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PCE Wanted List

Started by henrycsc, 03/22/2011, 08:38 PM

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I am looking for the following titles (complete with jewel case and instruction manuals)
If you have any of these items and are looking to trade for other PCE titles, send me a PM and I can provide you with my complete trade list.  I do have an extensive trade list of both Japanese and US NEC Titles, but I do not wish to outright sell any of these items at the moment.

Ane-san / 姐 (あねさん)   SCD   NAPR-1045
Artist Tool / アーティストツール   Hu   PI-AS1
Benkei Gaiden / 弁慶-外伝-   Hu   SS89002
Body Conquest II / ボディコンクエストⅡ   Hu   T49557542
Bomberman Users Battle / ボンバーマン ユーザーズバトル   Hu   
Break In / ブレイク・イン   Hu   NX89002

Downtown Nekketsu Soreyuke Daiundoukai / ダウンタウン熱血行進曲 それゆけ大運動会   SCD   NXCD2015
F-1 Team Simulation Project F / F-1チームシュミレーション PROJECT F   SCD   TJCD2026
Fire Pro Wrestling Combination Tag / ファイヤープロレスリング コンビネーションタッグ   Hu   HM89001
Formation Soccer Human Cup '90 / フォーメーション・サッカー・ヒューマンカップ'90   Hu   HM90003
Idol Hanafuda Fan Club   Hu   T49337669
Idol Hanafuda Fan Club (DVD Style Case)   Hu   T49337669
Jackie Chan / ジャッキーチェン (成龍)   Hu   HC90032

Janshin Densetsu - Quest of Jong Master / 雀神伝説 QUEST OF JONG MASTER   ACD   HECD5016
Jūouki / Altered Beast / 獣王記   Hu   NXCD2012
Kore ga Pro Baseball '90 / これがプロ野球'90   Hu   IG90001
Kyūkyoku Mahjong Idol Graphics Vol 2 / 究極麻雀アイドルグラフィックス Vol2   Hu   T49557542
Lady Sword   Hu   

Lemmings / レミングス   SCD   SSCD2003
Madou Monogatari - Hono No Sotsuengo / 魔導物語I 炎の卒園児   ACD   HC92059
Naxat Open / ナグザット オープン   Hu   NX89001
Out Live / アウトライブ   Hu   SS89001
Parasol Stars - The Story Of Bubble Bobble III / パラソルスター THE STORY OF BUBBLE BOBBLE III   Hu   TP03017

Pastel Lime / パステル ライム   SCD   NXCD2018
Power Sports / パワースポーツ   Hu   HC92058
Quiz Toko Shashin   Hu
System (2.00) Card / システムカード2.00   Hu   PI-SB1  (With case and instructions)
System (2.10) Card / システムカード2.10   Hu   PI-SB2  (With case and instructions)
Tsuppari Ouzumou Heiseiban / つっぱり大相撲 平成版   Hu   NX92002
WaiWai Ma Jong Yukaina Jantomotachi / わいわい麻雀 ゆかいな雀友たち   Hu   VS-89001
World Jockey / ワールドジョッキー   Hu   NC91003
Yuu Yuu Jinsei / 遊々人生   Hu   HC63008

I am also looking for these items:
PCE Duo RX Manual
PCE Shuttle Manual
AC Adapter PAD-123 (This came with the IFU-30 in the black box)
XE-1 Pro HE Stick
Imagineer Stick
Daito Battle Stick 307
Other uncommon or boxed controllers

Thanks everyone!
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


Great trader.  :D (as always). Got my game really quick. Thanks.  8)
PSN: Dynastic_Hero
Steam: Dynastic_Hero


Thanks Senshi for helping me nab 2 on my list.  Hope you enjoy!
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


Still looking for the games in 1st post.

Here's just a small sample of my trade offerings:

PCE Titles (complete with Game, Case and Manual):
Ai Chouaniki / 愛・超兄貴   SCD   NSCD5018   
Arcade Card Pro / アーケードカードPRO   Hu   PCE-AC2
Bouken Danshaku Don - The Lost Sunheart / 冒険男爵ドン サン=ハート編 THE LOST SUNHEART   Hu   IM92001   
Detana! TwinBee / 出たな!ツインビー   Hu   KM92004
Gate Of Thunder / ゲート オブ サンダー   SCD   HCD2025
Magical Chase / マジカルチェイス   Hu   PL91001 (1st version)
Out Run / アウトラン   Hu   NAPH-1016
Rayxanber II / ライザンバーII   CD2   DWCD1001
Rayxanber III / ライザンバーIII   SCD   DWCD 2002
Serei Senshi Spriggan / 精霊戦士SPRIGGAN   CD2   NXCD 100
Shinobi / 忍   Hu   AS01001
Tatsujin / タツジン   Hu   TP04022

Complete In Box US Titles (Box, Case or Tray, Manual, and Game):
Air Zonk   Hu   TGX040084
Cadash   Hu   TWG040501   
Dragon's Curse   Hu   TGX020039
Ghost Manor   Hu   TGX040076
Legendary Axe II   Hu   TGX020048
Neutopia 2   Hu   TGX060078
Order of the Griffon   Hu   TGX040072
Parasol Stars   Hu   TWG030701
R-Type   Hu   TGX040011
Shockman   Hu   TGX040087
Soldier Blade   Hu   TGX040082
Turrican   Hu   ATGX04TUT
Valis II    CD2   TGXCD1006/849-0073
Valis III    CD2   TGXCD1024
Ys Book I & II Retail   CD2   TGXCD1002

I also have lots of hardware for trade.
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.