RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - Nexus7

Just a couple of things. 

1. I've had my Super NT since launch and I have to say it more than lives up to the hype.  The implementation of the SNES via FPGA is highly accurate and all the extra features really make this my go to system for playing SNES games.  First Analogue system I bought. 

2. I speak to Kevtris a decent amount on a Discord chat and I can say with confidence he is a good guy who just wants to make neat toys for people in the retro community. He's one of the most humble guys I've ever talked to considering his talents. The amount of work he puts into these products is insane. He rarely gets free time to do other things now. I just hope people appreciate what he has contributed to the retro gaming community.
Quote from: tbone3969 on 01/10/2018, 04:45 PMGotcha.  Thanks.

I love my AVS and I have pre-ordered the SNES NT.
I have my Super NT pre-ordered as well.  What color scheme did you choose?

Also, do you happen to be a member of the Facebook group Console Purist?
Quote from: tbone3969 on 01/10/2018, 04:12 PMWhats FPGA?
"Field Programmable Gate Array"    Its a chip that can be programed to act like pretty whatever you want given it has enough logic.  It offers the most accurate reproduction of consoles without the original hardware.  FPGA's are heavily used on Everdrives and ODEs like the GDEMU for Dreamcast and now Super SD 3 for PCE/TG-16.  There are only three fully FPGA based consoles, RetroUSB AVS (NES), Analogue NT Mini (NES) and Super NT (SNES).
I'm hoping someone implements a full TG-16/TG-CD via FPGA with HDMI out.  That is how PCE/TG-16 will continue to live on outside of crappy emulators.   PCE/TG-16 deserves to be properly preserved and FPGA is the best way to go.
I know it would have been a lot more work, but they should have just gone for a 100% replication of the PCE/PC-CD system via FPGA.  This device is still cool, but I'm waiting for someone to make a proper FPGA clone with 1080p out via HDMI.
I'm really tempted to sell off my TG-16 + Turbo CD combo for this and a PCE Core Grafx.
So, why doesn't Krikzz advertise this feature?
Quote from: geise on 02/24/2016, 06:28 PMSo this is an actual US combo?  Do you have a system 3.0 card?  If you want it to upgrade to SCD games it can be worth it, but I'd do what NecroPhile said and save your pennies.  If you want to upgrade and play SCD and ACD games I'd go with a Duo-R like lukester mentioned.
I recently bought a Japanese Super System Card 3.0 card for future use when I get around to purchasing a PC-Henshin.
and putting the money towards one of the DUO systems.   Just wondering if you guys think that would be a good idea and if so what Duo system should I put the money towards? 

My issue with the TG-16 + Turbo CD I currently own is that once the lens goes out I'm screwed, but I believe there are replacement lenses for other PC-Engine/Turbografx CD hardware variants.

Would appreciate any advice, thanks.
Quote from: guest on 08/10/2015, 11:54 AMAssuming they all work, the flipper will make a tidy profit.  Huzzah.
I bet Bonk 3 will sell for $200 alone.
Quote from: madboom0522 on 08/08/2015, 10:52 PMIt is a known re-seller.... So yes they will be back up on the bay pretty soon I am sure.
Wait, how do you know who purchased the item?
Quote from: turboswimbz on 08/08/2015, 07:21 AM
Quote from: Nexus7 on 08/08/2015, 07:16 AMI'm jealous of whoever won this bid.
Sometimes this happens with these thrift stores.  they throw things up on e-bay that get in storage lockers, or those free clean out services. You have to have no life or be lucky as pie to get these things though.  although I got a great deal on a DUO-R this way.  ( jelly is right, Damn I woulda drove up to lincroft for that obey too.)
Well, I hope the person who won that bid isn't a reseller.
Scored a copy of Splatterhouse for only $15 with Jewel Case and Manual.
Thought this was a serious post at first.  Shows what a noob I am.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Turbo Everdrive
03/08/2015, 07:29 PM
Quote from: NightWolve on 03/08/2015, 03:33 PMYeah, I sold mine already before depreciation begins.

Keep in mind that it's taking a bet when it comes to the Arcade Card support and other features. Nothing is certain, he says maybe on all that. Even where he answers a straight "yes" to the pricepoint question, it's not exactly a guarantee the price won't be different. But anyway, for him to redesign the thing from the ground up, he's GOT to put some kind of new feature in there to have made it more justifiable in doing so aside from just some speed gains in loading time, etc...
Still, around the time V2 releases (2 months) you will see a lot of used V1's go up for sale at discounted prices.  He'll probably be able to find a used one for like $50 shipped around that time.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Turbo Everdrive
03/08/2015, 01:22 PM
Quote from: NightWolve on 03/08/2015, 12:51 PMLooks like that seller did a wholesale order of 10 which discounts the price to $60, he sold 4 so far, has 5 left, thus is keeping one for himself.

In all, he paid $65 a pop with S/H times 10. Figure in $5 for S/H at $70 to future buyers, so I'd say go for a $76 - $80 Make Offer range if you're interested. He'll want to at least make $6 or more in profit. He limited his max to $84 with S/H as that's the same price you can buy it from krik's store individually.

Fair reminder though, krik will release V2 of TurboEverdrive in a couple of months, so I'd wait for that instead to see what new features he'll add besides faster loading times.
Krikzz said that V2 of the Turbo Everdrive will sell for the same price as the current V1. So, no point in paying full price for a V1 at this point in time. If you're going to get a V1 then make sure you get it at a decent discounted price.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Magical Chase
03/08/2015, 06:28 AM
To be honest I'm tired of the arbitrary value people have placed on rare retro video games.  No game, even if only 100 copies were produced should cost $1,000+ dollars. Is the damn game made out of pure gold with encrusted diamonds? It is just a piece of plastic with a PCB and memory modules. I mean some of these rare games aren't even that good. These retro game "collectors" have ruined retro gaming for those of us who actually play games.

It just seems like nobody wants to actually play magical chase, they just want to be able to own it for a while to make others jealous and then when that feeling wears off they end up putting it up on Ebay anyways. Thankfully Everdrives exist so those people who actually just want to play the game no longer have to pay a fortune for the opportunity.

All I'm saying is, don't make it your life goal to own a copy of Magical Chase. At the same price you could build yourself a really nice library of truly quality games. Games that blow away Magical Chase in every way.
Quote from: guest on 03/06/2015, 12:51 PMObviously pricecharting is very flawed and misleading. If you look at what Jackie Chan has been selling for and failing to sell at on eBay lately, it looks like a loose copy is <$60. Minus eBay fees, that's about $50.
I get what you're saying, but I think $50 is low balling the value of the game even after taking inflated online prices out of the picture. 

Here are two loose copies that sold for $90 last year.

Here's one that sold for $80.

I think it's reasonable to say that a realistic value of Jackie Chan is around $70 loose.
QuoteI thought I heard People Play Games usually had decent prices?  I've never been there yet but that's what I've heard.  Check all resale and pawn shops too.  I know a guy on Instagram in the Chicago area that scores good stuff all of the time.  This does take patience and many visits to these types of stores (daily).  In any event did you already purchase a Turbo ED or are you going to purchase one?
I plan on purchasing a Turbo Everdrive.
Quote from: galam on 03/06/2015, 10:16 AMwell, if it helps, I found TMNT last October for $7
I bought JC with manual on ebay a couple months ago for $45 BIN
I'm guessing you're not interested in parting with Turtles in Time are you?   I've updated my thread with new games. Let me know if there is anything I have that interests you.
Quote from: Desh on 03/06/2015, 10:27 AM
Quote from: Nexus7 on 03/06/2015, 10:21 AM
Quote from: galam on 03/06/2015, 10:16 AMwell, if it helps, I found TMNT last October for $7
I bought JC with manual on ebay a couple months ago for $45 BIN
$7 for Turtles in Time?  WOW, that was a great deal.  The cheapest I can find it is for $50, but at that price the cart is usually in pretty bad shape cosmetically.
Ebay = Normally higher prices than you would find locally.
Well, unfortunately all the used game stores here in the Chicagoland area use Ebay as a reference.
Quote from: galam on 03/06/2015, 10:16 AMwell, if it helps, I found TMNT last October for $7
I bought JC with manual on ebay a couple months ago for $45 BIN
$7 for Turtles in Time?  WOW, that was a great deal.  The cheapest I can find it is for $50, but at that price the cart is usually in pretty bad shape cosmetically.
Quote from: galam on 03/06/2015, 10:10 AMLOL.  When it comes to SNES, you are asking the WRONG guy.
Do you think asking for $90 in trading value is too much for Jackie Chan?  I'm no TG-16 expert. The main reason why I've decided to trade it is because I'm eventually going to buy a Turbo Everdrive.
Quote from: galam on 03/06/2015, 10:07 AMLOL.  When it comes to Saturn, you are asking the WRONG guy.
What about Turtles in Time?   Do you think that is a 1:1 trade?
Quote from: galam on 03/06/2015, 10:02 AMoh.
What would you say is an average going rate for a modded Sega Saturn with a 1MB ram cart?

I was assuming $70-$90 tops on average depending on what is included.
Quote from: galam on 03/06/2015, 09:52 AMwhat do you consider it going for "on average"?
It is hard to find an average, but from what I've seen people are willing to pay at least $90 for a loose copy. I know some people have ridiculous buy it nows, but I've definitely seen at least 3 copies get sold for $90.'s-action-kung-fu
All games have been sold.

- Jackie Chan's Action Kung FU  (Game and Sleeve)


- Valis lll (Game, Manual, Case is aftermarket.)


- Bonk's Revenge (Game, Manual, Case)


- Aero Blasters (Game, Manual, Case)


- R-Type (Game, Manual, Case)


- Blazing Lazers (Game, Manual, Case)


Some specific items I'm currently looking for.

- Modded Sega Saturn in Great Condition with Japanese 1MB and 4MB Ram carts, games.
- 6-Button Avenue Pad and PC-Engine to TG-16 controller adapter.
- If you would prefer to just purchase all these games from me I'm asking $220+ shipping.
Quote from: Gentlegamer on 01/10/2015, 04:13 PM

Duo-R $250
Yep, he messaged me.   That is actually very reasonably priced.  Will definitely get one from him when I'm ready.
I already have a TG-16+CD setup but I've always been interested in the cooler looking PCE-Duos.

Do people on this site use rip-off bay as a reference for how much they sell them for on this site?   I know they aren't the most common consoles out there, but is $300 about the average I should expect to pay?  Thanks guys.
Quote from: cjameslv on 01/04/2015, 03:20 PM
Quote from: Nexus7 on 01/04/2015, 07:04 AMI hear that there might be compatibility issues if you get your TG-16 region modded.  Is this true?
Odd question, as if you have ted then you don't need a region mod (this is assuming you don't already have a region mod tg16 before buying the ted) all you do is hit the tg16/pce switch, and make sure you put the 1.0/2.0/3.0 super cdrom rom in root dir so you can use it with your cd player, no need for a cd card if you have ted.
But the Super System Card 3.0 has extra ram.   Does the TED have ram built in that can act as a system 3.0 card?

One last question.   

Will the Japanese Super System Card 3.0 work with this mod as well?   This is really one of the main reasons why I want to get a region mod. The US version is just too damn expensive.
I was going to send it out to Game.Tech.US.  I asked him if his mod works with the TED, but he said he never tested it yet.   Here is how he does the mod.
I hear that there might be compatibility issues if you get your TG-16 region modded.  Is this true?
Hey guys, I'm interested in purchasing the 6-button avenue pad in good condition and if possible a PC-Engine to TG-16 controller adapter with it.

I'm willing to pay $25-30 shipped for just a controller, or  $40 shipped with the adapter.
Thanks SplatterTrigger for letting me in on this raffle.
I'd love to be part of this raffle if possible.  Thanks
Super Star Soldier probably makes up 50% of that lots total price.
Quote from: clackattack on 12/12/2014, 03:56 PMthere ya go, get a sealed one to look at...then once your tired of starring at it and want to use it, video yourself ripping it open and post in on here!
They have used ones too but they aren't any cheaper than New ones.
Quote from: clackattack on 12/12/2014, 03:30 PMIf you can bare to wait for shipping, I found a hella' good deal on my arcade card pro CIC from amazon. It was straight from Japan so it took a good 2-3 weeks, but it was like 30$
Looks like I can get a new one for $80 on Amazon.
Quote from: guest on 12/12/2014, 03:10 PMThe pro card is for the original CD add-ons and has 16mb of Arcade CD ram plus the 2mb for the Super System.  The duo card is for everything else (Duos, LaserActive, and Super CD add-on) and has just the extra 16mb.  The pro card will work on any system, but it's only necessary for the original CD systems.
Cool, I guess I'll just go for the Arcade PRO after I get my TG-16 region modded.
One last question.   

There seems to be two different Arcade cards.  One going for around the $30 mark and one that hovers in the $70-80 range.  What are the differences?   Thanks guys.
Is an Arcade card backward compatible with standard Super CD Rom games?
I was just wondering if after I had the mod installed I could then use the Japanese version of the Super CD 3.0 card for both Japanese and American Super CD games?  The reason I ask is because the American version of the Super CD 3.0 card goes for like $200 on Ebay, but I can find the Japanese version for less than $50.

Count me in as well. Thanks.
I don't know you but you can fuck yourself, preferably with that controller, but please clean it before you ship it out.