quote from: Sadler on 10/26/2011, 07:28 PMNote that pretty much every one of those titles are generally considered expensive, I started with the cheap games. I don't think I'd be upset to pay more than $100 for any of those, though I'm harboring hope that I'll find a loose Bonk 3 for less.
A year ago Bonk 3 (huey), Cotton, Legend Of Hero Tonma, and Soldier Blade could easily be bought for under $100; and Beyond Shadowgate and Terraforming could be had right around the $100 mark.  Only time will tell if the current retardo pricing is at or near the high-water mark, but I fully expect prices to eventually settle back to where they'd been for years.  Surely the market can't support $300 Cottons, $290 Bonk 3s, $450 Legend of Hero Tonmas, and $355 Soldier Blades indefinitely; much like beanie babies, comics, and various card collections, this market will eventually crash.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Well I wish it would hurry up and crash already.
PSN: Dynastic_Hero
Steam: Dynastic_Hero


Quote from: Senshi on 10/27/2011, 10:59 AMWell I wish it would hurry up and crash already.
Ha ha yeah me too! :D


Take it easy gents, I have a feeling this is only the beginning. I've taken a 6 or so year break from TG/PCE collecting until I recently started back up this year. I've seen the spike in game prices on eBay and I don't see them slowing down. Especially when games like World Sports Competition recently sells for almost 100 bucks. I just hope I'm wrong since it appears to be driving import prices up as well.


Its really interesting to see the ebay market dynamics and the horde stampede movement to snatch up us tg games as any price.  When i lost interest in my tg system, i dunped everything cheap on the Turboboards ( think that was the name) in 1997.  I had my stash lying in my closet up to that point and was delighted ti be avle to get cash for it.  I then saw a movement on ebay that had mostly centered around 2 titles - macross 2036 at around 75 bucks and dracula x at 175 or so.  Nobody even gave a hoot about spine cards then, and i started windoe shopping on the games listed out of curiousity, since i didnt know what most titles were at the time.  This was a time any pce title would sell, at higher prices to the us TG counterparts.  I as a college student hit the jackpot one summer in 1998 and found a huge stash in a taiwan dealer, and which i brought back and sold stuff like DE2 and Valis 4 all pce versions for 75 dollars each.  Popful mail and seiya monogatari were 175 dollar titles then too.  I then stopped tracking this around 2002.  I dived back in 2009 and was surpised to see us counterparts gain a premium, cuz my opinion the coverarts were sheit and screwed up compared to the jp counterparts, to fit the us culture.  It wasnt until the late releases bomberman looked like bomberman, soldier blade actually like yhe normal star soldier art, etc.

These days i pay premium for us counterparts where language text is an advatage - ie DE2 and Cadash.  Also exclusive kickass games like Beyond shadowgate is def a must - (i need that poster!!).


I remember back around '97-'98 Dead of the Brain was a highly sought after title as well, probably because it was released so late.  But I remember it going for a small fortune on the Turbo Mailing List bitd.  I don't know if that's still the case, but I rarely ever hear mention of it anymore.


Quote from: guest on 10/27/2011, 09:45 PMI remember back around '97-'98 Dead of the Brain was a highly sought after title as well
Probably not, since DotB was released in 1999. ;)
Wayback - - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


ugh... Talk about Dead of the Brain.... :)  I guess it was a couple years later.  Whoops!  Either way, it went for a fortune here in the states when it was released, from what I recall.


Quote from: guest on 10/27/2011, 10:05 PMugh... Talk about Dead of the Brain.... :)  I guess it was a couple years later.  Whoops!  Either way, it went for a fortune here in the states when it was released, from what I recall.
Yea they still want an arm and a leg for that game. $250, $298, $300 last I checked.
Welcome to Prime Time B!tch


Quote from: SMF on 10/27/2011, 11:07 PM
Quote from: guest on 10/27/2011, 10:05 PMugh... Talk about Dead of the Brain.... :)  I guess it was a couple years later.  Whoops!  Either way, it went for a fortune here in the states when it was released, from what I recall.
Yea they still want an arm and a leg for that game. $250, $298, $300 last I checked.
Those prices are irrelevant as those are Ebay BIN's that have sat, and be relisted for ages...copies have sold in the last year multiple times for $200 or less.
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Quote from: nectarsis on 10/27/2011, 11:18 PM
Quote from: SMF on 10/27/2011, 11:07 PM
Quote from: guest on 10/27/2011, 10:05 PMugh... Talk about Dead of the Brain.... :)  I guess it was a couple years later.  Whoops!  Either way, it went for a fortune here in the states when it was released, from what I recall.
Yea they still want an arm and a leg for that game. $250, $298, $300 last I checked.
Those prices are irrelevant as those are Ebay BIN's that have sat, and be relisted for ages...copies have sold in the last year multiple times for $200 or less.
This is true, that's why they have been sittng on ebay for ages. Sorry but screw ebays bins wait a few months and deals always pop up on here. But again people with money don't know how to wait.
Welcome to Prime Time B!tch


It's just like I posted on my Facebook:

Know what I'm sick of?

People listing common shit as "RARE!!" on eBay. I'm sorry, but the last time I checked a SEGA GENESIS WAS NOT FUCKING RARE!

Yes. Someone was actually selling THIS as "RARE":

Not Turbo related, I know, but THIS is what set me off....


Quote from: machomadness on 10/28/2011, 03:18 AMKnow what I'm sick of?

People listing common shit as "RARE!!" on eBay.
Heh, I'm with you there.  OMG, look at this rarez China Warrior and Vigilante!!!  :roll:
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


they're about as rare as dead deer on the sides of Pennsylvania roads.
PSN: Dynastic_Hero
Steam: Dynastic_Hero


Just wanted to update you guys. Dynastic Hero arrived today, in great shape. Looking back through my history, I actually bought a game from her back in 2009, so there's quite a lengthy history there and in that time I've never had a problem. Apologies again to the seller.


Quote from: Sadler on 10/28/2011, 04:51 PMApologies again to the seller.
Too late. I already called and told them you hated them and that they smell. They started crying and hung up!

If anyone gets any leads on a "fair priced" copy of Coryoon, please lemme know!

Where is fancy bred?


Sadler, play thry dynastic and let me know how it plays...  I got my jp version coming soon



Just the poster from Might & Magic III for $53.95:|
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Ys I&II complete is starting at $599.99, get in before the bids get out of hand  :roll:

Seller also has Cadash for $299.

...looks like all I can afford is the the Might and Magic poster...   :(


Quote from: BigT on 11/01/2011, 04:46 AMYs I&II complete is starting at $599.99, get in before the bids get out of hand  :roll:

Seller also has Cadash for $299.

...looks like all I can afford is the the Might and Magic poster...   :(
haha looks like his logic is that Ys 1&2 must be worth more money because there are 2 games in one! hehe


Quote from: RR1980 on 11/01/2011, 04:51 AM
Quote from: BigT on 11/01/2011, 04:46 AMYs I&II complete is starting at $599.99, get in before the bids get out of hand  :roll:

Seller also has Cadash for $299.

...looks like all I can afford is the the Might and Magic poster...   :(
haha looks like his logic is that Ys 1&2 must be worth more money because there are 2 games in one! hehe
Or because it's one of the games everyone knows. You know what's even WORSE and I was talking about it the other day with someone: those "graded" games on eBay. You guys see this now? They grades games like baseball cards and comics! Oh, well, mine's an 85, so you MUST pay me $300!

Things like that only drive UP the cost of games. If they're going to do shit like that, I might as well put up my "85" Star Raiders for $500 and my "90" Venture for $700...just pure ridiculousness!


good thing this type of grading systems is only for the TG16/Turbo CD stuff and not the Japanese PCE stuff.....unless the 85% new grading system starts to catch on hehe


Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that the person selling the games is grading them too... could there be a conflict of interests?  :?


Evil Ebay tactics, almost got duo-rx for $200 bucks until the last 10 minutes someone decided to go up to $350. Lame. Thats not even counting shipping. Oh well, found this instead:


Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 11/01/2011, 11:38 PMEvil Ebay tactics, almost got duo-rx for $200 bucks until the last 10 minutes someone decided to go up to $350. Lame. Thats not even counting shipping. Oh well, found this instead:
Got a Neo Geo CD system from this guy back in the day. Was cool becasue all that was wrong with it was the spindle was pushed down. Still, if you can fix the CD ROM drive, it might be worth it.

I try and stay away from ebay anymore. Those guys are on crack. Still, you know what's worse anymore? Insane prices and insane shipping to boot. You'd swear that the people there love getting ripped off.


If anyone gets any leads on a "fair priced" copy of Coryoon, please lemme know!

Where is fancy bred?


Quote from: allyourblood on 11/07/2011, 02:15 PM

Yeah, I'll get right on that.
"Comes with the original Jewel case."  Must be a super rare Neutopia I jewel case version of Neutopia II. :lol:


Quote from: csgx1 on 11/07/2011, 03:34 PM
Quote from: allyourblood on 11/07/2011, 02:15 PM

Yeah, I'll get right on that.
"Comes with the original Jewel case."  Must be a super rare Neutopia I jewel case version of Neutopia II. :lol:
Quote from: csgx1 on 11/07/2011, 03:34 PM
Quote from: allyourblood on 11/07/2011, 02:15 PM

Yeah, I'll get right on that.
"Comes with the original Jewel case."  Must be a super rare Neutopia I jewel case version of Neutopia II. :lol:
No kidding!


It's not just tg16 stuff but also tg16 related stuff. Until recently they had a loose copy of Bonk's Adventure for the NES for $200.

Granted its a rare release for NES, but come on.

It didn't have a box or manual either, and the sticker was a little mussed.

I just checked eBay and I don't see it. I hope no one bought the thing.
Member of the F@ck EBAY Club



SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)



Quote from: MotherGunner on 11/07/2011, 07:24 PMGet a TG and never before seen game for it.  (Not gouging, just funny)
what was that game that was included in that listing? which system was it for even?


Quote from: RR1980 on 11/08/2011, 01:21 AM
Quote from: MotherGunner on 11/07/2011, 07:24 PMGet a TG and never before seen game for it.  (Not gouging, just funny)
what was that game that was included in that listing? which system was it for even?
It's one of them Codemasters games for the Genesis. Dizzy's Adventure or somethin'...


Quote from: c0ldb33r on 11/07/2011, 07:20 PMIt's not just tg16 stuff but also tg16 related stuff. Until recently they had a loose copy of Bonk's Adventure for the NES for $200.

Granted its a rare release for NES, but come on.

It didn't have a box or manual either, and the sticker was a little mussed.

I just checked eBay and I don't see it. I hope no one bought the thing.
Advanced Search / Show Completed listings shows that it went for $150 B/O.


Quote from: jperryss on 11/08/2011, 07:38 PMAdvanced Search / Show Completed listings shows that it went for $150 B/O.
Holy shit that's incredible. Like jaw dropping stupidity.

I bought the same game for $75, which I did by accident.

$150 is just bat shit insane  :shock:
Member of the F@ck EBAY Club


Quote from: c0ldb33r on 11/08/2011, 07:48 PM
Quote from: jperryss on 11/08/2011, 07:38 PMAdvanced Search / Show Completed listings shows that it went for $150 B/O.
Holy shit that's incredible. Like jaw dropping stupidity.

I bought the same game for $75, which I did by accident.

$150 is just bat shit insane  :shock:
No shit! It's insane that Bonk's Adventure foes for so much on the NES when it really isn't as rare as people make it out to be! I'm tempted to go to Game Dude and get the five copies they had there just to flip it on the bay!



Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 11/25/2011, 07:39 PM
$1234 for a brand new turbo! It even comes with Keith Courage! What a bargain!
One..two...three...four huh? Sounds like he pulled that out of his poopshute and called it a day.


A minty, boxed $2000 TurboDuo.... though it does come with a sweet display case (maybe).
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


that is a nice duo though.

Weird table.
Member of the F@ck EBAY Club


WOW what a joke, Table is cool tho lol
Welcome to Prime Time B!tch




Quote from: guest on 12/01/2011, 12:20 PMJust to fuck with him, I offered $2.
... and I offered him $3.  Next?
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


Quote from: guest on 12/01/2011, 03:25 PMi offered $4
I offered $5. I am sure to win this thing!

This guy is in St. Louis, where I live. I should find out who he is and talk some sense into him



LOL I got all you suckers beat. I offered $6.66 BUT only if it includes the Duo Tap thats in the pics lol.
Also gonna try to pick up his rare Keith Courage for $26. I need that game dearly lol.
Welcome to Prime Time B!tch


Actually it should only be worth $3 cause it will surely need a cap swap.  At least it will for the sound caps.