@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Quote from: CrackTiger on 04/06/2018, 04:30 PMIt also never received any hardware upgrades. The system cards were the cart that game segments were loaded into.
I think you may have somewhat misinterpreted my post. I never referred specifically to the PC Engines CPU which of course remained the same throughout it's lifespan. The addition of a CD-Rom unit was a hardware update and as far as I understand it, the system cards provide the system with additional (hardware) memory. I kind of see your logic comparing system cards to larger cart sizes but it's not the capacity of the media that is increasing, it's the systems ability to run it.

Quote from: PukeSter on 04/06/2018, 05:35 PMDidn't R-type 3 perform way better than r-type 2?
It did and I think you have to be careful judging a systems capabilities by any third party developers ability to write software for it at a given time. With practice and subsequent releases, a developer is likely to get more familiar with the platform and create additional tools to work with it... learning new tricks and allowing them to better optimise their code. Both Super R-Type and Super Ghouls and Ghosts are examples of relatively early attempts on the system by Irem and Capcom respectively. There's no escaping the fact that they're both pretty weak though.

My initial point was more about how the PC Engine arrived among a generation of 8 bit systems (NES, SMS) and held it's ground more or less throughout the entirety of their successors (SFC, MD). It was by far the most interesting system of the time when it came to unexpected hardware announcements in the import mags of the day.

But regardless of technical specs, a quality title endures the test of time because of it's overall design and gameplay and while Sapphire does some interesting things graphically, it's far less entertaining overall than a lot of other shooters on the system. Maybe people put it on a pedestal because it's arguably the most 'interesting' Arcade Card title in terms of showing that final system card's potential? But perhaps it's technical achievements get a little over emphasised by some to compensate for it actually being pretty boring.
What Soop said.

As a platform the PC Engine felt as if it had such a long lifespan at the time, initially landing among other 8 bit systems and then due to its various hardware updates, keeping impressive pace with the generation of 16 bit systems that followed. The idea of the Arcade card was so exciting at the time but we never really got to see it played out to it's full potential in terms of software support. The opportunities were there but many of them (Strider I'm looking at you) really weren't executed as well as they could have been. I would have loved to see Konami develop a title for it, they were in their element during that era and considering the level of mastery they'd reached with Dracula X, it would have been epic to get something like an Arcade Card Contra or Axelay!

Creatively speaking, I feel like Gate Of Thunder stands above any other shooter on the system. Just my subjective opinion though, obviously.
Yes JC, I'm massively looking forward to this.

Got no particular questions to contribute but massively appreciate your efforts mate.

I think a lot of the UK based importers of that early era didn't really have a storefront of any kind aside from the adverts they placed in C&VG, Mean Machines, etc.

I read the other day that PC Engine supplies was run out of Steve's front room prior to partnering up with Colin Diamond to become Console Concepts. When I used to visit Shekana on Tottenham Court Road it was essentially a small glass cabinet of games hidden at the back of an electronics shop full of hifi equipment.

On that last note, did anyone else find themselves really drawn to the small form factor of the mini disc  format when it first arrived? Like an extension of an existing fetish for hucards :D

...notable exceptions to this were Video Game Centre in Bournemouth and the early incarnations of the Tottenham Court Exchange that went on to later become CEX, both of which where crazy places to walk into at the time. Raven Games always sticks in my mind as being the most impressive though, especially once the arcade cab was present (R-Type Leo anyone?).
There was a lot of import Gameboy stuff at the start for sure, I guess primarily due to release dates being so far ahead in Japan back then. The magazines would review stuff like Rockman as soon as it was out on import and we didn't see a pal release for a long time after.

You're right about US imports for SNES RPG's but back then the US release dates on all SNES titles were a good while after Japan too. so when it came to the games that didn't require you to read the text, most places would stock Japanese carts until the US release was available at which point they'd switch to that.
Big grey import systems of the late 80s, early 90s era...

PC Engine, Gameboy, Atari Lynx!, Mega Drive, Neo Geo, Super Famicom, FM Towns Marty

...with a bonus mention for the supergun as a lot of these same guys were supplying jamma pcbs

What am I missing?  :-k
One for all my UK based old timer Comrades...


My memory is pretty blurry, perhaps Hardcore Otaking can better recall the details. From what I remember... Console Concepts started out as a mail order only grey importer of the PC Engine (hence the original name PC Engine Supplies) who went on to rebrand themselves as their wares expanded to include the likes of the Mega Drive, Neo Geo and SFC as each system was released. I never visited the physical shop but from what I remember it was a late addition to the business. I was a pretty regular custom back when this card was issued (92-94 I think) but the only 'Priviledge' it ever bought me was the ability to give them my customer number instead of my full address when placing an order over the phone.

Like I say, this is all a long time ago and my memory is pretty shit but I feel like these guys disappeared just prior to the 32bit systems arriving (or maybe just after). It feels as though there was one 'scene' of importers here in the UK throughout the 16bit era (Shekana, the original CEX, VGC, KT Consoles, Dream Machines, etc), then a whole other one after. I guess the PS1 really shook things up on that front. It blew up way bigger than any previous system here in terms of hype and a bunch of new importers jumped on the opportunity. I'm sure some of the existing guys who got on board benefited too but it certainly changed the landscape and as the niche factor started to evaporate, I think a lot of the more obscure stock (pc engine & Neo in particular) was pushed to the back.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: FS: Mixed Bag PCE
03/16/2016, 03:18 PM
Hi. How much for Parodius on it's own, shipped to the uk?
This is awesome work ichigobankai!
Quote from: Lost Monkey on 09/19/2015, 06:20 PMBit of a catch-22 isn't it?  If someone offers cash for it, they somehow don't deserve to have it.. The alternative is that they are just looking for a freebie...

The people hanging onto these discs in most cases did not pay much, if anything, for them and just happened to be in the right place at the right time... Simply having one has become some sort of measuring stick of worthiness around here... implying that it has some greater intrinsic value... FUCK THAT.    This disc is barely a notch above a CD-r, and only because it will play on any system with an ACD, and CD-r's will not (necessarily).

In three years of expressing my interest in obtaining one of these worthless boots, I have had exactly one offer - straight up trade for my original Dracula X. 
If this is a direct response to me then I'm not sure I really follow you... You're right that I paid nothing for these discs and it was indeed very much a case of being in the 'right place at the right time. And I agree that aside from their novelty in being a weird misprinted item, they have little more intrinsic value than a CDR. Hence my initial desire to get them into the hands of people who might place more personal value on them. The concern is, as pointed by other forum members, there's no real way to verify that's what will happen if they're handed out at random. The scenario that would really suck is if someone opportunistic where to take one for free and then immediately list it on ebay or sell it privately. I'd love to think that wouldn't happen but there's no real way to tell.

I don't feel comfortable selling (or even trading) them because as everyone is aware they were originally distributed for free, which is what lead to the idea that maybe a charity could benefit from an auction of one instead. I'm not expecting it to raise any significant amount but it seems like a nice neutral way to solve the issue. If someone offers more than anyone else in the auction and then chooses to flip it for profit, then at least a charity got to benefit to some extent in the process. If said sneaky winner outbid everyone else, then went to the trouble of listing and successfully selling it for more elsewhere, then maybe that's not the biggest injustice in the world anyway.

Your point about the catch 22 nature of the situation makes no sense to me at all though. If you want to offer cash for it (and it's more than anyone else in the auction) then you clearly deserve it and will receive it. If you're not prepared to spend any cash to get it then that's totally fine too, but in that case you are by definition 'just looking for a freebie'. There's nothing wrong with being interested in something for free and I never meant to suggest that when I asked but if nobody here is interested in paying for it, then it's hardly worth me attempting an auction as there will be no bidders.

Apologies if I misread the tone of your post but the catch 22 question seemed like it was addressed at me directly as a response to my previous post.
Had a busy couple of weeks hence the lack of follow up. SignOfZeta and esteban make some very valid points though. It would be pretty lame to pass these off to someone for free, only to find out they used the opportunity for financial gain at a later date.

I'm not sure what to do now. I know you guys are into raffles but I'm not really down with that idea to be honest, it feels a bit too random. I've been a member here for almost a decade and keep an eye on the forums pretty regularly but as many of you know, I'm really not one to post often at all. If I have something to share (like the Richard Gibbs pdf I created) or a relevant comment to contribute then I'll chime in but otherwise I'm not really one to get that involved in discussions. So as a result, aside from a couple of exceptions I don't have any real links with anyone here in particular.

In fact, I think I'm going to auction off a copy and give any resulting funds to a UK based charity called sense who provide support for deafblind people which is a hardcore shitty situation. This way some folk who will never have a decent opportunity to obey can get a bit of justice too...


What do all you guys expressing an interest think about that idea, would you be up for getting involved or was it more about grabbing a freebie?
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB fake Sapphire
09/01/2015, 02:29 PM
I have traversed the crawl space... shuffling my way past the canned foods and first aid supplies, beyond the vintage taxidermy and just around the corner from the many boxes filled with covert surveillance photography of estaban, taken with my telephoto lens over the years. On completion of this truly epic voyage I was rewarded with sadly only TWO spare copies of the fabled 'Bootleg Ginga Fukei' (see attachment).

Like I said before, I'm happy to pass them on. Blue Beemer originally sent me a few extra's to pass on to some old friends from back in the day but as it turned out only one of them was interested. If you're unfamiliar with these, there's no case or manual or anything, just the misprinted glass mastered (silver) discs as can be seen in the attachment (yeah that's my massive middle digit, and yes of course you are most welcome).

The issue now is who to pass them on too. I'll give it a day or two for anyone else to register their interest below while I settle on a suitable strategy for selection. Currently I'm thinking maybe I'll go to a local cafe and start slapping stickers with individual user names onto the foreheads of random customers. The two 'participants' of this exercise that protest the violation of their personal space most prefusely will be awarded with a stern response of "Bootleg Ginga Fukei" shouted directly into their face. The forum member who's username graces their forehead during this exchange will in turn be awarded one of the two discs. If in the meantime anyone else wishes to contribute alternative ideas for a selection process then please do chime in and let me know, I'm certainly open to suggestions. However, those that involve shouting at strangers are likely to be considered somewhat more favourably.

Many thanks and warm regards.

Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB fake Sapphire
08/30/2015, 06:02 PM
I'm pretty sure I have a couple of spare BlueBMW misprints. I'll have to climb up into a crawl space to double check but assuming they're still there, I'm more than happy to pass them on for the price of shipping if folks are in need. I'm UK based.
Quote from: Otaking on 06/30/2015, 02:06 PMI few years back I scanned the same pages and a few more.

I never forgave Edge for that review of Dracula X.

CVG also had a similar PC Engine feature, one day I'll have to scan that aswell.
Hardcore Otaking... I'd love to see the CVG feature if you get time to scan it one day. I still have all of my copies of EDGE but not a single issue of CVG.

On a somewhat related note, the release dates page in the original post you linked back to appears to be announcing a HuCard version of Hellfire. I remember this vividly from the time the magazine was published as the CD version of Hellfire was already more than two years old by then, which made no sense at all. I never saw or heard any mention of it elsewhere at the time or after. I've always assumed it was an error, some crossed wires somewhere that lead to it ending up in that list, but it would be interesting to hear if anyone has any insight on this at all, rumours or otherwise.

EDGE was something pretty special back then. I feel like they pioneered a more adult approach to gaming magazines in general (not to take anything away from the personality of CVG & Mean Machines). Around the same period, EDGE also did a very similar article on arcade PCBs and the 'Supergun' (Did Raven Games originally come up with that name btw?).

And how awesome was Super Play magazine back then too!? Good times.

...I feel old now.
I can recommend these too. I recently ordered a couple of amps along with leads and various other parts from mickcris and can confirm they are of high quality. Communication was great and everything arrived exactly as requested. Great service, thanks again.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Core Grafx & Games (UK)
03/05/2015, 05:43 PM
This is kind of a preliminary post to gauge interest.

I've been away from all my old retro machines for an age now and it's time to start digging them out but I think I want to get myself a framemeister as my old crt has seen better days. This means a little fund raising so I'm going to sell off a few bits and pieces.

I have an unboxed core grafx that I don't need (I have a Duo R for myself). It comes accompanied with a 3 button pad, av leads and a pretty hefty brick of a psu. I've also got some duplicate games I can throw in as a starter pack; Bomberman, Bomberman 93 and Gomola Speed, all boxed and in nice condition with wallets, etc.

I'm not sure what to ask for it all. I know what they are listed for on ebay but I'd happily send it someone's way for less than that if it's going to a good home, especially if the buyer is uk based too.

I'm a long term lurker here, maybe some of the more long term members remember me scanning and uploading the old richard gibbs guide a number of years back, that's probably about the best I can do in terms of a reference sadly...

Anyway, if someone is interested and down for a simple deal then let me know and I'll take some pics and post them below. If you want to get your own PSU and save on shipping that might be a good idea.

I want one of these too, anyone know anywhere they're still available?

Thanks for sharing Frank
Really interesting and informative. Thanks for sharing.
Esteban's correct, I was referring to the original Richard Gibbs guide. My copy of the pcp stuff went awol sometime in the late nineties which is the last time I saw it.
thanks so much for doing that man. I'm looking forward to having some time to sit down and go through that initial issue again. I just quickly reread the cancellation letter and it's as loony as I remember. What was all that about? very odd.

I just had a little dig for you and I do have the original pdf made directly from the original scans. It's just under 200MB but it really isn't any better quality to be honest. The compression I used was mostly effecting the (lack off) colour palette and not the resolution. The problem is that the original mag was printed in really low resolution in the first place and then Richard was just photocopying it to produce copies for sale. there was never any kind of real print run.

If you want the 200MB version to have a look for yourself then you're very welcome to it. I'm going away for a couple of days tomorrow but I could upload it for you at the weekend if you like. If I disappear just send me a pm to remind me.
Awesome news... I knew this would surface sooner or later.

Here's the previous three threads covering Richards Guide and PCP Magazine...


I for one would be very keen to get another look at the contents of that initial promo issue of PCP. It's a real shame a proper issue never saw the light of day. If you want any assistance making a decent compressed pdf rcantor77 (or even want to mail it over this way and have me scan it too) I'm be more than happy to help out.

Thanks for posting, you've made my (Birth)day :D
Another awesome post HardcoreOtaku, keep them coming man.
Awesome find. Thanks for sharing man.
nice work!   =D>
Nice video man. Seeing the white saturn and layer section running on a sideways monitor brings back memories of your old place  =P~
I'm down for the purple trim for sure. I haven't had an original Duo for a while now (switched up to an RGB mod DUO-R) but am I right in thinking it had a kinda lime green on/off switch on the front too?

Fruity perhaps but the PCE has always had a lot of flavor  :wink:
Well I'm a little sad to see it go but I need the cash so after an afternoon session with zenki and zeroigar I've finally listed this on ebay...



Starting price is £73.99 with £11.99 shipping in the UK (No Reserve). I've currently listed it on ebay uk only as shipping it abroad will be expensive but if you've in Europe and interested then send me a PM and we can look at shipping options.

Thanks for reading  :)

only remaining pc engine title is Super Star Soldier but there's stuff for Playstation 1&2, dreamcast,  saturn n64 and GBA too.
I'm in the UK and interested but it really does depend what you have. are there more details on the 'uk based forum' you mentioned and if so can you link to it?
Thanks NecroPhile, replaced the original link with your mirror.
The Complete PC Engine Guide (Richard Gibbs, 1993) - pdf download  :D

a few of us spoke about this back in April. HardcoreOtaku was remembering the early 90's London scene with computer exchange on Whitfield Street, Shekana, etc... and I was making promises about scanning the old richard gibbs guide which I have threatened to do here a few times before but never get around to.

well i just finished a big work project yesterday and I'm not really into starting something new until next week so i spent the last hour or so scanning the whole book. I'll make it up as a pdf over the weekend (later today maybe) and get it out to all you guys.

If I upload it and post it here will some of you guys help get it circulated to other heads that might want it? I could do without taking a big hit on server traffic so it would be better if people could grab it and upload it with rapidshare accounts etc, rather than just reposting the link elsewhere.

Anyway, less talk... more pdf making


ps. Mr Gibbs if you're out there, I hope you see this as a tribute to your legacy and not the blatant act of piracy that it is  [-o<
I have super star soldier that I'd happily trade and possibly PC Denjin 1 too although I'm slightly more attached to that.

I also have R type I, R type II and salamander to trade if you;re interested in any of them.

What you got to offer and where are you based?

PM me or reply here.

I've been after one of these forever, from what I've read they haven't been in production for quite some time now and are nearly impossible to get a hold of. Last one's I saw on ebay were new but £60 each  :(

I looked into the idea of a real saturn pad via controller adapters but that seemed to introduce delay if I remember right.

Please post here if you find more than one anywhere else, I have a load of unplayed PS2 capcom fighting games here that are staying that way until I find a pad.

I do have one of the SF anniversary pads but it's just not the same as playing on the Saturn. That pad is practically unused too in fact, I'd happily part with it at a reasonable price if you want to give it a go. It's the RYU version I think.
Vampire Hunter has spine but not reg card and is otherwise pretty mint. Guardian heroes is pretty scratched up but plays fine as far as I remember. The back insert is perfect but the first and last pages of the booklet have taken some punishment somewhere along the line (back cover is worse than front) - no reg card or spine for this one.

Price does not include shipping in the UK (which would be £2).

Buy/Sell/Trade / Various games FOR SALE
07/15/2009, 02:21 PM
Right, I've moved this stuff from the pc engine for sale thread where it was listed with some pce stuff and lowered a few prices a little too...

Payment is via paypal and in GBP. Everything is Japanese unless stated otherwise. I'm based in the UK so keep that in mind regarding shipping (which is not included in the prices below). I'm quite keen to move this stuff with as little hassle as possible so I'm happy to consider some pretty decent discounts for multiple buys (makes good sense on shipping too). If you think any of the prices are way off then make me an offer, worst I can do is say no. Finally, I'll do my best to stop by here a couple of times a day to check for any queries but I'm pretty manic with work stuff this week so please bear with me  :wink:

***super famicom***

- dracula XX £25
boxed complete. near mint condition.

- chrono trigger £9
boxed complete. near mint condition.

- astro go go £4
boxed complete. box shows signs of wear but is not too messed up.

- fzero (US) £4
boxed complete. near mint condition except for one slightly dented corner.

- potential sfc/snes package... all four games for £35


- pocket monster stadium gold & silver £4.50
boxed, complete and good condition

- pocket monster stadium with transfer 64 £4.50
boxed, complete and good condition

- pocket monster stadium 2 £4.50
boxed, complete and good condition

- all three n64 games for £8

***playstation 1***

- guncon / time crisis  £15 for both
guncon is boxed as new, time crisis has a cracked jewel case but is other wise in very good condition.

- guncon / gunbullet (point blank) / gunbullet 2 (point blank 2) £20.00
everything boxed as new and in very nice condition. gunbullet 2 has spine card, gunbullet 1 does not.

- both guns and all three games £25... just add beers and a friend for a decent evening in Smile

***playstation 2***

- capcom fighting jam & Street fighter anniversary controller (ryo edition) £10
mint / as new. both have only been opened and used once.

- rez £8
boxed, mint / as new.

- gunstar heroes (treasure box) £18
boxed, mint / as new.

- double shienryu £12
boxed, mint / as new.

- all four PS2 games (and SF controller) for £43

***gameboy advance***

- puyo puyo fever £10
boxed, mint / as new except for a couple of light indents on one box corner.

***sega saturm***

- guardian heroes and vampire hunter package £8
vampire hunter is near mint / as new but guardian heroes has a pretty beat up manual.


- marvel vs capcom £10
near mint / as new

- marvel vs capcom 2 £10
near mint / as new with spine card

- street fighter 3 third strike £10
near mint / as new with spine card

- capcom vs SNK (millenium fight 2000) £8
near mint / as new with spine card

- all four dreamcast games £30

***the big package deal***

- EVERYTHING above in one shipment for £140 + shipping

package deals mentioned above are just suggestions. if you want to make a different package let me know and I'll try and come up with a price. thank you for looking guys, have a nice day Smile
just made a for sale post with more details here...

updated items and prices, other systems moved to the other sales forum...

Payment is via paypal and in GBP. Everything is Japanese unless stated otherwise. I'm based in the UK so keep that in mind regarding shipping (which is not included in the prices below). I'm quite keen to move this stuff with as little hassle as possible so I'm happy to consider some pretty decent discounts for multiple buys (makes good sense on shipping too). If you think any of the prices are way off then make me offer, worst I can do is say no. Finally, I'll do my best to stop by here a couple of times a day to check for any queries but I'm pretty manic with work stuff this week so please bear with me ;)

-Super Star Soldier £9
boxed with instructions and wallet.

-Salamander £9
boxed with instructions and wallet.

- bomberman £6
boxed with instructions and wallet. small tear in instructions from case tab.

- r-type 1&2 £16 for the set.
boxed with instructions and wallets.

- gomola speed £4
loose hu card. no wallet.

PACKAGE DEAL... everything above for £34
I have a boxed super cd-rom 2 in real nice condition, japanese psu included. I also have an unboxed but perfectly working Coregrafx 1 with an av lead and a 3 button controller. If memory serves me correctly the coregrafx may have the odd scratch on it. I was looking for about £120 for the two (the cd-rom being quite hard to find in this condition) but there would be shipping from the UK on top as well. I could probably chuck in some games cheap if it helped off-set the shipping.

Let me know if you're interested and I'll dig it all out and check everything's working. It's an extra setup as I use an RGB Duo-r to play on.

pictures of the cdrom...


maybe if I have time at the weekend I'll have a clear out and get a load of Jap PCE stuff up here. I said in another thread that I would scan the Richard Gibbs guide and post it too but time is the enemy as usual.
level up... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/norfolk/8073886.stm

these three definitely need to be put down. check out the top photo (guy on the left), could anyone possibly look more like a psycho?

wrong wrong wrong.
Quote from: JAPJAC on 04/18/2009, 07:03 AMHe didn`t thank me but I am glad you liked it esteban (at least you have good manners).
My bad, sorry mate  :oops:
Just nudged an old friend I grew up with about this, he lives in Tokyo now but was the only other person I knew of that subscribed. His memory is a lot better than mine too...

"Blimey, that is a blast from the past! Thank you for the reminder, it made me tingle with wonderful memories.

I remember the fanzine clearly. As for the title, I`m sure you are right as I remember it standing for `PCengine People`. I remember issue 0 was A4 in size and of a very high quality all things considered. Someone clearly had access to Daddy`s Apple Mac. Content was PCE game reviews and features on Japanese culture etc. I remember it coming from the South (Devon/Somerset?) also which was somewhat refreshing as most known hardcore PCE fans were always Northern for some reason.

Prior to receiving issue 1 a proper, the readership was asked to complete a questionnaire. I really took my time over it and tried to convey that there was another one out there that knew as much as they did. It backfired as you remember.

The reason they gave for it stopping (before it really started) was not because of lack of interest but lack of like-minded subscribers, they were somehow offended by the opinions within the returned questionnaires. For example, their reaction to the question `What do you value most?` Most kids of course put `My boxed RGB white PC Engine` or `My PC Engine games` etc. They responded on the lines of `How about your family or you eyesight dude?` Another example; What is your favourite PC Engine game?` `Dracula X, Super Star Parody, Don Doko Don, Gomola Speed etc` `How about Bomberman `94 or Word Court Tennis? The PC Engine is about playing games up to 5-players and getting cained dude.`"

Interesting stuff :D
free time pending, I could chip in some design / layout assistance on a fanzine.

check out my (currently hibernating) online/pdf mag here for a taste... http://www.multilinkmagazine.com
All this talk of old fanzines has just unearthed a very vague memory in my mind...

a good few years back (probably about 10) I remember there was some guys who were proposing a new (British!) pc engine magazine - a pretty crazy idea around the time as the console was very much old news to most people. I remember sending away a cheque as payment to subscribe me to the first six issues, only to have it returned a few weeks later with quite a rude letter saying that there wasn't enough interest to bother.

does this ring bells with anyone? I might even have kept the original letter, will have a root about later to see anyway. The mag was just three letters I think, PCP maybe?