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Messages - Zeta-Gouki

Quote from: Nödtveidt on 10/06/2007, 09:18 PMI dunno...I kinda like the "creepy old lady".
Then you are hereby dubbed the "creepy old guy"

She's revolting
Quote from: ccovell on 10/04/2007, 12:57 AMNaxat/Technos did the same colourizing-without-redrawing-the-graphics thing with the Nekketsu sports game on the PCE.  I don't like that style, really, as it does look like a recoloured NES game.

Are we looking at the same pictures here? The graphics (especially backgrounds) look quite updated to me. The PCE version is indeed superior in every aspect compared to the NES/FC version imo.

And I'm really surprised so few people here knew of this game's existence. It always fetched a pretty penny in the early 90s on the old Turbolist BBS. Probably still does on eBay or Yahoo Japan.
They've had the same stock FOREVER because no one is stupid enough to pay those insane prices they demand...

Telegames has been around as long as I can remember.
PC-FX Discussion / Re: PC-FX Picnic !!
06/10/2007, 10:33 PM
hahaha thats some funny shiet
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WANTED: PC-FX
06/10/2007, 10:29 PM
$100 for a boxed FX shipped?

Wow, the market really hit the floor on these apparently...
Wow that old dinosaur of a mailing list is still around? I used to use that back in the 90s lol

I'll try there as well, thanks. :)
Hey all,

I got this in one of my many trades with a Japanese friend. I can't find any info about it on the net so I figured I'd ask here.

It's a mook, on the spine it says 'PC Engine CD-Rom Capsule' in English and Katakana.

It is full color and has extensive development info, character design galleries, game item data, and even a demo disk of the game itself. It also have a page that was intended to be cut out and placed into a jewel case so the demo disk would look like any other part of your PC-Engine collection. This page is completely intact.

I'm including some pictures of this item. It will be for sale if I can get an idea of it's value. :)
Time for me to buy a Wii. :)
Sword Of Vermillion kicks ass
I've had an offer for $350 + shipping for the bundle.
So... there are time limits as to when you can and can't post? i.e. if it's 8-10 hours later, too bad?

lol  =D>
PCE/CD-Rom2/IFU and PCE-GT are sold.

Still have the PC-FX bundle for sale.  :dance:
lol, Sailor Moon better than DBZ?

Both were cliche'd anime, but sailor moon was so formulaic it was disgusting... bad guy come, bad guy almost beat sailor moon, tuxedo mask saves sailor moon, sailor moon uses special attack. Repeat this is in every episode for 20 years.

Yes, DBZ had this same formula, but it wasn't in an episode by episode basis, and the fights had substance and weren't simply using a single move to defeat their opponents.

QuoteHell, I had guys wearing leather jackets in high school openly admitting that they loved watching Sailor Moon.  You'd think they'd be afraid of being made fun of but they're not ashamed to admit it! Sailor Moon was that popular!
lol only in Canada  :shock:
Got a bunch of spare items lying around I decided I would like to sell...

Boxed PC-Engine/CD-Rom2 + Boxed IFU30 (boxes are in "OK" condition) + System 3.0 card
Boxed PC-FX (w/ 2 controllers, Tengai Makyou, Battle Heat, Yuna FX (new), Last Imperial Prince, Tonari No Princess Rolfee)
PC-Engine GT (sound output no longer functions)
Gradius & Batman Hucards, complete

Contact me here or at if you are interested in any of these.

If you need references, I'm sure Aaron Nanto would vouch for me, as we knew each other in real life when he used to live a few miles from me. =P

This looks awesome. The original Rondo, a 3d remake, and SotN all in one release... just enough to make me buy a PSP finally.  :mrgreen: