OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - DejahThoris

Thanks for the info, I was mistaken it seems!

Keith, a coworker of mine offered me one of his pins (Scared Stiff) for almost half the going rate as he's trying to save his house.  Said he'd rather see it go to someone who appreciated it than going to craigslist or elsewhere.  I'm pretty stoked.

The system's officially on hold pending payment.

In any case, if folks want to make offers on the games, feel free, if they don't I'll just keep them until I find a new console :).  Same with the flash card.
Something amazing has come up and the funds from this could help a lot.  Region and S-Video modded by Keith Courage, and RGB modded by TheSteve.  Comes with NEC A/C adapter, RX controller, and a 3rd party RCA cable.

$310 and shipping.  (Little less than I paid minus shipping.)


Take this, a lot of 10 games, AND a flash card for $400.

System pics:

Game pics (forgive my camera :( ):
PCETG-16Games1.jpg PCETG-16Games2.jpg

The flash cart is the one made by gameofyou of PCEFX.
Quote from: bust3dstr8 on 10/15/2012, 09:20 PM27c801 are about three times the price of other common eproms. Of course they are cheaper in bulk, but if he wanted to buy the three to do one game it would be in the $20-25 range.
There are far better resources than eBay.  Regardless, he's doing games for what, $7 each?  How can you complain about that?
Man, I was talking about this forum...  lol.

But yes, craigslist people are ridiculous.  I was selling my old Honda motorcycle for $500, needed a headlight.  Put it down as $500 firm, had two people come, then walk because they didn't know it needed a headlight, despite my two paragraph explanation of the bike, and the pictures where there WASN'T a headlight fixture on the bike...  Then two more that offered me $250 and $300...  Threw it in the local paper and walked away with $600.

It goes the other way though as well.  I was searching out an Earthbound cart a few weeks ago and someone semi-local had one they'd part with "for the going rate".  Apparently her going rate was $250...  Loose cart, $250...  I pointed out to her the actual going rate and she started cursing me out.  Some people are strange.  Picked up the guide and cart for less than her asking price two days later.
Quote from: bust3dstr8 on 10/14/2012, 05:33 PMSnes carts are a bitch to do and just the eproms will be $20-$25.  When you see how many traces and wire jumpers
you need to'll just want to get the flash cart.
$20-25?  Where the hell are you buying eproms?

If you can solder well, and will have other uses for the eprom programmer afterward, I'd say go for it.  It's time-consuming, both in research, and in actual work, but it's not difficult.
Quote from: guest on 10/15/2012, 05:52 PMOoh, I'm interested in that Valkyrie Profile.  PM incoming.
Replied, Sir.
Quote from: guest on 10/12/2012, 02:43 PMdid someone go full retard
Quite possibly.  From "Hey, I'll give you this for that" to "I'd like your first-born son and the moon too please".  Oyy.
Potential buyer:
"Hey, I like that controller, how much?"


"Money's tight, any interest in trades?"

"Whatcha got?"

"Well, I have these NES games"

"No thanks."

"I'll give you this item you REALLY want instead."

"Hell yes!  But I'd feel a bit guilty giving you my beat up controller, so I'll even buy you a sparkly new one instead."

"Okay, I want that, and the controller you have, and some games, and maybe something else."

Seriously?  Why offer something in trade if you're later going to decide you want six more things on top of it?  *frustrated*
Quote from: guest on 10/11/2012, 05:44 PMFirestriker is fun. Don't know anything about Young Merlin...looks like it's a Westwood game!
It's a weird little game, pretty fun though.
All complete, all less than going price, local too.  I'm a happy kid.

Quote from: guest on 10/08/2012, 01:00 PMI'd be interested but I have no idea what to offer, plus I've got no CD games I feel like parting with.

I do like picture #7 though, I'm not sure what it's of though ;)
Hahaha, neither do I.

Quote from: TheClash603 on 10/08/2012, 01:57 PMIs the foam on the Duo RX the same as the US Duo?  If so we can try to work out a trade/purchase, because my U.S. Turbo Duo box has no foam.  If not, then I wouldn't have much use for it.
I have no idea.
Quote from: guest on 10/08/2012, 12:45 PMMaybe the PCB on the powerpak was thicker than regular SNES games and was just that extra bit to push the pins out a bit too much on your SNES.  You said you already bent the pins back though right?
Yes.  I've tested a bunch of games, and anything with a special chip doesn't work, anything without does.  No DSP, no Capcom chip (I forget what MMX2's chip is called), no SuperFX, no PowerPak.  But normal games work fine...  Freaking weird...
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 10/07/2012, 01:21 PMThere were a quite a few that didn't come with cases, mostly later releases:
So the game still came with a box then.  I thought he meant they were shipped loose or something.  Isn't it priced just average, then?  $100 complete, $80 with fake case/no box?

Edit:  Oh, and thanks for the informative link!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: gameboy micro stuff?
10/07/2012, 01:49 PM
Quote from: jperryss on 10/07/2012, 01:31 PM
Quote from: HercTNT on 10/07/2012, 11:09 AM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 10/07/2012, 02:34 AMThis stuff is hard to find. Even Nintendo has run out of replacement parts for Micro. Kinda sucks...

The good news is that the systems are very undervalued so you can buy nice used ones for $20-30.
Pretty much, most I have ever found is used face plates. Zeta's right about being undervalued. there Is a pawn shop a few towns over from me that has a stack of micro's for $30
I have an SP and never owned a Micro, but have always wanted to pick one up. I remember checking eBay (this had to be about a year ago) and the Micro stuff seemed to fetch higher prices than the others ($50-60 for unit+charger, compared to $20-30 for an SP+charger). Even now they still seem a bit high.  If I could find a nice one w/charger for under $40 I'd snap it up in a minute.

Actually is the Micro charger the same the SP uses? I've already got one of those.
I don't have an SP to check, but I'm 95% sure they're different.

Do the faceplates have the plastic in front of the screen attached to them?  My screen plastic has a gouge in it that makes playing most games near impossible...
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 10/05/2012, 07:40 PM
And this guy doesn't ship to PO Boxes. Lame. I guess its better than $100 that this usually goes for...
NAI didn't originally ship with a case?  Anyone care to explain, as this is new to me.
Quote from: Drakon on 10/06/2012, 06:35 PMDid you try your powerpak / mmx2 in another snes?  You could probe that the cartridge pin connections are connecting to the pcb on the underside.

Quote from: DejahThoris on 10/06/2012, 12:59 PM
Quote from: Drakon on 10/06/2012, 07:07 AMBend pins back, clean them.  I find that with a lot of snes system if I insert the cart all the way and then lift it back up a teeny bit I get a much better connection.
Did that, now most of my games work, PowerPak won't, neither does MMX2.  I don't have any other special chip games, so maybe that's it...
No other SNES to test on, have one coming in the mail..  And MMX2 worked last week without issue, so I wouldn't assume it's the game.
Quote from: Drakon on 10/06/2012, 07:07 AMBend pins back, clean them.  I find that with a lot of snes system if I insert the cart all the way and then lift it back up a teeny bit I get a much better connection.
Did that, now most of my games work, PowerPak won't, neither does MMX2.  I don't have any other special chip games, so maybe that's it...
Mine suddenly went out on me.  Was working great, hadn't used it in a while, bought a PowerPak and returned to my console with new-found passion.  But the PowerPak wouldn't work...  Twice out of ~50 attempts at reseating it booted.  I assumed it was the PowerPak as normal games would boot just fine.  In the past day or so though it's started taking several re-seatings to get normal games to work, and tonight, nothing.  Over half an hour of reseating the cart to no avail, multiple games tried, cleaned both the connector and the carts, still nothing.

Any ideas?
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Avenue Pad 3
10/05/2012, 02:47 PM
I have one I just found in a box.  It's a little beat up, but let me know if you're interested!  I also have a Turbotap (saw your link to trade said you wanted one as well.)
DS games include shipping! =]
Quote from: thesteve on 10/04/2012, 07:01 PMlol, or had we omitted the box it could have been shipped much cheaper (from keith and me)
Keith didn't offer it to me without the box.  I'd even mentioned in PM that I would just end up passing on the box to another member.
Quote from: thesteve on 10/04/2012, 07:06 PMi can confirm the $30 domestic shipping.
And that's from CA to ME.
nintendoagemedia .com/users/7576/photobucket/62E5F394-B4A4-169E-9FF760A32B6FA35A.jpg

Now to find a manual...

And the Hagane SFC thing makes me laugh, they're all ridiculously priced on eBay at $60 for loose JP versions.  Is the PAL version rare too, or just US?
No idea what these go for or anything, just know I'll only stick it in the closet and ignore it for the next ten years, so off to someone who wants it!

Would love to trade for CD games.  Will sell if someone makes a fair offer (I'm sure someone will chime in with the reasonable value).

Shooters, Dragon Knight games, New Adventure Island are things I'm definitely looking for.

Quote from: guest on 10/04/2012, 10:55 AMNot that it's an excuse for lack of communication and failing to ship in a timely manner, but keep in mind that this business is likely something she does in her spare time and not a full time job.
That's understandable.  I wish she wouldn't put on the site that cables are shipped out within 24 hours though.  Just be honest with people, if it's not your full-time gig then put that in the FAQ.  I ordered some custom labels from gamereproductions with the understanding that he takes care of orders in batches.  Nothing wrong with that because it's well-documented in the ordering process.

Hopefully the cables will be in soon.  Thanks to thesteve my DuoRX came in today with cable, but my SNES and genny still need some RGB cable lovin'.

Also, interesting to see she goes by "Rachel"...  Everything I have says "Drew".
Quote from: Gogan on 10/03/2012, 10:07 AMI hear ya. Might wanna hang tight for another week or two then. I just get pissed off seeing businesses run that way. You shouldn't wait more than a day for a response, especially after you ordered.
And today I escalated the dispute as I got impatient, then within two hours heard back and the seller has had a family crisis etc and they've just sent out my  order and are scrambling to catch up...  The timing seems just a little too perfect to me...  No DC# still either.
Quote from: Drakon on 10/03/2012, 07:44 AMWow, I don't open disputes until 1 month after my purchases.
If they're not answering their e-mail or the on-site contact form, what do you do then?  I didn't escalate it, so PayPal's not investigating anything, it's just a big "HEY! Over here!".

Quote from: Gogan on 10/03/2012, 08:04 AMWhen someone is using multiple avenues to contact your business and they go unanswered for weeks, I'd want a refund on principle. Doubt they are scamming, jus lazy f :-& cks who obviously don't want my money
True, but there's not exactly a large market for RGB cables for old consoles.  I don't know where else to get them aside from there, or vastly overpaying on eBay.
Purchased a handful of RGB Scart cables from after reading about the quality of their products.  It's now two weeks later and no order confirmation, package, no reply to e-mail or their contact us form.  I even started a PayPal dispute (not escalated) to try and get their attention, but no reply...  Anyone else have this kind of experience?
Gorgeous!  But I PM'ed you an issue :/.
Quote from: Mishran on 10/02/2012, 06:39 PMI'm not willing to chance it not working. If I buy one, it has to be known/tested and working. Seems like every time I try to play a damn game, something comes up and I have to stop. Would just be nice to continue from where I left off. I'm considering just hunting down a working 2 slot since they have a built in card reader. Be so much easier, and I can just wire up a cart switcher button from the board to somewhere on the cab. Even if the switch is behind the coins slot door.
Are there any games that actually support that?  I mean real-time saving?
Quote from: hoobs88 on 10/02/2012, 06:15 PM
Quote from: DejahThoris on 10/02/2012, 05:40 PM
Quote from: hoobs88 on 10/02/2012, 05:22 PMI have Adventure Island for for Super Princess Peach? PM me if interested.
Apologies, that should have been "New Adventure Island".
LOL. I was actually thinking of New Adventure Island when I read "Adventure Island". Looks like 2 wrongs do make a right!
"New" Adventure Island for Super Princess Peach? I can post photos if you want.
Please do :)
Quote from: hoobs88 on 10/02/2012, 05:22 PMI have Adventure Island for for Super Princess Peach? PM me if interested.
Apologies, that should have been "New Adventure Island".
Quote from: guest on 10/02/2012, 02:10 PMI need Dragom Quest 5.

How many monies.
How's $20 shipped sound?  Assuming you're in the US.
4-slot is outta here!  Traded for a ton of MD Repros!  Still have that MV-IC.

Post updated with a ton of exciting new stuff.  DS and 3DS stuff, some cruddy SNES games, and some really really nice CAVE stuff.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 10/01/2012, 03:05 PM
Quote from: DejahThoris on 09/30/2012, 09:10 PM
Quote from: Mishran on 09/29/2012, 09:50 PMI have a guy that has a shop fairly close by and has several Neo cabs that are missing the system boards. Asshole won't part the memory card board from any of the cabs for me. Yet he will sell a four slot cab with a bad system board, MV-IC, but no monitor for $125. Dickhead...
You should buy one, toss the board up for $99 on eBay untested, call it a day.  Most of the ones up for $99 are labeled "as-is" and "untested".
That's a pretty asshole thing to do.
The guy may say they don't work, but if he's got gutted machines sitting all around, what're the chances he actually knows which work and which don't?  He doesn't know if it's broken or not if there's no monitor to test with.
Quote from: guest on 10/01/2012, 12:51 PMI got one from here and have no complaints.
I ordered cables from retro-access two weeks ago, still haven't even heard so much as an order confirmation.  Sent e-mail, contacted through the site, and two days ago started PayPal dispute to try and get their attention, still nothing...  I just want my SNES RGB cable :'(.  So, currently, not recommended.
Quote from: Mishran on 10/01/2012, 11:55 AMWell that is the thing. It's NOT tested. Even the card reader is untested, so I could end up without one still. If there was a way to check first, I might go for it because the cab is in nice shape. The usual light dings and scrapes from arcade use.
Do the 1-slots not have mv-ic compatibility?  If they do just bring along your own.
Quote from: Mishran on 09/29/2012, 09:50 PMI have a guy that has a shop fairly close by and has several Neo cabs that are missing the system boards. Asshole won't part the memory card board from any of the cabs for me. Yet he will sell a four slot cab with a bad system board, MV-IC, but no monitor for $125. Dickhead...
You should buy one, toss the board up for $99 on eBay untested, call it a day.  Most of the ones up for $99 are labeled "as-is" and "untested".
Quote from: delita on 09/29/2012, 06:26 PMI decided to bring out the old turbografx and cd the other day and found the cd player would not spin discs. Reading through some of the old threads here I opened up the cd player and looked at the gears - all look to be in good order and rotated easily when manually manipulated. After that I tried the game again and it worked... for about 2 minutes. As soon as I went past the opening scene the disc sounded like it was skipping and froze up. The disc would not spin again the next 10 times when I tried to run the game again.

After tinkering around with the gears and laser position a bit more I tried an audio cd. It worked perfectly. Ran 4-5 tracks without issue. Turned off and switched back to the game and back to no spinning. Tried the audio cd again after and that didn't spin either. I have not been able to get a disc to run since.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Have you tried cleaning it up and greasing the rails?  That helped another member with a finicky cd-rom just today.  Definitely doesn't hurt to do in any case.
I'm kind of really glad I didn't end up buying one from doujindance and went the longer route of getting a Duo off of Keith Courage then having thesteve mod it.  So sorry you're going through this mess, definitely ask eBay for a partial refund.
That really, really sucks...  No word from DoujinDance over yesterday?
Quote from: Bernie on 09/24/2012, 12:37 PMumm..  shipping on this?? 
Yeah, that can't possibly be correct.  I'm guessing Jasonbar either guesstimated the weight/size of the box, or is using way too large of a box.
Quote from: tpivette on 09/23/2012, 05:59 PMThere are actually 3 boxed Duo Rs for sale on ebay right now from Japanese sellers... ranging from $200 - $220 BIN. Some of them have the "make offer" option, so they could potentially be cheaper.

Also, Doujindance regularly offers Duo Rs with region mod/RGB mod/new lens, and cleaned to whiteness perfection for $210.
Actually none of the boxed ones on eBay are modded in any sense, and Doujindance's Duo-R's at $210 aren't boxed.
Quote from: Trenton_net on 09/23/2012, 02:24 AMIn my humble opinion, the price should include shipping. There are popular Japanese sellers who sell these units RGB modded as well as region modded for around $200. Add $75 for shipping from Japan, and you've got the same asking price. Not trying to detract from this nice console, but it might be why not many people are biting. I'd say since this unit is not RGB modified, it should probably go for about $150 + shipping, or around $200 shipped in the US. Probably about $20-$30 more internationally.
1. This one is boxed, most of the Japanese sellers don't sell them boxed.
2. He's already stated that he was charged heavily and willing to hear offers.
3. Even fat PS3's don't cost $50 to ship domestically, a Duo certainly doesn't.
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 09/22/2012, 07:32 PMSo basically the Super Everdrive uses cheaper flash cards and can't play Pilotwings, Super Mario Kart and Star Ocean.

Why is the SD2SNES so hard to come by?

There's a ton of games that the NES Powerpak can't run, right?
SD2SNES is hard to come by because it's being made in really low production numbers, and if I'm not mistaken the next batch is already pre-sold.  It's far costlier despite only playing what, a half dozen more games than the PowerPak?

And my understanding is yes, there are a ton of games the NES one can't play due to the large number of mappers across the NES/Famicom library.  I've yet to find a good compatibility list though.
Quote from: Frank_fjs on 09/22/2012, 09:23 PMGreat news! I finally picked up one myself, a loose Duo-R, should land on my doorstep mid next week. Good times. :)
Congrats on the new console!
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 09/22/2012, 05:49 PMWhat's the difference/advantage between a SNES Powerpak and a Super Everdrive?
Differences I know of:

Super Everdrive can't play Star Ocean, patched or not.  PowerPak can play Star Ocean if patched correctly.

Super Everdrive can't play DSP-1 games unless you cannibalize a cartridge for the DSP-1 chip.  PowerPak can play DSP-1 games as-is.

Super Everdrive uses SD cards.  PowerPak uses CF cards.
Quote from: SNKNostalgia on 09/22/2012, 01:54 PMMan, I've been putting off on buying one for the NES and SNES for soooo long now. I really need to just go ahead and get one for both consoles. I mainly want them to play FDS FM sound games and translated NES/SNES games.

Also, being able to play some protos and homebrew sounds like a lot of fun. It is nice to be able to play Rom Hacks of some games like Ninja Gaiden 3 US with all the Japanese features (less damage, unlimited continues and a password system). Stuff like that, really makes a difference to enjoy games that shouldn't have never been change for the US release.
I'm eager to play Nightmare Busters on it!  And Star Ocean if I can find a properly patched version.

I'd be interested in a NES one if I could find a good compatibility list for it.