@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Messages - Ratix

Many thanks. And it's exactly what I wanted too. I have an extra cable ready to go. I had bought a few replacement cables from Amazon for the duo. I wouldn't recommend the cables as the quality sucked but it does the job.
The Wii is my scummvm and dosbox machine now. Sure setting up dosbox is a chore but it's still amazing to play space pirates on it especially with that drug PSA. They don't make PSAs like that anymore.
So I got this TurboTap and I had destroyed the cable a long time ago because I was young and naive. Since this was about 8 years ago I don't have my notes anymore.

Anyone know where I can get a replacement cable or a guide so I can build my own. It can be either for a duo or tg16.
Blue lander from most of Compile's games


Ramza Beoulve
Quote from: guest on 07/14/2016, 12:45 PMYou can even get a NES housing for the pi.
This 100% the pi3 is the best for practically everything else as well. Hands down the best investment overall I ever made.
Raspberry pi is the way to go. Emulates just about everything very nicely.

Yup I'm still reading the thread too.
I agree with a lot of stuff being said. We share the same opinion.
Off-Topic / Re: Your YouTube channel..
08/14/2016, 09:59 AM
I just play games record the footage and then upload. My channel is nothing great but every once in a while i end up with a douchebag on my channel talking trash. I rarely upload anything now anyway. What I do now is stream to twitch and I'm terrible at it.
The pi2 runs great even without overclocking it practically all the emulators including 32x run decent with a little sound scratching. What systems are being used the most? Personally dosbox on the latest pi board out with the quad core is very nice and a heck of a lot more manageable then the Wii port.

1st gen pi's up to b+ work great as a media center using openELEC
you know its funny to me because when ever i visit its either during the drama or just afterwards. now i got to be here for the beginning of it.
Quote from: HailingTheThings on 07/11/2014, 03:33 AM
Quote from: esteban on 07/10/2014, 09:07 AM
Quote from: HailingTheThings on 07/10/2014, 12:27 AM
Quote from: esteban on 07/10/2014, 12:05 AMsomething something something KABOOM! on Atari 2600
Looks cool ish err something?
Looks nothing.

Fun as hell classic with a paddle.
Fine!!! lol
lets not forget 4 player warlords and video olympics such win with those 3 games alone.

my initial thoughts were what the kids said about walking around with batteries. The original life of the gameboy was up to 10 hours or more. kids have the struggle about waiting for the sob to charge up. yes having to walk around with batteries could be a bitch but replacing them was easy as hell. god save us all if they were introduced to the game gear and genesis nomad. i'd probably cry about what they would say about it. although they do seem to have that one nerdy kid who knows his shit.
been going down to the arcade by me and have been playing alot of the old shooters and capcom beat em up games. right now since i'm active on aurcade i managed to claim the record for Cadillacs and dinosaurs and came real close to claiming terra cresta. probably going to go down there today and try again.
Quote from: blueraven on 06/20/2014, 01:11 PMDamn. Haven't seen you on on years, Ratix.

I just recently sold my Wii to my neighbor and he gave it to his kids. I don't miss it much.
that was probably the best option to do for the wii. at least someones playing it now.

on another note i've got mixed feelings for a few emulators on the Wii.
Wiimednafen works nice but has issues
WiiEngine worked great for the titles that i had put on there and even got the cd games to work but only one game worked and it was the closest i've gotten to having the cd image emulated.
hugo-wii had some sound issues with some games but had incredible speed.

it feels incomplete in terms of hucards though and thats sad. but i can't really bitch because i just play the damn games.
even though i don't post much i linger quite often and strike at a moments notice. my first guess was going to be Commiecatgirl. person is of legend and is known for starting some great shit. by far this community is great for handling some of the most troublesome of people that walk through this door.

if you do happen to be nintega you sir have no damn patience, jump to conclusions, and outright claim to be the victim at some points. i remember the nice youtube channel that was around, you befriended me, blueocean, and others. you told me about this place and then immediately after i joined up way back in 2008 you had a fallout over the stupidest shit, that is still archived here if you look hard enough, and acted extremely bipolar. you'd be cool one day then outright a douche bag another. if i were you i'd just move the fuck on.

those very same people whom you had lashed out on and claimed to be bad actually helped me out with a few things in regards to the duo, helped me trouble shoot and even traded with like two people. one person is still active that i know of and i have no idea what happened to the other. you need to ask yourself why you feel like coming back after being banned so damn much. its obvious that when the name "nintega" is dropped crowds come from all over to see "The Big Show" and what tragic comedy unfolds. its probably because of you that the shoutbox is not available anymore so thanks for that!
mame emulation on the raspberry pi is also decent to.
Quote from: esteban on 06/15/2014, 06:46 AMSTATUS: While I enjoy the Genesis version AIR BUSTER, I haven't really played the arcade version to make a comparison of all three.

TG-16 > Genesis (music alone secured this).

Still, Genesis port is nice and deserves respect.
the arcade version of the game is pretty neat its on par with the genesis version music wise. i've only got to the stage where i free fly in space so im contantly moving. been a while since i touched the game but its fantastic

the mame board might not be supported but you could try anyway
back in 2005 2006 my friend's father was selling the original tg16 will all his games and two turbo expresses complete with a link cable for like 400 bucks. this was just after i had gotten a job and had money coming my way. i tried it out testing the turbo expresses one didn't work right and the other was in good condition. came with ys book 1 & 2. i had only played the turbo through magic engine and knew that the system existed before hand but nobody ever had the system. it was worth it to me. i had made the mistake of sacking the turbo expesses though. i got ripped off for those when i "traded" them in.

when i 1st picked up the system it came with 41 hucards and 1 cd game.

Later on i had picked up a duo for sale and i paid way to much for it but i knew i was never going to get the CD addon for the original turbo then began my rewiring controllers did a shit job because i was new at it and the duo now sits in the basement collecting dust because the duo controller is now a tg-16 controller. i sounded out all the pins necessary to hook up the tg-16 controllers to the duo with no problems but my skills were not the best. At that time i had joined these forums back in 2007 looking for advice and help. i believe i have the PM's from chop5 platinumfungi in regards to procuring the info i needed. received a broken avenue 6 pad for the duo from Ceti Alpha that ended up being a very simple fix and had a controller again for it. hacked it up again because i ended up coming across the turbo tap and i thought to myself "why not" just imagine 5 player bomberman on the duo. the system is believed to be dead now till i grab either a duo or pce controller (which should be in my grasp).

to be honest the duo was solid. i only had two official super CD games i had already mentioned the 1st one and the second one was Loom. I played the hell out of both of them when i got the duo. learned the black art of burning the cd's heard rumors here and there that they will break the system, still have all those burnt cds all of them worked no problem never came across the us releases of some of the games released for the tg16cd. 

I want to get my stuff in order and start getting those games. i might break down and grab a pcengine with the cd-addon since its way smaller and easier to find and i can use my bankcard without using the converter i have.

TLDR version

i picked up these system some time ago and wrecked them because i was silly
Quote from: ccovell on 06/11/2014, 07:18 PM
Quote from: Digi.k on 06/11/2014, 05:25 PMmaybe he used something similar for magical chase  ???  Just saying...
Just thinking about it, since Masaharu Iwata was the resident musician at Pixel/Quest, they most likely used in-house drivers, possibly simply expanded from their Famicom driver.

No need to speculate, since Sakimoto's page details exactly what he did for each game: http://sakimoto.cocoebiz.com/discography/index.shtml

Basically, any FC/GB/SFC games he did music for, he didn't make the sound drivers himself.
thats awesome his style is almost to easy to point on on the FC/nes his use of the noise channel as a drum are pretty cool. one of the best composers for any game.
Quote from: esteban on 06/12/2014, 07:28 AMI love that you are using that TV and the antenna terminals. I remember thinking that I had to "carefully" screw everything together to ensure "maximum contact" and get the best signal.
I thought the same thing to. then i found a coaxial to rca and use those for my systems now. ditched those rf switches all together.
i'll bite


This is my current setup i don't have much connected right now mainly because i don't want to have everything dragged out, cords everywhere, and i don't use my home theater as much as i used to so to keep everything neat its all put away.
this TV is perfect for playing the old systems on. its not very blocky, not to fuzzy, and takes up the entire screen. great response time for all games except light gun games. everything that get connected to the tv gets it sound crystal clear on my AV center from sony. 24-bit processing. burned out the COAX digital audio port so im using regular stereo analog. i don't have anything fancy for RGB all the old systems are connected through composite or RF depending on the system.

The turbo looks great on this TV. its connected through the turbo booster for the tg16.

i have two CRT monitors still. one is a commodore video monitor model 1702. a very small and convenient monitor for when a shindig occurs and its needed for games. the other is a dynex TV digital ready which acts as my direct capture device since it has av outputs. its nothing special no bells and whistles here i just play the damn games when i can.
conan the barbarian. its the original version not the remake
Quote from: guest on 06/11/2014, 09:22 AM
Quote from: Ratix on 06/11/2014, 08:30 AMimports go for 70-130 bucks.
On which planet do you do your vidja game shopping? :lol:  Some imports go for that much, but most can be had for waaaay less than that.


Watch ebay "sold" auction history for prices on games you are interested in and you'll get a feel for the ebay average... then shop around.  Deals can be found on a few shopping sites, Amazon being one of the better places (though there are also some real turds there, too).

The best place, of course, is right here in these forums.
well the imported games were the games everyone wanted. this place is called "people play games" very nice place but its been a while since i looked into their tg-16 stuff for sale since it was always expensive. darcula x, last time i was in, was going for a ridiculous price. its also the place where i had bought my duo. you are absolutely right on about getting games here in the forums. i haven't traded anything or bought anything from anyone here via mail but i did get the chopsudo way back from chop5 so i can use the tennokoe bank card to keep my saves once i ran out of room.
the average price at a local game store usually asks about 15 to 45 bucks depending on the game. imports go for 70-130 bucks.

im not willing to pay those prices for a game.
hailingthethings is spot on.

i just picked up an import game for 5 bucks loose and i wasn't disappointed in the purchase. he even let me use his pcengine to make sure the game worked.
that disc, while being cracked like that, probably still plays flawlessly because at the start of the disc isn't where the crack is to be seen or maybe the bootcode to say "yes im a 3d0 disc" is kept somewhere else on the disc. i've had cd's that were cracked before hand and audio CDs that had the beginning warped a bit and still had no issues. OOTW is a pretty small game i don't know if it has any enhanced moments or given any polish. you might be lucky and all the data on the game is written far after the crack. maybe the beginning of the disc was dummied out or maybe it has an audio track in that area stating its a disc made for 3d0 so take it out of your player and put it in the 3d0.
beat haunted castle version m. only wish i could loop it indefinately to see if there is a kill screen
Quote from: Bernie on 04/14/2014, 07:14 PM
Quote from: Ninja16608 on 04/14/2014, 10:28 AM
Quote from: KnightWarrior on 03/18/2013, 09:59 PMWiiMednafen is great for me
I have heard of WiiMednafen. Is this something that is downloaded or do you have to use a disk to get it on the system?
You have to soft mod your Wii, and then you can download it from the Homebrew Browser.  You could also install it via SD, but why when its already on a server?  :) 
being more specific its on the homebrew browser that is still maintained.
i gave up emulating the turbo on the Wii i had spotty compatibility issues with quite a few games. and i still haven't gotten any cd based games to work no matter what format i put it in.
nope i haven't. If the game you want running is for a 386 and 25mhz or less it should run perfectly. I can say that some games surprise me that they even work.
it doesn't get much love but its still hooked up. since its now a dedicated dos machine.
dosbox runs extremely well now with the games i play on it so im set.
its a bit difficult to chose but i have to go with the cards instead of the CDs.

gotta love some of that legendary axe music especially stage 5 because its so good
Impossamole for that sweet intro music
Deep blue has some nice music but its hard to love a game when not even the booklet can't give good hints on survival
I am shocked nobody even mentioned this one. its damn fine beachboys tunes. they are catchy as hell
Off-Topic / Re: Big Collection for SALE!
06/07/2014, 07:06 AM
106.07 cents bob
using the gamestop way of "Trading in" ones games given over time
Gradius 2
Fantasy zone
blazing lasers
when i first burned CD's i learned the hard way. i think you can figure it out in the long run. its really not worth it. its like burning dreamcast cd's. its a hit or miss even if you do everything right.
Pick up Jinmu Densho its pretty cheap. think space harrier but extremely brutal learning curve. still a very fun game. slows down quite a bit though
i "got" china warrior and i think im beginning to understand the concepts of pulling out the huge fist and shotgun
Off-Topic / Re: Collectards...
05/24/2014, 11:06 AM
seeing that last one is so disappointing.
I got to bump this. i really do.

This game is the ultimate and for Arkhan and esteban further cementing this fact proves that it is a game worth owning. i haven't beaten this game but i can tell you i've gotten to the drunken master ONCE and got my ass handed to me.
stacking that life is really where it is at. if it wasn't for that incredible music, excellent graphics, and control it would never leave the shelf forever in the bindings of the case.
sounds good to me.
well at this point i'd rather look into sending it to whoemever is recommended for this sort of thing. i'd also have the cd drive looked at too. Kinda kill two birds with one stone.
doing this sort of thing seems to not be my cup of tea. im screwed
i think i jump in to early and to deep. i think i read enough and go in.

Sign my guess is that i blew the IC chip. since all the controllers i used show no signs of life but work perfectly in my tg-16
yes, by rewire i mean made a new extension cable. the duo, when i first got it, gave me a few problems here and there with only the super CD games, LOOM's audio would go skip at certain parts, audio would not play either for the 1st 5 mins of play. probably because the system was collecting dust when i bought it and the capacitors are weak. Since i had the duo and used it quite a lot the audio never faded on me again after it was "Warmed up" from lack of use.
I have up to three controllers for the tg-16/duo all get no response on the duo but work perfectly fine on the tg-16. the extension cable was a duo to regular tg-16 controller and gave me more then enough freedom for movement without even moving the system or sitting extremely close to the tv. I have checked numerous times also that i have hooked it up properly. all pins are present. not pushed in, broke off, bent to the side ect.

a rough estimate of how long i had the duo would be my join date to these forums.

the game in my sig is called "The Guardian Legend"
no, but that would be hilarious if i did.
let me rephrase
i had the extension cable coming out of the duo hooked up to the Duo's mini din slot. it started going nuts and eventually quit all together. took a different cable wired it up still got nothing.
no direct soldering to the pcb was done i can't get at it to do that but doing that is just stupid anyway.
and like i said in my 1st post i used my meter to make sure i wired it up right. pin1 is pin1 and so on.
hell if i know whats wrong with it i just want it fixed. i spent a few hours on it already and got nowhere, which is why i came here for answers and possible help/repairs.

also in the very beginning when i first got the duo i hurt myself in the long run when it came to rewiring the controllers in the 1st place because i did it wrong and i'm paying for it now.

the duo has never been opened up to my knowledge. no physical abuse was done to the input port. no jumping stomping or yanking of any kind was done to it.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 09/10/2010, 11:00 PMOn the contrary, I don't think you have enough polish to understand.

When you say you "rewired" the controller, do you just mean that you removed the extension cable and plugged the pad directly into the system? If so, then I'd assume the problem is just that the solder points for the controller port have broken. This is easily fixed, usually by just reflowing the solder. Sometimes you might need a new port.
rewiring means actually rewiring not removing the controller from the extension cable and directly hooking it up
recently the duo stopped taking all controller input and no longer works. I went and rewired a controller for direct connection cuz the extension cable i was using kept screwing up at times. I'm either to polish to understand how wire goes here and wire goes there or i think i killed the port altogether. im heavily leaning on #2 mainly cuz i've sounded out the cords with my meter and the proper pinouts are registering when i touch them with the meter. So my real question is... am i damned with a duo that doesn't work because of a controller port issue or can it be fixed.
Quote from: guest on 05/24/2010, 03:24 PM
Quote from: Ratix on 05/24/2010, 02:25 PMsay i gotta cable. the charcters wig out sometimes because im using a cable extender?
That's what nat said, so it must be true, for nat is never wrong.  Except about the quality of Deep Blue.
hey i tend to like that game for its soundtrack rather then gameplay it blows in the movement department. i still feel its solid

is there any place where i can grab a MINI DIN and just rewire the tap cable myself then? i'm a little better then the first time i hacked up a controller and infact redid the entire cable making it super long
say i gotta cable. the charcters wig out sometimes because im using a cable extender?
i used my extension cable on my duo with fine results. my question is why is it that some turbo games, when using the multi tap, kinda wig out with player 1 controlling all the characters other times it works fine. is there an answer for it? its something i can live with if it can't be fixed seeing as how none of my friends even play the duo with me. if it involves just building a new cable to i'm fine with that.
General Gaming / Re: Sonic the Hedgehog 4
04/13/2010, 04:39 PM
sollah's videos are the best out there
Quote from: Tatsujin on 02/04/2009, 12:55 AM
Quote from: Ratix on 02/04/2009, 12:42 AMi tried chewing tobacco it was terrible
just wth did you try to do that? :-k
looked enjoyable!
i tried chewing tobacco it was terrible
yeah, i read up on that but a sequel would still kickass uhei inoh and kinoko kunimoto made some rockin tunes
01/24/2009, 05:50 PM
this has got nothing on the WGA that was out no more then a year ago WGA info